Hey JohnBM01, I'm rambling with you mate! That was EXACTLY my opinion when playing the BETA build (flatmate is a game journo). Oh and CodeKev, you don't understand me or my full position on Forza whatsover. I did say I wanted it to be good. I have read up about it / played it as much as you and most people here have (we are in this forza thread because we have an interest in the game being potentially and hopefully good, no?). You just really seem to want to rile against anything and everything I say, misunderstand, misquote and generally be very petty. I was only trying to get the disscussion back on Forza, and (on purpose) generate just enough heat to keep it there. I never said I knew what the FINAL game would be like for sure (no one does), I'm just erring on the side of concerned optimism as opposed to "yay it will kill GT4 for sure dudes". In my mind "simple" problems like rumble implementation and cars driving like they're "hovering" too much, over zealous AI and bland graphics (these are all mine and many others experience of the game, not just "one web article" - that was used just for easy reference for others to read, CVG don't know crap about car sim games IMO anyway) are BIG BIG problems this close to release. They are game making or game breaking problems. You can disagree with me all you want because you simply have "faith" in Forza to pull through, but please mate, don't make immature assumptions about me just for the sake of being argumentative. Oh and graphics are very important to a potential GT beater. Its a key strength of the GT series and its success, an XBOX game should by rights look better. OK now its your turn (and others) to misquote me, take me out of context and make statments about one little web article that I read more carefully in the first place than many insinuating I hadn't understood it fully. I was also indirectly stating problems "I" had with Forza from a similar experience with the BETA build. Ok fire away boys.