Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Eiger has already been leaked for C next week. Car is unknown but the tires are CS, which is what they're running on the RA272 during the event. So, yea...
I wouldn't put it past PD to put it into Nations, too.

But if not, I'm guessing we'd be looking at the X2019 cars at either Road Atlanta or Dragon Trail - Seaside. What an awful game of Would You Rather.
Did a test race yesterday. And it went ... terribly.
My fastest practice lap is a 1:57, so i was hoping to do 1:59 laps (without traffic) in the race. But i had 1 lap under 2 min! Just one!

I started on RS tires, because i wanted to check how long they last. After 12 laps they where still ok. But they felt pretty slippery from the start. I spun twice at the exit of the left hander before the 'Bilstein Kurve'. Traction was always a strenght of the 911 RSR, but the new physics changed that dramaticly!
Trail braking into the 'Goodyear Kehre' let the car slide about half of the laps.
Braking in general is a problem for me. My pre update break points don't work anymore. I estimate i have to hit the breakes 3 to 5 meters earlier on the fast straights.

I was never realy fast on this track. But with the new physics, i'll be happy if i don't spin on saturday and reach the finish before the race is over.
Did a test race yesterday. And it went ... terribly.
My fastest practice lap is a 1:57, so i was hoping to do 1:59 laps (without traffic) in the race. But i had 1 lap under 2 min! Just one!

I started on RS tires, because i wanted to check how long they last. After 12 laps they where still ok. But they felt pretty slippery from the start. I spun twice at the exit of the left hander before the 'Bilstein Kurve'. Traction was always a strenght of the 911 RSR, but the new physics changed that dramaticly!
Trail braking into the 'Goodyear Kehre' let the car slide about half of the laps.
Braking in general is a problem for me. My pre update break points don't work anymore. I estimate i have to hit the breakes 3 to 5 meters earlier on the fast straights.

I was never realy fast on this track. But with the new physics, i'll be happy if i don't spin on saturday and reach the finish before the race is over.
Practice! My experience is that with practice you will get better here. I am pretty bad at this track and do not really like it. No flow, especially in sector 1. and then the new physics....but TC helps!

I did a practice race daily and with every race my laptimes improved. started with let's say high 1.59's. Last race my best lap on softs was 1.56.952 and 1.58.001 on the mediums. did 8 laps mediums, 7 laps softs which seems to be the best tyre strategy for me.

Odd thing is that i still feel the car is more stable in the custom race compared to TT. And I have the same with the breaking points as you, it is almost if they somehow change on each lap!

Feeling a bit optimistic about the coming race by now so I expect it to go terrible.
Practice! My experience is that with practice you will get better here. I am pretty bad at this track and do not really like it. No flow, especially in sector 1. and then the new physics....but TC helps!

I did a practice race daily and with every race my laptimes improved. started with let's say high 1.59's. Last race my best lap on softs was 1.56.952 and 1.58.001 on the mediums. did 8 laps mediums, 7 laps softs which seems to be the best tyre strategy for me.

Odd thing is that i still feel the car is more stable in the custom race compared to TT. And I have the same with the breaking points as you, it is almost if they somehow change on each lap!

Feeling a bit optimistic about the coming race by now so I expect it to go terrible.
Thanks for the motivation @MCL1974
Practice makes better - no doubt about that! I hope i can find the time for that.

Thanks for reporting you suffer the same breaking issue. So it's not just me with my old eyes. 👴

Seems like most people will start on RM. I guess i'll take the risk and will do the opposite.

I'm curious to see whether this time as many cars will end up off the track as in Autopolis.
Until then i do excpecting the worst and hoping for a surprise.:crazy:
I started on RS tires, because i wanted to check how long they last. After 12 laps they where still ok. But they felt pretty slippery from the start. I spun twice at the exit of the left hander before the 'Bilstein Kurve'. Traction was always a strenght of the 911 RSR, but the new physics changed that dramaticly!
Keep in mind, you're not trying to figure out "how long the RS tires will last." Rather, you're trying to find where the worn RS tires will start losing pace over pitting for RMs. What lap is that crossover point? For me, it's eight laps. In my two tests (once starting on the RS and the other starting on the RMs), both times it was eight laps on the RS for the best overall results. Some are probably much better at tire saving; and, as I/we saw at Autopolis, some cars are OP at tire saving. And, based on the update 1.49 the drop off in time is very significant... between lap eight and nine I lost a full second while on the worn RSs. YMMV.

And, I agree with your second bit 100%. THe Porsche used to be very stable but now it's just not. Hard to put into words, but I just don't have near the confidence in the car anymore: acceleration out of tight corners; throwing it into a turn; getting some solid rotation through the turns; etc. It's unfortunate as I feel like all the aforementioned strengths of the car are how Porsches are in real life. Guess we'll have to make due for at least one more race.
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I started on RS tires, because i wanted to check how long they last. After 12 laps they where still ok.
Exactly what @Talon16 said. For me, driving the Citreon, the crossover point is even sooner -- 6 or 7 laps -- mostly because I don't get much of an advantage from the softer compound in that car. As soon as lap times start dropping off, it is faster for me to use the RMs.
Seems like most people will start on RM. I guess i'll take the risk and will do the opposite.
I tried going RS-first in a lobby race yesterday (not intentionally -- there was a reset after qualifying and I was expecting to have to qualify again, but ended up going straight to the race). I started mid-pack. I found I spent the entire stint on RSs stuck behind drivers on RMs, trying unsuccessfully to get by. For me, I'd only consider starting with RSs if I qualify in the top 3 (not bloody likely).
Thanks guys for your notes. I appreciate that very much!

And i definitly see your points in tire wear, when to change and the problem of being stuck in traffic with RS tires.

I don't think i'll drive the softs for 12 laps, like in my test race. I'll see how the race developes and make a spontaneous decision.

Compared to Autopolis i see less tire wear at the Nürburgring GP track with the RSR. I guess it's because there are more straights at the Nürburgring, while i.e. the final sector at Autopolis is an endless turn that heats up the tires much more.
If Autopolis would have been a longer race than 10 laps, i would have had a pit stop after lap 8. While tire wear at Nürburgring is 3x, compared to 2x at Autopolis, that mathematical equals only 5 laps at Nürburgring ... 😯

Regarding "stuck in traffic": On RM i have to break significantly earlier than with RS. If i start on RM, i'm afraid i loose lots of positions right after the start. But if this strategy goes wrong, i'm open to switch to RM->RS for another race.
I really despise this track. Even as a noted Nord hater I'd rather the race was on that.

My lovebug is sitting 3rd in the Euro GT2 VW rankings with no hope of improvement so if I race this one it'll be with the alternate AMG account. Did some practice runs last night and really struggling in sector 1 (as ever), especially turns 3 and 4, I just can't find the right line.


Obviously the final chicane is also a mess, the track limits are a complete mystery. Will start on the mediums as I'll definitely be at the back, and hope everyone spins out as at Autopolis.
Keep in mind, you're not trying to figure out "how long the RS tires will last." Rather, you're trying to find where the worn RS tires will start losing pace over pitting for RMs. What lap is that crossover point? For me, it's eight laps. In my two tests (once starting on the RS and the other starting on the RMs), both times it was eight laps on the RS for the best overall results. Some are probably much better at tire saving; and, as I/we saw at Autopolis, some cars are OP at tire saving. And, based on the update 1.49 the drop off in time is very significant... between lap eight and nine I lost a full second while on the worn RSs. YMMV.

And, I agree with your second bit 100%. THe Porsche used to be very stable but now it's just not. Hard to put into words, but I just don't have near the confidence in the car anymore: acceleration out of tight corners; throwing it into a turn; getting some solid rotation through the turns; etc. It's unfortunate as I feel like all the aforementioned strengths of the car are how Porsches are in real life. Guess we'll have to make due for at least one more race.
Have you guys seen tidgney's recent video (couple days ago?) He singles out the Porsche specifically for how bad it is (and seems a bit irritated!). Default setup has changed along with the physics. He could tune it to drive like before. But of course, you can't tune here.

I'm not really having too many problems with my cars, but I'm not skilled enough to detect or articulate these things!

I guess I shoudl put in some practice time for the weekend, haven't really started yet....
Looks like they've renamed some parts of the track. This map is from the official website:
nürburgring GP-Plan nur Strecke 11.2023.jpg

After my moaning yesterday, i listend to you guys and went back to the track, did some more practice and was looking for solutions.

First thing was i softend resistance of my loadcell break. Seems like i can now trail brake better into the 'Goodyear Kehre'.

After some laps i've also found a line that prevents me from spinning of at the exit of the 'RTL' turn.

In the end i started 2 races, one on RS first and then on RM. (i started from P1, to exclude the traffic)

My laptimes on RS:
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240801 15 43 45.jpg

My laptimes on RM:
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240801 16 18 05.jpg

Fastest laps (optimal)
RS 1:58,331 (1:55,595)
RM 1:58,358 (1:55,882)

On RS i felt the tires became slippery at lap 6. On RM at lap 10, although it needed a bit more attention all the time with the mediums.

My conclusion:
The good thing was: i found a way to be faster around that track.
The confusing thing was: the RM are almost as fast as the soft tires!?
I think i will start on RS tires. The optimal time to change for RM would be after lap 6, but waiting one or two laps shouldn't be a big problem.
I had skipped the Autopolis round last week as no-strategy sprints are not for me.

The Nurburgring round has strategy. So I hope that I can make it despite the limited slots. I've been practicing the new physics by doing Daily Races at Bathurst.

I picked the Porsche because most cars have a poor tradeoff between rear grip and understeer. At -5BB, the Porsche has a beautiful balance. I can throw it around during downhill braking and the rear stays planted. And the Porsche has that magical mid-engine rotation. I am a little surprised given complaints about the Porsche in last few pages here.

I tried some laps at Nurburgring in my Alfa Romeo. I am getting 1:58.x which is typical of me (low DR-B times despite being DR-A). After doing one custom race, I think -2BB and 5RM-10RS is ideal for the Alfa Romeo. I can pit early if needed due to traffic or damage. The car is that kind on tires.

The race is potentially gonna be interesting given that different cars and different drivers all have their own ideal strategy.
In between practice lobby and custom races, I did a few strategy tests (driving the Citreon).

Here are the results:
StrategyOpt timeBest timeAvg timeAvg devTotal time
8RM-7RS (2)1:56.3571:58.1432:00.2920:02.50630:04.383


Tire tread levels at pit:
StrategyFront leftFront rightRear leftRear right
8RM-7RS (2)70%75%70%70%

Tire tread levels at finish:
StrategyFront leftFront rightRear leftRear right
8RM-7RS (2)60%65%55%55%

There aren't many conclusions I'm ready to draw from these tests. What seems clear to me is:
  1. I'm still quite inconsistent on this track. I had a great race for the 9RM-6RS test and a poor one for 7RM-8RS.
  2. I don't get much of an advantage from RS tires. Regardless of when I pit, I can expect 2 -- maybe 3 -- laps that are slightly faster than RMs before the performance degrades back to RM-level times. I just have to avoid being on RSs so long that they become significantly slower than RMs.
I'm feeling like 9RM-6RS or 8RM-7RS will be my best bets for the race, maybe even 10RM-5RS if it means I can avoid traffic. My expectations are pretty low for this race. I'll consider it a great accomplishment to finish P5-P8, but expect that P9-P12 is more realistic.
I'm feeling like 9RM-6RS or 8RM-7RS will be my best bets for the race, maybe even 10RM-5RS if it means I can avoid traffic.
From your reports, I think that your best strategy is to start on the softs. Then pit whenever you feel like (times dropping off fast, traffic, or damage). If you get stuck in traffic, you will just stretch the life of your softs due to not pushing as much on right-hand corners.

I also feel that the chance of passing in the first lap is actually pretty good because many players will likely understeer on their cold medium tires on multiple awkward corners of Nurburgring.
From your reports, I think that your best strategy is to start on the softs. Then pit whenever you feel like (times dropping off fast, traffic, or damage).
You bring up a good point here. I have tried a lobby race with RSs first, and I lost any advantage to being on RSs when I got stuck behind a RM driver, never fast enough to get by them.

But it might still be worth starting on RSs as insurance against taking damage. That's most likely to happen on lap 1. If I start on RSs, I know I can immediately pit for RMs and still have a decent race. If the same happens on RMs, I'll need to ride out the damage for at least another lap and then be horribly slow for the last half of the race. Maybe it's worth burning the RSs at the start.
Up and ready for me and my little Aston Martin to get slaughtered today 🤣🤣
I did 4 lobby races yesterday and it was grim, the best race lap I could push out was a 1:56:7 on the soft and a 1 57:8 on the mediums. The Schumacher S Kurve is the achillies heel for the Aston, it just will not hold a good line through there consistently. I can match most cars everywhere but there is killing me. I cannot get anymore than 7 laps from the softs so the strategy element doesn't really exist for me, pit at end of lap 7 for mediums. I lose so much time on them that I can't start with them and I just about make lap 7 before drop off is very noticeable. I'm running only -1 BB as it doesn't seem to like anything more than that. Should be an interesting day 🤣🤣🤣🙈
Just attended 1 Slot this morning. GT3 class with Porsche.
Started from P5 after qualifying and finished the race on P6.
Beginning with Soft and changed to Medium at Rd8.
Probably I should have pitted 1 or 2 laps earlier,
It's anyhow not my most enjoyable track but it was a quite nice and fair race.
Also I was able to slightly improve the overall total Score.
Actually a quite nice racing morning.

I Wish all of you also some enjoyable races today.
Stressful race with the AMG this morning. Euro GT3, B/S lobby.

Board #9, qualified P8 with a 58 something. Started on the softs as I hadn’t done a wear test. Went right round the outside at turn 1 and picked up a couple of places. Another couple of spots fell my way and I was P4 on lap 2. Unfortunately I completely overshot the final chicane, got reset and dropped to 6th. The front 3 were never seen again.

Running 6th the first nine laps in a close fight with a handful of other cars. Unfortunately we all had the same strategy and pitted the same lap for mediums. No clear air for anyone. This was on lap 10:



4th to 10th in one shot

Tried to keep it as clean and calm as possible, avoiding any fights. Just 1 track limits penalty and no offs. Finished 6th on the road, promoted to 5th after one of the top 3 got a 2 minute penalty.


A decent result on one of my least favourite tracks. I’m getting quite comfortable now with the AMG, even if I’m still missing outright lap time. This alternate account is only using that car so we’ll see what the next season brings in GT2.

Tempted to go again with the main account Beetle but it’s getting a bit hot in the gaming room.
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Porsche GT2

82pt B/A lobby

QT 4th
Finished 4th (72pts)

Changed from softs to mediums lap 9 in to 10

Nothing race really, the front 3 ran about a steady 15s ahead and apart from some early scuffles with some over ambitious peeps was quite boring. Was let through at the chicane on lap 11 by some German guy who didn't read the rules or really believed the no stop strat + 2 min penalty was the way to go....🤷‍♂️
10:00 am, still half asleep. QT on mediums had me starting 8th, got spun 3 times, got a 4 second penalty and no idea what for. Pitted for softs at the end of lap 7, fastest lap and p7 finish.

11:00 am, again QT on mediums for p9 start. Got shafted again on lap 2 and ended up back in 12th. Made my way back up to 6th, pitted again at the end of lap 7. Another fastest lap and finished p5
horrible first race. Qualified 5th, that was okay. Pole was a 1.55.7, in a low B lobby!!!

Got smashed at turn one, DFL. made my way back to 7th and then did the worst thing one can do: make contact with a fellow GT-planeter. tapped him on the rear and he spun. sorry again @RobertHammer! Had to back down to make sure he stayed ahead and I got just in front of a pack of cars.
A lap later I got rear ended again and ended 15th. Going again!!
12:00pm: Again QT on mediums and that puts me 9th. Survived the first couple of laps and found myself in 4th chasing down the first 3. I was catching them and was convinced they were on mediums too but no, the baby Aston seems to have found some speed 🤣🤣 Anyway, pitted at the end of lap 8 as my pace on the mediums did not drop off at all really. Came out immediately behind the leading Ferrari but had passed him by Dunlop (angry Italian, he quit as soon as i got passed him 😅🤷‍♂️). After that it was just stay calm and don't bin it. Job done 👌👌🏆🏆🏆🏆


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So I went again....

And this might well be my last race in GT7!!!


because no way in hell I will ever have a race again that was this awesome....

I Qualified 4th with a 1.56.7 and a bit, fastest was a Ferrari with a 1.56.2 so I knew there was some real competition.

Start went fine, no one rear-ending me this time and in the last corner of the first lap the McLaren in third made a mistake and I had an easy pass for that third place. From that moment on I had a very nice fight with the cars in thirst and second. This lasted for 6 laps and because the cars behind us three catched up I decided to pit early to get out of that pack. At the moment I entered the pits I was in second place behind the Ferrari.

Got out in I think 15th or so, and a lap later a lot of cars pitted gifting me a number of places. The Ferrari leading the race also pitted and got out of the pits about a second in front of me. I tried to follow him but could not keep up with him on my fresh mediums and soon the gap was well over two seconds. Soon I knew why he was getting away... at the end of the lap he pitted again; he got the wrong tyre compound on!? Poor guy, he probably would have won the race!

A lap later I found myself in first place as the rest pitted. a South-African came out of the pits right beside me. I made sure to give him space and he braked at the right moment and got right behind me:

From that moment each lap he was a about a few tenths behind me. I was a bit scared he would rear-end me but after a few laps I realised thus guy is a clean racer. Still, I had to drive so hard to stay in front! I really did some of my best laps ever, my fastest lap on the mediums was faster then in any practice session!

Lap 13 he was still putting me under pressure. Then I made a small mistake at the Coca-Cola curve and he got right beside me. got in front at the first corner and then we made contact:

He definitely gave me the place back. Thanks so much to him! But he was again pressuring me for the rest of the race and after fifteen hard, sweaty laps I crossed the line as a winner with him just behind me. Honestly, had he won I would have been just as enthusiastic. Had so much fun in a hard fight with a real racer who just as much deserved that win.
I won races before, but never like this....and that also thanks to the other driver.

So, in the end the AMG '16 beat the AMG '20 in a direct fight!


This was really how on-line racing can be and should be. It's been a while that I had a fun race and I am not sure I will ever have a race as good as this again.
GT2 B/S - 2 races

1st run: Qualified P6 with 1.57.868 pretty good lap but that cant be said for the race xD
Race started with Softs and went good as i managed to overtake 2 guys to P4 but then i somehow managed to get track limit penalties like a donkey... to pits after lap 6 for mediums then been in P5 but Soft tyre guys caught up with me and lost places thus ended in P8 meh @MCL1974 no worries mate - i did plenty of mistakes myself :P

2nd run Qualified P14 2.00.489 LOL worst lap ever xD
Race started with Mediums with time and managed to overtake even more cars from P14 like into P8 , thankfully this time i had 2 penalties went to the pits after lap 9 for Softs then i got into P5 when others went to pit , P4 guy in the 911 had mediums on , i been on his tail like remaining 6 laps almost got him the one guy in the AMG pushed me and lost 1.5 sec to the P4 ...
but got lucky in the end because 2 guys didnt pit - bam 2minute penalties that made us into the podium cool lol

Gran Turismo™ 7_20240803145254.jpg
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240803145325.jpg
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240803144442.jpg
Gran Turismo™ 7_20240803144358.jpg

in the end pretty good race - have fun out there 👍
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Did one on the AO this morning. Put the Renault on pole, though it took the second lap to get it. Started on RS. Q2 was a Lexus and I was concerned he would get a run into T1 as the turbo cars don't accelerate as hard off the line (although, I think PD 'fixed' this at some point as it's not as bad as it once was).

Those concerns dropped off however when he braked way too late for T1 and almost went off track. He was able to keep his place (as a Porsche in P3 also went deep). This gave me a one second lead. Same Lexus lost it on the chicane later that lap.

I hadn't done a tire test on the Renault so I decided to do the same 8|7 strat that seemed to work on the Porsche. The tires really started dying off after five laps and one of my laps on the RMs matched pace with the third lap on the RSs. I think I was just inconsistent.


There was an RXV that did RM to RS that was gaining towards the end, but the gap was too big. GGs


Season ends with Renault. Not a bad choice and a survivor of the new physics and BoP.
GT1 - Slot one UK/EU mixed B/A S lobby

QT ruined on the last corner so P10 (would have been p6)

Started on Mediums changed 5 in to 6 for softs went the rest of the race in P5 till the last lap and clipped the grass finished p10 with front aero and suspension damage.


Not going again sadly as I'm out tonight.

Wasn't a season to set the world alight but not going to complain. The Porsche is a joy with BB-2 now and the inverse strat worked although I should have stayed on mediums 1 or 2 laps more.



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I had two goes today. I did 6S/9M then 9M/6S. I didn't think there was a lot of difference between the end of my soft stints in either race.

First race was a mess because I hadn't done any practice on mediums and binned it at the hairpin on my first lap on them. Started 7th, finished 11th which was 10th because one guy didn't change tyres. Second race was better all round, with a few mistakes and a few problems with my HDMI cable leaving me to drive a few corners on instinct and prayers and maybe I could have fought for 6th if I was perfect but I'm still taking this as a learning experience, so it's fine.

Nürburgring GP_.jpeg

First race time was a 30:25, second race was 30:19 which is actually quite disappointing since the second one felt so much better.

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