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There's a second video from a different angle that shows the nose well in the air before the crest, it also looks like he lifted by the exhaust fume discharge as he crested, but it seemed as if all four wheels were well off the ground by then,
Taki Inoue? The guy who crashed AND was ran over the safety car the same season?
I believed he DIVED to make it the safety car's fault.

I hope this video is legal here....presenting the prick himself TAKI INOUE!!!!!!

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I hope this video is legal here....presenting the prick himself TAKI INOUE!!!!!!

ahaha you can see he sees the car coming, then we quickly runs over to grab someone when the safety car is literally a few feet away to make it like he was just minding his own business trying to stop the car from smoking then WAM the safety came outta no where woaahhh oh god.
I hope this video is legal here....presenting the prick himself TAKI INOUE!!!!!!

He also crashed it at Monaco

I think we're all taking one misguided person's tweet a little far. I have my doubts as to if that account is real or not. It's not verified and looks a lot like a parody.

It sure looks like a parody, but knowing the real Taki, it wouldn't surprise me if it was real.
I think we're all taking one misguided person's tweet a little far. I have my doubts as to if that account is real or not. It's not verified and looks a lot like a parody.
It is Taki. He confirmed it in his TGM interview.
Not to mention it appears that the spectators were not behind the secondary fence like they should have been.
The fence got damaged and some parts were lying behind it. I saw this in an video coverage of the incident.
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Don't be a knob Omnis, and read my posts again, the only blame I've laid for the death in this thread was with the person that died IF they were in an area where they shouldn't have been. However I 'm not subscribing to the idea that getting air off a crest because you were going to fast is some kind of mystical, impossible to understand, set of circumstances.

The way the car seems to just glide on its rear wing is the eeriest thing I've seen in a while...

It's a very old track, built before safety was a concern or even an option, and I think its age might be catching up to it.
Yup, this layout is from when Hitler was still in prison writing Mein Kampf. Racers enthusiasm is what keeps it going not the assumption of safety it seems. I for one like the track and dont want it to go, as there's not enough money to make it TOTALLY safe and even all the money in the world likely wouldn't make this layout the same risk level as other tracks. I think there is a tolerated risk at this point on the ring. 10 deaths a year, mostly amateur track days........ The GT3 cars are pretty safe cars.

I remember the Daytona 500 this year, the safer barriers cost something like $500 a foot or something similar. The amount of money it cost to get ever bit of wall covered was financially draining. I remember Jimmie Johnson tweeted that it should be everywhere, I'm sure he can pick up the tab on that one. Then he cant win another 6 championships to pay off the debt.
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From couple of years ago

So, if we take that into consideration then Jann might've made the mistake.

For those of you, who don't understand german, they said: "That was very close to a rollover. Maybe he was a little too long on the throttle. Right before Flugplatz, you have to go off the throttle or even brake a little to keep the car down, you cannot stay on the throttle and go "balls to the walls", that will not work."

Anyways, here are few highlights of yesterdays VLN Race, and they don't include any footage from the accidents, just as a little disclaimer for the mods :)

For those of you, who don't understand german, they said: "That was very close to a rollover. Maybe he was a little too long on the throttle. Right before Flugplatz, you have to go off the throttle or even brake a little to keep the car down, you cannot stay on the throttle and go "balls to the walls", that will not work."
This could be one of the reasons, considering the audi before the nissan didn't lift at flugplatz at all.
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That's it. The DMSB have just announced GT3 cars are banned from competition. We aren't sure whether it's whilst the investigation continues or whether it's permanent, but it's the right thing to do, and pretty much the only immediate action that could've been taken.

This does include the Scuderia Glicks, by the way.
That's it. The DMSB have just announced GT3 cars are banned from competition. We aren't sure whether it's whilst the investigation continues or whether it's permanent, but it's the right thing to do, and pretty much the only immediate action that could've been taken.

This does include the Scuderia Glicks, by the way.

Post a link as I can't find anything on the DMSB website.
Post a link as I can't find anything on the DMSB website.
It was broadcast on German radio (SWR3 station). Could be a little while before the DMSB physically post stuff on their site about it; it is par for the course whilst the investigation takes place anyway. Nurburgring only, in case anyone was confused.
According to Marcel ten Catt on twitter licences are usually suspended pending an investigation.

Wait for official news.

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