Granturismo/Polyphony dead ??

  • Thread starter marmar
How in the world has "we need info" and "you'll just have to wait" stretched out to five pages?

Cliff's notes version:

- Polyphony's page is down!
- No, its not
- I'm not getting any GT5 updates (WAAAH!...)
- Wait for it
- It's too long!
- Sigh....
- Mod won't let me whine about PD
- Since when???
- Why are you on PD's cuck??? PD lied!

and so and so forth...
Cliff's notes version:

- Polyphony's page is down!
- No, its not
- I'm not getting any GT5 updates (WAAAH!...)
- Wait for it
- It's too long!
- Sigh....
- Mod won't let me whine about PD
- Since when???
- Why are you on PD's cuck??? PD lied!

and so and so forth...

Haha that was pretty funny imo, not gonna lie.
Mods: Would it be an idea to combine all of the 'Whining' threads into one 'sticky-thread' on the first page?

It would stop all the additional posts being created and it would be one convienenint place for all the people to discuss the abysmal amount of information we receive about the development of the game.

Because its certainly a hot topic which lots of people clearly have an opinion on.

Suggestions for the title of this sticky thread could be:

PD (KY) love to surprise us - what do you think about that?

PD the slowest company in the world - Discuss

I'm sure there's an update around the corner.......Er no.

2010 !!!- thats taking the Pi.......discuss

Ardius's Nightmare

Hey it's only another Year away (we think)

Thats just a few suggestions I've come up with.

Hey we could even have a competion to come up with the best thread title - whoever wins can have a head to head race with one of our great mods..... oh we can't yet can we, unless you both click in at the exact same time. Mind you saying that theres a very good chance you'll both end up in a game together cos you'll be the only two people on-line soon.
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you forgot..

- "Sandbox of immature, impatient, spoiled brats who are used to getting what they want right now."
It's PD "secretive" way of doing things that bothers most. But face it, that's not new. And still they deliver (when the deliver) very good games. Bought by millions.

Maybe it's the japanese way. The british way I witness from eutechnyx (devs of FC and SCC) is more fan-friendly, but sometimes things get messy (fans get angry) and it may not be easy to deal with that.

However, most of the time it's fun to be able to talk directly to the guys that are creating a game. This morning I found myself contributing to the correct name-spelling in SCC. And I guess this interaction between gamers and devs is cool and tones down whatever complaints we (gamers) keep having.

Just check the 4th post of this thread:,449.msg4799.html
you forgot..

- "Sandbox of immature, impatient, spoiled brats who are used to getting what they want right now."

Not a bad title, a bit long maybe and a touch insensitive to people who in the noughties have come to expect good communication and updates from CLEVER companys who reward interested customers with information.

But if thats the best you can come up with then well done.

Gold Star.

I don't really wonder why you feel you have to defend your opinions so much.

I wish I didn't have to either Ardius, but as you know you have a little moan on here and you just get shot down so I do try to defend myself a bit.

Or to put it another way: the Opposite of Defend is Attack.

Ardius - All of us are on this forum because firstly our love of cars and then GT - we are all petrol heads and therefore we all should get on like a house on fire.

As you and many other have been on here a long time you know more than most of the new people on this site that no amount of 'Moaning' will bring GT5 or any updates closer as you've seen from your past 'vast' experince that it doesn't work.👍:)

But that doesn't stop people wanting to talk about it and express their opinions and then do so at a later date because they still can't beleive NOTHING has changed since the last time they had a grumble.

Its human nature. People want want want.

Thats why there should be a dedicated thread for people to dicuss there opinions about the things which 'grate on us' with regards to GT.

A forum which shows the good and also the bad things about a 'product' is a more usefull forum in my opinion.
It's PD "secretive" way of doing things that bothers most. But face it, that's not new. And still they deliver (when the deliver) very good games. Bought by millions.

Maybe it's the japanese way. The british way I witness from eutechnyx (devs of FC and SCC) is more fan-friendly, but sometimes things get messy (fans get angry) and it may not be easy to deal with that.

However, most of the time it's fun to be able to talk directly to the guys that are creating a game. This morning I found myself contributing to the correct name-spelling in SCC. And I guess this interaction between gamers and devs is cool and tones down whatever complaints we (gamers) keep having.

Just check the 4th post of this thread:,449.msg4799.html

Brilliant post - how cool would this be?
Not a bad title, a bit long maybe and a touch insensitive to people who in the noughties have come to expect good communication and updates from CLEVER companys who reward interested customers with information.

But if thats the best you can come up with then well done.

Gold Star.

I wish I didn't have to either Ardius, but as you know you have a little moan on here and you just get shot down so I do try to defend myself a bit.

Or to put it another way: the Opposite of Defend is Attack.

Ardius - All of us are on this forum because firstly our love of cars and then GT - we are all petrol heads and therefore we all should get on like a house on fire.

As you and many other have been on here a long time you know more than most of the new people on this site that no amount of 'Moaning' will bring GT5 or any updates closer as you've seen from your past 'vast' experince that it doesn't work.👍:)

But that doesn't stop people wanting to talk about it and express their opinions and then do so at a later date because they still can't beleive NOTHING has changed since the last time they had a grumble.

Its human nature. People want want want.

Thats why there should be a dedicated thread for people to dicuss there opinions about the things which 'grate on us' with regards to GT.

A forum which shows the good and also the bad things about a 'product' is a more usefull forum in my opinion.

dude, mega thumbs up for that.

it takes a LONG time for a new format to come out. and don't forget they're physically MEASURING each and every vehicle now down to minute detail. and from what I've seen of GT5P screenshots, they have to deal with designing full blown interiors on TOP of that, not to mention the guys working on the drivers themselves...

what you get from rushing is the first five tomb raiders, all clones on the same engine, the sucky "Angel of darkness", or the out of concept "legend". only "anniversary", a reimagining of the original Tomb Raider, gets a worthy in last gen format (they're still working on the current gen form).

unfortunately, I believe that what everybody's whining about is that GT5 will come off like "Duke Nukem Forever"...pure Vaporware. it's been in development heck for a decade, and people have pretty much given up.

also, people are used to having everything RIGHT NOW because of high speed in the information age. well, lemmie tell ya, junior, you didn't live through the great video game crash, have to wait 5 years to buy the next gen console when it's the last gen, or bargin hunt for beat up disks or carts.
Odd, no one in this thread has been banned or threatened with even as much as a warning, and the "Polyphony Digital Are You Listening" thread is still open too, as well as this one.

Yep, obviously dissing PD is not allowed at all or you get banninated and have your threads shut down.

yea yea I know, I'm just exaggerating, taking a crack. Honestly I'm sick of seeing people whine about PD's ways too... but man it can only be expected. They got everyone addicted to a helluvadrug and then cut them off, with prologue thrown in to keep them from succumbing to withdrawl haha. Weak, pathetic people that seem to get bullied around, poor souls.
I wish I didn't have to either Ardius, but as you know you have a little moan on here and you just get shot down so I do try to defend myself a bit.

Or to put it another way: the Opposite of Defend is Attack.

Ardius - All of us are on this forum because firstly our love of cars and then GT - we are all petrol heads and therefore we all should get on like a house on fire.

As you and many other have been on here a long time you know more than most of the new people on this site that no amount of 'Moaning' will bring GT5 or any updates closer as you've seen from your past 'vast' experince that it doesn't work.👍:)

But that doesn't stop people wanting to talk about it and express their opinions and then do so at a later date because they still can't beleive NOTHING has changed since the last time they had a grumble.

Its human nature. People want want want.

Thats why there should be a dedicated thread for people to dicuss there opinions about the things which 'grate on us' with regards to GT.

A forum which shows the good and also the bad things about a 'product' is a more usefull forum in my opinion.

I have nothing wrong with what you say most of the time, its just the odd line you use and the odd comment you make about something is sometimes not fair at all be it comments made about Polyphony or about other members or their reactions to you.
See this is the problem. PD made the same mistake with GT5 as Sony did with Home, reveal it too early. If GT5p was announced say last fall and released in the winter it was released we would be fine. GT5 would only be about a year away or so away. Not to mention GTHD which was released when the PS3 came out in 2006. The wait has been basically 3 years. The second problem is that PD is a very detached developer. Look at Kojima Productions before MGS4s release. Kojima and co were doing monthly podcasts, small news tidbits, interviews, screen shots, progress reports, studio tours, gameplay videos, etc. This did not always reveal new info but it kept fans excited and really made the wait easy. All PD would have to do is give us monthly updates with just little bits of info and the rest could be fluff. But this would keep everyone happy and involved. Also after MGS3 Kojima really listened to the fans. Raiden went from wuss to badass, more weapons, better camera, etc. Now I am not saying PD is required to make us feel good but if other developers can do it, so can they. PD has always made great games, I do not think anyone can deny that. But what they are not good at is public relations. If a member of PD visited a forum every month to talk about something, anything I think we all would be happy.

I'm not gonna do any math here but I think that validates my point. GT4 and GT5P have sold about as many copies as the original GT so far, and think of all the extra work that has gone in. They spend exponentially more money on each successive iteration of the game but sell about the same 10 million copies or so per generation. Honestly, yea, I'm sure theyre still rolling in cash, but that trend isn't sustainable.

How did KY's story go? They went from 1 guy taking a week to make a car in GT3, to a month in GT4, to like a team of people taking like 3 months or something like that for GT5 - something ridiculous like that. You gotta wonder where that will go, and is it worth trying peoples' patience and maybe even losing their attention.
Heh, now the complaint is they revealed things too early? I'd have to say, if I was a member of PD I would say mission accomplished if the critics can't even decide what they are more annoyed about with PD's actions. Clearly, the game is brilliant enough that people care enough to say they don't want to be revealed things too early nor do they want to wait a long time. Surely with this line of thinking one could tell themselves that the wait surely is worth it?

I'd like to see the evidence to suggest the GT5 won't be as good as GT4 at the very least - and why this means it isn't worth waiting longer-than normal lengths of time?

I'm not gonna do any math here but I think that validates my point. GT4 and GT5P have sold about as many copies as the original GT so far, and think of all the extra work that has gone in. They spend exponentially more money on each successive iteration of the game but sell about the same 10 million copies or so per generation. Honestly, yea, I'm sure theyre still rolling in cash, but that trend isn't sustainable.

How did KY's story go? They went from 1 guy taking a week to make a car in GT3, to a month in GT4, to like a team of people taking like 3 months or something like that for GT5 - something ridiculous like that. You gotta wonder where that will go, and is it worth trying peoples' patience and maybe even losing their attention.

There are only so many people on the planet to buy the games....even with birth rates what they are, you can't expect to sell more than they are really, seeing as driving games themselves are a niche in the gaming market - the casual gamers prefer more-aracde styled games or party games and shooters.
Overall I think thats a flawed argument seeing as games are becoming more and more complicated to build, of course the effort required increases! Especially compared to the PS1 which was a relatively easy console to program for.

And yes it is worth it! Would you rather the games industry be taken over by EA-clones? With little development time spent on them? There will always be a market for well-made games regardless the lengths of time it takes to build them.
If that were even remotely true then this thread wouldn't even exist.

Now aside from the inherent risk of using wiki as a 100% believable source of information, one little bit of info makes it highely unlikely that PD are going to go bust.

The rather important information is that they are and always have been a 100% Sony owned studio, as a first party studio they are only likely to cease to exist if either SCE go under or Sony closes the studio (as as PD make on of Sony's biggest selling franchises that's unlikely).

What surprises me most about this thread is that anyone is actually surprised at a lack of information about a GT release or a long development time for a GT release. Its been exactly the same way since the very first Gran Tursimo and to be honest is unlikely to change.



See my other replies above. One thing I want to make clear is that I don't agree to any of the original, rather ridiculous subject matter of this thread. I think PD is running like a well-oiled machine right now. My fears are stated in the aformentioned posts. Sony and PD might have aimed a bit high with GT5 is all I'm saying. Which is great for us aside from the wait.
The pages might be down, Dosent mean the factory/lounge/garage/hotel/loft is sure there just lazing around talking about how far gt has come..
There are only so many people on the planet to buy the games....even with birth rates what they are, you can't expect to sell more than they are really, seeing as driving games themselves are a niche in the gaming market - the casual gamers prefer more-aracde styled games or party games and shooters.
Overall I think thats a flawed argument seeing as games are becoming more and more complicated to build, of course the effort required increases! Especially compared to the PS1 which was a relatively easy console to program for.

And yes it is worth it! Would you rather the games industry be taken over by EA-clones? With little development time spent on them? There will always be a market for well-made games regardless the lengths of time it takes to build them.

You're 100% right. PD is doing something incredibly noble now by keeping as far away from the EA "****** games make a lot of money" model as possible. They're following the Japanese "make good games" model. They resisted Sonys' plans for a profitable GT so far (remember GTHD/Premium and microtransactions... dodged a bullet there...) and we can only hope they keep it up.
The surprise will be that at the end the game have always the same defects : poor IA, no damage, always the same GT mode, useless photomode ecc ecc.

Obviously, it's time some of you moved on to those greener tracks. ;)

I went back to racing Arcade Mode races because I grew tired of waiting for a race with more than three people in it, and often two. The online racers were quite mannerly, devoid of punters. I got banged in the rear a couple of times but in a way that happens with normal racing.

So I grab a race and tune it to my liking. I love having 15 competitors! The race is challenging and engaging. No glitching. And the bots all drove exactly the same as my online human rivals.

Same old defects? Bugs galore in Forza? Incorrect tire dynamics in GTR? The usual Codemasters' sameness and floaty feel?

And useless photomode?? Whatever dude.

As said by others like Foolkiller, I try the other games but keep coming back to Gran Turismo because it delivers a tangible racing experience which just isn't equaled by others. If you prefer those other games, cool, that's what freedom and taste are all about. But don't equate your preferences to some kind of absolute truth.

Your post is full of fail.
And useless photomode?? Whatever dude.

While I'd agree it's far from "useless" (just look at all the photomode competitions that have held for so long), it's also missing a lot. Motion blur is a big one that I think has been addressed for GT5, and lately the limitations on camera panning and movement - especially in the replay 'mode - have really been bugging me lately.
Motion blur is a big one that I think has been addressed for GT5,
It's been a while since I have bothered, but can't that be done with proper use of focus and shutter speeds, you know, like in real life?
It's been a while since I have bothered, but can't that be done with proper use of focus and shutter speeds, you know, like in real life?

That's how I remember it. I've got plenty of photos with motion-blurred backgrounds like that, makes powerslides look more exciting.
It's PD "secretive" way of doing things that bothers most. But face it, that's not new. And still they deliver (when the deliver) very good games. Bought by millions.

I've been a GT fan ever since I saw the first GT video, marvelling at the realistic way cars rode the curbs etc.

GT games have always been delayed, information has never been plentiful, but up until GT4, the information flow was always regular, even if just the odd screenshot.

Being secretive isn't the Japanease way, Sony are the masters of announcing titles way in advance and hyping them until release.

I'm not sure were the blind faith comes from, haven't gamers learned from the GT Mobile and GT5P letdowns.
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I think PD are on "secret mode", so they not want any rivals, to recognise, PD ideas for GT5, in the short term.

Also I believe that PD want to GT5 to show what PS3 be capable of achieving, like what they done in their previous games, for PS1 and PS2.

Remember, it is likely that a game, which the produces takes more time on that game to be better, than the opposite, PD are always like that on their games and if they make a game for PS4, it will be even longer to wait for the game to be released. :indiff:

I wish we could change lenses as well, like nice wide angle lenses and stuff... i love photomode and more adjustability would be really nice.
I've been a GT fan ever since I saw the first GT video, marvelling at the realistic way cars rode the curbs etc.

GT games have always been delayed, information has never been plentiful, but up until GT4, the information flow was always regular, even if just the odd screenshot.

Being secretive isn't the Japanease way, Sony are the masters of announcing titles way in advance and hyping them until release.

I'm not sure were the blind faith comes from, haven't gamers learned from the GT Mobile and GT5P letdowns.

What you mean the country that isolated itself almost completely from the outside world for over 200 years under the Sakoku policy doesn't have a tradition of being secretive?

PD have always played a lot of the information relating to the GT series very close to its chest until close (and I'm talking here around a year) to release. Even then the information does tend to be minimal.


The greatest trick... PD ever pulled... was convincing the world GT5 doesn't exist :P
Well played, sir. :lol:

What you mean the country that isolated itself almost completely from the outside world for over 200 years under the Sakoku policy doesn't have a tradition of being secretive?

PD have always played a lot of the information relating to the GT series very close to its chest until close (and I'm talking here around a year) to release. Even then the information does tend to be minimal.


I think when people think of the information they are thinking of trade shows where they have some list of features they want to do. But people tend to forget that after that most of our news comes from PD crew being spotted out and about and the occasional screen shot Sony will release when it gets close to announcinga launch date.

There are huge gaps in official information, but the online world's ability to weasel out stuff has made it seem like that isn't the case. This time however it apears Sony and PD are managing to keep the lid on all important information.