GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

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Isn't that PD doing now? They removed the dynamic TOD for better performance.

Sort of. PS3 era games couldn't hit a steady 60 fps with dynamic time and weather. GT Sport has removed both of those features, but isn't a locked 60 fps.

The graphics have understandably taken a leap, but a steady frame rate is seemingly a lower priority.
Sort of. PS3 era games couldn't hit a steady 60 fps with dynamic time and weather. GT Sport has removed both of those features, but isn't a locked 60 fps.

The graphics have understandably taken a leap, but a steady frame rate is seemingly a lower priority.

Tbh, none 60fps racing games on base PS4 runs at stable framerate. PD are using much higher quality assets than PS3 GT games. Should they downgrade the visuals for more performance or keep it as it is? IMO I don't mind a 2-5 frame drops here and there because you wouldn't noticed it unless you go to digital foundry watch their frame counter while playing the game. And this is not the final build yet, there might be some optimization going on. But I don't expect a locked 60fps in this game except for VR I guess.
Tbh, none 60fps racing games on base PS4 runs at stable framerate.

No, but Forza Motorsport is generally the comparison that people go for with regards to frame rate. Similar if slightly weaker hardware. Traditionally it was a similar design of game too. FM is a rock solid 60.

IMO I don't mind a 2-5 frame drops here and there because you wouldn't noticed it unless you go to digital foundry watch their frame counter while playing the game.

You might not, but some of us do. I find it incredibly frustrating how sensitive I am to frame drops these days. Probably because I spend a fair amount of time playing games where frame timing, smoothness and prediction matter. Wobbling between 55 and 60 fps is really not much better for me than wobbling between 45 and 60. If it's literally one or two frames here and there, sure. Anything more than that is incredibly distracting.

Also note that Youtube videos aren't a good benchmark because of the compression. That's why DF puts that counter in there, because without it you can't necessarily see the tearing or stutter through the compression. On true native output, it's a lot easier to see. If you can see the stutter on Youtube you should probably take it as given that when you're playing on real hardware it will be catastrophically bad.

But I don't expect a locked 60fps in this game except for VR I guess.

Why would you expect it for VR? If it's not important enough for 99% of their player base, why should they worry about making a few hat wearers puke?
No, but Forza Motorsport is generally the comparison that people go for with regards to frame rate. Similar if slightly weaker hardware. Traditionally it was a similar design of game too. FM is a rock solid 60.

You might not, but some of us do. I find it incredibly frustrating how sensitive I am to frame drops these days. Probably because I spend a fair amount of time playing games where frame timing, smoothness and prediction matter. Wobbling between 55 and 60 fps is really not much better for me than wobbling between 45 and 60. If it's literally one or two frames here and there, sure. Anything more than that is incredibly distracting.

Also note that Youtube videos aren't a good benchmark because of the compression. That's why DF puts that counter in there, because without it you can't necessarily see the tearing or stutter through the compression. On true native output, it's a lot easier to see. If you can see the stutter on Youtube you should probably take it as given that when you're playing on real hardware it will be catastrophically bad.

Why would you expect it for VR? If it's not important enough for 99% of their player base, why should they worry about making a few hat wearers puke?

Like I said on my other post. Forza are using dynamic rendering while GTsport it maintains a high quality post process fx, texture, foliage, reflections at all times that is why still have frame drops. A few framedrops is not noticable unless it is constant, from what I seen it is not, it depends on the situation and based on people who actually played the beta there is no report of stuttering, jittering or input lag cause fps drops. And like I said there still optimization going on they might hit their target or not.
Like I said on my other post. Forza are using dynamic rendering while GTsport it maintains a high quality post process fx, texture, foliage, reflections at all times that is why still have frame drops. A few framedrops is not noticable unless it is constant, from what I seen it is not, it depends on the situation and based on people who actually played the beta there is no report of stuttering, jittering or input lag cause fps drops. And like I said there still optimization going on they might hit their target or not.

Er, I've played the beta and most definitely have witnessed numerous cases of stuttering.

You're sort of proving the point in the beginning of your post: PD has decided to make a more graphics-intensive title, and the frame rate has suffered because of it. Some people won't mind, but some people will.

And GTSport is still a beta.

Remember when GT5 had trouble maintaining a solid frame rate, and a fair amount of people convinced themselves that, since it was the first PS3 game (it wasn't), GT6 would surely fix it? Yeah...

GT Sport is in fact a beta still, but that doesn't mean it's more likely to suddenly have a locked frame rate at release. That's wishful thinking. I mean, I hope it does too, but there's nothing to suggest that will happen.
@SlipZtrEm To be fair, GT5 was nowhere near a solid 60. I'd like to think those 5-10 fps drops can be fixed but fair point. Heck -- knowing PD, they'll add more bells and whistles and have it worse.

GT6 was nowhere near a solid 60 either. Those 5-10 fps drops absolutely could be fixed, although Polyphony may not be willing to accept the graphical downgrade that it might take.

But yes, you make a good point. Given that Polyphony seem to weight shininess over stability, if they did happen to hit a solid 60 they would likely take that as an indication that they could get away with adding more stuff.

It's why I look at FMs graphical inferiority as somewhat of a positive. Yes, it looks worse, but it's an indication that T10 will not accept anything less than a solid 60, no matter the toll on the graphical fidelity. As that aligns with my own opinion on the matter (I'll turn down settings on PC until I get a locked 60 or as close to it as I can reasonably manage in games without dynamic optimization), I find Forza's treatment excellent and Gran Turismo's somewhat annoying. Given that these are console games and we don't have the ability to tweak options to find our own personal sweet spots, it's incredibly important that the developers find a balance that pleases at least most people.

I'd love to see an in-depth discussion with one of the graphics leads at Polyphony about how they see the trade off between frame rate and graphical features.
Continuing on with the topic of the trees.
I have found a video that demonstrates how the trees work in Forza Motorsports 6 (Brands Hatch):
Demonstration starts at 3:15
In comparison to GTS brands:

Any case these videos have been posted before I apologize
I don't like very much the VS with other games and if possible prefer to take reality as a comparison.
I tried to make a first quick comparison with Pflanzgarten section of Nurburgring (Km 17)


With the new vegetation and the extra details it's now almost lifelike.
It will be interesting to make more precise comparisons when there is the final version with the choice of time and the freedom of the photomode:tup:

Not the same angle, but this is a my old shot from GT6 for an extra comparison:
What beholds me of these comparisons is that Forza captures details far more sharper than GT sport may be due to xbox one X though. Nonetheless it looks interesting. Lighting PD still holds the crown apperently.
Is a very quick comparison with the available stuff.... I'm pretty sure that with the same track and the same weather/TOD GTS would seem still better

I agree. I think it shows that the lighting system does a better job into making the image more realistic.
Are you surprised?
Kind of considering this is the first comparison thread that seems have upheld its maturity unlike the days of old.

Multiple comparisons of in-shade vs. direct sunlight are disappointing. I'm not even sure it's fair to compare a Dubai environment consisting of nothing but sand & dunes to a Willow Springs' backdrop of mountains & heavy spectators, let alone being midday vs. afternoon/morning. Of course Forza 7 looks underwhelming with such a bland picture.