code_kevQuite hard actually.
it looked pretty straight forward from those vids
code_kevQuite hard actually.
it looked pretty straight forward from those vids
Forza is just a piece of crap with ferrari in it. period.
Chris1990(reply for akak)
Did you see the 'Vette at Laguna Seca. It was like it was on ice.
code_kevWell it's not lol. Look I'm playing the demo right now, don't argue with me
The game is no more arcadey then any other sim, including GT4.
code_kevI've only got the demo, and when you play it, it seriously does feel pretty good, especially how the game does the grip etc of the cars. It lacks the graphical polish of GT4, but it does feel nice to play, it doesn't feel floaty or anything like that. Videos can be missleading.
ha, this guy just go back and forth in this forum trying to tell everyone that they're wrong. interesting person, i love you man.
you should relax a little
First off KENJIusa, a post like this is neither helpful or wanted here. What you were initially doing was posting you opinion, fine, and Code was posting his by dissagreeing with you. I'm sure if you were offended by his jibe he'd Apologise, but keep language like that out of your posts, it's childish and it will only serve to give you a warning by a moderator if one sees it.KENJIusaI watched some videos and just tried to tell everyone my opinions about forza. what the **** is wrong with you? What the **** you think who you are to say I am wrong you goddamn mother****er?
The time and effort and love cant be matched by a billion dollar franchise made y fat americans who wanna make more money for their superior BILL GATES, you really think you can make a GT beater in 2 years? HA!
you really think you can make a GT beater in 2 years
all the cars are big, flash supercars
The only thing I really dont like is the R!ce addition (NFSU modding) I hate it.