Ok, so Xbox -vs- PS2 in the racing age... Well now that I can finally play GT4, it's going to be Xbox in visuals hands-down.
I mean let's not kid ourselves. You cannot argue with a Rallisport Challenge 2. Also, GT4 (2D rims) pains to hide or gloss over (horrible texture resolutions) its shortcomings while the Xbox, in any game, flaunts its ware. Cases-in-point: In both RSC2 and Forza, you are
invited you to look closer (more views and a 360° camera swing-on-the-fly in Forza, super sweet - that).
Also don't underestimate FM/Forza Motorsport in the sound department. From my demo-disc alone, I can tell you this game will bring some incredibly throaty engine notes (hear that Corvette C6, anyone?) and real-to-life transmission fetching & shifting sounds (you really need to hear it). Little things such as the sampling of tires sounds on gravel, on and off pavement, etc., are extraordinarily well done and sounds as if you're IN THE CAR hearing it around you.
It's of a new fidelity and sampling quality. It's... like life. Life-like. What can I say, it raises the bar.
Don't get me wrong I love my Gran Turismo. Hell I just bought an entire new PS2 just to play it. That's well over $200 for one game.
And Forza
does chug along at 30 frames per second - inexcusable! Don't think I have missed that. It's just that on the PS2, Gran Turismo is showing its age so badly now, and with the much higher-res textures of which the Xbox is capable, a mediocre framerate can almost be overlooked - and regardless - if you have played PGR2, then you already know that you WILL forget the framerate if the game inside is good enough.
Plus, I'm a trigger guy and the Xbox controller was like, 'made' for me.
Look. Forza will bring a formidable challenger to Gran Turismo. Of that I have no doubt. FM/Forza Motorsport is coming and sites around the 'Net are gearing up (pun) for it. Paul Simon wrote a song in the 80s and I would here like to quote from it:
Why deny the obvious, child?
Thank you, Paul.