GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Chris I never said you mentioned GT5, that was a quote from Daddybird. I was in no way slating you, I was agreeing with you to a point and then saying why from that point I dissagreed. Sorry for the confusion.

I'll try and phrase it better this time, yes everyone is free to have their own opinion here, I have no problems with people preferring GT4 over Forza or disliking Forza altogether, but a comment like Daddybird's has no reason behind it, it's stupid to say GT4 is better than Forza end of story, or GT will always be better. Forza hasn't even come out yet, so how anyone would know how Forza 2 stacks up to GT5 is anyones guess.

Hope that clears things up, no hard feelings meant I just typed in a rush and it didn't come out as intended.
Okay code_key I haven't played/seen Forza much but what I've seen is like that.
Also, Daddybird, thanks for your unbiased backed-up opinions through all the slating, I am starting to like Forza a little more now!
Finally my "all the cars are big flash supercars" comment was a little exaggerated anyway as I was trying to fight my corner against live4speed as I don't agree that my comments were that terrible that they deserved slating, especially after reading some by other people in this thread and others.
I never said you mentioned GT5, that was a quote from Daddybird. I was in no way slating you, I was agreeing with you to a point and then saying why from that point I dissagreed. Sorry for the confusion.

I'll try and phrase it better this time, yes everyone is free to have their own opinion here, I have no problems with people preferring GT4 over Forza or disliking Forza altogether, but a comment like Daddybird's has no reason behind it, it's stupid to say GT4 is better than Forza end of story, or GT will always be better. Forza hasn't even come out yet, so how anyone would know how Forza 2 stacks up to GT5 is anyones guess.

Hope that clears things up, no hard feelings meant I just typed in a rush and it didn't come out as intended.

OK, live4speed, sorry for my part in the confusion. I agree with you about Forza it is just that I thought you were slating my comments at the start of your post. Sorry again. :)
I only hope the exterior look of your car doesnt effect your point or whatsoever, like with NFSU, I HATE that game, its so utterly rubbish.

It effects the handling of your car. The end. I think I read somewhere that it puts it though a virtual wind tunnle or something to work it out, though I might just be talking crap.
Hope that clears things up, no hard feelings meant I just typed in a rush and it didn't come out as intended.

Nah, you meant the hard feelings man!!! :dopey: Just playin.

Anyway, the car list in Forza is all about the super cars. Let's look at it another way. If GT4 and Forza were on the same console, Forza wouldn't have a prayer of success without the super cars. I'm not talking about being a "better" game. I'm talking about selling enough copies to be successful. The GT series has such ridiculous market share it's not funny. I know people own and play other PS2 racers/drivers besides the GT series, but you get my point.

The Porsches(wish they were in GT4 so bad! :( ), Lambos, Ferrari's that are in Forza are a MAJOR selling point and I don't blame Microsoft for exploiting it. The online features are also big.

If you want to be honest, here's how I see it coming out. For the enthusiast/professional GT4 will be the game of choice. For the vast majority of gamers, Forza will be the choice just because it has big name brand cars and instant online features. Doesn't mean one is better then the other, but the "gotta have it" factor differs from group to group.
It effects the handling of your car. The end. I think I read somewhere that it puts it though a virtual wind tunnle or something to work it out, though I might just be talking crap.
If it effects the handling, its ok.
Would be cool if there was something like a windtunnel.
Swift, both games are in the same market idea. Both are sims for enthusiasts, full stop. Just because it has things like car mods etc doesn't turn it into NFSU lol.
Anyway, the car list in Forza is all about the super cars. Let's look at it another way. If GT4 and Forza were on the same console, Forza wouldn't have a prayer of success without the super cars. I'm not talking about being a "better" game. I'm talking about selling enough copies to be successful. The GT series has such ridiculous market share it's not funny. I know people own and play other PS2 racers/drivers besides the GT series, but you get my point.

The Porsches(wish they were in GT4 so bad! :( ), Lambos, Ferrari's that are in Forza are a MAJOR selling point and I don't blame Microsoft for exploiting it. The online features are also big.

If you want to be honest, here's how I see it coming out. For the enthusiast/professional GT4 will be the game of choice. For the vast majority of gamers, Forza will be the choice just because it has big name brand cars and instant online features. Doesn't mean one is better then the other, but the "gotta have it" factor differs from group to group.[/QUOTE]

Well done Swift, that's what I was trying (badly) to say earlier. I guess you just put it into words better than I did.
Swift, both games are in the same market idea. Both are sims for enthusiasts, full stop. Just because it has things like car mods etc doesn't turn it into NFSU lol.

When did I mention NFSU? When did I say they weren't both sims? What I said was how SALES were going to turn out. Nothing about gameplay, style or anything like that. To be honest, most people that buy GT4 and Forza don't even know it's a sim when they're buying it. I'm not talking about people on this forum, but the mass populus.

BTW, I think that ricing the cars in Forza is dumb...but that's just me. (puts on flame retartand helmet and coat in preperation for the flame war :sly: )
In that context what you said will more than likely be spot on, personally I don't like the max power style kits either, bu not every body kit is the same style, theres proper race car aero kits in Forza too with front splitters and wings all designed to help performance.
In that context what you said will more than likely be spot on, personally I don't like the max power style kits either, bu not every body kit is the same style, theres proper race car aero kits in Forza too with front splitters and wings all designed to help performance.

Sure, there are advantages to adding body kits and what not to cars. No argument here. It's just that I think people are going to get all NFSU with it(Microsoft would be dumb not to include it). So you're going to have some rather ridiculous stuff in a sim that even the most slighty educated enthusiast would NEVER do. But to look cool, different or whatever, I'm sure we'll see it. :yuck:
From a finacial point though, as you said they would be dumb not to include it. Look at how many sales NFS:U 1 and 2 has made, and theyre only half decent if your into that thing.
From a finacial point though, as you said they would be dumb not to include it. Look at how many sales NFS:U 1 and 2 has made, and theyre only half decent if your into that thing.

Quarter decent! Though NFSU 2 was a slight improvement. Though I think the funkly touched up pictures used to represent people were really stupid.

I'm actually interested to see what kind of game Forza is going to turn out to be. We have a track record with GT so we all have a pretty good idea of what to expect. But with Forza being new, it should be cool to see just how much they can do with the Xbox.
Go into the X-Box section of the site (god forbid ;)) and read the later pages of the "Forza" thread and you can read some preview snippets from Tha_con who is right now able to play an unpolished version.
How the hell do you know when Forza is currently unfinished and over 3 months away from completion. God, guys get your heads out of PD's ass, make a seriouse and educated judgment based on what YOU like in games. Don't just say stuff like that for the heck of it, or because it doesn't matter to you since your not getting an X-Box ever either way.

um.. look what I said... DOnt think he got the same messege from what I said withought me being harsh? :indiff:
Go into the X-Box section of the site (god forbid ;)) and read the later pages of the "Forza" thread and you can read some preview snippets from Tha_con who is right now able to play an unpolished version.

Yeah, I better just read. I don't think even my flame retardant suit can handle those temperatures. :lol:
I have been looking @ Gtplanet forum for quite a while now but never posted any reply. Everyone here looks real nice and I just want to say one thing about this Forza video. From this video and other Forza video that I previously saw I am sorry but the way the car handles is not even close to be simulation of what a car would really feel , it closely looks like burnout or NFS underground 2. For my self I am not impress at all by Forza looks like another want to be simulation easy driving game that anyone can just be good without practicing much. Enthusia for PS2 release in Spring looks amazing from the replays that I saw and looks exclusive to Ps2.
And you know this because you've played both finshed products?...... :sly:

im just going too wait till forza is realesed now, there has been far too many supposed GT killers on the xbox all have fallen very short, this one does look better than other attempts though
see, it goes both way. the is turning mildly retarded. Verbal bouts of the idiot fanboys among the people who use their brains to make decisions.
see, it goes both way. the is turning mildly retarded. Verbal bouts of the idiot fanboys among the people who use their brains to make decisions.

if anyone here wants a laugh go over too go too otherconsole debate and start a gt4 thread they love gt4 over there! :dopey:
And you know this because you've played both finshed products?...... :sly:
Very "sly" reply. Its obvious I'm talking about the demo. The demo everyone is talking about. The build of the game most of us have played, genius.
digidiblet- have you played it?
I've posted this in a Mixed forum (PS2 and Xbox) and I got a bunch of fan boy's squabbling over who's console is bigger (PS2 and XBox users)...

So i've decided to post on specialist Forum for each game so I can get everyone's opinion and make a desision from there.

I'm condering buying a console, and one of the major reasons for this is because it's the only place developers seem to make any effort to create a serious Sim (GT4 and Forza).
Which brings me to my point i'm either going to buy a XBox or PS2 depending on the quality of GT4 or Forza, i'm been reasearching and watching each title very closely, and needless to say the desision is VERY hard indeed, your all probably vereran console players so I doubt it generates that much excitment ( been there done that got the badge )
Now I can only afford one Console (I'm no millionaire) and my desision soley rests on which game is better GT4 or Forza.
I want to hear your guys opinions on each title good and bad....


+ Well established
+ Amazing Graphics
+ Amazing Physics
+ Scenery (3D people in rally, in pits, crowd)
+ Photo Mode
+ 50+ tracks Plus many with reverse option
+ Car Museum
+ The Logitech DFP
+ Force Feedback (Sorry forgot to add this)
+ 500 Car's
- Online play is not as established as the Xbox (Netcode not as good as XBox)
- No Damage
- No Interiors (Possible Minimal Interiors)
- No Flipping Cars ( For 'the ultimate driving simulation' pretty unrealistic )
- No Skidmarks
- No Ferrari & Porsche & Lamborghini
- No reverse lights
- Some of the car's look blurred (possibe just bad screen shots) and yes it's the car in focus
- The AI runs on tracks ( make's the AI predictable)


+ XBox Live is more established than the PS2 alternitive
+ Amazing Graphics
+ Amazing Physics
+ Damage
+ Scenery
+ Flipping Car's
+ Ferrari & Porsche ( Lamborghini Probably ) I have my reasons for beiliving Lamborghini will be in Forza :)
+ Reverse Lights (lol)
+ You actually leave rubber down during an entire race to create a racing line and where you skided off (slow down next time you see that :) )
+ Drivetrain AI (The AI learns and doe's not run on tracks)
- No Logitech DFP (unsure the XBox doe's have USB)
- Force Feedback (no one is very clear on this Xbox is appreantly a ***** to program for)

I'd love to hear your points or experiances or if you need to clear any of my points

If you want a real sim racer.
Try GTR.
Very "sly" reply. Its obvious I'm talking about the demo. The demo everyone is talking about. The build of the game most of us have played, genius.
digidiblet- have you played it?

Thanks, but how do you know that the finished product is going to be as hard as the demo? Look at the demos for GT4. They've been very different then the finished product.