GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Well I have GT4, and have played Forza and Enthusia about half a year ago. At that point( they surely worked a lot on both titles since last summer of course) I liked Enthusia a lot more in terms of gameplay, so I think Forza will be a good racing game, but the only thing it probably makes better than GT 4 is grafics, there is no chance of beating GT4; that is however very difficult, perhaps Forza 2 and Enthsia 2 will come close.
Conclusion : No 1 will be GT4, then Enthusia (if you like it realistic) and then Forza, although I don't know yet if it will even beat PGR 2....we will see...
Dam! those pics are from forza?... I thought they were shots from GT4 lol... Very nice indeed...
*I feel dumb now* Carn't wait to get my hands on both of these games... good thing I got a job to pay for em.
i dont understand why anyone would mock the perfect driving simulator, which is gt4. this is a gran turismo dedicated site, so i am not sure how forza got on, even though it is a comparison, but to any gt enthusiast there is no other. to me gt4 will be the best driving game avalible at present. forza just plain sucks in my opinion and Enthusia actually does look quite good, but thats were the comparison ends. gts history alone ensures that it will be far superior to any new rival. gt4 is the ultimate game.
subie power
i dont understand why anyone would mock the perfect driving simulator, which is gt4. this is a gran turismo dedicated site, so i am not sure how forza got on, even though it is a comparison, but to any gt enthusiast there is no other. to me gt4 will be the best driving game avalible at present. forza just plain sucks in my opinion and Enthusia actually does look quite good, but thats were the comparison ends. gts history alone ensures that it will be far superior to any new rival. gt4 is the ultimate game.
I really dissagree with this post, especialy this "but to any gt enthusiast there is no other.", surely your a GT enthusiast because you like simulation driving games and maybe you like the structure too, race win money tune or buy ect. Now I know with me that is the case, since Forza is offering all that and more, I'm also interested in Forza. Since you'll stick with GT because to you there is no other does that mean you'd buy GT if PD did what EA did with the NFS series and u turned the whole franchise.

Your comment that Forza sucks in your opinion will only have any credibility if you give a reason, so I'm aking why? Also where is the logic to explain how GT's history ensures it will be a far better game than any rivals? Utter crap that, I don't care ig you don't like Forza but give a valid reason as for the history bit, what a load of bolloks that is. GT's history is the game never adding anything new worth noting sice it first appeared in 1997, guess what, it's rivals are adding these other features like damage, online, deeper levels of customisation ect so how is a game that is essentiaslly the same as the original in 1997 but with better graphics and more cars guarenteed to be better than it's rivals because of it's history.
McLaren F1GTR
Yes, in the Xbox forums here at GTP.

OMG!!! *glares at sig and at the car list* The 9-3 Viggen is in the game!? I think its about time I start saving for Forza right now because they are smart enough to add at least one SAAB in the game (not to mention the best saab)! :eek: :bowdown: :drool:
Actually, If you want to play a perfect driving simulator try ferrari f355, It was a game dedicated to driving a competition ferrari, there was only 2 cars to drive, the original and the race version. If you play this and then play any other game, you can see where the flaws come up. Personally I liked the ferrari alot, and still have it, but could never really get into it, due to the fact I really don't like ferraris, sure if someone gave me one I'd take it, but even if I could afford 100 of them I wouldn't buy one. I just like to drive a car that is not made to be a race car, and treat it like one. now a g35 coupe...

But you are right forza looks great, and guess what, if you had a hard time figuring out what game those pics were from, like I did, That is great, that means graphically GT4 is on par with the best looking Xbox racer. And if microsoft has anything to do with it, I would be identical to the best racing games they compare it to.

just some trivia, But microsoft has a keen eye for seeing what works, and emulates that into whatever project they want to achieve, look at the controller, look at the games they have, shoot look at windows, do you think MS came up with GUI or even encryption... nope, they are rip offs. So if you think about it forza should play as well as gt3, should look better, will have customization like nfsU, online play is a given, and from what I have played, similar physics to f355. Just don't excpect to hop into this game and start winning races, the cars you can drive, seem to have an exaggerated power curve, and tend to torque out from a dead stop, and braking is not one of those things you can do all on or all off, you have to feather the brakes, something that I truely missed from gt3, from a dead stop I could just floor it and I would go straight, except when I was in the grass, in which case I would be looking at the ass end of the cart.
No and I don't have to, after the developers went out of business the physics engine was changed so it was no longer a sim but kind of in between sim and arcade which turned out crap. While it was set to be a sim it was good according to all the previews.

Actually, nothing about Juiced has been, or will be released. The game may have been "portrayed" as a sim, however, I've had a final build going on 8 months, needless to say it was never a sim. It's arcade to the bone. The presentation sucks, game play is horrible, and it's boring. Acclaim went bankrupt and just sold the publishing rights to another company, but nothing has been stated as far as any changes that were made, and I doubt they were, it is a cheap cash in. Easy to make money off of.
I'm sure I read that it handled like a sim in a preview a good while back. I also read that they changed the games physics engine. Anyway, it's not too important.

Either way, people are playing Forza and say it handles well. I don't know of anyone here who reportedf on how well Juiced played at a games show. So back to GT4 and Forza.
trust me, unless they made a major.. i mean MAJOR overhaul to the physics engine, Juiced is gonna be even less realistic than NFSU2.
I'm not really bothered, I've never inteded to get or even rent Juiced. I must have been thinking of a different game and confused the two.
How can u enjoy Forza without a good steering wheel.
Playing with the controller feels arcade but when u have a dfp steering wheel u feel
like u are in the game, i have xbox my third console , i bought it for project gotham 1
because microsoft made the game and in no way it will ever come out for ps2 but now
gt4 is like forza only if u will play gt4 with controller but play with steering wheel thats
another thing thats real simulation (900 degrees turn) how about that and also take
a spin of any car in a real accurate track like nurburig :) its a dream come true.Ihope
enthusia for ps2 supports the logitech pro wheel and by the time forza comes out
surprize us with a force feedback pro wheel.Rest my case car games thats all i care about
GT4 BETTER THAN SEX!!!!!!!!!!1
How can u enjoy Forza without a good steering wheel.
Playing with the controller feels arcade but when u have a dfp steering wheel u feel
like u are in the game, i have xbox my third console , i bought it for project gotham 1
because microsoft made the game and in no way it will ever come out for ps2 but now
gt4 is like forza only if u will play gt4 with controller but play with steering wheel thats
another thing thats real simulation (900 degrees turn) how about that and also take
a spin of any car in a real accurate track like nurburig its a dream come true.Ihope
enthusia for ps2 supports the logitech pro wheel and by the time forza comes out
surprize us with a force feedback pro wheel.Rest my case car games thats all i care about
GT4 BETTER THAN SEX!!!!!!!!!!1

What a load of incoherent babbling.
Actually he is making a better point than most people here, it's just the way he's typed it, it's harderto read. However I don't think he was aware that there is a wheel coming out for Forza. Put simply, he was saying both GT4 and Forza plaed with the pad feel similar, but when you play GT4 with the wheel it's better than Forza with the pad which gives GT an advantage in the handling department. And it would, if Forza wasn't going to have a wheel.
I asked if anybody played it because i new it had been canelled... in the same way i think konami will cancel enthusia...but anyway some people got ahead of themselves...

who cares???
dfp is only truly succesful if the field of view extends into your peripheral vision... for me i would have to put my tv on my lap... if you have a 50 inch tv and sit less than six feet from it,you will need to move your eyes, which causes you to infer motion, that is realism...

sure you can use it normally, but for it to really draw you in, your field of view must be to scale of the steering wheel.
Who got ahead of themselves?

And Juiced isn't cancelled, it's just on hold, besides if Enthusia was to end up the same way Konami would have to go bankrupt.
I asked if anybody played it because i new it had been canelled... in the same way i think konami will cancel enthusia...but anyway some people got ahead of themselves...

who cares???

I think you're dead wrong about enthusia. We'll have to wait and see.

But rest assured I'll be gloating like a smug bastard if the game turns out to be a great game. ;)
no it was cancelled, and then bought by ea... then who knows.
Juiced is coming out Summer of this year to avoid GT4 and MC:3.

Juiced was going to be a sim from what I heard...then greedy EA bought it.
Okay, again if I have to say this.

Juiced was never a simulator. Ever. I have both a preview, and review build. I had the review build AGES ago. It's not a sim, never will be. It's an arcade racer, strictly arcade, no simulation at all.


And it sucks big time as well.
no it was cancelled, and then bought by ea... then who knows.

It was never cancelled. The game was complete, Acclaim went bankrupt before they released it. They never had it published, thus when they closed shop, they sold the game for dirt and scraps, lol. But it was never cancelled. It was completed, then sold.
Theres an interesting preview of Forza at that has worrying concerns (feel/physhics/graphics). They are confident however, that the Forza Team can fix the probs, but I'm not so confident. They don't have long enough before release to sort the issues they mention and really get it tight and right (better than GT4) IMO. At the moment (knowing more closely how the final build will turn out) Forza seems to have been more over-hyped than a chiwowa with a litre of red cordial in its belly. A lot of yapping. It will be a dog. Unless they pull a rabbit out of the hat at the last moment. I hope it will be an online fully damagable customisable rabbit, but more likely a really well featured dog.
Theres an interesting preview of Forza at that has worrying concerns (feel/physhics/graphics). They are confident however, that the Forza Team can fix the probs, but I'm not so confident. They don't have long enough before release to sort the issues they mention and really get it tight and right (better than GT4) IMO. At the moment (knowing more closely how the final build will turn out) Forza seems to have been more over-hyped than a chiwowa with a litre of red cordial in its belly. A lot of yapping. It will be a dog. Unless they pull a rabbit out of the hat at the last moment. I hope it will be an online fully damagable customisable rabbit, but more likely a really well featured dog.

In fact I had a similar impression as I played it half a year ago, I played Enthusia at the same time ( Games Convention Leipzig ) and it felt much much better....