Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Except that almost all the criticism, minus the obvious trolls, are justified. It seems that you're just going to bunch them all together whether they are articulate, or trolls. This is just my humble opinion

Again, it's just unnecessary, especially considering where in a forum that thrives on discussion.

OK fair, that did suggest I was generalising. Point taken.

Can we :cheers: now? :)
CPU doesn't matter. Shadow rendering and its quality is entirely on the GPU. And guess what, GTS still has ugly shadows that pop in. They're still real-time, so it's baffling they'd go with non-baked shadows and its drawbacks and still don't have dynamic time of day.

Yes It does. When you have to sacrifice part of GPU for physics and extra work.
Criticism is of little value without context and perspective. In much of the commentary, both fans and professionals, we have seen issues in an early build projected onto the final product. Eurogamer have essentially reviewed the preview build, there was precious little insight into the development process, or what can be expected in future builds and the final product.

Its little wonder few developers show early gameplay footage, let alone a build suitable for a stable online tournament. The daily build updates demonstrate how the performance and look of a game can change. The trailer image of the 2D Nurburgring tree line was spammed hundreds, if not thousands, of times, yet on the show floor the latest build had addressed that issue.

The same can be said about many aspects of GT Sport, tyre marks, reverb in tunnels, particle effects. All essential to the polish of a final build......but of little relevance to an online tournament (vs stability).

I'm absolutely sure GT Sport will have areas where it will disappoint, and maybe some of those will be old bugbears, making you wonder why they weren't addressed. But you have to give PD the time and space to deliver their final product, only then can we see if their decisions regarding dynamic weather etc. are worth it. We'll get major updates/trailers along the way at E3, TGS & Paris, in fact GT Sport will be a great example to demonstrate how a title comes together in its final phases of development.

My takeaway from the recent event wasnt the state of the build, rather the bungled PR messaging, and how we need an English speaking community manager who can delve into the detail of the game, some if which we only get from translated Japanese interviews. For me there is no excuse for the lack of communication, there's a passionate community waiting to help PD build the best game they can.
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No dynammic weather changes
No Day night Cycles

Why? Isn't ps4 more powerful and easy to develop console?
I don't understand Kazunori Yamauchi.What kazunori says contradicts with what he does

My guess is, they need to sacrifice dynamic time and weather for stable perfomance. GT6 framerate are all over the place when you race with dynamic weather, and shadows are glitching everywhere. Ex.
Guys, stop trying to use philosophy to say criticism doesn't matter or isn't legitimate.

It's completely fair to criticize any game and no game is perfect. GT Sport is just doing a few big things that are upsetting people.
My guess is, they need to sacrifice dynamic time and weather for stable perfomance. GT6 framerate are all over the place when you race with dynamic weather, and shadows are glitching everywhere.
That's why they're using more powerful hardware though. I thought it would be a lot easier this time.
Wow! The new vid on YT looks :eek:

Like I said before, even now (50% of game build) GT Sport is the best looking sim race game on market. Plus they untouchable in cars details and lighting. DC its the best looking race game overall. They just add windscreen reflection, and focus on polish that game up to max PS4 capabilities. :)
Best looking Sim racer currently on the market? You obviously don't know what you are on about.
No dynammic weather changes
No Day night Cycles

Why? Isn't ps4 more powerful and easy to develop console?
I don't understand Kazunori Yamauchi.What kazunori says contradicts with what he does

I read the Japanese article.
Time change in the article is not written.
Where is the articles of the time change?
They already had the tech in place and running on a much weaker console, with the game already running at 50-60fps. The biggest framerate problems were not from dynamic time of day. Removing features is not a step forward. Assetto Corsa and Pcars all have dynamic time transitions.
They had the tech in place, but the tech didn't work. 50-60? I could have sworn there's been videos where it dropped way lower than that. The biggest framerate problems where not singled to the ToD, you're correct. It was a multitude of things combined that did. Like the combination of many high poly beautifully rendered vehicles, Ai, Physics, Tod, and Weather. It seems that they choose to remove dynamic instances, as that was likely what hindered the game the most. Removing situations that cause the game to not be functionally sound is a step forward. Keeping something in that is only going to cause problems is a step backwards, and is exactly what their problem has been in the past.

Like I said, if you followed the current racing games on the market, you'd be able to see what is and isn't capable so far. Pcars has it, you're right, but it was an absolute crap fest and caused a lot of problems. AC has yet to be seen on console, so we can't use that to judge.
But can we just wait november because destroying the whole game?

Who said we were destroying the whole game?

We know for a fact that most of our criticisms are not going to change in November.

Dynamic weather and ToD are out, car sounds are not going to change greatly, no offline career is not going to change, it's still going to only have 137 cars and still be a $60 game.
That's why they're using more powerful hardware though. I thought it would be a lot easier this time.
Unfortunately, current trend in the genre has been saying other wise for dynamic instances. I'm wondering how AC is going to do in that regard.
Unfortunately, current trend in the genre has been saying other wise for dynamic instances. I'm wondering how AC is going to do in that regard.
Hope your wrong in that count. I'm looking forward to AC.
Don't know if this has been discussed yet, but does anyone know if performance customization will be a feature in the game?

It probably won't be for some of the higher tier cars, as it will be necessary to fix them to a certain PP level for FIA purposes. However, I am hoping that some of the road cars will feature at least the performance customization features which we got in GT6. That, combined with the new livery editor should make GT Sport a lot of fun in terms of custom car builds :)
Criticism is of little value without context and perspective. In much of the commentary, both fans and professionals, we have seen issues in an early build projected onto the final product. Eurogamer have essentially reviewed the preview build, there was precious little insight into the development process, or what can be expected in future builds and the final product.

Its little wonder few developers show early gameplay footage, let alone a build suitable for a stable online tournament. The daily build updates demonstrate how the performance and look of a game can change. The trailer image of the 2D Nurburgring tree line was spammed hundreds, if not thousands, of times, yet on the show floor the latest build had addressed that issue.

The same can be said about many aspects of GT Sport, tyre marks, reverb in tunnels, particle effects. All essential to the polish of a final build......but of little relevance to an online tournament (vs stability).

I'm absolutely sure GT Sport will have areas where it will disappoint, and maybe some of those will be old bugbears, making you wonder why they weren't addressed. But you have to give PD the time and space to deliver their final product, only then can we see if their decisions regarding dynamic weather etc. are worth. We'll get major updates/trailers along the way at E3, TGS & Paris, in fact GT Sport will be a great example to demonstrate how a title comes together in its final phases of development.

If the main point of your post is that all of current criticism is valueless given that there's 6 months before release, then that's simply incorrect. We don't have to wait to give an opinion on what we think of having no dynamic weather (and possibly no dynamic time change either). We don't have to wait to criticize anything, for that matter - there's often a spoken (and always an unspoken) caveat they might improve things - and don't forget this is all based on what PD chose to show off.

6 months is nothing on PD's glacial timescale. And with this game, there aren't really any chunks they can remove and say they'll add via free DLC 'soon', like they did with GT6. GT6 being a great example of how a title did not come together in its final phases of development.

Hope is of little value without some viability and realistic expectations.
Who said we were destroying the whole game?

We know for a fact that most of our criticisms are not going to change in November.

Dynamic weather and ToD are out, car sounds are not going to change greatly, no offline career is not going to change, it's still going to only have 137 cars and still be a $60 game.

PD have a whole sound dpt. They aren't going to be sat on their hands for the next 8 months saying job done. With a smaller car count there should be every expectation the soundscape and engine modelling will be improved. Of course we will have to wait until the final release for confirmation.

But once again, this is why developers rarely show early gameplay, particularly in a playable state. The game is picked apart, assumptions made, and any suggestion of improvenents written off. I only wish we could see more games in early states, rather than vertical slices or CGI trailers. It would do the community good to see the development progress. Driveclub is a great example of a title that looked bland and far-away from its target CGI trailer at the E3 prior to its release. By the time it's weather patch hit (admittedly a month or two after release), it was transformed.
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And now we know how much trust we can give to eurogamer previews...

I've never understood this attitude, of completely dismissing an outlet because of a differing opinion.

I was super-excited for Captain America: Civil War earlier this month. It was getting excellent reviews almost unanimously, sitting in the high-90's on RT for a long while. When rotten reviews started showing up, I would read them... And in most cases, understand the issues raised, and accept that there was a difference of opinion. I wouldn't categorically write off the entire site.

Online leagues are nothing new but having a consolidated racing league system on a global scale, official involvement from the FIA and plans of official streams with commentary on a regular basis.....don't lie to yourselves. Which other racing game on consoles is doing this? Even on PC the only thing I can think of is iRacing and that has a measly base of 50,000.

22 countries taking part is hardly global.

How long do you think the commentary will last?

2 out of 6 you mean, right?

GT3-5 were delayed. I can't find great sources about GT2's delay, but I do remember it was supposed to come out earlier in December, instead of the strange limbo that is the final week of the year. Let's not even mention GT PSP!
When other games were compared to GT6 it was said it wasn't fair because GT6 had dynamic time and weather and those didn't. Now the shoe is on the other foot and apparently it's now a fair comparison. Figures.

PD have a whole sound dpt. They aren't going to be sat on their hands for the next 8 months saying job done.

So what have they been doing the last three years? It really is the GT6 demo and "placeholders" all over again.