GT Sport Reviews

  • Thread starter zzz_pt
How is this really different to GT5/6 or any other racing game?
I assume you havent experenced too much of the sports mode? I have experienced this format already in closed and open beta, and as so many reviews have told us, in terms of even racing its not quite anything i have experienced before.
I think a lot of the problem that GTS has as well is that it's "flaws" are kind of structural to the game. The small car and track list, the always online aspect, the cramped single player, the limited range of track conditions. These are designed into the game, and are unlikely to change significantly without more money spent on DLC.

When the flaws are bugs one can hope that they're patched, find ways to work around them or simply avoid those situations. But when the flaws are so inherent to the basic gameplay (and are clearly there by design) it becomes hard to work around them, and in many ways they can make an otherwise attractive game largely unplayable. The physics in pC are a good example, and another is probably the online only save in GTS; for some people that's going to simply mean that no matter how good the rest of the game is the restriction on access and progress will make any play session frustrating or impossible.
Thank goodness I have reliable internet then!
It's not just the lacking overall content in the game. It's the fact that the structure is so different to what we expect. Things like GT Auto, performance modifications, a GT mode involving actual events in which you need to prepare cars to race in. Those are features which I believe could have still been implemented, even with the Esports, BOP focus, especially the performance customisation. It feels very watered down compared to before. Who wouldn't want to strap a tank of nitrous oxide to a GT86 and take on supercars with it!? Ok, that example is a bit silly and goes against the 'sport' intentions of the game, but a sense of freedom and experimentation, like in past GT games, would have been nice. I can't help but feel that the game is lacking confidence. Leave all the structured, serious racing to 'Sport' mode, and keep the traditional GT experience fun and fancy free outside that. Is that really too much to ask?

Take the 'always online' feature as another example. If they had sense, they would flick a switch and make all the games solo experiences playable offline. I'm hoping they will do just that in a future update. Need For Speed realised their mistake with the reboot and what do you know? NFS Payback can be played offline as well as online!

It's almost as if they knew the game was Esports focused and thought, whats the point in fleshing out the single player experience? Let's just provide a watered down experience and be done with it.... GT Sport could have very well been GT7 and still had E-Sports as its new major selling point. But alas, they decided to focus on the one thing and the rest of the game has suffered.

Having content in a game is one thing, but what you do with that content is quite another. I could excuse the fact that GT Sport has so few cars and tracks, provided that it is presented to us in an interesting and intricate way. But sadly, that just isn't the case. I'm not saying GT Sport's structure is bad, it's just underwhelming compared to what it could have been.

If you want my personal opinion, I think PD realised that the single player content was so underwhelming and thought the quickest and easiest solution was to add custom races to the game, with the added benefit of payouts. I actually love this feature, but like I said, it could have been so much more. If I was having a face to face conversation with an honest GT, it would say 'we can't be bothered to make a proper single player campaign, so here's the tools to make your own! Ok bye!'

Well, I should be getting my standard copy of GT Sport tomorrow, so lets see what the game can do. I anticipate I will enjoy it, but not to the same lengths as past GT games. You never know though, I might be pleasantly surprised by the longevity of the experience....
I was on the brink of ordering the collectors edition for GT Sport, but having watched the IGN review for it, I have taken a step back and realised that the game just isn't worth a £100 investment. I will instead buy the base game. I'm sure I will enjoy GT Sport regardless, but as much as I love the franchise, there are indeed alternatives.

With this said, I have decided, in addition to buying the vanilla GT Sport, I will also pick up Project Cars 2, Forza 7 and Assetto Corsa. I have been exclusively giving Gran Turismo the attention this whole time, and though I don't entirely agree with the philosophies of its competitors (Forza 7's microtransactions and lootboxes for example) it would be foolish of me to not at least give them a try.

Don't get me wrong, I still believe GT Sport is a step in the right direction for the franchise, but I can't disguise the fact that I feel the game is so underwhelming compared to its rivals.
I feel you, thank goodness I got the heavily discounted standard edition, GTS in its current state aren't even worth the $60 for me.
But the masses do not want to only race online.

That's the point.

If you want to only race online, go do iRacing. Why butcher yet another title and create an every shrinking pool of players?

I would be carefull about stating what the masses want. You cannot deny the success of mp oriented shooters, or dota 2.. Why do you think that the racing crowd doesn't want some of that? I was sp only gamer for a long time, but now sp is boring to me, unlike quality mp experience.
Really? You realise your ability to have complete control of the car in GTS is not what makes one game more realistic over the other. From my experience GTS is nowhere close to driving the real thing. Especially the cars turning from the center is very noticeable, which car in real life has the central axis point in the center of the car?

Same, except I didn't bother rating it. The feeling was all too similar to GT6 for me.

Take the menus, livery editor, scapes away, replace the graphics with standard graphics. What are you left with? Nothing to distract the casual player from the mediocrity that is GTS. It's like those crap Hollywood CGI blockbusters like Transformers, they're their to deflect from the lack of substance and dept.

Others may feel different of course, but I challenge them imagine GTS with with Assetto Corsa's graphics and menus + presentation, would the game hold on it's own?
Lol you want to turn it into a different game lol
I assume you havent experenced too much of the sports mode? I have experienced this format already in closed and open beta, and as so many reviews have told us, in terms of even racing its not quite anything i have experienced before.
What you've posted here has nothing to do with what I said. You said GT Sport brings online racing to the masses. GT5 had online and 10 million users. I'd say online racing was brought to the masses long ago. But lets just say it wasn't for arguments sake, how can you claim ( or anyone ) GT Sport has brought online to the masses without sales figures, without the retention numbers, and without knowing the ratio of players who use sport mode or just use lobbies. The latter being nothing new the masses haven't experienced.
Lol you want to turn it into a different game lol
is reading comprehension or lack of exclusive to GT fans? More baffling that you fail to comprehend my post because the parts I speak of are literally not a "game". Other than graphics. I'll make it easy for you, how does the game play stand on it's own, how would people have felt about the game if they released the demo with just the game and simplistic menus and not things that make people say crazy things like " oh wow this game is amazing, look at the car driving through scapes. Day one purchase".
"In my opinion this is not a simulator [chuckles] in the slightest":boggled::ill:

He really lit the physics up with a blowtorch

I personally would consider GT a sim, but just a really really odd one. It's not arcade, it's a sim that does some things okay and some things worse than any other sim.

Yeah, he did have a few digs at the physics. To be honest areas of the physics are very strange in this game. The Civic that he mentions, that I guess we've all played by now, is just so wrong with it's understeer.
"In my opinion this is not a simulator [chuckles] in the slightest":boggled::ill:.

He really lit the physics up with a blowtorch.

Then he later goes on to say that the driving physics generally behave as one would reasonably expect a real car to behave... Uh huh. Needless to say, I think I'll be taking his opinion with an overdose of salt... :lol:

I think Viperconcept has a much more balanced, less hyperbolic take on how GTS's physics stack up:
I personally would consider GT a sim, but just a really really odd one. It's not arcade, it's a sim that does some things okay and some things worse than any other sim.

Yeah, he did have a few digs at the physics. To be honest areas of the physics are very strange in this game. The Civic that he mentions, that I guess we've all played by now, is just so wrong with it's understeer.

I can't blame him for having a dig at the physics, It still baffles me to this day why PD still try to do offroad races they are terrible at it, The gravel/dirt physics has always been crap in every GT, GT:S is no exception.
Then he later goes on to say that the driving physics generally behave as one would reasonably expect a real car to behave... Uh huh. Needless to say, I think I'll be taking his opinion with an overdose of salt... :lol:

Well he's correct. Generally speaking it is correct. That is, until it is absolutely incorrect. I would go so far as to say the physics in GT are broken.

And it's not that I don't like GTS, but it has substantial problems with the physics.

I can't blame him for having a dig at the physics, It still baffles me to this day why PD still try to do offroad races they are terrible at it, The gravel/dirt physics has always been crap in every GT, GT:S is no exception.

The drift physics remind me of something NFS would do. Just awful.
Can you give concrete examples of ways in which it's broken? Not saying that GTS's physics are perfect or even full sim quality, the video I linked to even came to a simcade conclusion for GTS's physics... but I'm skeptical of extremely hyperbolic claims of the physics being "broken" and "not a simulator in the slightest" with little/no justification.

And I'm sorry, saying that it's not a simulator in the slightest then saying it somewhat accurately simulates certain things is just flat out contradictory. "Not a simulator in the slightest" means literally zero traces of anything remotely resembling simulation, which would mean we're basically talking about full-blown Mario Kart tier arcade gameplay, which is obviously an absurd exaggeration and totally contradicts the fact (which he himself later brings up) that there are certain elements/behaviors that are somewhat accurately simulated.
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You said GT Sport brings online racing to the masses. GT5 had online and 10 million users. I'd say online racing was brought to the masses long ago.

Its about accessibility. Fraction of players usually have played online - including GT5. Sales numbers and availability alone dont mean people participate online races. You really dont see the difference here or you just dont want to see it?
Can you give concrete examples of ways in which it's broken? Not saying that GTS's physics are perfect or even full sim quality, the video I linked to even came to a simcade conclusion for GTS's physics... but I'm skeptical of extremely hyperbolic claims of the physics being "broken" and "not a simulator in the slightest" with little/no justification.

And I'm sorry, saying that it's not a simulator in the slightest then saying it somewhat accurately simulates certain things is just flat out contradictory.

For sure. The video I posted covered this I think. GTS does not understand traction loss. There is no relation between the chassis, the tyre and the road. This is, and I'm sure, just the same physics they've been using since GT4 with updated code. It has the same weird traction loss feeling. It's like the mags are spinning on the tyres. Almost like the FWD car are running really low PSI in the tyres.

In terms of proof, of course I don't have any. And while there are areas where the physics feel good/great, the area(s) where it is awful stands out like a sore thumb.

It is not contradictory to say that GTS is a simulator that gets a few things (very) wrong.
It is not contradictory to say that GTS is a simulator that gets a few things (very) wrong.

Right, but that's not what that Gamer Muscle guy said. He said "not a simulator in the slightest", which means absolutely nothing even remotely resembling simulation. That is contradictory with saying it gets a few things right.

"Not a simulator in the slightest... uh, except for the slightest bit it gets somewhat right"
Right, but that's not what that Gamer Muscle guy said. He said "not a simulator in the slightest", which means absolutely nothing even remotely resembling simulation. That is contradictory with saying it gets a few things right.

I'm not going rewatch the video, but if he said that then he is incorrect.

GTS is a simulator, just a very poor one. It's a good game, but its simulation aspect is a decade out of date.
Right, but that's not what that Gamer Muscle guy said. He said "not a simulator in the slightest", which means absolutely nothing even remotely resembling simulation. That is contradictory with saying it gets a few things right.

"Not a simulator in the slightest... uh, except for the slightest bit it gets somewhat right"
It's a throwaway quote intended for comic relief. Instead of hanging on a single sentence in a 20+ minute in depth review from a very experienced sim racer, how about looking at the whole video and addressing the gist of his review? He goes into great detail to explain his thoughts, don't lose sight of the forest for the one tree in front.
It's a throwaway quote intended for comic relief. Instead of hanging on a single sentence in a 20+ minute in depth review from a very experienced sim racer, how about looking at the whole video and addressing the gist of his review? He goes into great detail to explain his thoughts, don't lose sight of the forest for the one tree in front.

I'm not latching onto it, I watched the whole video and generally agree with most of what he says. My original take on that quote, with the "overdose of salt" bit, was meant to be humorous too... I wasn't dismissing/refuting everything he said, just that particularly silly quote. And I only started talking about that particular quote because somebody here brought it up first... not naming any names. :P

What I latched onto was trying to explain why that quote, comedic or not, is contradictory... because other people latched onto that part of my post and completely ignored the main thing I posted for which was to share viperconcept's video. I can't control how forum conversations play out. :cheers:
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Can you give concrete examples of ways in which it's broken?
Just try the Civic TypeR Sport mode race around Brands and that will give you a perfect example of how it's broken. As Gamer Muscle himself states, when the car begins to understeer it's like the tyres develop a 4 inch layer of soap, however, crank enough lock on, when playing with a wheel anyway and you will suddenly be able to make the corner. @Scaff also gives a good example. Take a daily driver, like the MX-5, and drive it as if you were going to the shops, so 30-40 mph, and then watch the traction control kick in when you even slightly touch the throttle when cornering at these low speeds.

Many of us will have driven in real life in similar situations and it's absolutely obvious that this is not how cars behave in the real world. The more I play the more I realise that the physics of GTS are a complete mess. Things tend to be ok at high speed but fwd and low speed physics are very funky. You can learn to be fast at GTS but when going back and playing other sims such as AC, PC2, Rfactor 2, etc it takes a while to get used to driving properly again.
Just try the Civic TypeR Sport mode race around Brands and that will give you a perfect example of how it's broken. As Gamer Muscle himself states, when the car begins to understeer it's like the tyres develop a 4 inch layer of soap, however, crank enough lock on, when playing with a wheel anyway and you will suddenly be able to make the corner. @Scaff also gives a good example. Take a daily driver, like the MX-5, and drive it as if you were going to the shops, so 30-40 mph, and then watch the traction control kick in when you even slightly touch the throttle when cornering at these low speeds.

Many of us will have driven in real life in similar situations and it's absolutely obvious that this is not how cars behave in the real world. The more I play the more I realise that the physics of GTS are a complete mess. Things tend to be ok at high speed but fwd and low speed physics are very funky. You can learn to be fast at GTS but when going back and playing other sims such as AC, PC2, Rfactor 2, etc it takes a while to get used to driving properly again.

Oh yeah, the TCS lights are weird are hell. Move to the left or right, kinda sharply, at 200kph and the TCS light comes on? WTH? lol.
I loved the previous games. In all cases except for the PS4, it was the reason I bought every other iteration of Playstation.

GT Sport plays really well, but they've taken so much stuff out. Gone are the days of buying a car, competing in the Sunday Cup with an old shed and then working your way up. No more bolting on stupid Stage 4 turbos and high lift cams to trick your ride up to ridiculous power levels. :(

I get that they wanted to improve the online mode, but it's just not Turismo anymore.

The damage appears to have been stripped right back to no more than the odd dent or scratch.

The track selection is crap now. Whilst I love the layout of some of the new fictional tracks, how could they remove Autumn Ring, Apricot Hill, Midfield, High Speed Ring etc? Those tracks were what made Turismo. But also the real life tracks too? No Spa, no La Sarthe, no Sukuba, no Laguna Seca? I hope we get them in a free DLC pack. Having to pay for something that has been taken away from the previous games will piss me right off.

And the manufacturers too. No Lotus, no TVR, only four Ferraris, (three of which are the same model), no Skylines, no Caterham... The list goes on (or not in this case). There's plenty of concept cars, but who wants to drive an on-rails rocket? They have no personality at all.

Also gone is the dynamic weather and the ability to choose what time of day to race.

Overall, it's a poor show from Polyphony. It's not the Turismo I used to love.
I sort of expected it but this looking worse GT game as far as rating is concerned. It is just hanging on to 75.xx in gamerankings and 76 in metacritic :confused:

Personally I think the game is awesome but obviously could have been better. Hopefully these scores and people bitching, complaining with make Kaz, Polyphony to add GT mode and more content via update for free.
Just try the Civic TypeR Sport mode race around Brands and that will give you a perfect example of how it's broken. As Gamer Muscle himself states, when the car begins to understeer it's like the tyres develop a 4 inch layer of soap, however, crank enough lock on, when playing with a wheel anyway and you will suddenly be able to make the corner. @Scaff also gives a good example. Take a daily driver, like the MX-5, and drive it as if you were going to the shops, so 30-40 mph, and then watch the traction control kick in when you even slightly touch the throttle when cornering at these low speeds.

Many of us will have driven in real life in similar situations and it's absolutely obvious that this is not how cars behave in the real world. The more I play the more I realise that the physics of GTS are a complete mess. Things tend to be ok at high speed but fwd and low speed physics are very funky. You can learn to be fast at GTS but when going back and playing other sims such as AC, PC2, Rfactor 2, etc it takes a while to get used to driving properly again.

Fair enough. I wasn't trying to argue that there isn't anything wrong with GTS's physics (very wrong even), I was just poking fun at Gamer Muscle's hyperbolic quip with an equally hyperbolic retort... which unfortunately led me down a rabbit hole of defending said retort and making it seem like I was taking it more seriously than was ever the case, thanks to people dwelling on that bit of my post and the resulting discussion and not the viperconcept video which I was trying to present as a valid 2nd opinion on GTS's physics.

If I had a time machine, I would've just posted the viperconcept video and not said a damn thing about that silly Gamer Muscle line. :lol:

I sort of expected it but this looking worse GT game as far as rating is concerned. It is just hanging on to 75.xx in gamerankings and 76 in metacritic :confused:

Personally I think the game is awesome but obviously could have been better. Hopefully these scores and people bitching, complaining with make Kaz, Polyphony to add GT mode and more content via update for free.

Agreed. It feels wrong to wish ill upon one of your favorite game series, but I'm honestly ecstatic at the mediocre ratings, and hope the sales are below expectations too.

PD needs a kick in the butt. 👍
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I think i dont even care how realistic physics are in a game as they are all just mimicing the real thing. What i look for is consistency and predictability. Something where i can find the nuances and improve by learning how to push more. I think GTS has this. Well maybe not in braking feedback from what i read. Im still using weak abs to get used to other parts of the physics. Abs is usually the last aid i turn off after i master the rest. The feel of the weight shifts usually helps a lot in braking into corner. At least in the beta different braking techniques affected the cars balance even with abs.
I would be carefull about stating what the masses want. You cannot deny the success of mp oriented shooters, or dota 2.. Why do you think that the racing crowd doesn't want some of that? I was sp only gamer for a long time, but now sp is boring to me, unlike quality mp experience.

DotA2 is a free game based on a free mod of an incredibly popular game. DotA 2 has had 15 years gathering a playerbase that like that particular style of game. DotA 2 is so far removed from what GTS is that trying to draw any comparison is basically meaningless.

No doubt racing gamers like some multiplayer, but what statistics we have available tend to show that online isn't particularly popular in racing games. For pretty good reasons I feel; good racing really requires a certain mindset. The players need to self-enforce the rules to a certain extent, because we tend not to like races that are just crash fests but it has proven very difficult to craft fair rulesets that will prevent players from doing that if they wish.

Even iRacing, the gold standard for racing online with a community that is more or less by definition very invested in racing (given the amount they're spending on the service) is a destruction derby at the lower ranks. As a rookie looking to improve the best advice is legitimately to start from the back or pit lane, run your race very carefully, stay away from everyone and don't try to win. At least until you get out of rookie.

How well do you think online will work with a population raised on the "traditional" Gran Turismo style of racing? The one where other cars exist only as bumpers to help you around tight corners?