Edit : concerning above post about defensive line/ideal line. A little quote form the dutch rules (received them an hour ago)
"Racing line is not allowed. We're looking for the best driver so we want to make it as realistic as possible"
Firstly, I think the driving line is mainly at fault for the Indy crash. I've said it before, the driving line does NOT work in a race. Drivers defend the line and not the corner, if they are on the line they believe they have right of way and they tend to follow the line instead of taking their own and leaving space. I'm not saying the Indy crash was 100% MAY's fault but if you look at the line he takes, he takes the ideal and perfect line. This is something you can very rarley do at the first corner of a race. Somebody of MAY's expirence in many online races and competitions should know this.
When guys take fast, correct lines, even though they might be on the blue line doesn't mean they are following it. That point holds no water.
i never used the line... but others guys on the final did.. no probs at alllets just face it.. there's no turning back now... it's done! lets support Hunter_4_6 (Filipe Barreto) now who has no fault on this, he just did his race. he's the winner and a talented driver too
First, I don't think there are any bad feelings toward the guy that hit MAY, mistakes happen, but they need to be righted.
Second, blaming that on the racing line be turned on is the most ridiculous thing I've read yet. I think you might be mistaken MAY for an noob. The guy is a great driver, and a better racer. When guys take fast, correct lines, even though they might be on the blue line doesn't mean they are following it. That point holds no water.
Third, it is really annoying hearing people talk about other crashes MAY was involved in, and how some go out of their way to say it was his fault. What is wrong with you people?!
I really hate side seat drivers in real life, but I realise I hate them even more on the innerwebs. I wouldn't wish the misfortune MAY faced on anyone, even on those who have empathy for him like that of a mortician.
A final word on the portuguese final...
1) MAY's driving ability is well known. And his "misfortune" at the final race does not decrease his merit and skills. He's most likely the fastest, more consistent and skillful portuguese GT player around.
2) The reactions we are getting from fellow portuguese posters, who seemed to be even more upset with the situation then MAY itself (he deal with it pretty well - my hat's off to you), it's getting, in my honest opinion ridiculous (sorry!); I'm not sure if the driver 'apparently' responsible for the accident reads this forum but, if he does I'm pretty sure that his feeling pretty bad with all this fuzz. People are getting to the point of demanding public excuses from the guy...
3) Another person who is probably getting little disgusted about it also should be probably the actual winner of the event - who, I recall, wasn't involved in the accident in th 1st turn of the finals. His merit on winning the event his '0' accordingly to some of the posts that we've read. No matter how much some people are disappointed about MAY didn't manage to get to Silverstone, there's an actual winner of the event that had merit for it - merit for being on the finals, passing the eliminatory stages and holding it up through the last race. Please respect that and respect him!
i never used the line... but others guys on the final did.. no probs at alllets just face it.. there's no turning back now... it's done! lets support Hunter_4_6 (Filipe Barreto) now who has no fault on this, he just did his race. he's the winner and a talented driver too
I wasn't going to post in this thread about the MAY crashes as it will just add fuel to the fire, but some points being made are just ridiculous...
Firstly, I think the driving line is mainly at fault for the Indy crash. I've said it before, the driving line does NOT work in a race. Drivers defend the line and not the corner, if they are on the line they believe they have right of way and they tend to follow the line instead of taking their own and leaving space. I'm not saying the Indy crash was 100% MAY's fault but if you look at the line he takes, he takes the ideal and perfect line. This is something you can very rarley do at the first corner of a race. Somebody of MAY's expirence in many online races and competitions should know this. No matter who you are racing you MUST give everybody space, as one touch will ruin it. You must be aware of everybody around, late brakers and all your competitors. I dont think the black car is fully at fault the way some guys are pointing out.
The second nurburgring crash I do believe its MAY's fault. You can see the guy back off early to allow MAY space and avoid running into the back of him under brakes. The guy is barley on the throttle in the corner and when the accident actually takes place, he's on the brakes trying to avoid it. MAY caused the accident by taking too much speed into the corner and slamming on the brakes. The car following had no where to go and the bump was unavoidable.
I'm gutted for MAY not making Silverstone and maybe on another day you would have made it, but I think everyone needs to look at these videos and learn. Just because they have made the national finals, doesn't mean you can treat it any differently to an online race in 5. Treat it as you racing randoms online, nerves and the atmosphere can change all of that in a racer...
(...)MAY made a mistake for being naive, and the black car made a mistake for being reckless, which IMO, is worst, hence the complains in this thread.
Hello to all
If you have any question about the final, please ask me, I'll try to answer with complete sincerity
1 - Did you consider the possibility of the cars available at Silverstone being Right Hand Drive?
Were the cars on last GTAcademy Right Hand Drive ?
Hello to all
If you have any question about the final, please ask me, I'll try to answer with complete sincerity
I agree with you partially, but now speaking without being "politically correct"
i thought he black driver was dumb because he was trying to overtake when he couldn't.
I know MAY was "naive" because he assume everybody would behave as gentlemans, but that doesn't take the blame of the black car for driving like an idiot. Maybe it was an honest mistake?
Were the cars on last GTAcademy Right Hand Drive ?
I think it'll be wise to revert back to being politically correct. If you can't discuss without throwing insults at the driver concerned, then perhaps it's time to end this discussion.
After observing the replays it is quite clear that the black car was responsible for the crash occuring and the race probably should have been stopped. In real life the black car would surely have been given a drive thru but, the race would not have been stopped, or re-run. So in conclusion and summary, one must accept that MAY was dealt a cruel blow but that it is part of racing, it's a simple case of a timid driver clashing with an aggressive driver, it's not always going to end happily. There is always a next year
Tomorrow Im going to pick it up from Nissan headquaters, I can have it for 5 days, not sure about petrol costs, pretty excited about it!
Tomorrow Im going to pick it up from Nissan headquaters, I can have it for 5 days, not sure about petrol costs, pretty excited about it!