The GT series by far, is a really great and powerful series. But really, It's not that great. I was playing it a few weeks straight, but now I haven't played it for a good few days now. I'm bored with it already. I think it's because I found it hard to not get addicted to B-Spec mode, it was an easy way to get money and win the cars, and I found it hard to get away from it. But like alot of people, I work and have other **** to do. I don't have time to race a series in one whole sitting, and right now, the only reason I've loved the GT series so much, is for the 2Player modes, which is what my brother and I spent most of our free time with. The graphics arent that great. I've been playing Rallisport Challenge 2 on the XBOX, for a few days now, and I find the graphics in that game a little better. The only thing that GT has over Rallisport, is the amount of cars, the under-the-hood customization, and the backfire. Rallisport enables you to change gear ratios, but it's not as detailed as the GT series. Rallisport also shows the backfire, but it's not as detailed as GT4. All in all, I love the GT series, even though GT4 hasn't grabbed my attention yet like it's predecessors. Although, graphics don't mean ****, it's how fun or exciteing the game is to you. I still play the original Doom game, just because I find it fun. It's a classic. In the end, I will rent Forza, if I like it, I'll buy it. It's that simple.