Grand Theft Auto 3: Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Best Time For Bomb Defusal - 153



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Phew, I thought my Turismo time was gone, but I still got the top spot. I don't want to lose my top spot but I'll give my secrets of the race away.
  • Instead of lining up on the grid to start back along way back accelerate up to speed and as you go through the pack hit one of the cars, this will make the race start but you'll already be well up to speed leaving them so far behind you'll never see them again.
  • The first couple of turns are easy with the other cars so far back.
  • After comming out from under the callahan bridge i stick to the wrong side of the road then cut across the intersection (I don't have any trouble there so I don't know how to help)
  • I slow down a fair bit for the junk yard turn -- it's a bit hazourdous and to tought to try full pelt
  • At the bottom of the St. Marks hill I just let it cruise before the last jump then brake as I go around it

I hope that helps some, I don't want to lose my record but I'd be interested to see what times you could all get.

EDIT: Updated--

I do pretty much everything you described-- I sometimes get a little turned on the start when I bump the other guys-- seems like when ever I do get a good start, there is some morons around the first corner blocking the road. The traffic in this race kills me-- seems like the north end of portland is the worst with those narrow roads

When you go through St. Marks the first time, do you cut up the hill right after the hospital and then make your first left, or do you just go straight and cut up when you get a block below Tony's house before you cut up.

I've experimented with this and I'm not sure which is faster. When you get the last checkpoint in China town-- you can either go straight (on sidewalk by bushes) and make a hard braking left (same road as police station/hospital)-- if I do this, then I just go straight up this road til I get below Tony's house. If I make the first left after that checkpoint (in china town), its wide enough you can take it without braking, as well as the right and left after this--I'm thinking I might be slowing down anyway (even though I'm not braking) so I then cut up at the first right in St. Marks so I have a longer straight shot through St. Marks all the way to the junk yard-- just curious as to which route you take.

The only way point I use is when I pass the subway station before you go up the hill. If I'm not at or near 100 seconds there, then I'm probably not going to brake 150-- I usually finish anyway just for the practice.

I turn straight after the hospital, the road is wide so no braking is needed to make that turn and traffic is fine. This leaves me having to let off the gas a bit around the soft left you have to take to go down the big hill but I still have plenty of speed.
Criminals Wasted - 661
Helicopters Destroyed - 134
People Wasted - 8100

Am I the only regular here still playing GTA 3 ?



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Jimmy Enslashay
I want a crack at this Turismo.

I had one good run at it today with the Infernus I have in an early game. I had a few late crashes and wasn't going to beat my time so just gave up, loaded my proper game and went on a bit of a people wasting and police chopper exploding spree. That was fun.

KM, you're the only one playing at the moment because you're the only one who could. I got back to Australia tonight. I'll have alot of time on my hands this week because I'm getting a small toe operation tomorrow and I'm not aloud to walk for two days so I don't have to go to school. So watch out ;)

Off Topic:
Uhh, you. Hopefully. :lol:

This time I'm not lending it to other people, so don't worry.

Also, thanks to Spuds, KM and Blake for the discussion with Turismo. Helped me prepare for each part, and hopefully achieve a record. 👍
Confident? Lol. I doubt I'll get number 1. With San Andreas coming out, I don't feel like spending much time doing missions and record attempts on any GTA, with exception to Cone Crazy in Vice City. It's become like a relief to me.

Anyway, this is starting to drift from topic...:lol:
Updated Race Times:

A Ride In The Park- 94 sec RVDNuT374
Gripped- 264 sec RVDNuT374
Multistory Mayhem- 100 sec RVDNuT374
Most Checkpoints in Bling Bling Scramble- 12 RVDNuT374

Criminal Rating - 25988 - KieranMurphy
People Wasted - 15599 - KieranMurphy
People Wasted By Other - 729 - KieranMurphy
Cars Exploded - 1825 - KieranMurphy
Gang Members Wasted - 2292 - KieranMurphy
Helicopters Destroyed - 283 - KieranMurphy
Kgs Explosive Used - 821 - KieranMurphy



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Thanks KM, I didn't mean everyone HAS to do it that way, it's just that if you're going to go to the effort of doing it you mayaswell do it that way, but thanks!

If you don't mind me asking what's your killing / helicopter exploding method?

If you don't mind me asking what's your killing / helicopter exploding method?

I haven't got 100% in my game but I have all 100 packages and vigilante complete so I have armour, ammo and especially rockets and six bribes at my hideouts. If I haven't done paramedic yet but having health at the hideout would obviously help things more.

What I do is stock up on rockets - a couple hundred. Curiously. you only get 20 rockets per pickup in Shoreside Vale but 50 per pickup in Staunton Island.

Anyway, stand on the grass outside the entrance to your Shoreside Vale hideout. You should be between the bribes and the door. Aim rockets towards the street so they hit the barrier on the far side. Not towards where you drive into your hideout, but to to the right of your garage and to the left of the tree. There's usually a bunch of people strolling around so you can get a few kills per rocket. Sometimes if you aim the rocket launcher away and aim back people will be respawning faster. Your stars should rise pretty fast. You can also aim rockets at the wall in front of you to help prevent vigilant citizens and cops from jumping over and getting to you. Eventually you'll get cop cars, FBI cars, tanks and army trucks driving past so you can just keep launching rockets at them. The first police chopper that comes on 3 stars is no problem, just launch a rocket at him and he's gone. When you get to 6 stars, the helicopters have a tendency to hover right above your head so when you launch a rocket at them you lose 50 health/armor, so try to get them as soon as you hear them in the distance.

It's a good idea to clear your stars regularly, because sometimes when you're not looking, an FBI car or Barracks OL will get over the wall, come to a stop right beside you and you've got about 2 seconds before army/FBI get out and kill you. However, you're perfectly safe from tanks, I've yet to see one get over wall, they always get stuck. If you've just hit a helicopter, wait until your see or hear him crash before clearing your stars. If you clear your stars when he's veering out of control towards the ground, he'll just hover off and you won't register it in your stats.

Once you've cleared your stars, you can either save or just go into the hideout and hit CANCEL. This will replenish your supplies - bribes, weapon pickups. I save every 5 minutes or so using this method so all my kills will register on my criminal rating. Lather, rinse repeat.

Nice, my method is quite simple, it gets less kills but more car explosions. Get a tank and start driving up and down the sidewalk from the football stadium to Phills Hideout, heaps of people are on the footpath and your stars will go up quite quickly, once you have fbi on you get off the footpath and stay on the road, as long as you don't get up to 6 stars FBI cars will continue to run into you at quite a quick rate.
Criminal Rating - 43927 - KieranMurphy
Gang Members Wasted - 3770 - KieranMurphy
Criminals Wasted - 2170 - KieranMurphy
Helicopters Destroyed - 508 - KieranMurphy
Kgs Explosives Used - 1112 - KieranMurphy
People Wasted - 27227 - KieranMurphy
People Wasted By Others - 1155 - KieranMurphy
Cars Exploded - 2861 - KieranMurphy



  • REcordBook7.jpg
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How do you get heaps of "People Wasted By Others" in your stats. Is it just by walking around and seeing fights, or creating destruction or what? I've wanted to know this for some time.

Last night I did Turismo about 10 times in a row. I got times of 139, 138 and eventually 135. So what did I do? Well, I had to save my game, so I saved it in the save game slot where those stats come from! AARRGH! So I won't be improving on those stats. I'd been saving my game in the same place for the past week or so while building up those stats so when I was playing my Turismo game, I saved it in that slot without even thinking. Why the hell didn't I have a backup of that game you might well ask? Because I'm an idiot. Oh well.

But I did get 135 seconds in Turismo. I'll have a screenie up later.

OMG KM! All that and you wiped it.... :rolleyes: Oh well, I don't think anyone will beating those for a while, especially when SA comes out.

And damn you, beating my Turismo! Ahh well, I'll try that again on Saturday night.


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