I got to play the Forza demo racing on Laguna Seca. Since I race in RL, and I've been on the real Laguna Seca, I think I have some qualification to say that I wasn't very impressed with Forza's simulation of either driving physics or the track.
Whereas, we were having fun playing GT4 replays along side RL footage from our in-car cameras on Laguna Seca... and being shocked at how positively similar they were. Polyphony really went to town on recreating the track down to the last detail. It's truly earie to drive around in a virtual version of a place you've really been.
I think it's amusing that everyone is waiting/expecting some title to come along that will blow away Gran Turismo. I mean, some day it's gotta happen, right? But you gotta face it. GT is a giant among racing games. Dislodging it from its throne will not be easy. Not by a long shot. And I don't see it happening any time soon.
Forza is a beginning. I wasn't impressed with its simulation compared to GT... but... it's not totally far off. I can see it growing into stiff competition for GT. But it's rather unlikely that it will manage it in its first incarnation.
Even so... you folks that expect Forza (or whatever) to blow GT away like it was a dirty old sock are just dreamin. It's just not gonna happen. If Forza eventually gets ahead of Gran Turismo, it's only going to be after a long, drawn out, and bloody fight.
As has been pointed out, that fight might be good for us consumers.
In other news, I agree with prior posts that Ferraris are overrated. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc... average folks think they're obviously faster than all other cars, but what you're really experiencing is effective marketing on the part of those companies. They've successfully created an image of superlative performance among people who have never even seen these cars in RL, much less driven them.
I faced a brand new Porsche Carrera GT at the track in my 1996 Corvette Grand Sport, and I beat him... At $450,000, his car costs about ten times as much as mine. It's a beautiful work of art to behold. And it is fast, to be sure. Beating him wasn't easy! But my point is... there is shockingly little correlation between the price and speed of sports cars. Especially exotic sports cars.
Would I like to see Ferrari's in GT? Sure. But I'm not losing any sleep over it. There's no shortage of kick-$&%# cars in the game already.
- Skant