GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I´m a newbie here, but I´ve followed this thread with interest. I just have one thing to add, and that is that the presumed winners of this debate are the makers, since probably most of those in this forum will actually buy all of the games...I know I will!
The makers of GT4 wil be the winners no matter which game is better, GT has the fanbase, PS2 has the units.
The makers of GT4 wil be the winners no matter which game is better, GT has the fanbase, PS2 has the units.

Yep, from a numbers perspective, PD Can't loose!
Ithink GT4 would def beat it if they added motorswaps and damage

any GT game with this would win hands down

I don't agree with you on that, if the damage and motorswap aren't done in a very high quality as we expect from PD, it would probably add very little to GT4. PD needed all the time they had to come this far, adding stuff like that would take even longer.

You can sum up a whole list of things that would make a game better, it's so easy to do that, but actually implementing it is very hard especially when you are time restrained.
We should be able to engine swaps soon enough, At least I know I will. Damn hackers

What is GT4 brake model like? I did some messing aroud with FM Laguna S demo
Here is what i got. I put the car in first then second and third gear while i topped out the speed and count the seconds it took for the brakes to stop glowing red I was suprised at what i got. intresting.

SPEED_____Time to stop glowing
48 mph....... 9-11 secs

73 mph....... 6-8 sec

96 mph........4-6 sec

0 mph ....... 20-23 seconds

and the it takes a lap before they start glowing, After that they glow on almost every turn. I havent tested how long they take to totally cool down but i stopped driving in the middle of a race for about 5 minutes after i think it took about a lap for the brakes to heat up and glow again.

This could mean that wind physics on the brakes for cooling affects are being modeled but who knows for sure. What is GT4 brake physics like.....
I think that they key to the best game is just the fun factor. Both game will be great racing games, and both are considered sims but there comes a point when a game stops being a game and just isn't fun anymore. Now I haven't played GT4 so I can't say that it isn't fun or that Forza is better and I'm not, some games have gone to far with the simulation and they are either to hard or way to boring, I just hope that GT4 has improved because GT3 was getting really boring near the end of the game with time trials and those stupid 30 lap formula 1 races a racing game needs depth not just buy a car click on some upgrades and race. You need some real fun material to keep you in the game and keep you going wow I have never seen that before. Forza seems to have that "new" factor with things that have really never been implimented the way that they claim that they have, and GT4 also has those things so if both of the games are what they claim they are then the "winner" comes down to this question, Which game will I spend months playing or which game will I get really excited about load it up play it for 2 weeks go ooowww, awww and then am done with? (kinda like NFSU2 and GTP :) J/k)

BTW: I am really tired so I'm sure that there are major grammatical errors, be nice :)
What is GT4 brake model like? I did some messing aroud with FM Laguna S demo
Here is what i got. I put the car in first then second and third gear while i topped out the speed and count the seconds it took for the brakes to stop glowing red I was suprised at what i got. intresting.

SPEED_____Time to stop glowing
48 mph....... 9-11 secs

73 mph....... 6-8 sec

96 mph........4-6 sec

0 mph ....... 20-23 seconds

and the it takes a lap before they start glowing, After that they glow on almost every turn. I havent tested how long they take to totally cool down but i stopped driving in the middle of a race for about 5 minutes after i think it took about a lap for the brakes to heat up and glow again.

This could mean that wind physics on the brakes for cooling affects are being modeled but who knows for sure. What is GT4 brake physics like.....
It's not a wind physics model at all, it's a simple calculation thats the same for every car that determines when they glow.
This thread really has many ups and downs (Well The title says Let the battle begin...)...

I'm guessing all the creators of these games love cars... (And possibly all the people working on Enthusia and Forza... May as well brought their passion from playing GT 1~3... Bringing ideas that they thought would be nice to be added in Gran Tourismo to their own games...) And they are (hopefully) dedicated to create something that lets them share that passion with others...

Not many of us try to do that do we? (Not that it is possible, but you get the idea)... I don't think translating a car to feel real in a video game is easy (nor totally possible) and I give my respects to the hard working people at these companies... It is funny how people criticise how somethings wrong with a video game because it does not bring something they want, when essentially the producers have a right to bring their vision into their games... Even if it means to clash with the overall desire of its fanbase it is their game and their choice... (GT4s B-spec and Photo got a lot of disapproval from many fans as you know)

Anyways... I sorta know what theme GT4 and Forza is going for... Very different in deed... But Enthusia... I'm not sure what direction that game is focused on yet (I didn't read a lot about it as much as the other two...)
This thread really has many ups and downs (Well The title says Let the battle begin...)...

I'm guessing all the creators of these games love cars... (And possibly all the people working on Enthusia and Forza... May as well brought their passion from playing GT 1~3... Bringing ideas that they thought would be nice to be added in Gran Tourismo to their own games...) And they are (hopefully) dedicated to create something that lets them share that passion with others...

Not many of us try to do that do we? (Not that it is possible, but you get the idea)... I don't think translating a car to feel real in a video game is easy (nor totally possible) and I give my respects to the hard working people at these companies... It is funny how people criticise how somethings wrong with a video game because it does not bring something they want, when essentially the producers have a right to bring their vision into their games... Even if it means to clash with the overall desire of its fanbase it is their game and their choice... (GT4s B-spec and Photo got a lot of disapproval from many fans as you know)

Anyways... I sorta know what theme GT4 and Forza is going for... Very different in deed... But Enthusia... I'm not sure what direction that game is focused on yet (I didn't read a lot about it as much as the other two...)

enthusia's theme is: teh awesome
enthusia's theme is: teh awesome

Yeah... That is superb indeed.........................................
Anyways.... I remember seeing a downhill tougeish battle on a video for Enthusia... With a White RX-7 and some other car going at it... And they seemed to drift along the way... Is that a bad sign or was it just great driving skills?
Well... Thats not my point...(If I have a point) Both Enthusia and Forza seems to have point to point races while GT totally ignores such races (probably cause they are too short? Endurance is a word associated with GT in my mind...)
That is something worth noting... Perhaps the other two games are trying to broaden its fanbase from Car fanatics to casual gamers... (Rather than GTs hardcore gamers)
Is anybody else here gonna get Foozball Racing 4 on sbox2? I know I will, it comes out tonight at midnight. I have had It preordered since 2000, and I am getting tired of Microphony Digisoft delaying the game. I know it hasn't been a Highly anticipated game, actually some of the reviewers gave it a -4.2, But I think it is gonna be a sleeper hit, just watch, the day after tomorrow when the rest of the world gets it released to them, They will be all cancelling there preorders of GT4 and Forza, just to pick up this game.

I even got the Steering wheel and helmet, The helmet has a 42' plasma built into and it slides back and forth like a typewriter when you turn. I can't wait...

The strategy guide even tells you that driver swaps will be possible, you can actually stop playing and give the controller to your friend. some races are so long the game requires you to do driver swaps... (the "PLAY INSIDER BACKDOOR" magazine cheat): you can actually trick the computer by saying: "here man, it's your turn!" but you actually keep playing. WOW, how do they find out these tricks so fast. Another was "opponent car dissapear from your rear view mirror" there are actually 2 cheats listed for this. the first one... Gently press the accelerator pedal all the way down to the floor, wait 5 seconds, It should now be quiet and your opponents should nowhere nearby. If that cheat doesn't work they said... if after pressing the accelerator to the floor, your opponents are still there, quickly press the directional button left and hold for 4 seconds, again you should hear quietness, don't worry if you hit a wall, you should be way far ahead, and your opponents should be almost a lap behind you now.

WOW!!! the cheats alone have me excited about this game... I hope you all get it so I can show you the hitchiking trick online.

If you haven't guessed by now... This was to loosen you F'ers up, You all seem over tense, sheesh its less than 2 weeks away.
If you haven't guessed by now... This was to loosen you F'ers up, You all seem over tense, sheesh its less than 2 weeks away.

Wow? ONLY 2 ****''n WEEKS!! THAT IS TEH AWESOME!!! or whatever... anyways preordered mine yesterday... I never get worried or tense about when a game releases... Never even waited fanatically for the game to release... There are a sea of games in the world and I don't need to be tense over some gem that would eventually be mine anyways...
Thats an interesting point, I never thought about just how hard core the GT series really is.

I mean who would race in a series of 10 races, 20 laps each with a required setup change before every race (unless you jump in the damn Escudo)? I definately would.

But on the other hand will it be nessesary for GT to follow the lead, heading more in the direction of an increased fanbase, leading to a less hardcore game? There does seem to be alot of complaints by people in this forum about longass races you cant win easily.. that may be a form of achilles heel for the GT series as we know it (unless there are way more hardcore car fans out there than I think).

Heck untill the finished products come out, we wont even know if they will directly compete for the same type of player, Forza, despite its really nice driving physics, may appeal to the more casual gamer, while GT with its vast amount of cars, and the advanced, precise adjustments required for a competitive race may only appeal to the hardest core racing fan.
Wow? ONLY 2 ****''n WEEKS!! THAT IS TEH AWESOME!!! or whatever... anyways preordered mine yesterday... I never get worried or tense about when a game releases... Never even waited fanatically for the game to release... There are a sea of games in the world and I don't need to be tense over some gem that would eventually be mine anyways...

Yeah... That is superb indeed.........................................
Anyways.... I remember seeing a downhill tougeish battle on a video for Enthusia... With a White RX-7 and some other car going at it... And they seemed to drift along the way... Is that a bad sign or was it just great driving skills?
Well... Thats not my point...(If I have a point) Both Enthusia and Forza seems to have point to point races while GT totally ignores such races (probably cause they are too short? Endurance is a word associated with GT in my mind...)
That is something worth noting... Perhaps the other two games are trying to broaden its fanbase from Car fanatics to casual gamers... (Rather than GTs hardcore gamers)

Point to point races are fantastic. The best were in the original Need for Speed... ahhh Alpine.. what a delicacy those 3 tracks were. They weren't exactly short either and I was quite happy doing them over and over again. It's just easier to repeat lap a circuit rather than repeat race a point to point.
After playing GT4 Japanease demo with my new acquire DFP, I have to admit that Forza will be for playing with friend online and GT4 will be for my own personal enjoyment.
Thats an interesting point, I never thought about just how hard core the GT series really is.

I mean who would race in a series of 10 races, 20 laps each with a required setup change before every race (unless you jump in the damn Escudo)? I definately would.

But on the other hand will it be nessesary for GT to follow the lead, heading more in the direction of an increased fanbase, leading to a less hardcore game? There does seem to be alot of complaints by people in this forum about longass races you cant win easily.. that may be a form of achilles heel for the GT series as we know it (unless there are way more hardcore car fans out there than I think).

Heck untill the finished products come out, we wont even know if they will directly compete for the same type of player, Forza, despite its really nice driving physics, may appeal to the more casual gamer, while GT with its vast amount of cars, and the advanced, precise adjustments required for a competitive race may only appeal to the hardest core racing fan.

I'd figure the opposite. Forza is too unforgiving in it's current trim. casual gamers hate it when they can't complete a lap without ploughing into the sand, and aren't willing to put the effort to get better at it. GT is about balance between realism and fun.

You really don't have to be precise with your tuning to win, in fact you can just keep everything at default and trounce the A.I.

The extra effort put into getting a balanced setup is a reward for the person playing it, not a nessessity. It's optional, just like the complicated customisation and tuning in Forza. I don't get how either game would be more "hardcore" than the other.
Well, if they're complaining about that in Forza, then there can't be hope for them in Enthusia.

I mean, I'm really wondering how forgiving Enthusia will be.
As I said before. Each has something they are focusing on that makes them different/better then the other. Forza's sound owns GT4's for free. GT4's car list dwarf about every other game in creation. Forza has the online competion. GT4 has photomode and Bspec on and on it goes. So it's really not about which is the better game. It's about which is the better sim. and right now, nobody knows. At least not anyone on this forum...heh heh.

BTW, I believe you are correct just from a pure strength of following. But if GT4 doesn't delivery what's promised, we could see a change when GT5 comes around.
Total agreement. Just got to own them all. :) 👍
I'll be the crazy fanboy!!!
uhh yeah Forza sucks cos it has a crappy name.More like Flopza.
I make a good fanboy

That is the single best post I've read all week. I see your Flopza and raise you a Gran Turdismo.

And remember, if a game is more "hardcore" then GT4, you have to pretend that it isn't, because you'l be called a fanboy otherwise ;). While I love GT, and will no doubt love GT4, a fail to see how it can be called a true hardcore (gawd I hate that expression) sim when it doesn't even do stuff like tyre heat etc. This is where some one accuses me of being a "flopza fanboi" or something...
I'd figure the opposite. Forza is too unforgiving in it's current trim. casual gamers hate it when they can't complete a lap without ploughing into the sand, and aren't willing to put the effort to get better at it. GT is about balance between realism and fun.

You really don't have to be precise with your tuning to win, in fact you can just keep everything at default and trounce the A.I.

The extra effort put into getting a balanced setup is a reward for the person playing it, not a nessessity. It's optional, just like the complicated customisation and tuning in Forza. I don't get how either game would be more "hardcore" than the other.

Conceded, I guess im just too caught up in the WRS, where settings and driving perfection prevail, to remember what it was actually like to race against the AI in GT :dopey: .
I just saw some car damage pics for Forza on
I think GT 5 will need to include damage looking at those pics... It looks awesome...
I looked at some of those....I think that the best thing that I can say about the lot is that they look terrible. In addition, they still have that stupid partial track map with the huge blobs, and it is obvious that it rotates depending on the direction that your are traveling. I was hoping that they would fix this after finding it very annoying in the Demo, but it appears as if they are going to leave it in, and IMHO, that is utterly is even worse than the one in TOCA Race Driver 2. Even the one in PGR2 was much better, nearly on a level with the GT series of track maps and vehicle position representation.

Remember....NEVER leave a ROAD for a trail and always RENT before you buy.
yo code we're just paying out forza... hehe
Those new damage pics look terrible - it still looks really flat shaded, also just plain BAD interface design. Also its ridiculous that if they're gonna include damage, they can't have bits completely fall off the car. I reckon you should be able to completely wreck the car = be able to wrap it around a tree if you're gonna bother doing damage. It reminds me exactly why Kaz isn't doing damage yet. he wants to do it PROPERLY!!