Hope nobody (especally MellowBoy) minds. I wanted a full list of all the devices, so I went through all the posts today and cut-n-pasted them to a file, this file?
Some of the names might be the wrong way around, I don't know half the trade names listed, but I've tried to get it right.
Hope it helps somebody.
Confirmed working hardware:
- Creative MuVo MP3 player
- Kingston Data Traveller USB Pen Drive
- Sony Pocket Bit USB memory
- Sony Micro Vault
- SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB Flash Drive
- Media Gear 7-in-1 USB 2.0 memory card reader w/ PQI 256mb Hi-Speed Compact Flash
Maker: Adtec
Model No: 32MB stick
Works: Yes
Maker: Apacer
Model No: Handy Steno TN202 128mb
Works: Yes
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod
Works: Yes
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod 3rd Gen
Works: Yes
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod Shuffle 512MB
Works: Yes
Notes: I have the 512MB version with 20MB enabled for data.
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod 3G 20GB
Works: Yes
Notes: Set to Enable Disk Mode
Maker: Buffalo
Model No: Clip Drive Memory Stick
Works: Yes
Maker: CnMemory
Model No: SilverPearl MicroX USB 2.0 1024 MB
Works: Yes
Notes: The stick is named "LEXAR MEDIA" on the desktop, so it is maybe one of the Lexar Jumpdrives.
Maker: Conceptronic
Model No: USB 3.5 HD Box
Works: Yes
Maker: Dazzle
Model No: 6-in-1 USB1.1 Reader
Works: Yes
Notes: With a 1GB IBM Microdrive in the CF slot
Maker: Edigital
Model No: Odyssey 1000 MP3 Player with 20gb HDD
Works: Yes
Maker: Elephant
Model No: USB Thumb Drive
Works: Yes
Maker: HP
Model No: Photosmart 120 Digital Camera with 256MB Compact Flash
Works: Yes
Maker: Imation
Model No: USB Swivel 32MB Drive
Works: Yes
Notes: From Target... on sale for $9!
Maker: IOData
Model No: EasyDisk Pt Memory Stick
Works: Yes
Maker: IOdata
Model No: Portable Hard Disk HDA-iU160/120M
Works: Yes
Maker: iRiver
Model No: iHP-120
Works: Yes
Maker: Kingston
Model No: Data Traveler 256MB KUSBDTI/256
Works: Yes
Notes: Zero problems straight out of the package.
Maker: Lexar
Model No: Jumpdrive 128Mb USB Key
Works: Yes
Maker: Lexar
Model No: Media JumpDrive
Works: Yes
Maker: Lexar
Model No: Jumpdrive Elite
Works: Yes
Maker: Lexar
Model No: JumpDrive 128mb USB 2.0
Works: Yes
Maker: Lexar
Model No: 128MB JumpDrive
Works: Yes
Notes: Works perfectly fine after it has been formatted
Maker: Micro Advantage
Model No: QuickiDrive QD64
Works: Yes
Maker: Minolta
Model No: Dimage F200 Digi Camera
Works: Yes
Maker: Muller
Model No: 512 MP3 Player
Works: Yes
Notes: This is unmarked with any brand, therefore it probably will be available in other places, with another name.
Maker: Nikon
Model No: Coolpix 4500
Works: Yes
Notes: The camera itself doesn't recognize the files, but they're saved successfully onto the 256mb card and transferred onto the computer.
Maker: Nikon
Model No: Coolpix 5400
Works: Yes
Maker: PEAK
Model No: USB 2.0 128 mb Stick
Works: Yes
Maker: PQI
Model No: I-Stick 2.0 1GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive BD01-1033-0121
Works: Yes
Maker: PQI
Model No: 512MB USB2.0 Travelling Disk
Works: Yes
Maker: RCA
Model No: Lyra RD2840
Works: Yes
Maker: Samsung
Model No: Yepp YP-T5 MP3 Player
Works: Yes
Maker: SanDisc
Model No: Cruzer Mini 1GB
Works: Yes
Maker: SanDisc
Model No: Cruzer Micro 128
Works: Yes
Notes: And no, people are having trouble with this one, including me.
Maker: SanDisc
Model No: Cruzer Micro 256mb
Maker: SanDisc
Model No: Cruzer Mini 256MB
Works: Yes
Notes: Delete everything, format it to FAT 32, the label doesn't matter, plug it in your PS2 and go.
Maker: SimpleTech
Model No: USB2.0 256MB Flash Drive
Works: Yes
Maker: Smart Media
Model No: Card Reader SIIG US2260
Works: Yes
Maker: Sony
Model No: Mini Vault
Works: Yes
Maker: Sony
Model No: Micro Vault 128M USM128
Works: Yes
Notes: USB 1.1 only, also works with AR MAX
Maker: Sony
Model No: Micro Vault 256M USM256U2
Works: Yes
Maker: Sony
Model No: Micro Vault 256M USM256A
Works: Yes
Maker: Soyo
Model No: Cigar Pro 2 - 512MB USB 2.0
Works: Yes
Notes: Very Expensive
Maker: TrekStor
Model No: USB MusicStick 150
Works: Yes
Maker: ZOLL
Model No: 128mb Flash Drive
Works: Yes
Notes: All my images are at 100kb or less. Problem fixed, the film wasn't set to super fine detail.
Names I couldnt make out.
Model No: MaxDrive stick
Works: Yes
Notes: I reformatted it using "MS-DOS Format" in my Mac's Disc Utility, and it worked perfectly.
Model No: PNY 256MB
Works: Yes
Incompatible hardware:
- SanDisk Cruzer Mini USB Flash Drive
- Datel Max Drive USB Memory Device
- Sony Mouse with Memory Stick Reader/Writer MSAC-US5
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod U2
Works: No
Maker: Apple
Model No: iPod 4G 40Gig
Works: No
Maker: Canon
Model No: PowerShot A60
Works: No
Maker: Creative
Model No: Nomad Jukebox 3
Works: No
Maker: Iwill
Model No: USB 6-in-1 Memory Card Reader/Writer
Works: No
Notes: I used my 64mb Smartmedia card
Maker: Key Drive
Model No: USB Flash Memory Drive 32mb
Works: No
Maker: Minolta
Model No: Dimage Z3
Works: No
Maker: Olympus
Model No: D-550Z
Works: No
Maker: Polaroid
Model No: PDC 330
Works: No
Maker: Panasonic
Model No: SD Card Reader/Writer
Works: No
Maker: Sony
Model No: PSP
Works: No
Notes: Im hoping some type of software/file can fool the psp to make it work.
Sorry, I just looked at the post, I did tabulate the thing, but after cutting'n'pasting it's all gone bits up???