Ok I'm a bit behind then, only 2636 km here.

Did 94 races with it though and 37 wins. Scirroco now 468 km, 10 races and 9 wins.

But yeah you should definately give other cars a try as well now. On Brands there's even more cars that are competetive it seems. Just the 2 American cars seems to lack some pace.

And the Megane maybe, still have to try that with a good tune.
And yeah we definately need larger leaderboards, top 100 at least for the beta. Top 1000 in the full game.
Alright, since we again have Nurburgring N300 (3rd or 4th week in a row already?) I was able to make some video's.

The WRX is one of my favorite cars so I went with that one. Though I'm not sure about the speed, think it was more like 120-150 km/h. Did it with the HUD off and trying H-Shifter and clutch (still sucks, same as GT6).
Btw, sorry for the color of the WRX being way off, that's the effect of HDR when recording non HDR video's. I can assure you it has the perfect WRX blue in game.
So yeah, I normally don't drive that slow.

Took a video of a lap at full speed as well, onboard without HUD. Really amazing to drive like this on the Nurburgring. Can't even imagine what it'll be like with VR in the final game on this track.
And a nice replay of it.