GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Live for speed, is a quality little title at £12 a time well priced, and the Physics are absolutly amazing with fully rendered inetriors not as good as Netkar imho

if you guys wish I have a whole list that I could post in a sepearte thread but if you have a wheel or a anolog controller give NetKar a try

Where do you buy this (NetKar), is it just downloaded from the site? That would suck to not have a back-up. There isn't very much real information at the link you gave, and the official site is in Italian.

Oh yeah, I know that this is really old.
Where do you buy this (NetKar), is it just downloaded from the site? That would suck to not have a back-up. There isn't very much real information at the link you gave, and the official site is in Italian.

Oh yeah, I know that this is really old.

Netkar is a load of fun it was created by a guy called Stefano I think he's Italian he's currently working on NetKar Pro I'd suggest you read up on this game at Race Sim Central
I have been looking @ Gtplanet forum for quite a while now but never posted any reply. Everyone here looks real nice and I just want to say one thing about this Forza video. From this video and other Forza video that I previously saw I am sorry but the way the car handles is not even close to be simulation of what a car would really feel , it closely looks like burnout or NFS underground 2. For my self I am not impress at all by Forza looks like another want to be simulation easy driving game that anyone can just be good without practicing much. Enthusia for PS2 release in Spring looks amazing from the replays that I saw and looks exclusive to Ps2.

Have you even driven a car? Much less driven it at 100Mph+? I doubt you have.
i've driven my '92 vandura at 100+ and it doesnt handle. period. i dont think half of these people can talk about physics like they know what it actually feels like, but thats just my opinon

as far as im concerned, im sure PD has far more polished physics than xbox, i mean after over a year of delays, it better be damn polished :)
According to Tha_con who is right now playing a Beta version of Forza, it's about on par with GT4's, it beats GT4's in some areas but GT4 edges Forza in others. Thats coming from someone who didn't expect much of Forza at one time.
once again, been said a million times, gotta wait for both to come out. i just have more confidence in good ol' GT and i really hope GT4 in fact is better cuz i dont plan on gettin an xbox any time soon. and when i say 'better' i just mean in my own opinion. i loved GT3. my only hopes for GT4 is that they continue the legacy, im sure i'll be happy with whatever they put out.
Dr. Bojangles
once again, been said a million times, gotta wait for both to come out. i just have more confidence in good ol' GT and i really hope GT4 in fact is better cuz i dont plan on gettin an xbox any time soon. and when i say 'better' i just mean in my own opinion. i loved GT3. my only hopes for GT4 is that they continue the legacy, im sure i'll be happy with whatever they put out.

you see, gran turismo 3 really dissapointed me, so GT4 has gotta step up. I'm no longer content just buying it because of the name.

thankfully, GT4 is, from most hands-on accounts, what GT3 should have been.
I'm no longer content just buying it because of the name.

But some people actually ARE that stupid.

s far as im concerned, im sure PD has far more polished physics than xbox

Notice how he says "xbox" and not forza...smells of "I dont like xbox nerrr nerrr" to me....
Thankfully GT4 doesn't look like it continues the "legacy" of Gt3 too much, because if it did it would just be GT3 with less cars...

*watches porsche vid linked earlier*

pretty. Especially those trees.
no i love halo, thats the only reason i see for gettin an xbox, all i see is you look way to deep into peoples posts and just search for somethin to criticize

I just can't stand the "it's PD, it must have the best physics" thing, pure crap. Give me some valid reasons why the devs of forzas can't AT LEAST match GT4's physics, and I don't mean crap like "because it's PD" etc. You forget that these people are ALSO very skilled and know their stuff just as well, andhell, they also have more power to play with. I'm not putting GT4's down, they are very good ofc, but limited (ie no car tipping etc). I still think the cars feel abit stuck down...may just be me.
nah i know what you mean i wish the cars could fly off the damn track if they were goin fast enough for it....but im perfectly fine with tons of tracks, high quality visuals, and loads of cars (even if we are stuck with 50 skylines). maybe other people's priorities are to see the crap knocked out of their sweet rides :dopey:
Dr. Bojangles
nah i know what you mean i wish the cars could fly off the damn track if they were goin fast enough for it....but im perfectly fine with tons of tracks, high quality visuals, and loads of cars (even if we are stuck with 50 skylines). maybe other people's priorities are to see the crap knocked out of their sweet rides :dopey:

I don't see it as a priority, just an added bonus. it certainly doesn't hurt (well, it hurts your car...:D)
forza and gt4 have good physics but imo, both shine in different areas. Look at how gt4 does car bodyroll, ex:
The car dynamics in gt4 are very realistic and weight transfer is very accurate imo. Forza on the other hand seems to have the power of the cars and tire physics accurate. I haven't seen realistic car dynamics in forza yet and I doubt I will to be honest.
forza and gt4 have good physics but imo, both shine in different areas. Look at how gt4 does car bodyroll, ex:
The car dynamics in gt4 are very realistic and weight transfer is very accurate imo. Forza on the other hand seems to have the power of the cars and tire physics accurate. I haven't seen realistic car dynamics in forza yet and I doubt I will to be honest.

"car dynamics"? what are you on about? more aesthetics?

physics are supposed to be analysed for their feel, not their looks. hell, if you want "car dynamics", play driver 3.

Weight transfer is actually more pronounced in forza. Just mash the gas from a standstill, or brake coming into a corner in the demo and you'll see it. When the car shifts, depending on the power, the car snaps forward and back again while the gear is engaged.
I'm sorry but weight transfer in forza wasn't all that in the demo. If you think forza's weight transfer is more pronounced then explain why I dont read about this weight transfer from editors who preview forza. About every gt4 review or preview mentions how weight is more evident than ever and see why from people who actually have gt4; how weight transfer can determine if you are in the racing line or in the face of a rail
I'm sorry but weight transfer in forza wasn't all that in the demo. If you think forza's weight transfer is more pronounced then explain why I dont read about this weight transfer from editors who preview forza. About every gt4 review or preview mentions how weight is more evident than ever and see why from people who actually have gt4; how weight transfer can determine if you are in the racing line or in the face of a rail

I'm beginning to seriously doubt you ever laid hands on the demo. I said more pronounced beause it's almost exagerated (looks overdone, IMO), and I was talking about aesthetics, because that's what I thought you were referring to.

I haven't played GT4 or prologue or any demos so I can't say which one FEELS better.
He only agrees cause it's on the ps2 ;)

*note I'm only winding you up, don't think I'm being serious*

But really, if anything, the feeling of weight and roll in forza is pretty good.
As much as I respect Gran Turismo 4, I've learned to admit to give Forza's it's props. Since this is Mircosoft's first shot at a driving simulator for the Xbox, they've done very, very well. 👍
code, have you seen the miata ingame vs reality vid of forza? And enthusia most likely will go to the xb, later after the ps2 version releases so I'm trying not to be bias. I only got the ps2 for gt games, I'm no ps2 fanboy damnit! Both gt4 and forza have their ups and downs in physics, forza doesn't completely beat gt4 in physics because there will always be a aspect in the physics that aren't all that.
code, have you seen the miata ingame vs reality vid of forza? And enthusia most likely will go to the xb, later after the ps2 version releases so I'm trying not to be bias. I only got the ps2 for gt games, I'm no ps2 fanboy damnit! Both gt4 and forza have their ups and downs in physics, forza doesn't completely beat gt4 in physics because there will always be a aspect in the physics that aren't all that.

you mean the one from enthusia right? yeah it was awesome. I really like what I've seen from that game.
I believe I read about a PD rep saying enthusia might be too realistic and not fun but realism=fun for me :D

let me guess... the guy that said that was a stooge from SCEA right? he probably got scolded for that.