GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I said both games have flaws

I think I remember a post where you said Forza's wasn't near GT4's. Or didn't compete near it because they weren't all that.

Hate to break to you, but neither are GT4's. I gotta agree with Rick on this one.
I'd like to have Forza, Enthusia, and GT4 in my gameboxes right now please!

Btw, a pirate walks into a bar with a huge, wooden steering wheel down his pants. The bartender says, "Hey there, what's with the wheel?"

The pirate looks down and replies, "Argh matey, it's drivin' me nuts!"

For sure!, I'll take all three as well but Enthusia is really impressing me the most, it looks spot on. The Videos I've seen on Forza don't look quite right, something looks crooked in that game but it will probably be the best racing sim for Xbox so that's something, I guess it still has time to improve. But after seeing all the videos of Enthusia and having spent plenty of time playing and watching GT4, I'm thinking Enthusia will be more realistic ie. Better! than GT4. My Brother is a real Xbox fanatic so he is interested in how Forza will turn out but he also thought Enthusia looks the best of the three, he was most impressed with Dakar? rally sections
Finally I have been able to get the Forzademo and after a short first try I can only say one thing : AWESOME. All my doubts considering Forza have gone. Laguna Seca never felt so "fast" and tricky. After getting used to the controllersettings ( accellerating and braking with the triggers- you can't change these settings in the demo ) I had a great time driving the Ferrari 333 SP. It is hard to describe all the details but to me it feels right. I haven't played GT4 yet so I can only compare this to the Mclaren in prologue I was also very excited about and for me they are both great ! Forza can bee seen as a GT for Xbox. Both look and feel great.
how can anybody even compare forza to gran turismo 4... gt4 is much beter

*Puts on flamesuit, and calls for back-up*
"We've got a fanboy."

Play both games before making biased assumptions.
Man that Forzademo is great ! The feel of the cars is fantastic and those sounds... This is where Forza really beats GT and it really ads a lot to the overall experience. Cars sound mean and every car has the proper sound. I'm concidering a surroundsystem for this. Playing the demo you can tell this has been made by true enthusiasts. Back to Laguna Seca...
McLaren F1GTR
*Puts on flamesuit, and calls for back-up*
"We've got a fanboy."

Play both games before making biased assumptions.

Yeah, seriously. I'm still trying to figure out why people say stuff like that. It's fine to have biased opinions. Because to be honest all "opinions" are biased in one way or another. But at least back up you opinions with somekind of facts or statements. Sheesh. :yuck:

Man that Forzademo is great ! The feel of the cars is fantastic and those sounds... This is where Forza really beats GT and it really ads a lot to the overall experience. Cars sound mean and every car has the proper sound. I'm concidering a surroundsystem for this. Playing the demo you can tell this has been made by true enthusiasts. Back to Laguna Seca...

ooops, my bad. I spoke to soon. heh heh :dopey:
the Battle must have paused for lunch or something.
That's a shame, too...this is my favorite place to fight.

"It don't mean BUTT, if it ain't got that JUTT!"
- Captain Hazel Murphy
i tried forza at a game store and it wasent all that impressive...the cars could only fallow the proper racing line if not itl drive stupid and the damage is kinda unsightly
You must have played a different demo to me and most others here then ;). I have noticed in the demo odd behaviour by the AI but generally it's better than GT4's. As for the damage, in the demo I do believe it's not set to full but I've seen vid's of Forza where theres a lot more damage happening, I woudn't say it's unsightly though it seemsdecent enough to add to the experience and as such it's better than not being there at all.
Word up, coolguy!
An honest opinion and experienced insight.
I, too, thought it felt a bit awkward and sluggish.
And the framerate was a bit...chunky. Like Halo 2.
And the framerate was a bit...chunky. Unlike Halo 2.

Fixed it for you. Odd I've played halo 2 loads, and apart from the occasional bit of slow down when UBER loads is happening (and lets remember, that at times it's a very pretty game), it's smooth as hell.

Tbh i was playing Gt3 again today, and if anything, the cars in forza feel far more "wild" and "alive" then the pedsetrian cars on GT3. The car seemed much less stuck to the ground. Still I did have some fun on GT3 today, first time I enjoyed it in about oooooo 2 years. Did a garage battle with a mate, buying cars under a certain limit and tuning them, quite cool XD, actually managed to spin a celica gt four...cough :dunce:
Played Halo 2 in 480p yet?
Looks pretty f'n cool, man.
GT4 in 1080i and 480p, right?
Two of my brothers have is HD, one is 800x600.
Can't wait try GT4...or Doom3.
Actually, I was surprised how fast and slick TOCA RD2 looks on my XBox, very much like GT3...but still has that "floaty wheel syndrome", like the wheels aren't really touching the ground. Drives awesome, though!

But, still, who are you trying to kid, man?
Halo 2 was CHUNKY!
No chunk in my Gran Turismo, thank you.
Played Halo 2 in 480p yet?
Looks pretty f'n cool, man.
GT4 in 1080i and 480p, right?
Two of my brothers have is HD, one is 800x600.
Can't wait try GT4...or Doom3.
Actually, I was surprised how fast and slick TOCA RD2 looks on my XBox, very much like GT3...but still has that "floaty wheel syndrome", like the wheels aren't really touching the ground. Drives awesome, though!

But, still, who are you trying to kid, man?
Halo 2 was CHUNKY!
No chunk in my Gran Turismo, thank you.

I haven't had any framerate problems with halo 2 sp. It's been smooth and steady.
SLOW and steady, you mean.
No, no...Halo 2 looks great.
There were just a few things about it that annoyed me, though.
I enjoyed it...traded it in last weekend with bonus 20% extra credit value ($36) towards Doom3 Collector's Edition (with Ultimate Doom and DoomII included, fully playable).
I also really enjoyed Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal...traded that, same deal ($26)
for reserve and credit of Gran Turismo 4.
Good XBox game for a good XBox game.
Good PS2 game for the best PS2 game.
Except, San Andreas might be the...hmm, nah.

uh-oh. I think I need to go play it now.
I have noticed in the demo odd behaviour by the AI but generally it's better than GT4's

Ok. I'm not into flames etc but i just want to say 1 thing ; slow down when you are ahead.. Drive around 5 MPH/KMH.. The AI doesn't do a thing. Not bump you, not overtake you, nothing. Just driving at the same speed as you do. It's bad and uhrr, also funny. :) Give me the bumping of GT4!
I take it GT4 has no bad points you all seemed pretty quick to praise it and defend it when I never attacked it...... I'm just curious.... I want to make the right desision and also how you all respond will affect my desision because let's face it why would I want a game with a bad community... :)

**** off with your Forza game and let the gt fans in peace...
**** off with your Forza game and let the gt fans in peace...

Sorry, but did you actually read the title of this thread before you posted that?

How is discussion on GT4 Vs Forza going to happen if you want anyone talking about Forza to 'procreate off', every one is entitled to an opinion and if you are not willing to listen other peoples then why should we listen to you?

You might also want to watch the swearing, the mods don't like it and for that matter I don't.

Remember some of us (many of whom have been playing GT from the first game) are quite willing to entertain the fact that other racing games do exist (and shock, horror, some of them are very good).
Impressions of hot-lapping Laguna-Seca in the Ferrari 333SP. (Forza OXM 38 DEMO) Settings: All driving aids on, only tractioncontrol switched off, gearbox automatic. You get threelap races so since I'm aiming for a hot laptime I mainly focus on the second lap. OK, Here we go. The start between 8000 and 9000 rpm will get you well off the line. More than 9500 rpm will provoce a touch to much wheelspin, not a burnout but to much to get a nice clean launch. Suddenly the tires find grip and the car "shocks"forward. Now gently feed in the power and go to full trottle as soon as possible (to soon will again provoce wheelspin, the engine screaming that rev-limitertune). I will now go fastforward to the second lap. I have just taken the last corner nicely and the car is accelerating hard. Screaming past the finishline you get a very true sense of speed. Slightly left downhill and now braking for the first double-apex lefthander. Between the second and third sign hard on the brakes. the car downshifts in a split-second. As I turn in I feel the fronttires struggling for grip. I don't touch the first apex to get a broader,faster line out of the corner and I try to point the car towards the second apex. As I feel the car going a bit wide I very shortly kick fulltrottle to help the rear. Now back easy with the trottle. There is also a little dip between the two apexes that gives the car a little bump and for a very, very short instance you feel the front getting a bit light. Accellerating as hard and clean as possible out of this corner, you first touch the inside curb and slightly drift to the outside to barely touch the outside. The bumps in the track provocing a nervous rear-end if you are to soon at full trottle. Then a righthander, straigt, righthander again. In these corners you have to be very careful and picking the right line isn't easy. Be carefull for entering to fast. Lift-off oversteer can come very sudden and be prepared to catch the car with the trottle. You can accellerate full once you've past the curb, the car being much more stable at the higher speed. Short straight again. At the 3rd sign hard on the brakes for the lefthander. The car downshifts from 5th, 4th to 3rd and in third gear(you are now already well into the corner) you catch the car with what feels like half throttle the car makes this awesome sound as the engine remains at the same revs for a split-second. I almost forget to mention how the car feels alive in this corner. very hard to describe but you sence every tire doing his thing. I could have gone a touch faster and the car accelerates out of the corner, steady as a rock. Short straigt and a very short and hard kick on the brakes at the third sign and into the lefthander leading towards the corkscrew . Coming out of this corner you can get in a highspeed slide provoced by the road slightly diving down at that point. It feels so REAL . Braking for the corkscrew is also very special, as is the downhill lefthander behind it. don't hit the inside curb on that one or you will endup in the graveltrap one way or another. I've had several "off's" there,mostly because the front lost grip and I understeered traight-on.I've also had a nice moment when the car was launched on two wheels there. all very entertaining but not the way to go if you're looking for a good laptime! In 4TH gear and playing with the trottle you can take this one nice as you clearly feel the pressure pushing the car down in the dip,loads of grip at that moment. As the track levels out again you can feel the rear getting light. Two more corners nicely and back to the straigt, keeping an eye on the seconds tikking away, the Ferrari engine screaming it out! Need to beat 1.14.513 . What's it gonna be? BANG 1.14.392!! Yes Thats good for now. I take my time cruising home during the third lap enjoing the engine sounds as I keep the engine in all kinds of revs and gears. Letting things cool down I notice one more thing. I feel bumps that went unnoticed while travelling at higher speed. And there are so much more things going on I didn't even mention to keep this post from getting too long. And they have made the wheels on the Ferrari BIGGER 5 I've checked with an older screenshot! One more thing. This is written by a GT-fan and without GT there probably wouldn't be a Forza in this format but, to me Forza scores very high first time out.
New Forza pics from IGN....not bad, not bad at all....What other realistic console racer can produce all of this in ONE photo?

Damage Modeling, Skid Marks, Smoke, Super Hot Brake Pads, AND 3D???? Rims, priceless!

(Well, I don't see any Sparks flying, but it is still a GREAT photo. What kind of car is this supposed to be, by the way?)

Here are some Sparks:

Do the shadows look different on the main car versus opponent cars? or is that just me??
New Forza pics from IGN....not bad, not bad at all....What other realistic console racer can produce all of this in ONE photo?

Damage Modeling, Skid Marks, Smoke, Super Hot Brake Pads, AND 3D???? Rims, priceless!

(Well, I don't see any Sparks flying, but it is still a GREAT photo. What kind of car is this supposed to be, by the way?)

Here are some Sparks:

Do the shadows look different on the main car versus opponent cars? or is that just me??

I still don't like the graphics and that tachometer seems very obstructive.