GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
I did see something in the UI that might suggest that each scape has different camera positions:


As you can see, on each icon is a number associated with them, this could probably mean that we're looking at different shots of the same location or scape. Not sure if they count as scapes themselves or just camera angles, that'll have to wait for further confirmation.
I did see something in the UI that might suggest that each scape has different camera positions:


As you can see, on each icon is a number associated with them, this could probably mean that we're looking at different shots of the same location or scape. Not sure if they count as scapes themselves or just camera angles, that'll have to wait for further confirmation.
I'm pretty sure its just referring to different locations in the same area. As in, japan.
I did see something in the UI that might suggest that each scape has different camera positions:


As you can see, on each icon is a number associated with them, this could probably mean that we're looking at different shots of the same location or scape. Not sure if they count as scapes themselves or just camera angles, that'll have to wait for further confirmation.

There are different positions for each locations

I do believe the 458 is too large and out of scale with the rest of the scape. @MatskiMonk does make a very good presentation on the angle of perspective though, however what makes it wrong in this image I think is that the background doesn't quite have the same scale of perspective as the Ferrari.

Looking at the road markings though it seems to match. And from the 2 images in @okami11408's post, it does appear that the backgrounds alter to match changes in the focal length of the lens.
Kind of off-topic, but since we are talking about scapes, check what I found while doing a Nike commercial for my 3d class!! :D

Badly, it's not GTS, but man, it's a nice job :drool:

It's a shame they don't have this car in any of the modern games
You'd think they would, considering the eventual reveal of the Nike Two VGT
It's the same scape from a different camera angle and apparently different time of day or filter. I wonder if this means that scapes either have time cycling of some sort and are more flexible than we originally thought.
No, no. Donmt you remember Kaz said we could add our own light source? That + watch any trailer, you see the light go bright and dim. Mix this with a filter (yeah filters are pretty much confirmed since both GT5 and GT6 have em) and voilá. Unless the blue-ish tint was photoshopped in later. It wouldn't be the first time PD photoshop an in-game photo :P
I've wondered for some time now if each 'scape' might have multiple camera positions and if each position might be considered a scape, hence 1000+ scapes. ??
Duping scapes? Aww, PD... thought that was over... :indiff:
I doubt that. The scapes are only photos anyway. Can't be that hard to make them, so I think 1000 seems reasonable. They always went big on certain parts, Kaz loves photography.
Duping scapes? Aww, PD... thought that was over... :indiff:

I'm not surprised at all. If they go to a great location and the scapes really are as limited in positioning as we're led to believe, they might as well get a dozen or so fantastic angles while they're there. Like if they're in the desert, they could get one out in the open, one near a cluster of rocks, one near some shrubberies, maybe one on a pinnacle or something, and so on.

So maybe there's only 50-100 actual locations with 10+ scenes each. That still seems fine to me. Taking one photo per locations would seem limiting and a waste.
I'm not surprised at all. If they go to a great location and the scapes really are as limited in positioning as we're led to believe, they might as well get a dozen or so fantastic angles while they're there. Like if they're in the desert, they could get one out in the open, one near a cluster of rocks, one near some shrubberies, maybe one on a pinnacle or something, and so on.

So maybe there's only 50-100 actual locations with 10+ scenes each. That still seems fine to me. Taking one photo per locations would seem limiting and a waste.
It was in jest ;).
I think personally rather than make the picture darker I tried adding more light in the background picture and it is getting better, as said before I think it could be down to the person setting up the photo or the over exposure on the original..I am sure there will be many debates on realism when the game is released. Another 3 months of this guessing yet!
View attachment 579271
More light added to the tree section and colour saturation reduced.View attachment 579272

Being a Semi-pro photographer, i would give out my opinion on this too if anyone is interested in it...

It looks like they used one of those dreadful HDR compositions that were in fashion a couple years ago.

As a quick explanation of that, those pictures are done but taking a vast amount of pictures (3-8 or any more crazy amount) at different exposures and merging them together creating a single picture that has an innatural look and and innatural amount of details that a human eye (and not even a photocamera lol) could ever perceive.

To add to it, some of those "photo artists" would use different dept of field or focus points on the various shots before the merger...

This is a tech well known and usually used in macrophotography where your depth of field in in most cases 1 or at most 2 mm and the different focus pictures are merged to provide a super crisp and nice looking picture.

Personally i prefer to shot in RAW and alter the various datas in post. That way you can bring out a lot of extra details and mantain a realistic look.

Guess this was really boring, but i can explain more or provide examples with some pictures i take if anyone is interested.

In short; it's a photomode in a game people :D If the allow us to shot "raw" we could get a perfect result, else it's like debating a photo after being altered with pjotoshop filters.

Just playing around with HDRIs could'nt resist after those delicious scapes. If only I could get my hands on the scape HDRis and backplates. Don't hate on the car, its a WIP and I'm not an automotive designer (As you can tell).


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I have a desktop, much beer, and a long spotify playlist... I guess it does make it easier for me :D

The 458 GT car is likely to be regulation 2m wide I think.. however, even the road car is 76.3 inches wide (1937mm). Lets say the delivery truck is a HINO (first guess.. could be entirely wrong but it's the first one that came to mind), the cab width of a HINO 155 is 78.5 inches... so .. that would make the trucks somewhere between the width of the Ferrari road car and race car. It's not conclusive I admit, but given all the other aspects I've looked at, I'm still comfortable this car is to scale... PD might just have been unlucky with a Mini being parked there... they are little comedy fun-size cars in real life, and I think it throws this shot off.


Also.. once you've seen it.. THE CHILD'S HEAD CANNOT BE IGNORED!

View attachment 579770

I think with the tools available moving the car zoom etc we could all make this Ferrari look a little better to the eye, I actually don't think it looks too bad and it doesn't help with a really small car mini against the Ferrari to the eye.

Oh btw This is not a childs head it was a chap that was in the way of the big screen (or other heads) that were pretty much on all those pics taken from a distance (which also may not help the perspective) here is another one with him at the bottom the same day.👍

Regarding the different scape angles, I have shown this before but this screen shot below is one of the first shown back in May, it shows you can zoom & ' Rotate' Now i assumed this was the highlighted car but maybe the scapes are a lot more powerful and you can rotate the picture but more than likely there are 1 or 2 different pics of the same photo scape included in the 1000, we will have to see.:cheers:

@RaY29rus I love these new scapes- Where are you getting them from? Any more:tup: This Lexus you found looks so real!:bowdown: (updated my album)
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Judging by what I see with a few of the Scapes, I see no reason why there won't be some camera placement freedom while we shoot our photos. Why are some people automatically assuming the negative?
The different camera placement capability stems from there being multiple scapes of a single location.

You can't move the camera around freely, but there will be plenty of options for getting a shot from a different angle.
So basically you're stuck with where the camera is. No more GT6 move around the scenery for dem sick shots

Just playing around with HDRIs could'nt resist after those delicious scapes. If only I could get my hands on the scape HDRis and backplates. Don't hate on the car, its a WIP and I'm not an automotive designer (As you can tell).
Dude that's cool! I guess you like the new Mustang a lot, I see some inspirations from it :cheers: