GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Uh...why did this:

Yeah, ok. But you certainly slap down those that don't feel the same way you do. Like you're trying to do with me right now.

...become edited to this:

Edited out.

Wow, you really are boring. OK, I can see you're pretty much trying to shut me down no matter what. But it's not going to happen. sorry.
I have been looking at the info for enthusia, and while It looks great, I think it will end up like toca 2 or like R Racing Revolution. I personally loved Toca 2 for its diversity, and I liked R racing just beecause there was nothing else new and I wanted a new racing game. they both delivered nice visuals but both ultimately were found to have stupid flaws.

Both games gave you no real feeling of ownership, since the cars you won could only be used in certain races, and to advance you had to use the cars they offered you.

The online aspects were crippled, although Toca gave you up to 12 person races, It didn't allow you to choose any car, only one of the 3 or 4 in that tracks class.

R racing didn't have any online.

So if the enthusia can get around these obstacles, It might fare well for those of us with closed enough minds that can actually get bored of GT4 and/or Forza, and want a new racing experience, kind of like a rebound girlfriend.

Could be quite successful if timed correctly :sly:

Ohh please, have you played Enthusia yet???? How on earth can you assume/guess it will be like R Racing Revolution or Toca 2..? Speculation is good for nothing.

Enthusia has been in development for over 3 years, just like GT4 and Forza, unlike Toca 2 and R Racing Revolution. What makes you think they would put so much effort to be satisfied with any result that isn't at the level of GT4 and Forza.

Enthusia has all the attributes to be just as good or even better as a simulator than Forza and GT4.

R Racing Revolution was a complete failure. A rushed game that only seemed to be concerned with the graphics (that is average by the way) and with a physics engine that is worse than terrible. No new game should be at that low level, much less a game that has been in development for so long like Enthusia. Toca 2, in the other hand, is a much better and more refined game that has a very simple and effective online mode. Toca 2 was developed relatively fast since Codemasters mostly improved on their previous title “Race Pro Driver” and not completely redesigned like GT4.

There’s no way of telling how it’s going to be like until you actually play it, speculating is as good as not saying anything at all. Actually not saying anything at all has it's advantages. But that’s just my opinion and I don’t want to get more off topic than I already am. If that’s even possible. sorry.
He did ;). No offense but I don't see how you can come to any reasonable conclusions about Enthusia at this stage of development and compare it two a crap game and a decent game namely R:Racing and TOCA.
Yeah, but you still compared it to two games that arn't offering the same kind of experience as Enthusia. Besides I don't think Enthusia will have any online.
TOCA:RD2 is awesome with sim handling turned on and you could always go back and race any car that you unlocked, not too different from winning cars in the GT games.
I never intended for any of you to try to make an opinion out of my post. And don't infer anything I said, JUST READ THE WORDS THAT ARE THERE, not the ones that ______. If you said aren't, you are reading outside the words, it says ______, and nothing else.

So first I said it seemed to me that enthusia will end up like those 2 games, what I didn't say was this game will suck arse because it is gonna be made by konami who knows nothing about racing games, no I left that part out on purpose because that is what I think will end up happening, instead I stated what I already know, It is a racing game that seems to be too diverse for one game, like TOCA 2, and you guys said it yourself, probably no online, well I never even heard of that. Does anybody know who made R racing? a little company named capcom, who before this game came out with some game called street fighter or something, and megaboy??? never heard of them either, but I never knew them to be a good racing game creator, yet they made a racing game you all claim is bad, I took it as it was, a new type of racing game, and I played it, and somewhat enjoyed it.

My main point about enthusia was this, It is a racing game with little to no solid evidence it will release, made by a company with no track record of good racing games, and will come out shortly after the 2 best racing games of the year are released. Simply put, It will be tough to think of this game as a contender, when the ground it will have to tread on will already be broken in, by better games.

Get your **** straight, Namco made R.Racing. Second, what did PD and Warthog know about racing games before GT or RBR? Third, Enthusia is complete and has been sent to Sony for final approval. If the delay is still not 100% confirmed but if true dont you think it would be more becuase it doest want to be overshadowed by the release of GT4?

Edit: I dont know how you think a game can be too diverse? As long as everything is quality then diversity should be looked highly upon. And how exactly is Enthusia more diverse than GT4? If anything it is less diverse.
Little to no evidence it will release, do you mean deliver? Because it will be released.

As far as it delivering you should read impresions by people who have played it, it handles very realistically. I don't really see why you think it will be tough to think of it as a contender since the cast majority of people here already do and a good few of them agree that it will probably be more realistic than GT4 and weather or not there are better games will no doubt depend on your preference, I'm sure that GT4 fans will like it since it's a sim, theres plenty of evidence it handles well and so far it's deliverin on it's promise.
No and I don't have to, after the developers went out of business the physics engine was changed so it was no longer a sim but kind of in between sim and arcade which turned out crap. While it was set to be a sim it was good according to all the previews.
Thats it!!! first thing tomorrow I'm going to buy me a HIGH HORSE, since everyone else seems to have one, Mine will be perfect, and run 100 mile per hour, and never have to stop to rest or drink or poo. I will name it after the next person that stupidly just rips into me.

Yes it was namco, another company with a history of great racing games... woo hoo. soon enough namco will get bought out by capcom, or they will merge, mark my words the world will be full of games no one wants to play, but the long awaited resident evil characters can battle all the capcom fighters on one machine, they can call themselves capcomco, it will be great, everything I ever wanted in one game..

Shhh, sarcasm is funny.
Yes it was namco, another company with a history of great racing games... woo hoo. soon enough namco will get bought out by capcom, or they will merge, mark my words the world will be full of games no one wants to play, but the long awaited resident evil characters can battle all the capcom fighters on one machine, they can call themselves capcomco, it will be great, everything I ever wanted in one game..

Shhh, sarcasm is funny.

Actually Namco does have a long history of good racing games and Capcom is in no position to buy out Namco.

Where is the funny?
If you care to explain how a game being praise like Enthusia is can not be considered a GT4 contender and won't deliver people might try to reason with you. Because it's Konami and they haven't made racing games before is a load of bolloks, the entire team could've work on racing games before for all you know and been hired by Konami along the way. The fact is the team making Enthusia have created a pretty damn good physics engine and are doing fine so far.
If you think Enthusia will be like Toca2, and R Racing, you need to go read some more features.

Enthusia, unlike the 2, is all about dead to the bone driving. Nothing else.
Enthusia is of interest to me because it's coming out on the PS2. I do not have an Xbox and no wish to get one and thus I don't care about Forza. It wont be good enough to make me buy an Xbox so I couldn't care less what it is.

Enthusia however.. now that's coming out on the PS2 I'm pleased to see it developing into what looks to be a good game. I'm in a position to get Enthusia when it comes out if I want to so it's of far more interest to me.
I won't buy that game, just because It is not GT4, and I will buy Forza becuase it is not GT4, and I will buy GT4... so I guess konami keeping it a secret is a good thing... seeing how I won't buy it because it is on PS2, and more than likely won't support 720p, or 1080i, my mind has erased the fact that PS2 even exists, aside from the fact that GT3 and GT4 exist, and the fact that I use it primarily as a dvd player.





Even I have to say...those are some very amazing shots. 👍
I won't buy that game, just because It is not GT4, and I will buy Forza becuase it is not GT4, and I will buy GT4... so I guess konami keeping it a secret is a good thing... seeing how I won't buy it because it is on PS2, and more than likely won't support 720p, or 1080i, my mind has erased the fact that PS2 even exists, aside from the fact that GT3 and GT4 exist, and the fact that I use it primarily as a dvd player.

won't buy because it's not Gt4 but will buy the other because it is not Gt4? :crazy:

That's coming from the only person that actually enjoyed R: Racing Revolution. :lol: How can you be yaping and judging when you have pretty low standards yourself. The Ps2 can't be that bad since you got to have a super fun time with R: Racing rev, and Corvette!!!!, Ford Racing..., TXR, etc... :scared:

check this game out... maybe you can give it a better review then the one from Gamespot, but please don't compare it to Enthusia, at least not yet.
"Ultimate simulator"