• Thread starter amar212
2 Player mode + Garage cars = Me buying GT4 on the 22nd!

Very good news to hear that! I can't wait to give GT4 a spin on X-Link Kai! Although I will be exceedingly pissed off if the PAL version of GT4 has garage battles, while the NA version does not, although I can't possibly seeing this happening (And if it does, I will sell my PS2, all it's games, and buy an X-Box and a preorder of Forza completely out of spite :lol: )
GT Freak!
I have just gone on this web site and it further confuses me! As you can see, it gives 3 power reading! i dont speak german but i can guess what they say Maximum power 955ps, minimum power 636ps and stadard power 796ps. Does this mean that once i have got the bentley speed 8 and in my garage and it gives the standard reading of 796ps, i actualy have the ability to detune the engine to give the more realisitic HP reading? The same goes for the weight! While the stnadard weight is 900kg, which is accurate i am just curious!

I would also like to point out that this web site, actualy gives power reading, maximum, minimum, and standard to all the cars in GT4, including the ones which in the garage have a blank where the power output is. e.g. mclaren f1 gtr
To answer this, that database is for all the cars in arcade mode, in the arcade mode options you can alter your cars weight and power, these figures show how much these can be altered. Tuning your race cars in GT mode is the same process as it was in GT3 mainly just adding turbo's or NA tune.

As for your other comment no car in GT4 that I have come across has no power readings, some have it blank in the showroom but once bought you can see how much power the car has.
So does that mean in simulation mode if i get the bentley speed 8, the HP will be minimum and displayed level of 636hp? and then i am able to tune it to 796bhp and then 955bhp with tune ups? I am sure i have read some where that as soon as you have bought a car like the bentley the power reading raises from the displayed power of 636 up to 796! Is this correct, or does this just count for arcade mode, and i can keep my bentley at the realistic 636hp power reading in simulation mode?
In the sim mode your cars power will rise after you've bought it, I don't know the exact figures but they generally rise by quite a bit on the LeMans cars, they can be tuned further and again in general (I've not see every car) they can be tuned to give higher Bhp outputs than whats allowed in the arcade mode.
But if you change to "Restricted Auto-save" it WON'T save when you buy new cars? Or what?
No it always save when you sell your car.
amar: one question if I may? I thought the A-Spec to B-Spec change will be possible in PAL? Is it really? And saving during endurances? I mean, if you can skip from A-spec to B-spec, why couldn't you save then? If you find any answer to those, let us know, please.
Because saving a game during a race requires more data transfer than simpley chaging the driver control from you to the AI.
i may be wrong then, but on this web page it shows 3 power readings, the minimum power output seems to be the one oh which is displayed in the showroom, and the standard output may be the one that the car has after you have bought it! However it does no match the power output which is in Famines car database!

Weird how there also seems to be a minimum, maximum and standard weight of the car as well!

good webpage though!
GT Freak!
i may be wrong then, but on this web page it shows 3 power readings, the minimum power output seems to be the one oh which is displayed in the showroom, and the standard output may be the one that the car has after you have bought it! However it does no match the power output which is in Famines car database!

Weird how there also seems to be a minimum, maximum and standard weight of the car as well!

good webpage though!

Already answered mate ;).

To answer this, that database is for all the cars in arcade mode, in the arcade mode options you can alter your cars weight and power, these figures show how much these can be altered. Tuning your race cars in GT mode is the same process as it was in GT3 mainly just adding turbo's or NA tune.

As for your other comment no car in GT4 that I have come across has no power readings, some have it blank in the showroom but once bought you can see how much power the car has.

It's just so you can change your cars performce to make the race easier / harder and tailor the ca to the AI cars your put up against.
OK then, i must be realy slow tonight :dunce: last question, basically in simulation mode, when i win the Bentley Speed 8, will the actual power output be 636bhp like it says in the showroom, or will it be a lot higher? The same goes for the other le man cars, in simulation mode will the actual HP be the one displayed in the showroom? Sorry if i am sounding like i am repeating myself! im not realy thick....... :rolleyes:
It will be higher, don't ask for exact figures from me, the other cars go higher too.
Doh.. still no replay saves for 2Player... grrr...

Well at least there are Garage Cars... the replays will have to be done by capturing every single race ever done whilst it's being raced and sorting out the best... hmm :/
This is all excellent news. Thanks a lot amar!! :cheers:

If only these changes applied to the NTSC release... :nervous:
Must...have...garage battles...

Hard to believe that there are no news floating around on the NTSC GT4... Only a week left, too. :dunce:
Buggy Boy
A question, as it is what's bothering me mainly regarding GT4 ... : is the crowd cheering like in the NTSC/J version, and can you switch it off?
It's funny ain't it... the only thing that's bothering me about GTP sometimes is you..

Don't sweat the small stuff honey !....
what brown
I know, it's ridiculous that nobody knows jack sh-t about the na release.
Nope.. But we PAL people get to get all the info from Amar before you get to know about the NTSC/US version ;)

Amar212 RULES !...
Just in case you missed it the first time, anyone know the answer to my previous post please?

Since they don't seem to ever want to post my threads at this place, I guess I'll ask you guys this.

Are there any water droplets on the screen when you're racing in the wet? I love that effect. It's awesome in Rallisport Challenge 2 and Colin McRae 2005. Don't suppose they've thrown it in this for the bumper cam or anything, or for on the lense during replays? I mean, they got heat haze in there. Some water droplets would rock.
I am special
Just in case you missed it the first time, anyone know the answer to my previous post please?

Since they don't seem to ever want to post my threads at this place, I guess I'll ask you guys this.

Are there any water droplets on the screen when you're racing in the wet? I love that effect. It's awesome in Rallisport Challenge 2 and Colin McRae 2005. Don't suppose they've thrown it in this for the bumper cam or anything, or for on the lense during replays? I mean, they got heat haze in there. Some water droplets would rock.
Not in the Chn NTSC version....
I'm guessing the Lexus GS300 is just the V300, Bummer no American GS400, it'd be nice to see more than one Japanese V8 in a normal car in the game.
No droplets on screen.

New, 4th update available in the first thread and you're not going to like this one.