Grand Theft Auto 3: Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Here's my Turismo screenshot.



  • RecordBook8.jpg
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Thank you
Is that a tone of sarcasm I see there? :lol:

Also congratulations KM. Those times are very tight, and it would probably take a very good and quite flawless race to beat it I'd imagine.
Jimmy Enslashay
Is that a tone of sarcasm I see there? :lol:

Also congratulations KM. Those times are very tight, and it would probably take a very good and quite flawless race to beat it I'd imagine.

I wouldn't be so sure. I haven't practiced Turismo near as much as the Vice City Street Races. There could be up to 10 seconds to be shaved off that time. Now that I've gone and overwritten my game for rampages and destruction, I think I'll concentrate on Turismo for a bit.

No sarcasm...

And There's alkot of time that could be wiped of turismo. My run wasn't GREAT, I was very cautious.
Hmm. Well I'm not exactly overly well educated on GTA 3 missions, as I've only finished the game twice and never bothered to try any other time, and that was a fair while ago. I'm more educated on the people, storyline, and features of the game.

I always thought you had a very good run Blake, but hmm, if it can be improved upon, I could beat it. I might start up a new game on PS2 (my PC version doesn't run well). How long does it take to receive the phone call from El Burro for this mission? At what point do you receive it?
Jimmy Enslashay
I always thought you had a very good run Blake, but hmm, if it can be improved upon, I could beat it. I might start up a new game on PS2 (my PC version doesn't run well). How long does it take to receive the phone call from El Burro for this mission? At what point do you receive it?

El Burro contacts you pretty early in the game. Just start a new game and keep doing missions until you get the call. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours at most. Then just save your game!

I've been using the Banshee for Turismo, because that's the only fast car normally available in Portland, but if you do Vigilante or Firefighter, you sometimes come across an Infernus or Cheetah, so you could stick one in your garage to practice with. But I think the Banshee makes up for poor handling with great acceleration and speed. So I think I'll stick with it.

It's not until you've done a street race a lot of times that you start to learn how to shave a second off your time here or there. One of the best ways is when taking corners and there's a lamppost on the corner, to cut inside the lamppost to avoid making a tight turn outside the lamppost and losing speed. On Vice City races like Border Run or Tour! there were a few places where this worked to bring down my times. Also in Turismo, there's more choice about what route to take. I think that as soon as you pass the hospital, the best thing to do is take a right and the next left through St. Marks. It's a big wide turn you can take without losing much speed. If I'm doing well I can get onto the street with Cipriani's restaurant with less than 50 seconds on the clock. My other target is to pass Marco's Bistro with less than 100 seconds on the clock, but with practice that should get down to 95 seconds or less.

Last night I did Turismo about 10 times in a row. I got times of 139, 138 and eventually 135. So what did I do? Well, I had to save my game, so I saved it in the save game slot where those stats come from! AARRGH! So I won't be improving on those stats. I'd been saving my game in the same place for the past week or so while building up those stats so when I was playing my Turismo game, I saved it in that slot without even thinking. Why the hell didn't I have a backup of that game you might well ask? Because I'm an idiot. Oh well.

But I did get 135 seconds in Turismo. I'll have a screenie up later.


So evidently I suck.... which car did you use (if you don't mind sharing).

I made a similar mistake, I started a game, played til I opened up Staunton Island so I could get an infernus and stinger, I did a 145 and I could not remember what my best time was so I saved it in the same spot--now tourismo is done, so I have to finish the other El burro missions before I can do it again with any car other then my BP cheetah in my 100% saves (which I use for superjumping also). Obviously not as big a mistake as yours--how many times are you going to do that before you learn :dunce:
So evidently I suck.... which car did you use (if you don't mind sharing).
I'm using the Banshee for Turismo. I tried the Infernus a few times but couldn't get good times with it. The Banshee has a tendency to slide about so if you make a bad turn you can end up sliding around and facing the wrong direction. But it's FAST. And I don't like the Cheetah. I think it has a tendency to bounce around and lose control too easily. And Stinger handles good but I don't think it can make up for the speed of the Banshee.

Obviously not as big a mistake as yours--how many times are you going to do that before you learn :dunce:
I'm going to have to be careful about San Andreas. I've freed up a bunch of space on my memory card so if I'm clever I'll use a few game slots for the same game. That's what I ended up doing in Vice City. I just rotated the save spot for my main game every couple of days so in the event of doing something stupid, I'd only lose a day or two of gameplay.

I'm going to have to be careful about San Andreas. I've freed up a bunch of space on my memory card so if I'm clever I'll use a few game slots for the same game. That's what I ended up doing in Vice City.
I've always done that for GTA 3 and Vice City, except I save one for storylines, and one for 100%. Except I'm using my 100% for my storyline now, so that don't matter.

Thanks a heaps for all of that help KM. I was planning on a Banshee anyway to start off, I'm not too bad with that car. 👍
I do pretty much everything you described-- I sometimes get a little turned on the start when I bump the other guys-- seems like when ever I do get a good start, there is some morons around the first corner blocking the road. The traffic in this race kills me-- seems like the north end of portland is the worst with those narrow roads
HA! That's one annoying thing about this race. There's always some nut in a truck trying to drive into the wall just around the corner after you start. You can lose a second or two just swerving around him.

When you go through St. Marks the first time, do you cut up the hill right after the hospital and then make your first left, or do you just go straight and cut up when you get a block below Tony's house before you cut up.
I try to veer over to the left hand of the road by the hospital so I can take that corner nice and wide. I try to just skim the right side of the corner so that I can take an easy wide left at the top of the hill.


Criminal Rating - 86934 (Boss) - Blake
Days Passed in Game - 159 - Blake
People Wasted - 8,672 - Blake
People wasted by others - 962 - Blake
Cars gone boom! - 7,580 - Blake
Gang Members wasted - 1,004 - Blake


I decided to dust off the old disk and squish some people ;)

Sorry to revive such an old topic, but it's my first time seeing it. It's great to see some highscores for GTA 3! I recently started playing it again after watching the speedrun videos at I used the weapon, health, armour, and wanted level cheat codes a lot a couple years ago, so I know some of these stats shouldn't be allowed on the list, but would some of them be acceptable? Also, I can't remember if I used the health cheat on a rare occasion to stop my car from exploding when doing the taxi and vigilante missions, so I guess those shouldn't be allowed.

Days passed in game - 238
People you've wasted - 18856
Hospital Visits (Most) - 118
Criminals Wasted - 940
Dist. Travelled by Car (miles) - 1498.76
Best Turismo time - 142
Longest flight in dodo - 431
Best time for Bomb Defusal - 163
Passengers dropped off - 151 (107 from a different file)
Cash made in taxi - 306,881
Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission - 342 (297 from a different file, 358 on xbox)
Cars Crushed - 38
Diablo Destruction - 13
MM rain fallen - 1374

I use the d-pad to drive cars/boats and fly the dodo.
I love the vigilante missions. I always do them in Staunton Island with a police car. I used to do the weapon cheat a bunch of times before starting (until I have about 2000 uzi bullets) instead of going to ammunation because it's faster, but I'll buy my ammo from now on. About six months ago I got 69 kills in a row in Staunton Island with the police car on the xbox version (with the weapon cheat at the start). Today I got 65 kills in a row in Staunton Island with the police car on the ps2. I'm sure you could go forever in that city, but I always end up dying by making a dumb mistake or something.
Yesterday was the first time I went out of my way to use the crusher and ended up crushing 35 cars in a row.
Before today I thought my Dodo time was pretty good, but it's nothing compared to the top times in the list.
Unless you are absolutely sure cheats were not used in a particular record, you probably shouldn't submit it--

I'm sure everyone appreciates you being honest about this.... looks like most of those records are ok....

THere is still the odd submission to the VC recordbook occasionally too so I wouldn't worry about bumping this topic....
Alright great, thanks. The stats I posted earlier were taken from a file that I have used cheats in. So, I guess the majority of the stats would have been affected in some way by the use of cheats. :indiff:
I won't use cheats anymore so I can include more stats to the list in the future. Here's my submission:

Best Turismo time - 142 - Time of Death
Longest flight in dodo - 431 - Time of Death
Best time for Bomb Defusal - 163 - Time of Death
Cars Crushed - 38 - Time of Death
Diablo Destruction - 13 - Time of Death

Also, I always thought the rain was connected in some way to how much destruction you've caused or people you've killed, etc. Is that true? If so, I shouldn't submit that stat either.
I'm going to work on beefing up my stats a bit, especially the vigilante missions. The only cheat that was used when I got 69 and 65 kills in a row on vigilante was the weapon cheat before I started the mission in order to save time. The rest of the mission was clean. The only weapon I use is the uzi from inside the car (and on rare occasions I will get out of my car and shoot the criminal if they are stuck behind a wall or something).

Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission - 97 - Time of Death

After about three hours I accidentally flipped my cop car and wasn't able to kill the criminal before the timer ran out 👎 (his car actually caught on fire right when the timer hit zero). I started with just over 2000 uzi bullets but ran out of ammo after the 81st kill (I used my car to kill the next three criminals, then was given about 5 minutes to kill the next one, so I went to ammunation to stock up). Made about three million dollars and blew up 4 Mr. Whoopees. :dopey:
Sorry about the confusion, but I’m not quite sure which records you wish me to update. :confused:

Could you please post the list again, with only those records you think are not affected by cheats… Again, sorry for the confusion.
Sure, not a problem:

Best Turismo time - 142 - Time of Death
Longest flight in dodo - 431 - Time of Death
Best time for Bomb Defusal - 163 - Time of Death
Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission - 145 - Time of Death
Cars Crushed - 38 - Time of Death
Diablo Destruction - 13 - Time of Death
My pleasure :) Thanks for making and maintaining the list 👍

Longest flight in dodo - 6370 - Time of Death
Criminals Killed on Vigilante Mission - 310 - Time of Death

Also improved to 123 kills in a row on Vigilante.
It took a couple minutes to get the dodo to fly smoothly, but after that it was just a matter of patience. I was doing a big circle around Portland and Staunton Island over and over. After about 35 laps I decided to crash into the airport.

Longest flight in dodo - 45835 - Time of Death
Dist. Travelled by Car (miles) - 1830.62 - Time of Death

Just finished the dodo flight...... my god, I thought I was going to die of boredom ;)
I started it shortly after my last submission a few days ago. I would fly for an hour or two at a time, then press pause and take a break for a few hours, then fly again, then sleep, then fly, etc... I'll make a little video within the next couple days with my digital camera, just for the heck of it, which will show the circular route I used for flying, followed by a crash landing into the airport with the "You flew for 45835 seconds!" stat that pops up on the screen.
The Dist. Travelled by Car stat is from the new game I started last week, so I guess the vigilante missions and the dodo flights must've helped.
Time of Death
Wow, that is amazing! Back to the drawing board I suppose :)

Also, not sure if you knew it or not, but one of the "flight time rankings" in VC was in honor of him-- there is actually a ranking of "noops"--- I'm assuming they carried it over to SA (like most of the other things)
As I completed 100% in San Andreas today I decided to go through my stats in GTA3 and Vice City. Here are ones from GTA3 that gets onto the lists :)

Times Busted (Most) - 1 - Jonas_AH
Accuracy (in a <100% game) - 80 - Jonas_AH
Max. insane jump flips - 1 - Jonas_AH
Best Turismo time - 149 - Jonas_AH
Best time for Patriot Playground - 229 - Jonas_AH
Best time for Ride in the Park - 82 - Jonas_AH
Bling Blang Scramble: Most Checkpoints - 10 - Jonas_AH
Passengers dropped off - 104 - Jonas_AH
People saved in an Ambulance - 67 - Jonas_AH
Total fires extinguished - 68 - Jonas_AH
Cars crushed - 3 - Jonas_AH
Casino Calamity - 5 - Jonas_AH
Rump Wrecker - 1 - Jonas_AH
MM rain fallen - 409 - Jonas_AH
Daily Police Spending - 777184 - Jonas_AH
Also, not sure if you knew it or not, but one of the "flight time rankings" in VC was in honor of him-- there is actually a ranking of "noops"--- I'm assuming they carried it over to SA (like most of the other things)
News to me :dopey: I'm quite out of the loop. Thanks for the info.

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