Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Sorry to disappoint you, but I try to keep a positive outlook on all things

Oh you're not disappointing me at all my friend, but you are still confusing me by insisting you're taking a neutral stance here
I tend to agree with positive comments.
I just can't be bothered to like comments pointing out faults.

Just to be clear, I don't care what stance you take. I only replied because you sarcastically paraphrased me, not because I care whether you're the glass half full or half empty guy...

@Speedracer8218 Are you saying you're hopeful it doesn't have a positive reception?

Not sure what I said that gave you that impression but here are my thoughts about GTS and you can draw your own conclusion afterwards.

Although I'm a late comer to GT I bought a PS3 for the sole purpose of playing GT5 and I did until my eyeballs almost popped out (although it had its flaws). Pre-ordered GT6 and still play it from time to time (racked up 81,000+ miles so far). I felt that GT5/6 did not deliver as much as they promised so I decided to take the "wait and see" approach when it came to future GT titles. So far it has paid off because had I bought a PS4 I would've been upset if I got it following news that a GTS beta would be coming out early 2016 without knowing that a new console was in the works. So I will keep on waiting until the "next" console comes out and I read some good reliable reviews in here before making a purchasing decision.

So far all we know is there will be a beta "testing" happening in a few weeks and that is refreshing to hear because I personally thought the beta would be delayed (or perhaps even cancelled) due to what that French reporter (sorry I forgot his name) had said after he visited PD. But still, even if they give us a release date at E3 I won't be jumping to buy anything.

Yes I love GT as much as the next guy so obviously I don't want to see them fail. And although I can't prevent my mind from joining the hype train whenever a plausible one hits the station, I can assure you my wallet will not be following along that easily.
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Only a small suggestion to all, but would it be a good idea to keep this as a thread for main discussion of any news/updates and have just one main thread pinned alongside the Master car&track lists i.e 'Breaking News/Updates for GT Sport' that are new or happened that day that is locked(strictly no comments) and news added by one person/mod so that if people are short on time they can go straight to that thread without reading through pages of disagreements (discussions) trying to decipher the news or go through different news stories and keep it all in one place as the BETA 'hots' up and is getting nearer. This is just an outside view looking/reading this one GT thread the last few weeks. 👍
What you are suggesting is the news page. Just check there if you are only looking for GT news. There has been no news since the announcement last October hence why there is no news in here and only discussion.
Hi, regarding the functionality of the PR of Facebook page of GT, i read again the pages before my post (page 209), so a lot of us was thinking that gts was a downloadable beta demo for Ps4,still after the news of the London event, and so i write to the Facebook page of GT,and the answer is very clear,it will be a full game release on disc and a digital version,like Gt6 , i think that it is a news,now i'm waiting for the release of the full game (that is very clear for me).
Eh? There will be a download beta, you don't release betas on disc unless it's bundled with another game. The FB guy was just clarifying the release format of the full game.
Eh? There will be a download beta, you don't release betas on disc unless it's bundled with another game. The FB guy was just clarifying the release format of the full game.
That is what i'm thinking ,after the answer, i asked if we will be wait a beta game to download or a full game, the answer is a full game,i never said that they will released a beta on a disc.
All he told you was that GTS was going to be a full game on disc and digital, he didn't mention the beta. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here.
Because I saw something pertaining to the release of news for the game, and me being interested in it I wanted to check the thread. Is there an issue with that?
Never said there was. Just that you came too soon for it to actually rise, but there's also nothing wrong discussing about it either. I think it's said that news about the beta should be up soon this month, so be back by then. Hopefully it be something interesting though.
All he told you was that GTS was going to be a full game on disc and digital, he didn't mention the beta. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here.
Hey,you posted after me and you said that will be released a download beta!! Not me, i said that i asked Gt Facebook page IF will be or not a beta, he answered to me that will be a FULL GAME release, but ok is what i think ,buddy
Hey,you posted after me and you said that will be released a download beta!! Not me, i said that i asked Gt Facebook page IF will be or not a beta, he answered to me that will be a FULL GAME release, but ok is what i think ,buddy
I'm honestly still not clear what you're getting at. Do you mean you think his answer means there won't be a beta at all?
It's the way I have read it.

In which case I would ask @grind mouse to re-read his message. :)

You asked several questions:

Hi , so i think that this month we will have some answers and news about the gt sport, I have some questions about the game: is gt sport a via dlc game? the beta is for us with ps4 ? We will use it? Or we must waiting for the final version?Thanks for all the work, i hope the game will be good one like the pasts Gt titles.Bye.

One of which was "Is GT Sport a via DLC game". His response:

Hi Roberto, the one info I am allowed to tell you is that GT Sport will be a full release, digital and on disc.

Note the bolded. He was only allowed to answer one of your questions, and that is how the final GT Sport will be delivered. He did not cover your questions on the beta.
Yes was a misunderstood by me , my idea was to know if the beta is on the way or they skipped it ( giving it to the London event) and they let us to waiting for a full game version. I'm only shared the answer, i still think is my point of view , i dont ask to you Samus , i don't ask him a date , so i had interpreted hes response as he write,could tell the beta will be released 1st answer, yes, gt sport will be on disk and digital 2nd answer. Maybe the London event and the E3 will give the news about it.
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I think there is obviously a language barrier here so I'll just re-iterate, he did not mention the beta at all in his answer. There is no reason to believe it will no longer be a public beta based on what he said.
Probably need to come back in 2 weeks in here ;) but be warned! Probably another 50 pages to go through at that point :lol:

Aaaand this the only post "liked" by Jordan in those 5 pages. Which suggests to me it's bang on target - nothing news wise to see here for two weeks. See you back here on 18th May on page 250

I've got an answer too. :)
View attachment 543719

Missed this originally, this is good news. The PD site is obviously outdated for some reason but given that the Sony SIE site said this in 2009:

Over 140 people are employed at Polyphony Digital Inc.'s offices in Tokyo, led by Kazunori Yamauchi

I think there is a pretty good chance that across all of their offices they are now over 200, which is great. Finally it seems they're going to have a workforce able to match their ambitions.
Aaaand this the only post "liked" by Jordan in those 5 pages. Which suggests to me it's bang on target - nothing news wise to see here for two weeks. See you back here on 18th May on page 250
Honestly, with some of you lot here, Jordan must be scared to like anything since it could be interpreted as a hint! :lol:
I wonder how the beta would work like? Like only multiplayer? Very small part of career? How?

(My 4000 posts!)
A true beta is supposed to have all of the features but not necessarily all of the content. So it should have those three single player modes, all multiplayer modes but it probably will only have a fraction of the events. Plus of course if they don't plan for a feature to be in the game day one it won't be in the beta.
Jordan likes a cat pic... CATS AS DRIVERS IN GTS CONFIRMED!?

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