GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Hell I agreed Prolougue was silly! Which I thought cleverly negated your (wrong assumption) that you "shot me down". I actually like Prolougue, but think it should've been a free demo. OKAY MORE OPINION DUDES!!!

CodeKev I want to know why you don't seem to get along with me. Cause I wouldn't ever say nasty things about people that don't say nasty things about me. You started the nastiness. Are you a silly 'L33t speak geek fanboy or actually a well adjusted person underneath your purile facade? Cause I reckon we've both been trying to paint each other as things we're both not. If your actually retarded, ignore this paragraph.
The g33k speak was just me being silly, and the "shot down" stuff was just me poking fun.

It's nothing personal, I have nothing against, and tbh I hadn't even realised not getting along with you. I'm sorry if I annoyed you, as that wasn't the intention.
It sounds like we both want the same things, great racing games.
I had assumed as much. I was just having fun too. Mildly pissed me off though. It was all OK when everyone else seemed to find me funnier though. When you said:

{But seriously, I'm no fanboy, I want good games, that's it. Forza has caught my interest as it seems to do stuff that GT has been missing for ages (damage etc especially, that effects the handling), and hell, I enjoyed the demo. While rough around the edges, it gave an idea of what to expect. It had nothing to do with the console, then name or anything as pathetic as that, just the game, and as far as I can tell, it's just gonna get better. OFC I'm looking forwards to GT4 also, but I've kinda got bored waiting.}

it was the only time you didn't come across as a total smeg head with a vendetta against me and I knew you were just pulling me leg and probably maybe respected my views. Its only cause last time (ages ago) when I was posting on this forum (about "exactly" why Forza's graphics suck) you went on the huge offensive. Probably because I am so exacting and fairly considered in my bagging out of Forza. My reasonableness is why I will ALWAYS win an argument. I got you to apologise. That was fun. See, I got you out of your retarded mode! "Thanks James! That feels so much better not being retarded!"
"No worries CodeKev, just remember that its all happy families around here. Now its time for bed. 5am here in Australia. I can sleep easy now. Night."

a race in the forza demo is more fun than a race on Laguna Seca in GT3, to me. Then again...a race in TOCA 2 on Laguna is more fun than a race in the forza demo. so...confusing...

the demo is just that: a demo. It's a very early alpha build of a game to show it off at E3. Critisizing a work-in-progress isn't going to get you anywhere. I've played some horrible demos (especially from MGS, rallisport 2, project gotham 2) that turned into fantastic games. So the question isn't all that useful.

Judging from what I've seen, read, and played, the game will be at least a decent
purchase, hopefully something much more.
James you'll learn to take Code as being a little "different ;)", he's a Forza fan AND a GT4 fan, like me he see's more potential in Forza only he expresses it in a more flamboyantway, also he has regularly occuring spouts of humour Kev style. He basically pokes fun a lot but means no harm... Mostly.
the demo is just that: a demo. It's a very early alpha build of a game to show it off at E3. Critisizing a work-in-progress isn't going to get you anywhere. I've played some horrible demos (especially from MGS, rallisport 2, project gotham 2) that turned into fantastic games. So the question isn't all that useful.

Judging from what I've seen, read, and played, the game will be at least a decent
purchase, hopefully something much more.

Well, I agree. Demos are not always as good/bad as the final product. However putting out the demo opens the flood gates for critisism. If they didn't want it to be judged, they shouldn't have put it out.
James you'll learn to take Code as being a little "different ;)", he's a Forza fan AND a GT4 fan, like me he see's more potential in Forza only he expresses it in a more flamboyantway, also he has regularly occuring spots ok humour Kev style. He basically pokes fun a lot but means no harm... Mostly.

so calling him a retard is going to get you poked. and possibly harmed. ;)

Well, I agree. Demos are not always as good/bad as the final product. However putting out the demo opens the flood gates for critisism. If they didn't want it to be judged, they shouldn't have put it out.

I think it did them more good than harm.
I think it did them more good than harm.

Yeah, judging by the reaction on this board, the Forza demo was a smart move.
Yeah I've sussed him live4speed, code seems like a funny guy I actually like him now, and I respect his opinions. Wackiness is a great virtue. I overstate my opinion about GT in the same wacky way as Code does about Forza. Hence we were destined to become mortal enemies when we didn't know each other (ie not care if the other guy gets pissed off). I only found this forum recently-ish but am a REALLY big car sim fan and actually am looking forward to Forza and obviously GT4 a lot. We have the same aspirations for car games I think. I might post here more often now I know some other members vaguely. Cool banananas.
At the risk of starting another rediculous argument about which is better, or repeating something that has been said fifty times (sorry, but Im not gonna look through 100+ pages), my opinion on the Forza demo.

I played the Forza demo this past weekend, and having not played GT4 as yet I came away really impressed with both the physics and amazingly different driving character of all the cars when compared to GT3. Also impressive, the sounds, the Viper and 360mod. in particular are on the verge of unbelieveable. The feeling of actually being in a race car going around a real track, the knife-edge handling, and the way the car seems to be constantly fighting for grip in acceleration, braking, and side to side motions is also very realisic. The lack of stupid things like NOS makes it actually look better in my book (if NOS is only available on the dragstrips, forget I said that), however the inclusion of custom paint and body kits, while cool still seems like a gimmick to me.

On the flip side, the graphics are not terrible but in no way comparable to those in GT4, nor is [the projected] amount of cars available. Granted Porsche and Ferrari are there, but that alone [to me] doesnt make it a good sim. The looks of the environment arent that impressive, and the sense of speed is not that great. The AI seems to take great enjoyment in punting you off the track, and I'd take even GT3's boring, predictible AI over that kind of behavior. The whole damage thing seems to speak to the exact reason (officially, anyway) Polyphony left it out of the GT series; when you run into another car going about 50mph faster than it is youd expect to get more than a grey blemish on your front bumper, and in my opinion, if thats the best effort they can make at realism it might as well not even be included.

Overall, I'd say its a good effort, and I hope GT4 doesnt disappoint in the physics and sound department, as Forza is phenomenal in those areas from the little ive seen of it. But, in the end, I dont have an Xbox, it isnt good enough overall to convince me to get one, and pulling people from the GT series was the point wasn't it?
i see a good year long competetion between both i ahve both the Xbox and PS2

have the forza demo...i eally like cant wait to play the actual game in may

and i m now back to playing GT3 before GT4 comes out.......

both have really good thins about them......
As I said, I am well aware that this is only a demo. So don't say that I'm judging a demo as opposed to the final product. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll see Forza at a GameStop or EB store or something and actually play the retail version and have a changed view. Then I'd probably tell my side to the "Forza" thread in the XBOX Forums.

I simply told my side. I used whatever persuasive technique I could. GTPlanet is a big family, not a gang. I don't have to agree with everyone just to gain someone's respect. If that were true, I'd say that GT4 sucks just to win the hearts of GT4 haters and not give a flaming damn about any GT lovers. In fact, I knew I was going to get hated on because of how I actually felt. Most people would probably say "okay, I can respect your views." But what do I get from some? It's "why you hate Forza? I'd rather play FM over some game that's going to be delayed until 2030." That's why it's called an opinion. When I said that I wasn't moved much by Forza, I was honest. If I wanted to attack someone, I'd do just that. I wanted to know what Forza was about and reserved my judgment until I actually played some kind of demo. After all, GT4 will battle with Forza and Enthusia Professional Racing anyways this year, so I just wanted to know what the competition would be like.

Having said that, what I stated earlier were my ideas and my feelings toward the game. I'm not looking to be spoiled for saying "this game will blow away GT4" or anything like that. And like I said, I'm sorry if I get into anyone's skin over a funky opinion. My apologies. Can't we all just get along? :confused:
At the risk of starting another rediculous argument about which is better, or repeating something that has been said fifty times (sorry, but Im not gonna look through 100+ pages), my opinion on the Forza demo.

I played the Forza demo this past weekend, and having not played GT4 as yet I came away really impressed with both the physics and amazingly different driving character of all the cars when compared to GT3. Also impressive, the sounds, the Viper and 360mod. in particular are on the verge of unbelieveable. The feeling of actually being in a race car going around a real track, the knife-edge handling, and the way the car seems to be constantly fighting for grip in acceleration, braking, and side to side motions is also very realisic. The lack of stupid things like NOS makes it actually look better in my book (if NOS is only available on the dragstrips, forget I said that), however the inclusion of custom paint and body kits, while cool still seems like a gimmick to me.

On the flip side, the graphics are not terrible but in no way comparable to those in GT4, nor is [the projected] amount of cars available. Granted Porsche and Ferrari are there, but that alone [to me] doesnt make it a good sim. The looks of the environment arent that impressive, and the sense of speed is not that great. The AI seems to take great enjoyment in punting you off the track, and I'd take even GT3's boring, predictible AI over that kind of behavior. The whole damage thing seems to speak to the exact reason (officially, anyway) Polyphony left it out of the GT series; when you run into another car going about 50mph faster than it is youd expect to get more than a grey blemish on your front bumper, and in my opinion, if thats the best effort they can make at realism it might as well not even be included.

Overall, I'd say its a good effort, and I hope GT4 doesnt disappoint in the physics and sound department, as Forza is phenomenal in those areas from the little ive seen of it. But, in the end, I dont have an Xbox, it isnt good enough overall to convince me to get one, and pulling people from the GT series was the point wasn't it?
Acutally the damage was turned off in the demo, well body damage anyway which explains why a grey blemish appears when you hit walls at even 100kph. Not trying to defend Forza as I did play the demo too and felt basially the same as you.
well i got both the xbox and ps2 im getting both games forza looks good with ferraris and porshes but im looking forward to gt4 instead coz of the amount of cars it has and the photomode and graphically well that says it all
forza has the potential of being a good sim but w8 till they both come out and then i will give you guys a full review of both well thats if i have time though
I used to feel the same until I got hooked on XBOX LIVE. Now I'm actually looking forward to forza more.
I still can't wait til the 22nd though.
As I said, I am well aware that this is only a demo. So don't say that I'm judging a demo as opposed to the final product. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll see Forza at a GameStop or EB store or something and actually play the retail version and have a changed view. Then I'd probably tell my side to the "Forza" thread in the XBOX Forums.

I simply told my side. I used whatever persuasive technique I could. GTPlanet is a big family, not a gang. I don't have to agree with everyone just to gain someone's respect. If that were true, I'd say that GT4 sucks just to win the hearts of GT4 haters and not give a flaming damn about any GT lovers. In fact, I knew I was going to get hated on because of how I actually felt. Most people would probably say "okay, I can respect your views." But what do I get from some? It's "why you hate Forza? I'd rather play FM over some game that's going to be delayed until 2030." That's why it's called an opinion. When I said that I wasn't moved much by Forza, I was honest. If I wanted to attack someone, I'd do just that. I wanted to know what Forza was about and reserved my judgment until I actually played some kind of demo. After all, GT4 will battle with Forza and Enthusia Professional Racing anyways this year, so I just wanted to know what the competition would be like.

Having said that, what I stated earlier were my ideas and my feelings toward the game. I'm not looking to be spoiled for saying "this game will blow away GT4" or anything like that. And like I said, I'm sorry if I get into anyone's skin over a funky opinion. My apologies. Can't we all just get along? :confused:

Weren't we all getting along before??! I don't recall anybody attacking you... We appreciate your input. You didn't get into anyones's skin, and you don't need to apologise.

I'm confused....
Here's the deal guys.

What will make Forza, GT4 or Enthusia a better sim is one thing and one thing alone. Driving physics. That's it. How does they car feel when it is being driven? Not when they are crashed, not with a special paint job, not in photomode and not by a huge car list but how it feels when driven.

Now, we can argue what is the better game till we're blue in the face. But the fact is that each game caters to slighty different tastes as far as extras go.

But when it's all said and done, who's got the best physics engine for driving will prove which game is the better simulation. Since they are both designed to be such.

Anyone get what I'm saying?
Chances are even if Enthusia and Forza are better we still wouldnt de-throne GT as the king.

As I said before. Each has something they are focusing on that makes them different/better then the other. Forza's sound owns GT4's for free. GT4's car list dwarf about every other game in creation. Forza has the online competion. GT4 has photomode and Bspec on and on it goes. So it's really not about which is the better game. It's about which is the better sim. and right now, nobody knows. At least not anyone on this forum...heh heh.

BTW, I believe you are correct just from a pure strength of following. But if GT4 doesn't delivery what's promised, we could see a change when GT5 comes around.
Its all very hypothetical now. This thread needs wild fanboyism to sustain it. Or the release of Forza/Enthusia.
I'll be the crazy fanboy!!!
uhh yeah Forza sucks cos it has a crappy name.More like Flopza.
I make a good fanboy
I'll be the crazy fanboy!!!
uhh yeah Forza sucks cos it has a crappy name.More like Flopza.
I make a good fanboy

hehe. Yeah, I remember people calling it that in the thread's infancy. Pure comedic genius. or not.
Its all very hypothetical now. This thread needs wild fanboyism to sustain it. Or the release of Forza/Enthusia.

That's a sad truth that we just can't talk about something without people getting all mad, offended or acting dumb. :yuck: :crazy:
You the ting that I'm noticing now is the circle has nearly turned fully again. Prety soon the graphics will come back into the debate (as will CobraGT ;)). What I'm not getting is all these that say Forza's physics suck, now I haven't played the finnished game, no-one has but Tha_con is currently playing the Beta version which he says matched GT4's physics, they're not identical but where one is better than the other theres a reversal to counter it. I dissagree to Swift saying the one with the better handling wins because to me theres more to racing games, to me it's the one that immerses you into the game most wins and even if Forzas physics don't turn up AS god as GT4's but nearly as good I personally would say Forza is the winner with it's extra customisation, damage and online.

As for the name theres a racing series called Forza which I presume got the name from the same place as the game.
You the ting that I'm noticing now is the circle has nearly turned fully again. Prety soon the graphics will come back into the debate (as will CobraGT ;)). What I'm not getting is all these that say Forza's physics suck, now I haven't played the finnished game, no-one has but Tha_con is currently playing the Beta version which he says matched GT4's physics, they're not identical but where one is better than the other theres a reversal to counter it. I dissagree to Swift saying the one with the better handling wins because to me theres more to racing games, to me it's the one that immerses you into the game most wins and even if Forzas physics don't turn up AS god as GT4's but nearly as good I personally would say Forza is the winner with it's extra customisation, damage and online.

As for the name theres a racing series called Forza which I presume got the name from the same place as the game.

Ah...but I never said the one that has the best physics is the better game. I said it'd be the better simulation. As far was the better game thing goes, most people that like Forza better like it for the reasons you just mentioned.
Fair enough, I had a lot of posts to read so I must have misread that when I scanned through them.