GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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yeah, Because the cars themselves have absolutely no reflective surfaces on them whatsoever but they also seem very low in Polys in that pic

Oh yeah, whats up with the skyline not having any tires on it? you can especially tell during the jump pic with just an outline of the wheel well.
That game is Ico (pronounced "ee-ko")... my brother rented that game and thinks it's perhaps one of the best games he's ever played.

For a while, I didn't want to post in this thread, but now that I've played GT4 and the Forza demo, there is nothing wrong with typing "I own both a PS2 and an XBOX." Do you know why? It's simple. On both systems (unless you like PGR2 more), these will likely be the best racing games for both respective consoles. For the console loyalists, they will likely say "GT4/Forza is better than Forza/GT4." If you're happy, I'll be happy to put on both games RIGHT NOW as the best racing games on their consoles. So if I was the head of some well-known gaming magazine, at the end of the year, I'd put down "Gran Turismo 4" as the best racing game on the PS2 and "Forza Motorsport" as the best on XBOX. Personally, if I wanted to play and enjoy an XBOX racing game, I'd go back to Project Gotham Racing 2. In fact, that's a game I should have within a year if I had an XBOX.

GT4 vs. Forza is the biggest rivalry right now in racing games and until we get an idea as to what Forza will do to be the Cinderella story for Racing Game of the Year. I'm still thinking to myself about the "Forza tries to be like GT4" deal someone mentioned. As I seen, the New York track in GT4 is EXACTLY LIKE the one in Forza in terms of configuration. Two games with the same track (of course, there's probably many tracks in Forza, but I'm going on one I can recall best. This track is shared on both games on both consoles. Thing is, GT4 probably introduced this long before Forza came up with the track. Do you think Forza really is copying GT4, with this track at least? Which version (GT4 or Forza) is done better?

And that GTA with the blurry effects until you catch up? That's "San Andreas." It actually scares me sometimes at speed. And if it scares you too, stay WELL AWAY from the ultra-fast Bullet (reminiscent of the Ford GT) car.
This thread is over cooking the same argument. I though this site was filled with car enthusiatic but I was wrong. If you a car fanatic like me, no matter the platform, it's good for car lovers. More love for us.

No can't argue that GT4 nurburgring rendition is awesome. If you look more closely, you will notice that some other track (Trial mountain) still look bad. The unconsistency between track is very obvious.

I'm afraid that once i started to play Forza Motorsports, I won't be playing GT4. Why ? Because you can play a career online with real opponents instead of AI. That is what we call revolutionnary gameplay.

LOL, funny. No, that's not indicative of the game gone gold. It's just one of those WPS (worst possible screenshots :D) out of the game. Every game has a WPS with its pants down that's not intended for public scrutiny. :P

For a while, I didn't want to post in this thread, but now that I've played GT4 and the Forza demo, there is nothing wrong with typing "I own both a PS2 and an XBOX." Do you know why? It's simple. On both systems (unless you like PGR2 more), these will likely be the best racing games for both respective consoles. Personally, if I wanted to play and enjoy an XBOX racing game, I'd go back to Project Gotham Racing 2.
Boy you nailed it right there. If you have the dough and you're a serious driving games fan--whether sim or arcade--now's the time for owning both an Xbox & PStwo. Only a year and a half ago I'd have told you that having both was an exercise in redundancy. In fact, I only bought my Xbox 1½ years ago. When PGR2 hit the streets, I said "MAN that's it; got to get one." There's just too much to miss out on these days for the sake of fanboyism. As to which console is better. It-

LOL! Fooled ya. Not going to touch it.

But I would personally contribute to the development costs of putting Gran Turismo 4 on the Xbox - can you imagine?

Give me air, give me air!

^, or just simply "John."
^, or just simply "GNJ."
McLaren F1GTR
The demo is hard? Wow, well, I guess you'll have an extremely hard time driving the real deal.

:) That's a stretch and doesn't necessarily follow my observation that Forza is steeper than GT4, McLaren. There can be no question that Forza Motorsport is a notch up in the clinical department, if only for the fact that over-shooting a turn is far less forgiving than in GT. Now, that's not a "bad" thing and personally, I am quite taken with its demands but I maintain that it will throw many here for a loop who have only played GT. Forza's really a whole other game and, I believe, more challenging to drive.

- -

... In other news, I just called EBgames and have learned that my new PStwo is almost certainly to be on the truck today!!!!!1111!one Friggin' YAY. :D :D Two weeks and I haven't been able to play the damned thing. lol :grumpy:

;) -John
I'm afraid that once i started to play Forza Motorsports, I won't be playing GT4. Why ? Because you can play a career online with real opponents instead of AI. That is what we call revolutionnary gameplay.

And as we stated a few hundred pages ago. The only real advantage Forza has over GT4. Having damage and Porsche/Ferrari is a subjective advantage. But nobody will argue that being able to race against others online is a great feature.
And as we stated a few hundred pages ago. The only real advantage Forza has over GT4. Having damage and Porsche/Ferrari is a subjective advantage. But nobody will argue that being able to race against others online is a great feature.

Not just online play but ONLINE CAREER PLAY. This is the next step into online integration within a single player experience. Race against other online of the same level in race that counts towards your career.
Not just online play but ONLINE CAREER PLAY. This is the next step into online integration within a single player experience. Race against other online of the same level in race that counts towards your career.

Oh, well yeah. I mean that's a logical step. Many other games have features such as that. But they are mostly on PC.

I can see how that can be a selling point though. But how do you handle it when people close the race early cause they're going to loose, etc? Does it effect your "repuation"?
Oh, well yeah. I mean that's a logical step. Many other games have features such as that. But they are mostly on PC.

I can see how that can be a selling point though. But how do you handle it when people close the race early cause they're going to loose, etc? Does it effect your "repuation"?

Playing online has always is inconvenients. There is an online species call : The random dumb*ss. He will always comes around and makes your life a nightmare. I haven't yet read any information regarding "reputation" or "penality" for bad racers. It's very hard to contain the "Random dumb*ss".
are those pics suppose to be the ring? (refering to the last one) man, i dont think PD could have done a better job recreating the ring compared to what im seein in those pics on forza. if you've taken a lap in GT4 on the ring, you'll notice that just about every bump in the road is where it should be. the road is never always a flat surface alllll the way around the track, and that has always been what got my adrenaline pumping because even with a controller it really does feel like you are there on that track. nothin is more boring than a flat surface
PD's creation of the Ring is fabulouse indeed, but to answer your question, no thoes pics arn't from the Ring. They're of a ficticiouse track based on Bathurst in Australia. As for MGS's version of the ring, from what I've seen it looks accurate in terms of the curves, bumps ect but theres maybe too much colour in the scenery.
Oh, well yeah. I mean that's a logical step. Many other games have features such as that. But they are mostly on PC.

I can see how that can be a selling point though. But how do you handle it when people close the race early cause they're going to loose, etc? Does it effect your "repuation"?
I've taken part in a few online races in certain games like LFS S1 ect and while there was a small element of that happening, it was only small. Generally peopole were great to race against, even people getting lapped 2 or 3 times were finnishing the races. Also it's getting to know who the better people to race against are, over time your buddy list expands and eventually theres always someone on who you like racing against and soon after your in races you need a password to get into ect.
I've taken part in a few online races in certain games like LFS S1 ect and while there was a small element of that happening, it was only small. Generally peopole were great to race against, even people getting lapped 2 or 3 times were finnishing the races. Also it's getting to know who the better people to race against are, over time your buddy list expands and eventually theres always someone on who you like racing against and soon after your in races you need a password to get into ect.

Well that sounds pretty reasonable. I just hope it doesn't turn into a playground for immature gamers.

Forza is starting to shape up to be a pretty decent game, even without photomode.. :dopey:
Just popped in Forza after paying GT4 for so long and it is soooo hard to look at with the piss poor frame rate and blury image quality. Unless they have made some serious improvements to the graphics, the physics and options wont make up for the poor visuals and lack of a proper TFF wheel. If things stay the same...Nice effort MS but better luck on Forza 2.
Would most of you give the edge to Forza to integrating online racing, much less online career racing? Would the baby franchise, "Forza Motorsport" become the ultimate Cinderella story, upsetting GT4 as the best racing game of 2005?
After weighing up all arguments for/against each game over extended playing/reading up etc etc:

GT4 is cearly the mucho bettor than this Forza rubbish.

Hence thread is now void.:) weee~

Blatent H4x0r11!!1! fanboi post~ mwaaa.!1!!1 Hello code whats up dude...

Seriously neither Forza or GT4 will really invalidate the other because they have such clear strengths/weaknesses. GT4 doesn't have damage/AI/online. The framerate/art-direction/TFFwheel (lack of all) are huge problems IMO however for Forza. It seems they are trying really hard to make Xbox look way more capable than PS2 and they're just overtaxing the system to try and make it look good in still frames. They've achieved that cause its possible to slow the demo down enough to see individual frames for a good 2-3 seconds down the corkscrew of Laguna Seca... I'll still buy Forza of course, I'll just curse the obvious jerkiness (on two diff Xbox's, an old one and a new one). The PAL version really seems to go as jerky as a super jerk. 30fps feels cut to 25fps with intermittent drops round the odd corner. My mate noticed it and just went "ewww, that slowdown's not meant to be in a game of this budget or calibre..."

Framerate = hugest maxor problemo a driving sim could have. People seem to have been very kind to Forza in this respect. I hope it'll be solid in the final build.
Well to tell you the truth there is nothing to wiegh here, you are comparing GT to a game that does not exist yet. Well I mean its not out there yet, so what is there to compare.
Would most of you give the edge to Forza to integrating online racing, much less online career racing?
Since Forza offers a decent selection of cars, courses and races like GT and is proving to be a simulation in the way it handles, yes.
i suggest this arguement not go any further untill we can get some photage of gt4 side by side with forza. :)

Then I assume you mean wait until final the version of Forza is released. If that is the case, then we might as well close this thread till May. :dopey:
i suggest this arguement not go any further untill we can get some photage of gt4 side by side with forza. :)

its all in good fun. If it pisses people off (which I can understand) simply dont read this thread.
it doesnt piss me off. its just people tend to say the same thing over and over and get a bit mindless, and then there are the fanboys.
I've yet to get ANY of these framrate problems in the demo everyone's talking about, so.....yeah.

the lowered framerate itself is a problem, but yeah, I haven't seen any drastic drops near the corkscrew or anything like that.
Ok, so Xbox -vs- PS2 in the racing age... Well now that I can finally play GT4, it's going to be Xbox in visuals hands-down.

I mean let's not kid ourselves. You cannot argue with a Rallisport Challenge 2. Also, GT4 (2D rims) pains to hide or gloss over (horrible texture resolutions) its shortcomings while the Xbox, in any game, flaunts its ware. Cases-in-point: In both RSC2 and Forza, you are invited you to look closer (more views and a 360° camera swing-on-the-fly in Forza, super sweet - that).

Also don't underestimate FM/Forza Motorsport in the sound department. From my demo-disc alone, I can tell you this game will bring some incredibly throaty engine notes (hear that Corvette C6, anyone?) and real-to-life transmission fetching & shifting sounds (you really need to hear it). Little things such as the sampling of tires sounds on gravel, on and off pavement, etc., are extraordinarily well done and sounds as if you're IN THE CAR hearing it around you.

It's of a new fidelity and sampling quality. It's... like life. Life-like. What can I say, it raises the bar.

Don't get me wrong I love my Gran Turismo. Hell I just bought an entire new PS2 just to play it. That's well over $200 for one game.

And Forza does chug along at 30 frames per second - inexcusable! Don't think I have missed that. It's just that on the PS2, Gran Turismo is showing its age so badly now, and with the much higher-res textures of which the Xbox is capable, a mediocre framerate can almost be overlooked - and regardless - if you have played PGR2, then you already know that you WILL forget the framerate if the game inside is good enough.

Plus, I'm a trigger guy and the Xbox controller was like, 'made' for me. :D

Look. Forza will bring a formidable challenger to Gran Turismo. Of that I have no doubt. FM/Forza Motorsport is coming and sites around the 'Net are gearing up (pun) for it. Paul Simon wrote a song in the 80s and I would here like to quote from it:

Why deny the obvious, child?

Thank you, Paul.

i know im probley a little late but on the first page this guy says no Porsche, but i thought RUF and PORSCHE were the same thing???? (Well to me they the RUF ressembles a PORSCHE)
i know im probley a little late but on the first page this guy says no Porsche, but i thought RUF and PORSCHE were the same thing???? (Well to me they the RUF ressembles a PORSCHE)


there are porsches in Forza. Lots of Porsches.

There are few RUF cars in GT4, but no Porsches. RUFS are not Porsches, but they do resemble them immensely.

I don't know if you'll be any less confused after reading this, but I tried.