It's just so... trivial. Besides, GTSport has much bigger problems than the trees next to the track.
Not visually though -- which is the talking point most of the time.
And they also don't shoot for things that are going to hinder performance in any ways, that's why we still haven't seen the series introduce Dynamic Weather and TOD.
Is there so little to talk about GTSport we're now debating about trees?
Isn't that PD doing now? They removed the dynamic TOD for better performance.
Sort of. PS3 era games couldn't hit a steady 60 fps with dynamic time and weather. GT Sport has removed both of those features, but isn't a locked 60 fps.
The graphics have understandably taken a leap, but a steady frame rate is seemingly a lower priority.
Tbh, none 60fps racing games on base PS4 runs at stable framerate.
IMO I don't mind a 2-5 frame drops here and there because you wouldn't noticed it unless you go to digital foundry watch their frame counter while playing the game.
But I don't expect a locked 60fps in this game except for VR I guess.
No, but Forza Motorsport is generally the comparison that people go for with regards to frame rate. Similar if slightly weaker hardware. Traditionally it was a similar design of game too. FM is a rock solid 60.
You might not, but some of us do. I find it incredibly frustrating how sensitive I am to frame drops these days. Probably because I spend a fair amount of time playing games where frame timing, smoothness and prediction matter. Wobbling between 55 and 60 fps is really not much better for me than wobbling between 45 and 60. If it's literally one or two frames here and there, sure. Anything more than that is incredibly distracting.
Also note that Youtube videos aren't a good benchmark because of the compression. That's why DF puts that counter in there, because without it you can't necessarily see the tearing or stutter through the compression. On true native output, it's a lot easier to see. If you can see the stutter on Youtube you should probably take it as given that when you're playing on real hardware it will be catastrophically bad.
Why would you expect it for VR? If it's not important enough for 99% of their player base, why should they worry about making a few hat wearers puke?
Like I said on my other post. Forza are using dynamic rendering while GTsport it maintains a high quality post process fx, texture, foliage, reflections at all times that is why still have frame drops. A few framedrops is not noticable unless it is constant, from what I seen it is not, it depends on the situation and based on people who actually played the beta there is no report of stuttering, jittering or input lag cause fps drops. And like I said there still optimization going on they might hit their target or not.
And GTSport is still a beta.
@SlipZtrEm To be fair, GT5 was nowhere near a solid 60. I'd like to think those 5-10 fps drops can be fixed but fair point. Heck -- knowing PD, they'll add more bells and whistles and have it worse.
@emula Not the same track, not the same weather/TOD? I understand what you mean but this comparison is not relevant IMO.
Is a very quick comparison with the available stuff.... I'm pretty sure that with the same track and the same weather/TOD GTS would seem still better
I believe you are refering to the lighting model in GTS that feels/look more realistic, although not the same track and weather conditions. With the same time variant and track I believe Forza would stand in showing environment details and GT in lighting.![]()
i prefer GTS, feel much more realistic
These are awful comparison shots.
Kind of considering this is the first comparison thread that seems have upheld its maturity unlike the days of old.Are you surprised?