Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
Forget my own head if it wasn't screwed on.

(for all location fans, head north past the marina and just before the street turns off to your right halfway up, turn right into an alleyway, then turn right again)

You ARE here... :D


  • quiz_question.jpg
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Are you playing the PC version? The graphics are a bit awful. Hooray, a new question!! But it's one of Famie's evil ones...
Look okay to me - although I was running Photoshop 7 in the background and it was causing merry hell with the sounds.

I'm generating a question now. Most of my evil ones have been asked...
Oh, this thread isn't dead.

[Bruce willis voice]Threads Dead Baby[/Burce willis voise]
Yes it is... But I'm resurrecting it!

How many hard-working Americans were killed by communists last year?
Yes and yes. Go Spuds (you complete and utter bastard... How DID you get that? :D)

Blox advert, Flash FM.
I love that ad, just for kicks I'll add it.

"Germs are running scared. Last Year communists killed 34 hard working Americans, but germs kill over 25 million people. Your home much likely in America is constantly under attack from germs. And we all know what germs cause; Dyslexia and Leprosy.
Thank goodness there's blox.
Blox sends germs running like refugees, just add a few tablespoons to your child's bath, and put them in the tub. (Child starts crying) Presto! That tingly sensation is germs dying. Now your child has rosy red skin and is 100% germ free. Now that means little Jimmy won't catch a cold or ask difficult questions about reproduction. It's even great for Rover's breath. (Dog starts whining) Now he's sleeping peacefully, free from germs! Blox is endorsed by the society for cleaner America. It uses a patented formula produced by the Pentagon for use in the field, now it's available for use in the home. Chanting in background: Blox Blox Blox Blox!
Man: Some germs hate acid, some germs hate bleach, Blox kills indiscriminately!"

Go Spuds! 👍
How many times does Diaz say "D!ckhead" in the game??? Including plural versions of the word.

Sorry it took so long, I wanted to find a good one.

I think it's something like 5 times. I should know since I restarted the game not long ago.

After finishing 'Guardian Angels': "I live! D*ckheads! And it's all thanks to you. What is your name?"

Then there's the phone call you get from Diaz shortly after: "...I need a guy like you, all I got is d*ckheads! D*ckheads everywhere yo!"

Before 'The Chase': "Stupid horse! I'll chop your head off, grrr (Tommy walks in) Who is this d*ckhead?..."

When you're going to do 'The Fastest Boat': "...The boatyard has just completed such a vessel for some Costa Rican d*ckhead..."

Other than those I can't remember any.
Blake is up--

SleekStratos gets honorable mention for listing 5 of the 6 quotes- the missing one was also during Guardian Angels-- "Get that D!ckhead" when the guy on the Sanchez rides off with the briefcase.

Ah crap, that's right. I'm always too focused on the Haitian and going for the Sanchez in the middle of the road to pay attention to Diaz. Oh well.
Make it a good one, Blake.
O.K. I have a question lined up, but I have to check the answer first. Should be up tommorow;)
Whoops, I forgot about this little thread, eep, sorry, have one soon, if not in a few days someone else take it.
Since Blake won the question off me, I guess I get it back...its now been 2 weeks.

I got an easy one:

What time do the neon lights that spell out "Escobar International Airport" on the front of the terminal building turn on??

I noticed this since I usta spend many hours at the airport, slaughtering FBI agents....

Come now AP1, you can do better then that!


Evil question to come tonight. :D

Oh, and about that body in the lower right hand corner of the picture....

Let's just say, he looked at me wrong.

Evil Question - Where can you find a sign that says Hand Car Wash?
Originally posted by Acidman

Oh, and about that body in the lower right hand corner of the picture....

Let's just say, he looked at me wrong.


Originally posted by Acidman
Evil Question - Where can you find a sign that says Hand Car Wash?

Not at the gas station, is it? I've seen the signs there, but I can't recall the word 'hand'.