found this kind of funny........
A guy on one of the forums Im on all the time, posted
Called EB today to find out when I could pick up my copy of GT4. heres how the convo went.
me - "Yeah I'm just calling to confirm Gran Turismo 4 comes out tomorrow?"
them - "Yes it does, you can have it at 10:00am"
me - "Oh sweet, finally, I had this sucker ordered for like 2 years."
them - "Wait a second...are you THE man?"
me - " I have to be?"
them - "No, what is your name?"
me - "Ryan Ripley"
them - ..clicks away..."YEAH YOU ARE! YOU HAVE HAD THIS GAME
me - "God damn, that long?"
them - "You are the regional record holder for preordering any game the most
time in advance."
me - "Do I get something free?"
them - "A handshake!"
me - "Well thats not much of a prize"
hahaha I am the winnner!