• Thread starter amar212
Won't make much difference to me whether the game saves or not. I've never been one to "test drive" cars before I buy them. Usually, the given stats as well as whatever I already know about the car will be enough to base a decision on without having to actually drive it. I can't recall any time when I've purchased a car and it ended up not being what I expected.
I don't really like the news about the automatic saving it's doing. I don't even mind not being able to easily test a car before I buy it, because I hardly ever did that to begin with. I do have other thoughts about it which I don't like.

Doesn't it take incredibly long to go from menu to menu if it saves everything you do? Or what if someone (like yourself) switches the PS2 off while not realizing that it's still saving? You'll end up with a corrupt GT4 savegame? I'd seriously smash my PS2 through the window if my data with my precious 1000 tuned cars disappears. I definitely need to keep a back up of the game on another memory card!
I don't really care about the autosaving all the time, as long as it doesn't take that long.
I already ruined my Soul Calibur 2 data by switching the console off while it just started auto saving. I pushed the button and right after that the auto save screen shows up and it switched off.... DOH.
Autosave on: Doesnt ask, just saves
Autosave off - Asks you whether you want to save.

Either way, it wants to save and wont proceed untill it does.
I really HOPE this is fixed/corrected for the final public release... please.. god... no

Unless.. of course... its ment to be like this? 👎
Or else you just need 2 memory cards when you want to test a car :)

Yes. You need two MC's with same save - before you have bought a car - and that 2nd save can be done only by resetting the console and by coping the save manually trough browser - then turn the console on, load the game, buy a car - car being saved on card - then you realise in one point you don't want that car - you have to reset the game again, put in the backup MC and load from beggining.
Autosave suks.... They accomplished their mission... to ruin a PAL version again! Thanks a lot:crazy:

Anyway great job Amar:tup:

just remember we could be gettin flogged over here even worse, time will tell.

...But I'm still going to buy the game and probably like it.

btw AMAR, good info this entire time all the way from your first posts before the press. Have you heard anything on the US side by chance?
I don't really like the news about the automatic saving it's doing. I don't even mind not being able to easily test a car before I buy it, because I hardly ever did that to begin with. I do have other thoughts about it which I don't like.

Doesn't it take incredibly long to go from menu to menu if it saves everything you do? Or what if someone (like yourself) switches the PS2 off while not realizing that it's still saving? You'll end up with a corrupt GT4 savegame? I'd seriously smash my PS2 through the window if my data with my precious 1000 tuned cars disappears. I definitely need to keep a back up of the game on another memory card!

I don't think it will save every time you switch menu's. As far as I understand, only actions like switching cars, finishing races, etc trigger the autosave.

I don't see why it is so terrible that it is not possible to back-up the memcard file. This is allready the case for a long time in other PS2 games. Even Timesplitters 2 had this restriction. I guess it is to prevent cheating. Just as the autosave option. amar212 said it has always been possible to test a car before buying it. Sure, but that's because of a loophole in the game. It's not as if the devs took this into account to make playing earlier GT's easier for gamers. Making a game harder is a good thing isn't it?
@ Amar: Yeah, I already edited my previous post, because I read the reactions from the members and not your update on page 1... This is indeed an unexpected development :/
nope, frustrating, isn't it?

Amar, on page 13 someone asked a nice question, do you have the answer on this one:

Buggy Boy
And 2nd question : is the Vertigo still so overspec'd (900+ HP) or has it been corrected too?
You know the Asian Version doesn't let you do anything without the memorycard inserted. I found that out because I wanted to sell some cars and buy another. Then I couldn't even look at my cars at all without re-inserting the memory card.
Yep, so how much money do you lose if you resell the car straight away? Anyone?

I think it's just like all other games: you get 1/4 from the original price :/

Edit: lol, too late

Fruitcake, read the first page --> Amar's post. It IS bad.
when i was still green in the racing of gt3 i liked to sell all of my cars....which was never order to purchase something more high end....i feel bad for those who have trouble getting far in the game...they may never experience some awesome cars.....oh well im not personally upset i just feel bad for those who would have to do tricks like that....or who want to just race a damn good car early in the game by selling all your crap youve won....without having to do without the sold cars....
then you press no and everything is fine?

i dont see the problem

Nope, when you sell a car in the asian version while it's selling it saves the game. I didn't find that too bad, but with the autosave turned off it didn't do the same when buying a car. Although that's how it seems with the pal version.
No I think you can buy a car without it autosaving, but you can't get into the car or anything without autosaving so you can't test a car before buying it anymore.
I don't understand the complaints about autosaving. If you don't like a car just upgrade it or buy another. If it is anything like GT3 you will have more money and cars than you know what to do with in less than a week (real time, not game time).

Maybe I just don't understand because I am a collector, and accidentally buying a bad car early on just means I wont have to buy it later.
With auto save being implemented they should have included a "test drive" option for all cars to be bought. Or do you think anyone would ever buy a $500.000 sports car just by its looks?
Making a game harder is a good thing isn't it?

This is not the case. Since the first GT I liked the fact I can wonder around to find on what should I spent my money. Now, that freedom has dissapeared. Do not know have you got a chance to play Asian game, but if so, you'll find out that maybe you will want to find a car that will do good A-Spec points in races.

In Asian game you could easily reset the game if you have spent your money on the wrong car. Also, you could load again if you have managed to collect almost all 8,000,000 for BlackBeauties and then spend it just to find out how some price-tagged special car is going. Now, it is not the case.

It is not making the game harder. It is just making it less fun. And less free. And I do not like it no way, not with so much possibilities this game is giving.

Is my first post on GtPlanet.....I'm Obi-Wan from Italy.

I have one question to Amar.

How about the difference in sense of speed between the Pal version and the NTSC version? GT3 PAL was more slow then GT3 NTSC :indiff: beacause PAL is 50hz (GT3/4 runs at 50fps); NTSC is 60hz (GT3/4 runs at 60fps)
I take it the price drops again when you upgrade, cos in gt3 when you upgraded an r34 skyline to 1000+bhp it was worth next to nothing!

well it depends on your driving skill. a lot of people cant drive the fully upgraded skyline, supra, viper and many other cars, but they are a few of my favorite to throw around a track. its all on preference though. i think the price drops a certain constant rate to keep it easy.