Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Total nothingburger of a race. 3s off in qualy, but didn't lose any notable time to the leaders throughout the race at all - started 14th, took new Mediums at the end of lap five, finished 10th, 16 seconds back. I was the slowest driver who didn't crash or get a penalty...

Got passed three times by the same Lexus who was 2s quicker than me, ended up about 2s behind him, all very respectful driving. In fact it was mostly a clean lobby with pretty much all the incidents I saw involving a Lamborghini who exclaimed after the race that it was a "cesspool lobby". I saw him hit three other cars ahead (only got 0.5s penalty from corner cutting) and must have had a later tiff with another driver (who I think was the first guy he hit).

There's a saying about if you only meet assholes...
If that's the pace in GT2, I dread to think what it's going to be like in GT1 later. My fastest lap in race conditions is a 1:51.2. :eek:

Scared Dog GIF
Nice race man, a decent showing for the Renaults! I was caught up in some crazy pack racing for the first stint and then accidentially fuelled at the stop... doh!! Then of course spun at the first tunnel fighting people I was previously clear of... really enjoyed it though! Will go again in the next and try and nab something a bit better...
Nice race man, a decent showing for the Renaults! I was caught up in some crazy pack racing for the first stint and then accidentially fuelled at the stop... doh!! Then of course spun at the first tunnel fighting people I was previously clear of... really enjoyed it though! Will go again in the next and try and nab something a bit better...
Thank you! Sorry for not saying anything, I didn't actually put 2 and 2 together that you were in there until you messaged me after the race. I'd moved across to my PC to turn my stream off, noticed your message when I came back but you'd already left by the time I tried to reply.

Good luck in slot 2. I will only be doing this round once myself. That was utterly relentless and I can't imagine I'm actually capable of getting much better out of the Renault with other cars in the mix. It just felt so vulnerable down the back straight tunnel.

I fell all the way back to P15 on lap 1 after starting P10 trying to keep it clean thanks to one of the Porsches. He made a bit of a wild lunge at the hairpin and ended up parking it in the middle of the track trying to get it stopped. Looks like he came pretty close to hitting you from my POV too, although I've not checked the replay. Turned himself into a big stationary roadblock in my face as I was taking the turn. We ended up side-by-side and he squeezed me into the wall at the big tree stump before the downhill right-hander, and that just let almost everyone through.

The first stint was just brutal. I was losing 2+ seconds a lap compared to what I could achieve running alone because the fighting was so intense.

Ended up pitting on lap 6 in an attempt to undercut but it didn't really do anything. Pretty much all the positions gained came from just surviving as there were so many yellow flags. Oh, and the guy that only pit once. :lol:

P6 for 212 points and another CRB will definitely do. Always said 200+ points is a good day, so I'll go with that. I'm hoping the Renault is a bit more competitive in the remaining rounds because today was tough. My personal best race distance time in custom races (41:45) would have been enough for P2/3, but there's no way I'm doing that in a proper race here.



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Had two goes. Both terrible. Highlight in the second race was a Russian losing it mid-corner, hitting me when he overcorrected then blaming be for it and spending the next lap trying to punt me off. He pitted a lap before I did and of course he caught me at the pit exit where he clipped me then someone else went up my backside full speed.

This might be the worst pit exit in the game.
Thank you! Sorry for not saying anything, I didn't actually put 2 and 2 together that you were in there until you messaged me after the race. I'd moved across to my PC to turn my stream off, noticed your message when I came back but you'd already left by the time I tried to reply.

Good luck in slot 2. I will only be doing this round once myself. That was utterly relentless and I can't imagine I'm actually capable of getting much better out of the Renault with other cars in the mix. It just felt so vulnerable down the back straight tunnel.

I fell all the way back to P15 on lap 1 after starting P10 trying to keep it clean thanks to one of the Porsches. He made a bit of a wild lunge at the hairpin and ended up parking it in the middle of the track trying to get it stopped. Looks like he came pretty close to hitting you from my POV too, although I've not checked the replay. Turned himself into a big stationary roadblock in my face as I was taking the turn. We ended up side-by-side and he squeezed me into the wall at the big tree stump before the downhill right-hander, and that just let almost everyone through.

The first stint was just brutal. I was losing 2+ seconds a lap compared to what I could achieve running alone because the fighting was so intense.

Ended up pitting on lap 6 in an attempt to undercut but it didn't really do anything. Pretty much all the positions gained came from just surviving as there were so many yellow flags.

P6 for 212 points and another CRB will definitely do. Always said 200+ points is a good day, so I'll go with that. I'm hoping the Renault is a bit more competitive in the remaining rounds because today was tough. My personal best race distance time in custom races (41:45) would have been enough for P2/3, but there's no way I'm doing that in a proper race here.

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I can't believe how hectic it looks in PSVR! It was mad enough on TV...

After crashing I had front damage and thought that was it and considered parking it, because of the time lost on the long straights, and waved lots of people past like the Greek who finished 7th. That was my second mistake, I should have kept pushing!
Well.....what an eventfullll race today, 3pm slot, GT2 Class, high B ranking race for the GTWS Round 2.

I took a quick snap of my R35 GTR collection at Watkins before I started racing (see pic below)!!

Strated my logon at 2:20pm and did some more of the time trial with the R35 AT NURBURGRING GP and my time didn't quite improve.
Then came back to practice some times in my Aston V12 and improve and I did hitting 1:53 on the runs. So all good!

Ok good, now onto the actual Round 2 race with qualifier, I pushed hard and kept improving up until lap 3 and nudged my way up to 3rd place in qualy but kept getting bumped by other drivers improving, but then held it on lap 4 befor the final lap before the timer out.

So beginning the race in 4th was cool, gave me space on looking into turn 1 to assess how the top 3 guys drove. It was all fine leading up to the tunnels and held my pace for Lap 1, bit of argy bargy around the big mountain banked corner but kept going strong till about lap 4, the italian in the huracan gt3, started to push away in p1, I was in p2 giving chase for a few laps.

Holding onto p2 till about lap 6, I chased the top car into the pits, I had a errogoues spanish child racerboy in a 458 italia chasing me since lap 3 or 4, and we both pitted. Quick pit enough, then we both exited and he was still chasing for a few laps.

Now to say this iradescent Ferrari car no.46 guy was a massive bumhole is an understatment, on the 9th lap on the last hairpin of TM, he undercuts me and bumps me to the side and push passes like a typical rammer would, and starts to run away. I am still chasing on lap 10 and as we come back to the same corner he has a 0.5 sec penalty. I try to catch him, he knows he aint got no pace on me as I kept gaining on him leading up the final hairpin at TM, so we turn the last corner and he gets slapped wth a penatly.
As he taking the penalty time, I try to avoid him as he moves to the left and i swing right there a big gap between us. He then lunges over to me and rams me into Barry-E-R and slows me down and runs off, dirty to say the least!

I still try to give chase but it has visibly shocked me and he faced NO penalty for ramming me, earlier also the game acted so stupid, I braked and the same guy rammed me from before, hot me from behind, when I braked for a corner, but the game thoguht i collided with him and gave me a half sec penalty- WTF? So idiotic PD.

Lap 11 and I chased but could not catch him, my composure feel off a bit but still finished on podum in 3rd place and got some good 34-35 points for Round 2. Will see tomorrow how my ranking is overall on the GTWS league.

It was a good track race, TM never dissapoints, just spoilt by a childish racer in a garish looking Ferrari, hmm where have I heard that before I wonder?

Anyways Enjoy pics folks and happy safe racing!

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Not much to report as my expectation was low...not for any reasons other than I'm just rubbish mind you.

Door#14 QT 1:51.7 10th

Most of the race 10th, do the longer middle stint because of the free track and free stop, spun on my in lap, no damage or contact just clipped the hill on the power.

Finished 12th, so about where the game pegged me so all good.

Apart from a lap one genesis looking at me sideways as I days of thunder (closed my eyes) nothing really happened. Racing respectable, nobody moaning in chat or quitting. And I got some points I think 98 but what does it matter.

Good fun all round. But my god trial mountain is a technical track dressed as a flowing one
I just lost a 4th place after climbing up from 10th because I didn't check the minimum number of stops. :banghead:
Read the regs mate. Read the regs.

Edit: this actually bugs me, I can understand no practice but you rock up make 6 places and can't read the rules. I dunno it irks me quite a bit. This has been published for ages now, plenty of time to read the rules, do some laps here and there.

Missing a mandatory pit stop is a bit weird especially as it was 2 this time.
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I just assumed that the 2-stoppers were doing it because of the high tyre wear, and thought this was PD making alternate strategies viable. I was just on auto-pilot and didn't notice the minimum stops count, chill out.

Anyway, this time around I finished 9th in the GT-R, after getting screwed over by a Portuguese Genesis deploying the meta of squeezing me into the wall at the exit of the final corner.
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I just assumed that the 2-stoppers were doing it because of the high tyre wear, and thought this was PD making alternate strategies viable. I was just on auto-pilot and didn't notice the minimum stops count, chill out.

Anyway, this time around I finished 9th in the GT-R, after getting screwed over by a Portuguese Genesis deploying the meta of squeezing me into the wall at the exit of the final corner.
You don't have to assume anything if you read the rules.

I don't need to chill out, I just don't want to race people who aren't racing the same race as me because they rock up, don't read the rules.

I mean we are all grown ups here and not glory hunters.

So I'll chill out when you have the time to read the rules I'm racing to.