GT Planet Worldwide Member Time Attack Challenge Season Two

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Hi i"am akiraacecombat...

Welcome back 👍 !

Here's my tuning for the Mazda Roadster 1800 on Trail Mountian -

R' Height F/R -20/-18
S' Rate F/R 3/8
Damper F/R 3/8
Toe F/R -35/+35
C' Angle F/R 2.5/2.5]

Did anybody else have the Toe like mine?

Here was my tuning :

Ride height F/R: -20 / -19
Spring rate F/R: 8 / 9
Damper F/R: 8 / 9
Toe, F/R: +0.40 / -0.10
Camber F/R: 1.7 / 2.5

BUT, I am experimenting, I am not the one who really knows what he is doing ! I am not sure about the toe either cause this car is a RWD: "In a rear wheel drive car, increased front toe in (i.e. the fronts of the front wheels are closer together than the backs of the front wheels) provides greater straight-line stability at the cost of some sluggishness of turning response, as well as a little more tire wear as they are now driving a bit sideways." (see wikipedia Toe (see external links too, learnt a lot but still in learning process, AND Vehicule dynamics)

Edit : Got confused here between french and english : Toe IN is "+" and Toe OUT is "-" or the opposite (I would say the opposite but... ) ?

Mmm, Laguna Seca, Haven't really even touched this track yet on GTP... well here goes!

Me neither, I am not a fan of Laguna Seca... But when you have to... !!!
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I am very sorry for the late update, my friends mother was admitted to the hospital this morning. I went to the hospital with my friends to make she was doing okay while she waited for her mothers tests.
I am very sorry for the late update, my friends mother was admitted to the hospital this morning. I went to the hospital with my friends to make she was doing okay while she waited for her mothers tests.

I sincerely wish she'll be fine...
Hi ! Made few laps at Laguna Seca, I'm in 1'43.5xx - 1'42.5xx range, best lap 1'42.263... I'll try new tuning tomorrow...

Edit : 1'41.343 (did almost all the laps -10 laps actually- under 1'42.000 but I don't think I will be able to go in the 1'39. ; I aim 1'40.500...)
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I am very sorry for the late update, my friends mother was admitted to the hospital this morning. I went to the hospital with my friends to make she was doing okay while she waited for her mothers tests.
Very sorry to hear about this. I've been off work since Monday because my fiancée's stepfather (who was a much better father to her than her biological father for the past 15 years) finally lost his battle with cancer Monday morning. His service was yesterday; she and her family are taking it pretty hard. She and I are both back at work today, but I have a feeling spirits are going to be low at my house for a while. :guilty:
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your fiancee. My grandfather passed away from the battle with cancer last year, so I have an idea how things are right now.
I am very sorry for the late update, my friends mother was admitted to the hospital this morning. I went to the hospital with my friends to make she was doing okay while she waited for her mothers tests.

I hope she's doing better now, niigaki.

Very sorry to hear about this. I've been off work since Monday because my fiancée's stepfather (who was a much better father to her than her biological father for the past 15 years) finally lost his battle with cancer Monday morning. His service was yesterday; she and her family are taking it pretty hard. She and I are both back at work today, but I have a feeling spirits are going to be low at my house for a while. :guilty:

Please accept my sincere condolences for you and your fiancee, Glubags. Cancer's a bitch. My fiancee has been battling stomach cancer for the past five and a half years (the last 5 spent in an isolation room). Our hope is that she gets well enough to be able to leave the hospital (or even go to a normal room so I can visit)... our marriage has been on hold for ever since the diagnosis.

Just being there for your loved ones, as niigaki and Glu did, is pretty much all we can do - but sometimes it's also the best thing. Having a shoulder to lean on is very valuable in trying times.
Side note: I'm currently at 1'39.9xx and my 'wall' is staring me right in the face. Any improvement I make won't be measured in seconds, but tenths and hundredths of a second.

I have a love/hate relationship with Laguna Seca. I love it because it is challenging. I hate it because it is challenging. The last time we ran it for the Time Attack Challenge, I finished dead last. My hope is to move up a couple spots!
Did a few laps today, got it down to 1'43.5xx. Not gonna have a lot of time to spend on this one. Let me just say one thing... I love this car!! Sometimes if you get the breaking distance just right at the corkscrew it's as if the car just slides around and through it (but this doesn't happen too often with me).

I guess we''ll be seeing a few 1'41'xxxs from the faster drivers on this one.

P.s. Glubags and Niigaki, my prayers are with you.
BUT, I am experimenting, I am not the one who really knows what he is doing ! I am not sure about the toe either cause...

Same with me, it's pretty much do a few laps - change something, do a few laps - change something - until I find a setup that works for me. One thing i have noticed, it depends on the track, how long breaking distances are, if there are long straights or not etc...

Thanx for that link!:)
Sometimes if you get the breaking distance just right at the corkscrew it's as if the car just slides around and through it (but this doesn't happen too often with me).

I've always heard people mentioning that if you take the corkscrew correctly, you'll know it. I've run Laguna Seca well over 150 times (in various Gran Turismo games) and I've NEVER hit it correctly! Talk about my bad luck (and skill). I hope to finally 'nail it'.

I've always heard people mentioning that if you take the corkscrew correctly, you'll know it. I've run Laguna Seca well over 150 times (in various Gran Turismo games) and I've NEVER hit it correctly! Talk about my bad luck (and skill). I hope to finally 'nail it'.


I don't know man, sometimes I get lucky. I hit the crest of the hill at 150 or so, start breaking like crazy, gear down to 2nd, let go of the break halfway into the turn at 60 or so and free through the rest. Only accelerating after the right. The reason I was so exited is 'cause I've never gotten it right in any other car!
Were you on the far right side of the track just before entering the corkscrew? Or do you attack it on the left side? I think my line might be the problem...
I dunno... if you feel you're at your wall at 1'39.9xx, I doubt we'll be 3 to 4 seconds faster. After all, you've been creeping up on us lately! I'm about to have a crack at it and see. Laguna Seca is one of my favorites, as is the NSX.
I dunno... if you feel you're at your wall at 1'39.9xx, I doubt we'll be 3 to 4 seconds faster. After all, you've been creeping up on us lately! I'm about to have a crack at it and see. Laguna Seca is one of my favorites, as is the NSX.

My 'wall' comes quite a bit earlier than yours does!


I know that I'm losing 1 to 1 1/2 seconds on the corkscrew alone. I'm only feeling good about my performance on two turns for this track. I have to think that I'm losing at least another second or so for the other botched turns. I also have to mention that tuning has always been a thorn in my side and I generally do more harm than good with my settings. Add to that the simple fact that you and Pitch are many seconds faster than me and I feel pretty good with my estimate!


But we'll just have to see some times to really get a better sense of where the leader(s) will end up.
Hahah, well I hope you aren't losing over a second on the corkscrew alone, because I just did a clean and fairly satisfying lap, and it clocked in at 1'39.407. I think I should be able to break into 1'38s since a few corners were taken with reluctant throttle so as not to throw the lap away. Once I get all the braking and turn-in points down on these S1 tires, I'll see just how much this lap can be improved for me. This thing just needs more traction.

Also, I am being way too careful around Rainey curve... the downhill and camber just keep throwing me off, not sure how hard I can push through there.
hi everyone , im have some practice this morning and i managed to make 1:42:945, i know is a slow time, but i find a series of corners where i can impruve, the first one and most dificult is the corkscrew where if you are good enougth you can inpruve 1 to 3 second based in my 1:43.000 , the other corners that have a lot way of make the time faster is the 4,6,7 and 10 corners where if you are skilled you can get half a second of each using the trick of drifting a little bit,as well in these corners you can be even faster but if you go 2 wheel out of the track, as well a lot of braking skill is needed to impruve lap time in the last corner and the first corner, i keep trying to impruve, i recon that is posible to get to 1:38:500 if you stay in the track, i can bet that the best times will be between 1:39 to 1:37.
Hahah, well I hope you aren't losing over a second on the corkscrew alone, because I just did a clean and fairly satisfying lap, and it clocked in at 1'39.407. I think I should be able to break into 1'38s since a few corners were taken with reluctant throttle so as not to throw the lap away. Once I get all the braking and turn-in points down on these S1 tires, I'll see just how much this lap can be improved for me. This thing just needs more traction.

Your early personal estimates are always quite conservative! You're always a couple to a few seconds better in the end.

Also, I am being way too careful around Rainey curve... the downhill and camber just keep throwing me off, not sure how hard I can push through there.

This is a trouble corner for me. I've started to just let off the throttle as I seem to lose too much speed if I brake. Even though it's difficulty pales in comparison to the corkscrew, it is still a tricky little one in a higher-powered car.
Did a few laps today, fastest was a 1:40.320. There's room for improvement, i've just got to gather up those extra tenths. I'll try again later.
sorry but can i adjust my tcs to 7, i am with no tcs and i am not doing faster than 1:41.000

Of course! The only real restrictions here are S1 tires for the normal cars and R1 tires for the race cars (and it seems we'll only be running R1s in the last challenge for the F2007 if the next challenge with the Lancia Stratos is on a dirt course). The TCS, ASM, Active Steering, etc. are all up to you. You'll probably find that the quickest times use none of these assists, though.

Edit: I'm beginning to compile the car list for season 3, which should begin Monday, March 1st. I hope you guys like it!
Pitch - what kind of times are you getting at the moment?

I run in 1'39.180.

I do not manage to find the good setting with this car which is rather difficult has to drive, especially with these tires.

I do not think of realizing better that 1' on this circuit, has less to find a shortcut !
Did a few laps today, fastest was a 1:40.320. There's room for improvement, i've just got to gather up those extra tenths. I'll try again later.

That's pretty fast for a only doing a few laps! My 1'39.9xx came after about 30 - 40 laps...
I run in 1'39.180.

I do not think of realizing better that 1' on this circuit, has less to find a shortcut !

My thoughts exactly. I'm hoping I can pull out a 1'38.8xx or better with a good lap. I'd be satisfied with a 1'38.9xx, but I'm really hoping for a low 1'38.8xx or 1'38.7xx.
I run in 1'39.180.

I do not manage to find the good setting with this car which is rather difficult has to drive, especially with these tires.

I do not think of realizing better that 1' on this circuit, has less to find a shortcut !

That's really fast, Pitch!