Let me provide you with the link from
official pages
http://www.gran-turismo.com/gb/gtsport/news/00_4857498.html. Take a look at the date, than take a look at the last line. They say *In some circumstances, the content of the events may be changed without notice. So you see, even they state that it may not be as advertised. The date is 15/10/2017.
It took me literally
30 seconds to get that information.
I found out about the campaign, and bunch of other stuff, some where in august, from PlayStation Access You tube channel, Try typing in everything you need to know about GTSport in YouTube. And they are not the only one. Also the online manual of the game was published prior the release with loads of information about online saving. Demo also had online save only functionality. If all of those videos, and information is not something to raise suspicion about the game's character, I don't know what is.
How the scapes camera worked? Really, you are gonna base your buying decisions on that? Considering the amount of details you require prior the purchase of the game, I wonder do you read the script of the movie before you buy tickets? (rhetorical question)