GT Sport Reviews

  • Thread starter zzz_pt
Been playing the game solidly for the past two days with mixed emotions. The great moments are unfortunately met equally with awful ones. One thing is for sure, I'm super glad I didn't get the collectors edition in the end.

But here's some food for thought. I've been humming and hawing about doing a game review for my Youtube channel and figured that GT Sport would be a good game to start off with. It won't be professional obviously, but should I do it?
DotA2 is a free game based on a free mod of an incredibly popular game. DotA 2 has had 15 years gathering a playerbase that like that particular style of game. DotA 2 is so far removed from what GTS is that trying to draw any comparison is basically meaningless.

No doubt racing gamers like some multiplayer, but what statistics we have available tend to show that online isn't particularly popular in racing games. For pretty good reasons I feel; good racing really requires a certain mindset. The players need to self-enforce the rules to a certain extent, because we tend not to like races that are just crash fests but it has proven very difficult to craft fair rulesets that will prevent players from doing that if they wish.

Even iRacing, the gold standard for racing online with a community that is more or less by definition very invested in racing (given the amount they're spending on the service) is a destruction derby at the lower ranks. As a rookie looking to improve the best advice is legitimately to start from the back or pit lane, run your race very carefully, stay away from everyone and don't try to win. At least until you get out of rookie.

How well do you think online will work with a population raised on the "traditional" Gran Turismo style of racing? The one where other cars exist only as bumpers to help you around tight corners?

Traditions change, don't they?
You have to give racing gamers a bit more credit. We are not all 'traditional' racers. Sportmanship rating system will be improved over time, and similar racers will drive with each other.

As for Dota 2..beeing free has nothing to do with popularity, it is actually a good game. As for the style of playing, Gt has gathered player base for the last 20 years, and sure they are accustomed to classic gt single player experience, and are used to race against ai using them as bumpers. If those players lack the respect for other players on track, and use them as bumpers also, then I am glad that they do not like the game, and is less likely I will meet them on the track, thanks to the SR system.

I just do not get people who actually buyed the game expecting it to be classic gt, when every thing published prior to the release said otherwise.
As for Dota 2..beeing free has nothing to do with popularity, it is actually a good game.

I didn't say it wasn't a good game. But it's hard to take your opinion seriously if you can't see that being free is at least in part related to its success.

As for the style of playing, Gt has gathered player base for the last 20 years, and sure they are accustomed to classic gt single player experience, and are used to race against ai using them as bumpers. If those players lack the respect for other players on track, and use them as bumpers also, then I am glad that they do not like the game, and is less likely I will meet them on the track, thanks to the SR system.

Oh, so your argument is that traditions change and we should give people credit, but that even if they do play in the way I'm pointing out that the SR system will deal with it. Sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too. You're just throwing out excuses to cover every situation.

Try reading what I said about iRacing again. This has been done before, with a population that is significantly more likely to be familiar with proper racing technique. It's still a clown fiesta. This is how online racing works, for better or worse. We've seen it in GT5 and 6. We've seen it in the beta and the demo. We're seeing it in GTS right now.

How much do you think some people would appreciate a solid single player campaign for when they just want to race and not deal with the rammers? Don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing multiplayer. I enjoy it and it has its place, but sometimes I also enjoy simply working on my racecraft and consistency with AI that is quick and can be trusted not to arbitrarily knock me off the road.

Going hardcore into the multiplayer aspect wasn't a mistake for GTS. I'm glad they did, regardless of how it works out, because I think it encourages what I've thought for years; all online racing should use the iRacing safety and matchmaking model. But crippling single player at the same time was and is unnecessary. It turns GTS from a game that everyone can enjoy to one for only those who are really, really into multiplayer. Or photography.
What you've posted here has nothing to do with what I said. You said GT Sport brings online racing to the masses. GT5 had online and 10 million users. I'd say online racing was brought to the masses long ago. But lets just say it wasn't for arguments sake, how can you claim ( or anyone ) GT Sport has brought online to the masses without sales figures, without the retention numbers, and without knowing the ratio of players who use sport mode or just use lobbies. The latter being nothing new the masses haven't experienced.

is reading comprehension or lack of exclusive to GT fans? More baffling that you fail to comprehend my post because the parts I speak of are literally not a "game". Other than graphics. I'll make it easy for you, how does the game play stand on it's own, how would people have felt about the game if they released the demo with just the game and simplistic menus and not things that make people say crazy things like " oh wow this game is amazing, look at the car driving through scapes. Day one purchase".
All of these what if's lol
I just do not get people who actually buyed the game expecting it to be classic gt, when every thing published prior to the release said otherwise.

"Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added. Whether it be the campaign mode, or the offline gameplay, or the open lobbies, everything has been raised in quality and there is more of it, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing has been dropped."


"Series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has stated the online portion of the game only accounts for roughly 15% of the game."

I wonder how people could have got the idea that it would have all that a traditional GT had and more?
"Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added. Whether it be the campaign mode, or the offline gameplay, or the open lobbies, everything has been raised in quality and there is more of it, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing has been dropped."


"Series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has stated the online portion of the game only accounts for roughly 15% of the game."

I wonder how people could have got the idea that it would have all that a traditional GT had and more?

From the demo, from videos months before the release.. Anyone who wanted to find info on the game before october had no problem finding it. And Kaz is not a reliable source.
From the demo, from videos months before the release.. Anyone who wanted to find info on the game before october had no problem finding it. And Kaz is not a reliable source.
Kaz is the face of the franchise and, to many potential customers, one of the few people worth listening to and likely their most trusted source.
"Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added. Whether it be the campaign mode, or the offline gameplay, or the open lobbies, everything has been raised in quality and there is more of it, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing has been dropped."


"Series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has stated the online portion of the game only accounts for roughly 15% of the game."

I wonder how people could have got the idea that it would have all that a traditional GT had and more?
I'm still perplexed as to why Kaz said such things. They couldn't be anymore false, unless he plans on adding these things later on.
From the demo, from videos months before the release.. Anyone who wanted to find info on the game before october had no problem finding it.
Anecdotal evidence would suggest otherwise.

Tell me if someone was just to pick it up in a shop, what on the game cover would let them know any of this

And Kaz is not a reliable source.
I know, but you do know just how absurd that is!

After all its not as if he was vague about this, and he was saying it to the largest GT community on the planet, if he can't be honest in those circumstances why the hell should anything that comes out of PD or Sony be trusted? As saying this about Kaz then invalidates anything that has come out of PD and Sony in regard to marketing.
Anecdotal evidence would suggest otherwise.

Tell me if someone was just to pick it up in a shop, what on the game cover would let them know any of this

I know, but you do know just how absurd that is!

After all its not as if he was vague about this, and he was saying it to the largest GT community on the planet, if he can't be honest in those circumstances why the hell should anything that comes out of PD or Sony be trusted? As saying this about Kaz then invalidates anything that has come out of PD and Sony in regard to marketing.

Come on, if you spend money on something without doing some research on it, than you do not have the respect for your money. Why should anyone feel sorry for people like that. And doing research is really not so hard theese days.

As for credibility of Kaz, PD and Sony.. Well, it is smart to apply some filtering to what theese guys say, or promise. In short, I do not trust developers.
Traditions change, don't they?
You have to give racing gamers a bit more credit. We are not all 'traditional' racers. Sportmanship rating system will be improved over time, and similar racers will drive with each other.

As for Dota 2..beeing free has nothing to do with popularity, it is actually a good game. As for the style of playing, Gt has gathered player base for the last 20 years, and sure they are accustomed to classic gt single player experience, and are used to race against ai using them as bumpers. If those players lack the respect for other players on track, and use them as bumpers also, then I am glad that they do not like the game, and is less likely I will meet them on the track, thanks to the SR system.

I just do not get people who actually buyed the game expecting it to be classic gt, when every thing published prior to the release said otherwise.

Idiots like me did that listening to other people instead of looking properly online. Only thing I saw online ended up not in the game!
Difficulty slider scale for the useless like me amongst us.
Kaz is the face of the franchise and, to many potential customers, one of the few people worth listening to and likely their most trusted source.

Yeah, that sounds like he is leader of some sort of cult. I believe it is ok to get a second opinion before opening my wallet.

If Kaz himself isn't a reliable source, than who are we to believe on literally anything? Your second sentence is contradictory.

His job is to promise beautifull things and than make his team of developers and designers to deliver them. You do not have to blindly trust Kaz, simply take a look at his track record of promises and deliveries. My experience tells me not to trust him, so I wait. Some history, i preordered gt5, got burned. Nothing big, fool me once shame on me etc...
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Yeah, that sounds like he is leader of some sort of cult. I believe it is ok to get a second opinion before opening my wallet.
I didn't say one shouldn't get a second opinion but if you can't trust the face of the franchise, the most iconic and revered member of this genre, the guy hobknobbing with the reigning F1 champ and the FIA, who can you trust?
I didn't say one shouldn't get a second opinion but if you can't trust the face of the franchise, the most iconic and revered member of this genre, the guy hobknobbing with the reigning F1 champ and the FIA, who can you trust?
You are messing with me right now, aren't you? Hobknobbing with F1 champ, FIA... One word.. marketing.
Come on, if you spend money on something without doing some research on it, than you do not have the respect for your money. Why should anyone feel sorry for people like that. And doing research is really not so hard theese days.

As for credibility of Kaz, PD and Sony.. Well, it is smart to apply some filtering to what theese guys say, or promise. In short, I do not trust developers.
So you're saying they should look up this information, but then trust none of it? Do you not realize how contradictory these statements are?
Kaz needs to start taking responsibility for what he says already. An apology for not meeting expectations or something. This is beyond ridiculous now.

As it stands, I have zero reason to believe this:

Looking back at the press conference where Kaz talks about Gran Turismo sport. Does anyone want to explain to me what would make this developer untrustworthy?

So you're saying they should look up this information, but then trust none of it? Do you not realize how contradictory these statements are?
Haha, this is so amusing. I did say to look up for the information, I did not say to look up information from Kaz, PD and Sony. What is the problem?
DotA2 is a free game based on a free mod of an incredibly popular game. DotA 2 has had 15 years gathering a playerbase that like that particular style of game. DotA 2 is so far removed from what GTS is that trying to draw any comparison is basically meaningless.

No doubt racing gamers like some multiplayer, but what statistics we have available tend to show that online isn't particularly popular in racing games. For pretty good reasons I feel; good racing really requires a certain mindset. The players need to self-enforce the rules to a certain extent, because we tend not to like races that are just crash fests but it has proven very difficult to craft fair rulesets that will prevent players from doing that if they wish.

Even iRacing, the gold standard for racing online with a community that is more or less by definition very invested in racing (given the amount they're spending on the service) is a destruction derby at the lower ranks. As a rookie looking to improve the best advice is legitimately to start from the back or pit lane, run your race very carefully, stay away from everyone and don't try to win. At least until you get out of rookie.

How well do you think online will work with a population raised on the "traditional" Gran Turismo style of racing? The one where other cars exist only as bumpers to help you around tight corners?

The game even advises you to do this in the sportsmanship tutorials. It expressly states that it is better to go off track and lose the race than make any contact with an opponent.

In other words, don't make any contact or risk lowering your SR until you're at a higher SR ranking, that way the players you're racing against will also be more cautious and fair.
Looking back at the press conference where Kaz talks about Gran Turismo sport. Does anyone want to explain to me what would make this developer untrustworthy
No need to explain, a simple image says it all dating back to 2006. It's taken 10 years for one of those features.

I don't know how long it took the for the Track editor to be implemented, but I recall it not shipping with the game as intended.

I'm still perplexed as to why Kaz said such things. They couldn't be anymore false, unless he plans on adding these things later on.
I'm sure he wants to, just a matter of when with Kaz, if at all.
Haha, this is so amusing. I did say to look up for the information, I did not say to look up information from Kaz, PD and Sony. What is the problem?
Then who on earth are people supposed to look up the information from?

Exactly what source other than PD or Sony should have been used prior to release to know exactly what was in GTS given that a release day review embargo was in place?
No need to explain, a simple image says it all dating back to 2006. It's taken 10 years for one of those features.

I don't know how long it took the for the Track editor to be implemented, but I recall it not shipping with the game as intended.

pertaining to being untrustworthy, what is this exactly? is this a vision for his company? or did he give a specific date when all of this will be added in games?
Ok, the location in Tokyo. But how does the location for gt5 implies he is untrustworthy?
Is it really that complicated? These were all features he presented for GT5's release. It's been a number of years since I played it, but a lot of this never made it in. GT6 went through a similar phase of promised features, but it took a lot of post-release support for them to be all implemented. Kaz has a very bad history of trust-worthy statements dating back to GT4's delays.

Look at Scaff's post (#395) above; to this day, he has statements that don't end up true at release.
Is it really that complicated? These were all features he presented for GT5's release. It's been a number of years since I played it, but a lot of this never made it in. GT6 went through a similar phase of promised features, but it took a lot of post-release support for them to be all implemented. Kaz has a very bad history of trust-worthy statements dating back to GT4's delays.

Look at Scaff's post (#395) above; to this day, he has statements that don't end up true at release.

That don't mean anything that just means he's a talented artist. sarcasm
Then who on earth are people supposed to look up the information from?

Exactly what source other than PD or Sony should have been used prior to release to know exactly what was in GTS given that a release day review embargo was in place?
I watched videos from people who played closed beta for instance. They covered pretty much everything in the game, especially the lack of gt life carrer mode, cars, physics, graphics etc..
Then there was the demo, so I don't see the problem with the information sources on this game.
Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it on day one, we had a bunch of reviews on day 2 and 3, so I i dont see the problem there either.
I watched videos from people who played closed beta for instance. They covered pretty much everything in the game, especially the lack of gt life carrer mode, cars, physics, graphics etc..
Then there was the demo, so I don't see the problem with the information sources on this game.
That's information from Sony and PD, you told us not to trust it.

Kaz's comments on the degree of content were in direct response to criticism of the lack of content the Beta and Demo contained.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy it on day one, we had a bunch of reviews on day 2 and 3, so I i dont see the problem there either.
When a publisher offers buyer incentives that can only be obtained if you pre-order and then forces reviewers to hold back reviews until after that date then its a problem if statements they make about the degree of content turn out to be nonsense.

All of which is a total aside to the fact that PD have just managed to piss off what seems to be a very substantial number of people who have purchased GTS, and if you think that's only a problem for the people you want to belittle based on information supplied by the publishers and developers themselves, then you are quite frankly wrong.

Take a look at what happened when Street Fighter V did the exact same thing, it wasn't pretty and it didn't do the brand any good at all.

You seem to not want to hold Kaz, PD or Sony to any form of account for a marketing screw-up that is entirely of their own doing!

One rather clear example of this is the always on-line, this didn't come to light until the limited period demo, a week before release. At no point before that was it confirmed what degree it would affect the game as a whole (as the discussions on here show quite clearly), as such anyone who had pre-ordered digitally was screwed as far as that rather significant piece of news came in.