Grand Theft Auto 3: Record Book

  • Thread starter Blake
Go around untill there is a road block, go through the road block, then turn around, the people will have dissapeared but the cars will be there (as long as you don't go too far away) then get some bribes and go to pay and spray and you're set.
Go around untill there is a road block, go through the road block, then turn around, the people will have dissapeared but the cars will be there (as long as you don't go too far away) then get some bribes and go to pay and spray and you're set.


When you Pay'n'Spray an FBI car in my experience from old games, you end up with a ****ty grey car. I want the original black bastard cool car.

Actually, now that I think of it, I had a plan at my Staunton Island hideout that didn't work because I had six stars up. I now have 3 stars at my hideouts so I can try a new plan.

I'll try it over the weekend and see if I can get myself an FBI car.

Also, if that don't work. Empty one space in your Shoreside Vale garage. Get on 5 stars, and sit in the garage. Some FBI cars will sit at the lights on the road that goes around the back of your place. Shoot their car, most of the time they will get out. Pick them off, take 3 stars next to the garage, take the FBI car and haul it until you feel you are safe. Then park it in the empty space in the Shoreside Vale garage, take another car, and go pick up a couple more bribes.

Blake's way is the main way I use, but this has also worked for me 3 or 4 times.
I've never stolen an FBI car without respraying it, so I was wondering if you deliver the black unsprayed car to the crane, is that what you get when you pick it up again? I think in the past I've always got the repsrayed car I'd delivered. The black ones are seriously cool.

Jimmy Enslashay
I don't think you do. The return cars are preset I believe (in the coding). But if you do, that's a bonus.

Yeah, I got the FBI car and delivered it to the docks and it gives you the lighter coloured car. But I also stole one of the black ones and have it stored at Shoreside Vale.

Thought so. I love the Kuruma.

Anyway, I managed to play GTA III without it crashing for a while. Flew the Dodo, 75 seconds!! Grrr, frustration. 1 second off my PB! :grumpy:
Phew, I thought I'd come back with a hel of a lot of updates to do, thank god KM and Spuds haven't had a go at turismo ;)
I did have a go but had some bad luck--couldn't get a clean run so my best was only 150--I've been trying the Stinger but the cheetah might be more stable for this one. I think I worked out all the "shortcuts" though.
Well I used the Infernus, but I'm certain the Cheetah would be quicker.

I'm on a damn German keyboard now and nothing's where it's supposed to be. I even have to go into advanced reply to make my text coloured. :grumpy:
Criminal Rating - 8316
People Wasted - 6609
Helicopters Destroyed - 17
KGs of Explosives used - 687
Cars Exploded - 2260



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I did about 20 runs yesterday ½ with cheetah and ½ with stinger—My best was only 145—I must have been lucky as hell when I did my 144. Still having problems getting a clean run. I might give the infernus a run but I don’t believe it handles as well as the cheetah/stinger (although it is slightly faster)
It flips pretty easily....I like the cheetah and stinger--on some of the wide streets you can take turns without braking--of course I screwed up and saved a completed tourismo (when I got 145) thinking that it was my new best (better then my 100% time done with a bullet proof cheetah)--now I have to finish each of the El Burro missions before I can do Tourismo again with anything other then my BP cheetah.

My problem areas of the race (in order of how you come to them):
1. The start--hard to do a bump and run and keep the car straight
2. First two turns-- the road is kind of narrow and if I didn't have a clean start the other cheetahs are all over the road.
3. The turn into china town after going under calahan bridge-- two quick turns and sometimes alot of traffic.
4. Left turn by the car dealership-- I don't know why but I tend to spin out here and end up under the sign going to junkyard
5. North end of portland by radio station-- a couple of turns on some narrow streets
6. Going up hill in St. Marks--alot of cars tend to cross your path.
7. Going down hill in St. Marks--- that left turn at the bottom is hard--might be from the extra speed you have going down the hill
Did you check for the purple nines glitch before you started???

I read about a way to check for it on another forum (or here I can't remember).

First, the discussion was pretty sure it was caused by starting a new game with 100% game already loaded.

You can check for it by saving your new game after you start it, and jumping over to staunton island via the broken bridger girders that goes down to the waterand then on to SSV (since its not blocked when you start a new game). Or you can use the spawn tank cheat and dodo cheat to fly over there and see if the purple nines are there. If so, you are ok-- just reload your save (or restart if you are concerned about having the cheats on from a reload).

Also, why haven't you beat my tourismo time yet??? I figured you would have beaten that long ago (considering your knack for GTA races).


I thought I should repost this matter because I've done gone figured it out!

If you have a memory card in which you have D-Ice's missions complete (regardless of whether or not you've got 100% or finished the main missions, i.e. up to The Exchange) and you wish to start a new game, then follow my instructions:

1) Turn off your PS2.
2) Take out any memory cards that have GTA3 save games on them.
3) Boot your PS2
4) Start a new game and complete Luigi's first missoin - Luigi's Girls.
5) Get the Banshee from Capital Autos.
6) Go to the west end of Callahan Bridge.
7) Enter the "Cars Float" cheat.
8) Go across the bridge at max speed, you should be able to cross the bridge thanks to the "cars float" cheat.
9) When you hit the other side, turn off the "cars float" cheat by tapping it in to your joypad again.
10) Use the subway to get to Shoreside Vale, the subway station at Francis Intl. Airport isn't blocked yet.
11) Go to Wichita Gardens.
13) Kill yourself, and you'll respawn at the hospital in Portland.
14) Insert your memory card.
15) Save game at hideout.
16) Now go get 100%.

In short, merely starting a new game without a memory card inserted won't do. You have to boot your PS2 without your memory card inserted. The above method simply will just allow you to get to Shoreside Vale early and verify the existence of the Purple Nines before you start a new game.

As logically as I can figure out, the following is what it all reallt means:
You can just boot with no card, start a new game, do first mission, insert memory card and save at hideout.

Jimmy Enslashay
Yeah, well, it's best checking. But will they load up once you get over there properly?

From the discussion I've heard, its starting a new game (on ps2) with a 100% game done (or any point after you kill all the purple nines)-- the game will sometimes "remember" things from before--an example would be skidmarks (hehe)--- I noticed that on VC, that if you make skidmarks next to a save point that you had previously saved at, and then reload the save from that point (which is before you skidded), that the skidmarks will still be there---I think the glitch is similar to that-- its not resetting everything in the game back to what it should be for a new start, by starting a new game with the memory card removed, it won't autoload a save where you killed the purple nines and therefore they should reset and be there---

I also would not open up any old save where you have killed the purple nines and then reload your new game as this might make them disapear-- (I would have to experiment and check for them after doing this to verify)--- if you do ever open up a save after the purple nines mission is done, to be safe, I would power down, remove my card, restart, pause, insert card, and load your new game.

I can't really verify any of this, I've just read about it on these and other forums.

Ahh so that's the actual glitch. I've always wondered about that. Did they fix this on the PC version? Or was it too late by the time they found out?
Goddamn I'm an idiot. I started up a new game to beat the Purple Nines glitch and in what game slot did I save it? Over my saved game that I've been using get records for the record book!

Somebody slap me in the face. I deserve a slap in the face.

go to, select image search, I put in search bar b!tchslap-- was on first page---I had to save, change name and upload with the word b!tch removed because the filter on here removed it when I linked directly--I hope no one is offended

Haha, why would we be offended? I doubt Jordan would be offended, he is just being proper and formal to maintain a respectable site.
Accuracy in a <100% game - 700% (don't ask, because I don't know!)
Turismo - 146 seconds



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Phew, I thought my Turismo time was gone, but I still got the top spot. I don't want to lose my top spot but I'll give my secrets of the race away.
  • Instead of lining up on the grid to start back along way back accelerate up to speed and as you go through the pack hit one of the cars, this will make the race start but you'll already be well up to speed leaving them so far behind you'll never see them again.
  • The first couple of turns are easy with the other cars so far back.
  • After comming out from under the callahan bridge i stick to the wrong side of the road then cut across the intersection (I don't have any trouble there so I don't know how to help)
  • I slow down a fair bit for the junk yard turn -- it's a bit hazourdous and to tought to try full pelt
  • At the bottom of the St. Marks hill I just let it cruise before the last jump then brake as I go around it

I hope that helps some, I don't want to lose my record but I'd be interested to see what times you could all get.

EDIT: Updated--
Instead of lining up on the grid to start back along way back accelerate up to speed and as you go through the pack hit one of the cars, this will make the race start but you'll already be well up to speed leaving them so far behind you'll never see them again.
I think they've mentioned doing this one.

I would love a crack at this you know, but then again I don't have a GTA install disc...
They said they were having trouble with traffic so I assumed that they didn't think of it for this race.