Granturismo/Polyphony dead ??

  • Thread starter marmar
Well I don't see GT5 on shelves yet, do you? I do see GT5: Prologue out, but not GT5.

Thus, GT5 doesn't exist.
Yes, they are developing it. But the final product doesn't exist, which is what I believe Obli was joking about.
Hey guys, Obli was quoting the line, "Satan's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist." as a joke.

Haha, joke.
Maybe all the footage provided comes from the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue build, or modifications of the Prologue version. I dont think PD showed us a single screenshot or video of the final product yet. So we can only guess that the final product will probably look like the Prologue with some minor changes.

I dont know anything about the current stage of development and i dont know how long it might take to finish the game. But thats exactly my problem, PD gave us no timeframe, no info on the final product and no news whatsoever.
This video on the GTPlanet Homepage is no real "news" at all. Seeing this upscaled GT4 LeMans track made me laugh, because if they are really up to release GT5 with some old GT4 tracks, I dont really see why the development should take that long. (ok, maybe the cars take that long)
I hope they come up with some true GT5 screenshots, videos and info at the E3 2009.
Maybe all the footage provided comes from the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue build, or modifications of the Prologue version. I dont think PD showed us a single screenshot or video of the final product yet. So we can only guess that the final product will probably look like the Prologue with some minor changes.
Why cant we guess something else and better? :P

This video on the GTPlanet Homepage is no real "news" at all. Seeing this upscaled GT4 LeMans track made me laugh, because if they are really up to release GT5 with some old GT4 tracks (...)
Maybe you should know a bit more of what your looking at when your watching the video - seizure_ posted this saying that he didn't know if anyone have noticed this DVD containing some Gran Turismo stuff - but my little research shows that the DVD got released the 7th October 2008 then add some month for the recording etc = kinda old footage - So, would you have laughed at it back then? And you saying its a joke that they have 'old' GT4 content showing about close to GT5 release isn't fair.
Why cant we guess something else and better? :P

Maybe you should know a bit more of what your looking at when your watching the video - seizure_ posted this saying that he didn't know if anyone have noticed this DVD containing some Gran Turismo stuff - but my little research shows that the DVD got released the 7th October 2008 then add some month for the recording etc = kinda old footage - So, would you have laughed at it back then? And you saying its a joke that they have 'old' GT4 content showing about close to GT5 release isn't fair.

I said it might be a bit better, but i dont expect big changes.

And yes, i laughed back then, because the LeMans track was shown at the 24h race in LeMans 2008 in cooporation with Audi. I quickly recognized, that the track looked nearly the same as the old one from GT4 and back then i just thought they needed something to show off fast, so they took the old track and upscaled it.
After seeing the video here on GTPlanet as news, I thought it might actually represent the current status of the game, my fault.
Maybe I'm overly patient or something, but I just don't feel the angsty urgency some of you do.

You want screengrabs of GT5 cars. Well, in Prologue, you have cars you can view from almost any angle. A wide variety of them. What is it, 70? On top of that, you can actually race them. Online! You can play with the physics, preliminary as it is.

You want info about tracks. Prologue has a sampling of tracks, and a clue as to where GT5 is headed. There are the usual real life tracks we've come to expect from Gran Turismo. There are newcomers like Daytona. There are returning fantasy tracks like High Speed Ring. There are new "fantasy" tracks like Eiger, though it's based on a real course from history.

Prologue is like details on GT5 you can actually play around with. I know, in our ADD world where everything new is old in five minutes, Prologue is stale to many of you. But we've never had this much from Kaz and the lads before. We're just spoiled, but many of you don't realize it.
Invisible +rep for that post. I just can't understand the desperation to own something that's not even in existence yet... particularly coupled with the probable screaming-whinge-fest many of those same people are likely to throw as each flaw is uncovered and brought to light for the screamers to slaver about.
Hey guys, Obli was quoting the line, "Satan's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist." as a joke.

Haha, joke.

Exactly. The fact that we haven't seen / heard anything about GT5 makes it hard to prove it does exist. Plus, the original post is now questioning whether PD are alive... hence the joke...
Now we have more information about NFS: Shift than Gran Turismo 5

The last time I checked, EA and PD were two completely different companies.

I know EA have had a half decent track record to date, but NFS Undercover sucked from what I heard.

Are you really going to compare GT5 to a what is likely to be cash cow game??
Now we have more information about NFS: Shift than Gran Turismo 5 :sly:
Need For Speed with brakes.

Tada!!! It's not hard.

That and the difference in annual cash grab games and actual long development games is huge.

Honestly, that is like comparing the available news on any Wii game put out by EA or 2K to a AAA title on the PS3 or 360.

:eek:You're joking right?
Rock Band
Dead Space
Mirror's Edge

They are trying while also doing their usual cash grab stuff. Activision is the new EA. Their CEO has even admitted he is only interested in titles that they can exploit.
Rock Band
Dead Space
Mirror's Edge

They are trying while also doing their usual cash grab stuff. Activision is the new EA. Their CEO has even admitted he is only interested in titles that they can exploit.

Exactly my point, and EA are still supporting Burnout Paradise, over a year after launch!
Well I respectfully disagree, I remember with GT4 atleast every gameshow within atleast 1-2 years of GT4 release had GT4 or GT4P content. E3 and TGS were bustling with new gameplay videos, pictures and usually atleast one interview (remember the interviews where KY said there would a a drift mode?). I remember clearly scouring all the videos and pictures looking for traces of new cars, tracks and features.

Now days pictures and videos are far and few between and the last whole bunch of Gameshows have almost been a complete no show for Gran Turismo besides generic GT5P gamestands with no extra content.

but I am not complaining (I would love some screenies though), I know it is coming.
I'l answer this. Microsoft keep copying Sonys games. The singstar, buzz clones the camera etc. And Forza being a direct clone of Gran Turismo. If there wasnt a Gran Turismo there'd be no Forza. You can bet you're bottom dollar that if Polyphony Digital had a constant stream of info most of that stuff would be copied by Forza.