GT Sport have over 5 million players

  • Thread starter AKps3
The document is from Daniel Loeb, an investor who analyzes the gaming market. I'm not sure where he was able to get those numbers if not pulled from third party sites, but at least Shuhei didnt dispute it.
The document is from Daniel Loeb, an investor who studies the gaming market. I'm not sure where he was able to get those numbers if not pulled from third party sites, but at least Shuhei didnt dispute it.

Someone on Era said they've from VGChartz. So yeah, grain of salt.
An estimate from a third party, using VGChartz as its only listed source?

It seems Yosp has confirmed the 8m sold figure.

He sort of did. ;)

All he did was say thanks in response to a congrats. If the numbers are off, I doubt Twitter is the place Yoshida-san would address that. It's not outside the realm of possibility though, although how that squares with player counts from various sources would be very interesting to know.

I don't think the genre shrunk, not at all, in fact i'd say the opposite. The thing is there are just more options now, and with online, many will focus on one game. Would be interesting to compare the global sales of car racing games through time.

I dunno, it's hard to say. While there's a lot of options out there, I think most general gamers would probably only pick up three or less per generation. And how many of them crack seven figures? GT, Forza, NFS, and Driveclub. Maybe PCARS2 across all platforms. Even F1, as polished as it is, is grabbing less players per year, at least on PS4 based on Gamstat.

We covered the sales figures ups and downs of the genre two years ago (with, admittedly, a good chunk of estimation and simplification):

6 million copies is a decent number for a racing sim,i dont know where the forza franchise sits on copies sold numbers but the whole racing genre kinda shrunk in the last few years.

Tying into the above, I'd think the sales figures of racing games per year might've stayed pretty even, but it's just that the other genres have exploded. Racing games probably take up a smaller chunk of the pie, IMO.

I've no doubt any individual Forza title has sold less than GT Sport, outside of maybe FH3 or FH4. But it's also worth considering that FM6 and FM7 were produced in the same timeframe as GTS, so I'd be curious to see their combined budgets (and break-even points) compared. The smaller install base (at least until Forza games went PC starting with FH3) would also hamper any serious Xbox challenges to the overall sales charts. FH4 has remained in the UK Top 20 all year though, and is the only racing game to do that. Outside of DiRT Rally 2.0's launch and some scattered appearances by PCARS2, FH3, and FM7, none of the licensed car racing games have shown up in the top 40 this year...

I looked up VGchartz GTSport numbers and it's less than half of 8 million on that unreliable site though. hmmm

My guess is an extrapolation from sites like Gamstat.

GT games have always had incredible legs, and PD's continued support of Sport no doubt helps that even further.
Great numbers, really. Horizon 4 and GTS are really keeping the racing genre in the spotlight with both their respective consoles, even if they aren't that similar of games. Horizon 4 sitting at 10 million players, with GTS not too far behind I'd imagine.
Great numbers, really. Horizon 4 and GTS are really keeping the racing genre in the spotlight with both their respective consoles, even if they aren't that similar of games. Horizon 4 sitting at 10 million players, with GTS not too far behind I'd imagine.
Yeah forza horizon has 10 milion players but we have to see if this numbers are done thanks to gamepass where the first month costs only 1$, free demo ecc. (also fh3 had 9 milion players but the actual copies sold were less than half) , Gran Turismo 8 milions refers to actual copies sold.
Sorry my english
Yeah forza horizon has 10 milion players but we have to see if this numbers are done thanks to gamepass where the first month costs only 1$, free demo ecc. (also fh3 had 9 milion players but the actual copies sold were less than half) , Gran Turismo 8 milions refers to actual copies sold.
Sorry my english
I've never implied otherwise, but who really cares and how does it affect any of us how it achieved any of what it did? Why was that necessary for you to dispute? Also, the demos aren't linked to the records because they don't count towards the final games results.

Anyways, the Ultimate edition alone was already on track to do much better than FH3 did this time around. And no, FH3 copies sold were not 50% less, that's absolutely asinine to even begin to think that. If we can say that about FH3, we can say that about GTS too.

Either way, I was never talking about GTS sales in the first place, that's why I specifically said players. What's also funny is that GTS is also bundled in with those that played the Beta as well, so again, who cares and why? Stop trying to one up something for no reason and just be happy with how popular these games are getting.
I've never implied otherwise, but who really cares and how does it affect any of us how it achieved any of what it did? Why was that necessary for you to dispute? Also, the demos aren't linked to the records because they don't count towards the final games results.

Anyways, the Ultimate edition alone was already on track to do much better than FH3 did this time around. And no, FH3 copies sold were not 50% less, that's absolutely asinine to even begin to think that. If we can say that about FH3, we can say that about GTS too.

Either way, I was never talking about GTS sales in the first place, that's why I specifically said players. What's also funny is that GTS is also bundled in with those that played the Beta as well, so again, who cares and why? Stop trying to one up something for no reason and just be happy with how popular these games are getting.
Don't get mad pls, i was not trying to attack fh lol... why are you talking about players when the above data refers to the copies sold not to the number of players, they are two completely different things (for example also driveclub had 10 million players but in reality as sold copies it was about 2 million, which suggests that the numbers of players they are not indicative if a brand is healthy or not, so that's why i wanted to specify)
Don't get mad pls
I'm not, I'm asking why it even matters when that distinction was never even made in the first place. You're replying to things that weren't said in order to try to put it down for a reason I don't understand. There was no comparison, or point that one is better than the other, so to go at it as such is just a bit odd in my opinion. Especially considering you signed up just to write that post, which makes it even odder.

why are you talking about players when the above data refers to the copies sold not to the number of players,
Because I wanted to? Because both these games are pulling in a lot of people? There's been no confirmation on sales for both parties, and even if there was, that wasn't the point being made.

they are two completely different things (for example also driveclub had 10 million players but in reality as sold copies it was about 2 million, which suggests that the numbers of players they are not indicative if a brand is healthy or not, so that's why i wanted to specify, i was not trying to attack fh lol)
Yeah I know, but if you look at the post that you responded to, I never pretended as such. I merely pointed out that both these games are keeping the racing genre upfront with how well they both seem to be doing. Number of players is especially indicative of how healthy a product is, because you don't get to 10 million players by just being a free game. FH3 did just that without being on any pass, so it would make sense that the next, better, game would likely be doing just as good as before, irregardless of a pass.

The other odd thing is to pretend that there's 9mil+ players on FH3, and that only half of that was actual sales, but then to say GTS with it's 9mil+ players is sitting at 8mil sales.. why wouldn't the same logic be applied to both sides?

Either way, you're going on about sales as if there was a comparison being made, when there wasn't. There wasn't any comparison between anything.
The other odd thing is to pretend that there's 9mil+ players on FH3, and that only half of that was actual sales, but then to say GTS with it's 9mil+ players is sitting at 8mil sales.. why wouldn't the same logic be applied to both sides?

GTS is not a free downlodable game on xbox and PC like FH4 (with 1€/$ xbox game pass subscription) so the comparison between the users number of the two games doesn't make much sense (Driveclub with 2 million copies sold has over 11 million players thanks to the PS plus free downlodable edition)
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GTS is not a free downlodable game on xbox and PC like FH4 (with 1€/$ xbox game pass subscription) so the comparison between the users number of the two games doesn't make much sense (Driveclub with 2 million copies sold has over 11 million players thanks to the PS plus free downlodable edition)
Not only was there no comparison, but you obviously didn’t read what you responded too either. That post was in regard to FH3, that that person brought up so please take the time to understand what you’re responding to. Guess what though, FH3 wasn’t a “free” game either so your point doesn’t really add anything to what was being talked about. Not only that, but FH4 isn’t a free game as well since you have to actually pay for a subscription to play it.

Jesus, you guys pick users post when people disagree with something you like and even when the game you like gets congratulated, apparently. It makes absolutely no sense to me why you’d want to be so petty.
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It makes absolutely no sense to me why you’d want to be so petty.
What i would like to know is how many new people did each game bring to the table . How many gtsport players never played it before vs the forza games how many new people did they attract ? Then out of those numbers how many stayed playing the game .

And to answer your question i think most people with common sense know why some want to be petty . Its same reason some lacking in areas buy a big truck . Mainly over compensating .
Not only was there no comparison, but you obviously didn’t read what you responded too either. That post was in regard to FH3, that that person brought up so please take the time to understand what you’re responding to. Guess what though, FH3 wasn’t a “free” game either so your point doesn’t really add anything to what was being talked about. Not only that, but FH4 isn’t a free game as well since you have to actually pay for a subscription to play it.

Jesus, you guys pick users post when people disagree with something you like and even when the game you like gets congratulated, apparently. It makes absolutely no sense to me why you’d want to be so petty.

the only petty thing is this attempt to belittle the GTS sales success by comparing it to the users number of FH4 (many of witch have downloaded the game for free thanks to xbox game pass 1€/$ subscription on console and PC)

Horizon 4 sitting at 10 million players, with GTS not too far behind I'd imagine.
There sure is a whole lot of wannabe Mebe's who desperately want to discount FH3/4 and Driveclub sales because they appeared on Game Pass / released on PS Plus.

How many times does this argument need to be made before it's realized that it's bunk, or not as pronounced as people want to have it be? And more over, why does anybody care if FH3/4 or Driveclub being on subscription services?
There sure is a whole lot of wannabe Mebe's who desperately want to discount FH3/4 and Driveclub sales because they appeared on Game Pass / released on PS Plus.

How many times does this argument need to be made before it's realized that it's bunk, or not as pronounced as people want to have it be? And more over, why does anybody care if FH3/4 or Driveclub being on subscription services?

GTS for free on PS plus would now have 25 million users or more
When it's actually Sony or PD announcing a sales figure for GTS rather than a New York investment house with a declared vested interest, I'll believe it. Until then I'll assume that it's something that they themselves are disappointed by. We haven't heard them boast of 8 million players yet.

Driveclub is an oddity with its free version being mixed into the player numbers. The oft-quoted 2 million sales is for the first 8 or 9 months, and it was still getting updates and DLC for 8 or 9 months after that. I bought it well after that 2m figure was announced, at a bargain price for sure, but I'm sure I wasn't alone! Whatever, I'm confident it sold notably more than 2 million over its lifetime.

Not that it matters, because we're talking about GTS and as said above, comparisons aren't relevant. We actually have a good deal of pretty solid info via being able to read everyone's GTS profile. Simply the number of them makes 8m sales a virtual impossibility - it would require nobody to be sharing a copy, nobody to be using a secondhand copy, all profiles to be valid, and a higher than 56% conversion from open beta to paid copy.
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Not bad if only FIFA 16 compare to other game on ps4.
I find it quite impressive the GTS has sold as much as it has and competes with FH in terms of sales. That to me is amazing, especially when considering how niche GTS is. As lacking as the game might have been at launch, it really did make a come back and the sales figures I think show this.
GTS for free on PS plus would now have 25 million users or more
Fortnite has over 200 million players .player numbers dont mean anything . Sales mean for each company profit if any and or breaking even or lose some money . That is it .

The petty part is someone pretending they made a game and then like my gran daughter saying my game is better than yours .

I can tell you right now that the majority of pc race game players think console games suck and consoles themselves are for noobs haha .

So really everything relative . If forza sold 20 billion more copies than any other racing game on a console who cares ?
I can tell you right now that the majority of pc race game players think console games suck and consoles themselves are for noobs haha .

I have never met a hardcore PC gamer (myself included) that didn’t also own, enjoy, and love consoles as well.

The iRacing circle I belong to all grew up on GT games and they all play GT/S when they don’t feel like spending 3 hours on one race.

You’re trying to perpetuate the PcMasterRace trope and it’s really not representative of the majority of PC gamers, who are just that - gamers. Same team, same dream.
the only petty thing is this attempt to belittle the GTS sales success by comparing it to the users number of FH4 (many of witch have downloaded the game for free thanks to xbox game pass 1€/$ subscription on console and PC)
Not only have they given FH4 away for free since launch day, if they're counting users, they're counting multiple accounts as multiple users, and some people have many accounts. Presumably if someone downloads it for free, runs it up once to go "ooh" at the graphics, and never plays it again, that's another "player" added to the count. It's just not in any way comparable to GTS having sold 8m copies.
You’re trying to perpetuate
Um no . I play mostly on console . But facts are facts .
To stay on topic which isnt me , who cares what game sells how many ? If a person has fun playing mario kart or need for speed or forza , that is all that counts .

A factual number being reported for one game shouldnt have the same my dads bigger than your dad reply but here we are .
Apropos of nothing:



the only petty thing is this attempt to belittle the GTS sales success by comparing it to the users number of FH4 (many of witch have downloaded the game for free thanks to xbox game pass 1€/$ subscription on console and PC)

Okay, there's a lot to unpack here, so I'll break it down:
  1. Do you understand what "free" means? I ask because that word has been discussed at length around these parts.
  2. Do you have a source on the split between how FH4 players have come to access the game? We just posted an article about the game hitting 10 million players, so a detailed breakdown of how many bought it traditional ways would be handy.
  3. There's no belittling here. Let the weird dog-whistle response you have to any Forza mention pass, and realize the post you took issue with is celebrating the continued success of both titles.
I find it quite impressive the GTS has sold as much as it has and competes with FH in terms of sales. That to me is amazing, especially when considering how niche GTS is. As lacking as the game might have been at launch, it really did make a come back and the sales figures I think show this.

I think it might also have something to do with effective messaging, and the relative lack of competition they both face in their niches. GTS is niche, sure, but it still carries a name tons of PlayStation fans recognize. And people can dig the idea of a more focused title these days, especially if it's focused on online. Same with Forza on Xbox, but instead of niche, it's went the other direction, casting a wide net to bring lots of different people into racing games in general. Instead of moving into more extreme sim-ness, FM7 arguably moved more towards Horizon, which dilutes its appeal versus full-fat Horizon. All IMO, anyway.

Same team, same dream.

If only everyone subscribed to this idea.

(I cut the rest of your post out, but it's all valid. 👍 )

Not only have they given FH4 away for free since launch day, if they're counting users, they're counting multiple accounts as multiple users, and some people have many accounts. Presumably if someone downloads it for free, runs it up once to go "ooh" at the graphics, and never plays it again, that's another "player" added to the count. It's just not in any way comparable to GTS having sold 8m copies.

Yeah, uh, that's what every company does. Even Polyphony does it too. That's just what users are.

People really have a different definition of free these days...
So what if Forza Horizon 4 got better sales than GTSport?

Even back then in PS2 era, Gran Turismo 4 got 11 million sales....while NFS Most Wanted (2005) got 16 million.

The appeal of free roam casual driving game is just more appealing than closed circuit ones for wide audience. This is also why Forza Motorsport series has sold less than the Horizon counterpart. And if you pick each game of the Motorsport series, then none of number of sales beats GTSport (correct me if I'm wrong).
So what if Forza Horizon 4 got better sales than GTSport?

Even back then in PS2 era, Gran Turismo 4 got 11 million sales....while NFS Most Wanted (2005) got 16 million.

The appeal of free roam casual driving game is just more appealing than closed circuit ones for wide audience. This is also why Forza Motorsport series has sold less than the Horizon counterpart. And if you pick each game of the Motorsport series, then none of number of sales beats GTSport (correct me if I'm wrong).
Yeah but forza horizon 4 hasn't sold more than GTS, number of player accounts are different than the real number of sales (when we have the sales of fh4 than we can compare them)
I just did a quick reality check on FH4 player numbers. I looked at this walkthrough from the start of the game:

The first PR stunt is unlocked at the 40 minute mark. Surely everyone who has actually bought the game would at least get as far as doing that jump? The number of people who have done that jump is 6.35m, i.e. that is the number of entries on the leaderboard. And that will still include many people playing it via Game Pass, the number of subscribers to which has been described as "millions", and will still include multiple accounts. So of the 10m "players", 1/3rd of them haven't even completed that first jump that is unlocked 40 minutes into the game.