Good evening livery Gods, I was just wondering if someone much more computer inclined than myself could possibly turn these couple pictures into those files that I can upload to the livery editor. It would be very much appreciated and I’m hoping they’re not too difficult of pictures to do. Thanks very much in advance and have a great day, you guys do awesome work!!
I know they are too big as is but I don’t know how to make them smaller. They don’t need to be perfect or even close to it, as long as I can change the colours of the black outlines on them I’m a happy camper.
Just the black outline on this one, no background at all please and thank you very much.
View attachment 817749
Just the black outline on this one as well please and thank you very much.
View attachment 817752
Just the black outline on this one as well please, the red doesn’t need to be there. If I could get this one in a Left and Right it would be amazing as well, but not a big deal at all if not. Thank you very much.
View attachment 817750
Just the black outline on this one too please, if this one could be done as a Left and Right it would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you very much.
View attachment 817751
Thanks for your times guys, keep up the great work!!