Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
It's behind the Pay n' Spray at Little Haiti. It's on a sign with red letters that's on it's side.

My question is- What is the phone # for the Samartians.
Too easy. :D


But I guess my question was to. I think you can find those signs behind just about every Pay And Spray in the game. But anyway, I should have a good question for tonight.
Oh aren't I? Probably not since I haven't played it about 2 months. But I will put the disk in in about an hour to come up with a question. I have one but I need to recheck the answer cause I haven't played in ages.
Yeah, but we are doing excactly what we did when we were waiting for Vice City, not playing the GTA games because we want the new features!
lol i know, we probably should to get used to the controls again...but knowing us we wont...:lol:

but ANYway, post the darn question lol.
Ahem, sorry.

What shop has the slogan "Get more out of your wood" and where is it located?
I'm pretty sure I know that answer, but I'm at school right now and would like to check it out just to make sure.

So I imagine my answer will be up in a few hours, or at least by the end of the day.

EDIT: Well, I found this to be quite interesting. It obviously is one of the Hardware Stores placed throught the city(Washington Becah, Vice Point (In the North Point Mall), and in Little Havana). I checked each one of the, inside and out, both on PC and PS2, and could not find that quote in any of them.

Could it be that it is written on a bilboard advertising the store?

Then again, I don't recall seeing any bilboard in the game advertising any of the Hardware Stores.
lol u actually told me the answer to this vaguely at ur house the other week...but you know the size and span of my atten....WOW A BROWN DOG!!