GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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The GT series by far, is a really great and powerful series. But really, It's not that great. I was playing it a few weeks straight, but now I haven't played it for a good few days now. I'm bored with it already. I think it's because I found it hard to not get addicted to B-Spec mode, it was an easy way to get money and win the cars, and I found it hard to get away from it. But like alot of people, I work and have other **** to do. I don't have time to race a series in one whole sitting, and right now, the only reason I've loved the GT series so much, is for the 2Player modes, which is what my brother and I spent most of our free time with. The graphics arent that great. I've been playing Rallisport Challenge 2 on the XBOX, for a few days now, and I find the graphics in that game a little better. The only thing that GT has over Rallisport, is the amount of cars, the under-the-hood customization, and the backfire. Rallisport enables you to change gear ratios, but it's not as detailed as the GT series. Rallisport also shows the backfire, but it's not as detailed as GT4. All in all, I love the GT series, even though GT4 hasn't grabbed my attention yet like it's predecessors. Although, graphics don't mean ****, it's how fun or exciteing the game is to you. I still play the original Doom game, just because I find it fun. It's a classic. In the end, I will rent Forza, if I like it, I'll buy it. It's that simple.
*sigh* even though I am and will always be a loyal fan of the GT series, I won't defend it's honor. Simply, they're on different system, XBOX proven better than the PS2, but PD has more experience and are "perfectionist". So they both got their ups and down, im just glad Xbox will have a good racing game just like GT is with the PS2....

...I'll defend GT's honor when its' and Forza sequel comes out on the next gen system or something.
The GT series by far, is a really great and powerful series. But really, It's not that great. I was playing it a few weeks straight, but now I haven't played it for a good few days now. I'm bored with it already. I think it's because I found it hard to not get addicted to B-Spec mode, it was an easy way to get money and win the cars, and I found it hard to get away from it. But like alot of people, I work and have other **** to do. I don't have time to race a series in one whole sitting, and right now, the only reason I've loved the GT series so much, is for the 2Player modes, which is what my brother and I spent most of our free time with. The graphics arent that great. I've been playing Rallisport Challenge 2 on the XBOX, for a few days now, and I find the graphics in that game a little better. The only thing that GT has over Rallisport, is the amount of cars, the under-the-hood customization, and the backfire. Rallisport enables you to change gear ratios, but it's not as detailed as the GT series. Rallisport also shows the backfire, but it's not as detailed as GT4. All in all, I love the GT series, even though GT4 hasn't grabbed my attention yet like it's predecessors. Although, graphics don't mean ****, it's how fun or exciteing the game is to you. I still play the original Doom game, just because I find it fun. It's a classic. In the end, I will rent Forza, if I like it, I'll buy it. It's that simple.

I dunno lapping the nurb at 150 mph in a rear wheel drive car is alot more fun than anything i experienced in the previous Gt's
i agree. the ring is a blast :)

I cant believe on the previous page you guys were arguing about the power difference between PS2 and Xbox. You guys must be really really really bored. :indiff:
and some of you are crazy (PS2 faster than Xbox?!?!?!?!?!)
It's that whole circle of PS2 v X-Box and GT4 v Forza both turning together and both going round and round and round. It goes somethnig like this....
Argument about graphics
More powerful console
Dedication of the developers
More powerful console
Dedication of the developers
It's that whole circle of PS2 v X-Box and GT4 v Forza both turning together and both going round and round and round. It goes somethnig like this....
Argument about graphics
More powerful console
Dedication of the developers
More powerful console
Dedication of the developers

Yeah, that's true..:D This can happen only because people are too lazy to read back...
Couple of new images







Looking pretty impressive, you can't say GT4's cars look more realistic look at that DB9 it's perfect...
How can there be any opinion on a fact, theres nothing wrong with that DB9 :sly: ;). I know what you mean about sayin which car models are better, Forza's are more detailed GT4's have better more realistic textures but overdo the reflections.
yup thats what i mean. In motion you dont really notice that much how gt4 runs at lower resolution. Its just I feel like GT4 takes more advantage of its hardware than FOrza does of its.
Yep, that one looks really bad. At least we know the game looks better than that though.
One thing I noticed that Gt left out in the final game is brakes heating up, it was present in GT3 and Pd completly forgot it and FORZA puts it in, attention to detail my friend!;)
Div is back
One thing I noticed that Gt left out in the final game is brakes heating up, it was present in GT3 and Pd completly forgot it and FORZA puts it in, attention to detail my friend!;)

No they didnt i have seen it in gt4 with my own eyes
These been posted? Obviously I'm ripping them off forza central btw...
Sorry for being an image whore :(






Not much emotion in these spectators though ;)


IMO these are pretty.



are those pics suppose to be the ring? (refering to the last one) man, i dont think PD could have done a better job recreating the ring compared to what im seein in those pics on forza. if you've taken a lap in GT4 on the ring, you'll notice that just about every bump in the road is where it should be. the road is never always a flat surface alllll the way around the track, and that has always been what got my adrenaline pumping because even with a controller it really does feel like you are there on that track. nothin is more boring than a flat surface
Umm who says that forzas doesn't have accurate bumps etc?

PD did a good job though.

On a random note, don't you think that Gt4 and Forza would be ten times better if rather then tracks they had english style country roads? Well I do...
Strange thing that you don't know the fact that the PS2 is around twice as fast as an Xbox.

The Xbox uses a Celeron 2 typed cpu, 32-bit running at 733mhz. The PS2 on the other hand is running a 128-bit cpu clocked in at 300Mhz. Well, looks like e complete overrun doesn't it ? Well, lets take a deeper look. The Xbox cpu is only a Celeron 2 type chip, that runs in a 32-bit environment and blasts out around 3 Gigaflops of datacrushing power. Then we have the (what everybody thinks) small and slow 300Mhz chip in the PS2, well, the fact here is that the 128-bit Emotion Engine spits out a whopping 6.2 Gigaflops. Thats over two times as much datapower as the Xbox.

And then we have graphics. The Xbox here has it's Geforce 3 look-alike chip in it. It has more effects built in to it than the PS2 gfx-chip. But then again, the PS2 chip is much more programmable, and can do all those effects and lots more better.

The fact is, the Xbox looks so good on the paper, everybody is so completely fooled by the "733Mhz cpu, 64MB RAM, 250Mhz gfx-chip" and so on. But the PS2 is indeed faster. And even if it does'nt have the built in hardware effects as the Xbox has, it has the power to do effects in software that looks better than the Xbox effects. And there can be created much more effects and nicer looking graphics on the PS2.

Just look at GT4 as a pretty good example of that.


seriously. no more of this gigaflops baloney. just talk about the games, please.

Anyway, I really want to compare these games right freaking now. My favourite thing to do in GT4 so far is take my mildly tuned RUF CTR out on the 'ring.

I want to try out a porsche (hmm, say a 993 GT2) on Forza's ring with that silly wheel to see how it stacks up.
I absolutely LOVE the way those cars look like they float.. it totally lets those screenshots down :P



I can see it now, Forza shall be renamed "Forza 2199 XP 64"

I absolutely LOVE the way those cars look like they float.. it totally lets those screenshots down :P



I can see it now, Forza shall be renamed "Forza 2199 XP 64"


now there is a successful smartass. you win the prize.
The 2nd picture (blue skyline) is actually a car in the air (as in from a jump it seems), if you compare it to other piccies, you can tell. Compare that one to the skyline 2 piccies down. Anyway, it's just shadows, it does let it down, but when you swing the camera round to the side, the cars do not float what so ever.

During jump

Not in a jump

if you can't see the difference, your blind.
Yeah go stand above a car at that angle and tell me if you see tires, you can't. I've been waiting for tire marks on the ground since gt1 and forzas doing it on the first try.
Could just be an arse screen shot?

I doubt it. The lighting is way off like it was in PGR2, and the reflections are gone for some reason.

Odd though, when you look at a car at night, that is when they seem the most reflective.
You can see the bloody road markings through the car, the car has the matt paint of VERY old shots. Thats why I think it's from a crap/ old build...I hope.
Hmmm cant remember what thats called......I believe its alot like Vice City where when you go really fast it cant stream in all the textures and you get blurry nasty pics until it catches up.

That or an extremely Alpha shot.