GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Voici une video bien vilaine, on voit la jalousie des pocesseur de Xbox, tout le monde peut faire une tel video, pour descendre l'un ou l'autre des jeux.
Prout. 👎
L'avenir de la planete ne depend pas de ce qui vas ce vendre le mieux, il faut ce reveiller, les bébés. on a plus 5 ans. :)
Forza is just a piece of crap with ferrari in it. period.

You'd make a great games reviewer

"I saw a video of this game, yeah and well, it looked average. I give it 5/10"

Hey, good thing your not a faving fanboy eh!
Well it's not lol. Look I'm playing the demo right now, don't argue with me :D
The game is no more arcadey then any other sim, including GT4.

nah im just saying from how it looks, probably handles pretty nice when playing, just something didnt look right....
I've only got the demo, and when you play it, it seriously does feel pretty good, especially how the game does the grip etc of the cars. It lacks the graphical polish of GT4, but it does feel nice to play, it doesn't feel floaty or anything like that. Videos can be missleading. Shame I can't post any vids or anything, don't have the equptment :(
I've only got the demo, and when you play it, it seriously does feel pretty good, especially how the game does the grip etc of the cars. It lacks the graphical polish of GT4, but it does feel nice to play, it doesn't feel floaty or anything like that. Videos can be missleading.

yes that whole video was missleading trying too show every fault gt3 had whilst making forza look rosey, Some people probably think thats gt4 in that vid
ha, this guy just go back and forth in this forum trying to tell everyone that they're wrong. interesting person, i love you man.

Only the people who can't back their facts up.

It's funny though, you can tell the people who HAVE played it from the ones that havn't usually, because the ones that havn't usually make crap up based on vids (for both GT4 and forza).
I watched some videos and just tried to tell everyone my opinions about forza. what the **** is wrong with you? What the **** you think who you are to say I am wrong you goddamn mother****er?
First off KENJIusa, a post like this is neither helpful or wanted here. What you were initially doing was posting you opinion, fine, and Code was posting his by dissagreeing with you. I'm sure if you were offended by his jibe he'd Apologise, but keep language like that out of your posts, it's childish and it will only serve to give you a warning by a moderator if one sees it.

Secondly, having played the demo myself, I can tell you the cars are not any easier to drift than they are in GT4. As for the Z06 sliding out like that, forzas game engine allows you to put more of the cars power down in one go than GT4's and if you put your foot down in a Z06 going round a corner like that, guess what, the back end will slide out with little to no effort. As for regaining control of your car in Forza, again it's not as easy to do as in GT4 so don't go jumping on the game because it can be done when it can in GT4 too.

Finally, the damage in Forza looks good enough IMO to add to the game rather than make you think, thats wrong. My overall opinion will not be made up until I've played the full and final build of Forza, but as things stand GT4 is seeming like it might edge in front for single player but Forza's online is a huge plus and I will be getting both.
How the hell do you know when Forza is currently unfinished and over 3 months away from completion. God, guys get your heads out of PD's ass, make a seriouse and educated judgment based on what YOU like in games. Don't just say stuff like that for the heck of it, or because it doesn't matter to you since your not getting an X-Box ever either way.
The time and effort and love cant be matched by a billion dollar franchise made y fat americans who wanna make more money for their superior BILL GATES, you really think you can make a GT beater in 2 years? HA!
No offense to anyone here but just because someone likes and prefers GT4 to Forza or any other game, it doesn't mean their sucking up to PD. I think that GT4 will still remain ahead of the competition but that's my opinion, I'm not saying it because I'm biased towards PD.
Now thats a comment that deserves slating, how the hell do you know what GT5 will like compared to say Forza 2 or 3, you don't. You don't even know what Forza will be like when it'as finished. Granted it won't look all to much different from what it looks like now, but the game as a whole has huge potential. It' got more features than GT4, and as good a physics engine, heres a quote from Tha_con who is currently testing an unfinished BETA of Forza "After playing them both, with all assists off, I have come to determine that both of these games have physics engines that have their strengths and weaknesses, but in the end the come out equal. ". Imo Forza has a better car list too, despite their being few cars overall, I don't care about 50 Skylines, I'd be just as happy with 9 or 10. I don't want 2 versions of the Daihatsu Copen or 3 versions of the Fiat 500R or Honda Beat ect.

Also the team creating Forza happen to be a team or car enthusiasts, many of whom have been or are still involved with variouse forms of motorsport. So to say they arn't putting a lot of care and effort into Forza is a stupid satement.

Chris, I have no problem with someone saying they think GT4 will be better and providing valid reasons why, however comments like "GT4 is the better game, always will be." are complete bull and deserve a slating as does the member who posted them.
Daddybird, can I have a copy of your time machine please? Thanks!

The time and effort and love cant be matched by a billion dollar franchise made y fat americans who wanna make more money for their superior BILL GATES, you really think you can make a GT beater in 2 years? HA!

The level of ignorance displayed in that was mindblowing. You allways know the said person doesn't have a clue, when they try and mention Bill Gates. It usually boils down to 2 facts, first, it's an xbox game, and secondly it's not GT, which simply puts them into mindless "OMFG BILL GATES WANTZ 2 H4X YOUR BRAIN" mode, where they name drop him every other sentance as if he made the game, and it some how reflects on the quality of it. Idiots.

you really think you can make a GT beater in 2 years

It certainly seems to be giving it a good fun it's money. This is a good thing imo, the more quality racing games, the better.
Chris, I have no problem with someone saying they think GT4 will be better and providing valid reasons why, however comments like "GT4 is the better game, always will be." are complete bull and deserve a slating as does the member who posted them.[/QUOTE]

Firstly I did not mention GT5 at all so I don't see why that is brought into this. I also agree that Forza has better cars but it has less variety, all the cars are big, flash supercars (although there is no problem with that), there is no depth.
I didn't actually state "GT4 is the better game" at all, I merely stated that in my opinion I will prefer GT4 to Forza. I am not alone in my opinion either.
I don't see why letting my opinion be known, trying not to cause offense shall be considered "bull" or should be slated at all just because I think that on a discussion forum I can express my views. A discussion is an expression of views between two or more people. I don't see why you should slate me for saying what I think! Thank You! 👎 👎 👎 :grumpy:
My post was not serious, but I can see this topic is going that way.
I have the demo of Forza and I can tell you the driving (with aids off) is very realistic, the cars react very direct and they really feel like you're driving a car.
The carlist is very good too: lots of ferrari's and porsche's etc.
The only thing I really dont like is the R!ce addition (NFSU modding) I hate it.
The graphics are stunning, but too steriel, if you compare it to GT4.
Tho I only played GTP; I can say GT still has an advantage on the 'feeling' , it feels more complete and (here it comes again) made with more love.....
But how can you prefer a game over another you havn't played? Does not compute. Go on ask me which I prefer! I'll tell ya, neither, as I've only played demos.

all the cars are big, flash supercars

Umm not really.

The only thing I really dont like is the R!ce addition (NFSU modding) I hate it.

Well least it there, and it actually effects the way your car handles, so you can laugh as you beat the pants off people in your stock car online, while their Ricer mobile lags behind.