Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Don't post much anymore, but slot 6 in GT2 worked out well. Hard, clean racing with like minded people of similar skill is so much fun.

Wow, this round really was a battle of attrition. Slot 1 and 2 were basically disasters, due to car damage and getting into battles I should have avoided.

Slott 3: I really took my time in the outlap to preserve my tyres, and crossed the line in a respectable 8:07.1xx The only problem was, GOTMAXPOWER was in my lobby and i was waiting in 3rd for quali to finish, before he destroyed us all with an 8:05. I started the race in 4th, my best position so far of the 3 slots. 4 Porsches on the first 2 rows and a Corvette behind me in 5th. We all got away without any incident from the GP track and into the forest, where I settled into my driving. 3rd place (SR7_Polesitter) spun on Lap 1 which meant I moved into the podium position, with GOTMAXPOWER leading the race, followed by Heat0n93. All of us driving Porsches. I made a slight error on lap 2, which was followed by a bigger error from Heat0n93 later, on lap 2. And then the Corvette driver dropped the ball just before the Dottinger straight. I came into the pits at the end of an eventful lap 2 in 2nd place,
(behind GOTMAXPOWER) who had now built up an 8 sec lead, from all the mistakes ŵe made behind him. I came out of the pits knowing this was my chance to grab a podium, and I drove an almost faultless race to the end, to take 286 pts with GOTMAXPOWER taking the spoils of
299 pts. A truely epic end to a great race. I missed out on the fastest Lap by a 10th which meant GOTMAXPOWER took all 3 stars and probably a clean race bonus, because he was pretty much faultless. I finish Round 1 in position 100 EMEA. Let's see if I can stay there?

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Well that went just peachy. NA GT1 first slot.

Q'd in 8th. Got rammed into at the first turn and got some nice rear end damage for my troubles. Then a little later on the GP track got nudged off into the grass to find myself in dead last. Pitted @ the end of the first lap. Worked back to 12th so I wouldn't be completely demoralized. Will try for slot 2 in just a bit and hope for a better result and no one hitting me.

You know I thought this heavy damage was a good idea at first as hopefully it would make people drive cleaner and more cautious. I think that lasted for about 5 minutes. I'm ready to go back to light damage, especially on a track with an 8+ minutes laptime.
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Following up on the Renault RS01 saga. Found some more pace with a free practice time of 8.09.

Slot 1 GT1 EMEA (209 points)
Q7 with 8.12. pole was 8.09

Trouble in the first few corners and I find myself in P4 nearing the end of the first lap.
However at the fast right bend after Bellofs S I lose the rear due to overheating tyres. Really weird place to spin but ok. Damage and p13. Pit at the end of the lap and managed to climb back to P10 by the last lap with a portuguese in a BRZ following close. Exiting the karrousel I spin and more damage. Crawl back home in p14.

Slot 3 (207 points)
Q13 with 8.20 (brake too late at the end of dotinger and meet the grass and Mr Barry R) was on for a 8.10
Pole was 8.09 again

Clean start and was p10 after T1 and T2 as a GTR hits the barrier in the inside of T2, but luckily gets ghosted just in time for most to get by. Plenty of battling ahead and an Ukrainian Porsche in p6 bumps someone off track going into the GP hairpin. 5 sec penalty for him. Into the nordschleife and this Ukrainian bumps TWO other cars trying to pass him and crashes himself in turn 1 into the nordschleife. Insta quit. Shameful driver really.

So now I'm p6 followed by a Belgian driving for scuderia Ferrari. Really close pace to him but he never managed but make a pass happen. At the end of the first lap, at the end of the dotinger all manners of chaos ensues and I find myself P2 , after 4 cars crash going into the final chicanes. 10s off the lead at this point.

All 4 crashed cars pit and I keep on going to try to build some gap.

At the end of lap 2 I come in with the leader. P5 out of the boxes as 3 of the crashed cars managed to undercut me. Even in clean air my race pace was really lacking and the dudes ahead just started to disappear. Guess the crash in the first slot made too cautious. Had a good battle with a Porsche in the final lap for p5 but a couple of mistakes after the foxhole made me lose p5.

Try to follow as close as I can but in the very same spot where I crashed in Slot 1 I do it again. Damage and 3 positions lost.

Finished P8 for 142 points. Really brutal experience and such a frustrating ending to an otherwise good race.

Slot 1 (7PM ET) of GT1 in North America. I was in door #13, driving for Dodge. All A/S lobby. 163 points up for grabs. @flip6981 was there, too.

I qualified Q7 with a time of 8:19.166, which was over a second better than the best I had posted in Free Practice, so I was happy with that.

The race was pretty clean and close. I gained and lost places here and there as the race went on. Got a half-second track limit penalty on lap 2, but by then the field was spread out enough that it didn't result in any lost positions. I pitted on lap 2 and took fresh tires.

Finished in P6 for 129 points and small DR increase. I'll take it.
Slot 2 10PM GT1 race in Asia/Oceania.

Frustrating quali! Got caught behind a slow driver on the out lap at Sprunghugel. Couldn't tell if they were braking or accelerating, which ended with me hitting the barrier and taking damage. Tried to push through, but the downforce loss made Tiergarten a disaster (resulting in heavier damage). Should've just slowed way down and left the decision out of another driver's hands. Went back to the pits for repairs, but no time for a quali lap. P16 with no time entered.

Narrowly avoided carnage at Flugplatz and just proceeded to punch in consistent laps (only briefly went wide in one corner which cost a second - this was fine because it allowed me to follow the lead pack's pace). Pitted lap 3 (no tires or fuel taken) and came out in P8 (about 4 seconds behind the car in front). I caught up by the time we headed into Nords but then found myself grappling with two cars who had damage. I've uploaded a clip of the last 5 minutes of that battle.

The provided screenshots are a spoiler alert of that clip, but regardless, I was happy with the fight back and banked 132 points, race left me thinking of what could've been as I think a top 5 quali was possible.

Wasn't able to run slot 1 due to a league race and a midnight race for slot 3 was never happening.


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NA GT1 slot 1. Q10: endend P11.

I had a good start but behind me was a usual "first lapper try hard" pushing in tight spaces, touching everyone around him so I received rear damage. He made his way past me and later took himself out while pushing on another guy. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and I rejoined the end pack with "the pusher". I passed him while he was serving his penalty on the straight. All the damaged lost souls, including me, pitted at the end of lap 1 and we were all stuck again with the "try hard" driver who pushes so hard his car to the limit that eventually got off track again soon after. Finally, I held up the best I could and made my way to P11.

Slot 2 : I was qualifying when I received this message:

Disconnect because lost of data.

After a couple practice laps (the first with a spin, the second a slow 8:39.6) and a practice pit stop, I deemed myself "ready" for 3 laps of carnage, mostly because it was already closing in on 8 pm CDT.

I wore door #2 in a full D/S room, with 19 points up for the win. I was the only Chevrolet, with 4 Porsches, 3 Toyotas, 3 Ferraris, a McLaren, a Jaguar, a newer Nissan, an older Lexus, and an older Ford Spec II, One of the Toyotas dropped out during qualifying, so my no-time sent me off in 15th and a guaranteed 8 points. Pole was 8:30.6 from one of the Porsches, and had my practice time been used for qualifying, I would have been about midpack.

The race wasn't good. I had a bit of an off on lap 1 while trying to avoid some carnage, so I came down for my stop. I eventually got onto the back bumper of 7th, while the driver who took the checkered flag first, well ahead of everybody else, didn't pit. That 7th-place driver made a mistake on the last corner, so I took advantage, and while I didn't officially take the checkered flag because of that, I was credited with a full 3 laps (the last of 7 to get that), 52.3 seconds behind the declared winner, 14 points, and surprisingly a clean race. That non-pitting driver got 3rd even after his 1-minute penalty, only 19.5 seconds off the winner.
I couldn't decide between audi and amg, so I flipped a coin. AMG it is for another go-round.

It was kinda nice to run this in the dry, I've started associating Nurb with rain in my brain.

Lobby worth 195pts. Qualy was a tad off, Q11. Thank goodness, I noticed PD were aggressively ghosting at the hairpin (turn 2?), so got away clean. Picked up a few places, pit lap 2 (thought about going around again, but decided to be conservative and get fresh tires). Kept the pace to finish P7. A few grass cutters likely cost me the crb, but no real problems. Eh, I'll take it.

A day to forget 😅. In slot 1, I got into a pretty strong split and wasn't doing too bad, but someone hit me and damaged my car. That was it.
In slot 2, I did a fairly reasonable qualifying, but I lost some positions in the first lap with all the chaos and then spun out on my own on lap 2.
I finished in 12th, with disappointing 191 points on one of my favorite tracks. But that's s life! Bring on round 2 😆
Didn’t come in with high hopes for the McLaren at this venue but it was a great drive and I enjoyed it throughout. @JDMKING13 was in there with me too but he was towards the front far away from my pace 👍

Started p10 posting about 2 seconds off my best time. It was a laughable moment when the guy right behind me says “ no t1 heroes “ in chat. I watched him in action and he didn’t disappoint. Pushing past a few cars to move 2 spots up in the train 🤷🏻‍♂️

Had a great first few laps and pitted on lap 3 to see if I could gain some places since it looked like everyone was pitting lap one. After lap 3 I came out of the pits in p10 for the final lap and just tried to make time but not overcook anything.
It worked well because I got close enough to p9 and p10 that I was able to gain 2 places as they crashed in the final turn.
Overall great clean racing was had. I ran the best fastest race I am capable of and happy with p8 finish.

My best finish on this track, but should’ve been better. 2nd GT1 Americas slot, first race in the McLaren. Number 10 in a 164 point lobby. Only had a few minutes of warmup but felt solid.

Qualifying was great, put it on pole by over a second ( feeling smooth. Not much to say, stayed in the pits a couple minutes to leave a big gap and ran a smooth lap in clean air.

Race starts, I nail turns 1-2 and open up I nice 1 second gap heading onto the nordschleife. I build a bit of a gap until after the carousel and it shrinks back to just under a second (I’m really weak between the carousel to the “jump”). Coming up to the mini-carousel and I spin it and tap the wall, dropping back to 7th. So my strat of “pit the lap I get damage” comes in to play. Fortunately only front bumper so I don’t lose too much time on the Dottenger.

A bunch pit behind me, so I retain 7th and start my recovery. Good clean laps gaining on the lead. After the lap 2 pitters I take over 5th, same Porsche from the first lap a few seconds in front of me. I run him down slowly and make the pass on the Dottenger. Set the provisional fast lap in the process (8:16 again) which I lose a few seconds later.

Going into T1 in 4th now, I slot in behind another Porsche. I’m able to hang with him until the carousel again and lose just a bit of time. Get to the Dottenger and he’s weaving all over to break the tow. I get right up to him but can’t close the deal so ride his bumper to finish line for 4th.

Overall positive result + Pole + CRB, but I had the pace for P2 or maybe even P1 without the spin so I’ve got mixed feelings. Rouletted got me 500k credits though so a good haul between that and the race credits!

Anyway, on to Brazil!
1st race was terrible for me.. I think I saw @Yard_Sale in there… who was crazy fast.. I could of took P7 but I lost it at I believe YouTube corner and caught damage… The ring is just tough for me.. I did. 8:08.9 in TT but for some reason I cannot find the pace during the actual race…

Race two went better but I still couldn’t find my pace… I also got a penalty during qualifying so that hurt me putting me in P9… During the race I was confident in the 458 but I’m just baffled how I couldn’t run a decent time… my pace was good enough for me to land me P5 which is cool but I’m a lil disappointed in my overall pace. Nice seeing you @Dep Fishtail that’s was a great finish by you in the end! Let’s do work in Brazil 🇧🇷

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1st race was terrible for me.. I think I saw @Yard_Sale in there… who was crazy fast.. I could of took P7 but I lost it at I believe YouTube corner and caught damage… The ring is just tough for me.. I did. 8:08.9 in TT but for some reason I cannot find the pace during the actual race…

Race two went better but I still couldn’t find my pace… I also got a penalty during qualifying so that hurt me putting me in P9… During the race I was confident in the 458 but I’m just baffled how I couldn’t run a decent time… my pace was good enough for me to land me P5 which is cool but I’m a lil disappointed in my overall pace. Nice seeing you @Dep Fishtail that’s was a great finish by you in the end! Let’s do work in Brazil 🇧🇷

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Sloppy run for me. Lot of mistakes, but it seems like others had worse go at it then myself.


One of the photogs had a drone up and caught this spin at the end of lap 2 just before the second carousel thingee

Full writeup to come in a couple days. Surprised to see (3) of us Ferrari drivers on the grid 😎
NA GT1 slot 2: I Bounced back. Q9, finished P7.

I would have a lot to say about this race, my opponents and me but I will spare you from my complaining and use this for my experience.

Todays lesson. I learned that in the qualifications, cars that have an accident to a complete stop but slowly goes back on track are not ghosted.
Global ranking for GT1 so far:

  • Hyundai with zero points. Uhh...
  • Nissan is currently 18th, for which I already felt they might miss out after being the defending champion.
  • Cutline battle currently looks like this:
    9  Genesis  Partner
    10 McLaren  +11
    11 Aston M. +7
    12 Lexus    +3
    13 Alfa R.  -3
    14 Peugeot  -6.5
    15 Honda    -7
    16 Lambo    -10.5
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Global ranking for GT1 so far:
View attachment 1353963

  • Hyundai with zero points. Uhh...
  • Nissan is currently 18th, for which I already felt they might miss out after being the defending champion.
  • Cutline battle currently looks like this:
    9  Genesis  Partner
    10 McLaren  +11
    11 Aston M. +7
    12 Lexus    +3
    13 Alfa R.  -3
    14 Peugeot  -6.5
    15 Honda    -7
    16 Lambo    -10.5
I still feel that ALL results by ALL drivers should be used for a Manu ranking not just the results of one driver.

Then whoever goes to the finals is another thing and frankly not my concern.

GT7 should be inclusive and having us all be a part of a result is one way of doing that.
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Global ranking for GT1 so far:
View attachment 1353963

  • Hyundai with zero points. Uhh...
  • Nissan is currently 18th, for which I already felt they might miss out after being the defending champion.
  • Cutline battle currently looks like this:
    9  Genesis  Partner
    10 McLaren  +11
    11 Aston M. +7
    12 Lexus    +3
    13 Alfa R.  -3
    14 Peugeot  -6.5
    15 Honda    -7
    16 Lambo    -10.5
No surprise with Nissan. They nerfed it to the ground! But why...? It was very solid all-around car and now it's very hard to be competitive with it.
No surprise with Nissan. They nerfed it to the ground! But why...? It was very solid all-around car and now it's very hard to be competitive with it.
More on that, Estevez went to Honda and Kokobun went back to Mazda (no idea about Hafidi). Nissan's leaders currently are:

EMEA: はく(OP_Haku)
Asia-Oceania: Z.Carol (VG-VQ-VR)
Americas: roadbeef
I did some Free Practice laps at Interlagos in the Dodge earlier this morning. Am I slow! I posted a best lap of 1:34.5, with an optimal of 1:34.2. That ranked 564th globally, but... there were less than 600 times posted, so I'm sitting in the bottom 10% of GT1 drivers (assuming the GT2/3 are tracked separately because they are driving Gr.4 cars). With my DR at the low end of the GT1 league (A at 15%), maybe this is where I should expect to be. Anyways, I'm not sure I'll even be able to run the race on Saturday, so it probably doesn't matter.

Looking at the Manu Cup standings today, I've got a short list of manufacturers to pick from next season. It seems that no GT1 drivers in Canada have picked Citroen, Jaguar, Renault, or Suzuki this season (so far).
Round 2 world series. Interlagos

1:40.052 practice time. I can easily get 1:38 flat. I'm one car length ahead of the current leader ghost for majority of the lap but my nerves get the better of me and end up screwing myself losing time.

Using the Megane gr4. Its understeer city if youre not using effective trail braking.

The trophy 2011 is significantly quicker than the Megane gr4 so potentially to be late 1:37

Will give it a go later tonight


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