GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I dont think anyone can judge forza fully yet because how many of us have played forza with a wheel and how many of us know how cars handle when driven by controllers :P Seriously, I cant see how anyone can play a sim with a controller, that's me though.

you can still get a good sense of the physics engine with a controller. it isn't nearly as good as a wheel though.
In forza, you tap the brake botton and you get skid marks =| I believe the forza demo over did braking but ofcourse that can be fixed. Gt4's suspension modeling is very close.
...and will be fixed, as was mentioned by MGS' FM dev team... they realized the sensativity was too high, but still was easily managable IMHO...

I dont think anyone can judge forza fully yet because how many of us have played forza with a wheel and how many of us know how cars handle when driven by controllers :P Seriously, I cant see how anyone can play a sim with a controller, that's me though.
well, I for one am a huge sim fan, however one word is how... money... not everyone has 150 to spend on a wheel, we do have lives and/or responsibilities outside of gaming... or 400 on an entire setup... personally, I love my xbox triggers for racing, hell it's what they were designed for... and the Duke controller works a hell of a lot better than the S... and IMO, DS2 controllers just cannot cut it for a racing game... using an analog stick for accel/braking doesn't feel right... didn't like it for MGP, won't like it ever, too much of a stretch for my hands...
When they reviewed Forza on Motors Tv they said the physics seemed more like TOCA Race Driver & that the cars seemed to light. The guys who reviwed the game spend a lot of time playing racing games & some of them have raced cars before. I won't really judge untill i play them but I have played GT4 & can honestly say its great, who cares about what cars arn't in the game, it got so many other quality cars that a few not been in can be fogiven. I havn't played the Forza demo yet, i don't even have an X-Box yet but my mate played Forza in a shop about a week ago & he then Played GT4 yestarday & said that GT4 seemed better than Forza & cars handled better. I have head there is an Enthusia demo avaliable but again i have yet to play it & havn't seen much decent footage to judge it but it seem at least equal to GT4. This whole Ferrari argument over the past pages is silly, i persona;;y don't care for Ferrari's as i know there are cheaper cars avaliable that are better. I saw a video on the net about 2 years ago of a Ferrari enzo been beaten in a race by a Citroen BX GTI, a car my mate had at the time which made us feel better.
Originally Posted by cobragt

In forza, you tap the brake botton and you get skid marks =| I believe the forza demo over did braking but ofcourse that can be fixed. Gt4's suspension modeling is very close.

...and will be fixed, as was mentioned by MGS' FM dev team... they realized the sensativity was too high, but still was easily managable IMHO...

Originally Posted by cobragt

I dont think anyone can judge forza fully yet because how many of us have played forza with a wheel and how many of us know how cars handle when driven by controllers :P Seriously, I cant see how anyone can play a sim with a controller, that's me though.

well, I for one am a huge sim fan, however one word is how... money... not everyone has 150 to spend on a wheel, we do have lives and/or responsibilities outside of gaming... or 400 on an entire setup... personally, I love my xbox triggers for racing, hell it's what they were designed for... and the Duke controller works a hell of a lot better than the S... and IMO, DS2 controllers just cannot cut it for a racing game... using an analog stick for accel/braking doesn't feel right... didn't like it for MGP, won't like it ever, too much of a stretch for my hands...

Well cars in GT4 do not get skid marks or any type of sliding in a straight line at all when braking except maybe the higher end power cars. and from experience the Xbox controller lets u be much more accurate and the controll is much easy to controll cars than GT4. Controlling GT4 cars with the stick is hard the slghtest touch the car goes turning in one direction
yeah but the tire physics are vague and behave like they're on a slider scale rather than attempting true realism. Except for the N1s, which offer a decent but still lacking amount of feedback.

the rest of the physics are very good, especially the sensation of weight for each car.
The cars i played with so far even if u slam on the brakes dont slide at all they just slow down and stop.In real cars Even with antilock brakes on u should hear and see some type of skidding. Driving on the Nurb in GT4 is exciting but it can feel very arcadey. But i havent try the N1's yet. But so far the Forza demo feels much more realistic physics
The cars i played with so far even if u slam on the brakes dont slide at all they just slow down and stop.In real cars Even with antilock brakes on u should hear and see some type of skidding. Driving on the Nurb in GT4 is exciting but it can feel very arcadey. But i havent try the N1's yet. But so far the Forza demo feels much more realistic physics

the big problem with GT4's physics is the tire physics and the way power is put to the pavement. Power oversteer and wheelspin are next to impossible unless you have a monstrously powerful car. Kind of takes away from the fun.
When they reviewed Forza on Motors Tv they said the physics seemed more like TOCA Race Driver & that the cars seemed to light. The guys who reviwed the game spend a lot of time playing racing games & some of them have raced cars before. I won't really judge untill i play them but I have played GT4 & can honestly say its great, who cares about what cars arn't in the game, it got so many other quality cars that a few not been in can be fogiven. I havn't played the Forza demo yet, i don't even have an X-Box yet but my mate played Forza in a shop about a week ago & he then Played GT4 yestarday & said that GT4 seemed better than Forza & cars handled better. I have head there is an Enthusia demo avaliable but again i have yet to play it & havn't seen much decent footage to judge it but it seem at least equal to GT4. This whole Ferrari argument over the past pages is silly, i persona;;y don't care for Ferrari's as i know there are cheaper cars avaliable that are better. I saw a video on the net about 2 years ago of a Ferrari enzo been beaten in a race by a Citroen BX GTI, a car my mate had at the time which made us feel better.

Totally Agree!!!! 👍 👍
The accelerating and (most annoyingly) the braking sensitivity on the Xbox triggers seemed very badly implemented in the Forza demo. It felt like you either got 100% braking skidmarks and plowing off the track like your on ice, or not enough braking at all (ABS off of course!- its much more drivable, similar to GT with the ABS on...). I did manage to very carefully control the brakes to get decent speed, I couldn't believe that something as basic as implementing decent analougue proportionality on the (supposedly fantastic) Xbox triggers was screwed up. Man that demo must've been put together quickly!
Its like all the proportionality in the control is located within the first 5% of the trigger's travel, with most of the action past 5% or so doing nothing. I can't believe only on the last page of this thread someone mentioned this huge problem with the braking in Forza. Maybe the "hard" to control braking strength was on purpose to make you fly off the track and lock the wheels a lot initially... not likely but a thought.. to make it seem more harcore, and artificially trickier to drive fast perhaps?
You get on the Forza demo initially and come off the track 1st corner, you go "OMG thats so realistic, I can't just use 100% braking like GT...!". Until you work out that the game only lets you use 0% or 100% braking, with fantastic triggers designed exactly for this sort of application. Hmm. The Forza team really had better understand all the probs with the demo that should've been picked up in the first 10 seconds of testing... I can't believe that such basic things aren't perfect even in such an old version. Fix the stuttery framerate (take out a few background trees etc if need be), fix the proportional control on the braking/accel, fix the car shadows, fix the bad lighting on the cars, fix the blandness of the textures, fix the over-offensive destruction derby style AI... then the game would then be lovely. Honestly if they fix those (umm thats quite a few problems..) things I wouldn't find any more complaints. The framerate and the braking sensitivity are the biggies. Get on it Team Forza! These should've been sorted before the public saw anything!
You know, some people talk about how heavy the XBOX controller is. The majority of games I played on XBOX units at stores were... racing games. I had to get used to the way most racing games are done on the XBOX. The right trigger is to accelerate, while the left is for braking. In some ways, I like using the triggers in my racing. But then, I'm so used to all my PS2 gameplay that I can't really get accustomed to using the triggers on the XBOX controller. It kind of doesn't seem the same as on the PS2, but when you think about it, it's not a bad setup. I would kind of have problems doing threshold braking. I don't know if it's the proper term, but I'm talking about braking in short intervals to try to get the best possible braking performance in the turn. Usually in Gran Turismo games, two or three short intervals of braking usually mean that you've set your car up just enough to attack the corner effectively. You especially need some good braking for one crucial turn, and that is the Laguna Seca Corkscrew- the turn responsible for winning at the 'Seca, and losing at it. Of course, both GT4 and Forza has the track in its lineup.

CobraGT, long time no see. Cobra, what do you think is the biggest aspect which Forza has, but GT4 doesn't? What do you think GT4 has that Forza may not?
I believe forza has the advantage in braking while gt4 has the advantage in weight transfer physics. I really feel the cars weight in gt4 with a controller or wheel, mostly wheel though.
When they reviewed Forza on Motors Tv they said the physics seemed more like TOCA Race Driver & that the cars seemed to light. The guys who reviwed the game spend a lot of time playing racing games & some of them have raced cars before. I won't really judge untill i play them but I have played GT4 & can honestly say its great, who cares about what cars arn't in the game, it got so many other quality cars that a few not been in can be fogiven. I havn't played the Forza demo yet, i don't even have an X-Box yet but my mate played Forza in a shop about a week ago & he then Played GT4 yestarday & said that GT4 seemed better than Forza & cars handled better. I have head there is an Enthusia demo avaliable but again i have yet to play it & havn't seen much decent footage to judge it but it seem at least equal to GT4. This whole Ferrari argument over the past pages is silly, i persona;;y don't care for Ferrari's as i know there are cheaper cars avaliable that are better. I saw a video on the net about 2 years ago of a Ferrari enzo been beaten in a race by a Citroen BX GTI, a car my mate had at the time which made us feel better.
Yeah, I checked out that video a while back (like a week after it came out first time) and all I have to say is the friggin' guy didn't even seem as though he was into Forza at all, the video they used (i think a video MS released for reviewers to show to public rather than new footage) shows a constant assist from ABS, TCS, and STM... I mean, who the hell would buy a sim racing game and have ANY friggin' assists on... The guy did a simple "review" of how he felt of the game... why, it seemed, because they just wanted to get it out there...

I can't believe that such basic things aren't perfect even in such an old version.
Fix the stuttery framerate (take out a few background trees etc if need be), fix the proportional control on the braking/accel, fix the car shadows, fix the bad lighting on the cars, fix the blandness of the textures, fix the over-offensive destruction derby style AI... then the game would then be lovely. Honestly if they fix those (umm thats quite a few problems..) things I wouldn't find any more complaints. The framerate and the braking sensitivity are the biggies. Get on it Team Forza! These should've been sorted before the public saw anything!
Do you not follow up much? just post whenever at random? yes, these issues have been talked about, and yes everything your griping about is getting fixed/overhauled... the demo, you ***** about, is from E3 of '04... to say that's a bad thing even for such an early build?? that's an almost "halfway through production" build released for the public to get just an idea, not to say "ok this is it, it's crap/great"... when they have something on hand... why not toss it out there, rather than take the time to actually put together a demo worthwhile and taking more time from developement, why would they do that rather than throw out the crap they already have and just save themselves time, and make Forza Motorsport fans satisfied even the slightest to get a touch. And the AI?? destruction derby style, far from it but at least there IS a form of AI (other than line racing)... Just as well, if you're still messing around with AI in the DEMO BUILD... you need hella more practice... because for me, and many others... not even a few runs would mean that AI was gone from sight by the second corner... (first was the big pull away.)

I believe forza has the advantage in braking while gt4 has the advantage in weight transfer physics. I really feel the cars weight in gt4 with a controller or wheel, mostly wheel though.
while that's great and all, it really comes down to how the game's feel is OVERALL... with the financially crippled in mind who cannot afford a $150 wheel... to make a great racing experience on a WHEEL is not that hard... take that experience and put it as close as possible to it's controller counterpart... that's where the impressive feat comes...
I got to play the Forza demo racing on Laguna Seca. Since I race in RL, and I've been on the real Laguna Seca, I think I have some qualification to say that I wasn't very impressed with Forza's simulation of either driving physics or the track.

Whereas, we were having fun playing GT4 replays along side RL footage from our in-car cameras on Laguna Seca... and being shocked at how positively similar they were. Polyphony really went to town on recreating the track down to the last detail. It's truly earie to drive around in a virtual version of a place you've really been.

I think it's amusing that everyone is waiting/expecting some title to come along that will blow away Gran Turismo. I mean, some day it's gotta happen, right? But you gotta face it. GT is a giant among racing games. Dislodging it from its throne will not be easy. Not by a long shot. And I don't see it happening any time soon.


Forza is a beginning. I wasn't impressed with its simulation compared to GT... but... it's not totally far off. I can see it growing into stiff competition for GT. But it's rather unlikely that it will manage it in its first incarnation.

Even so... you folks that expect Forza (or whatever) to blow GT away like it was a dirty old sock are just dreamin. It's just not gonna happen. If Forza eventually gets ahead of Gran Turismo, it's only going to be after a long, drawn out, and bloody fight.

As has been pointed out, that fight might be good for us consumers. :)

In other news, I agree with prior posts that Ferraris are overrated. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc... average folks think they're obviously faster than all other cars, but what you're really experiencing is effective marketing on the part of those companies. They've successfully created an image of superlative performance among people who have never even seen these cars in RL, much less driven them.

I faced a brand new Porsche Carrera GT at the track in my 1996 Corvette Grand Sport, and I beat him... At $450,000, his car costs about ten times as much as mine. It's a beautiful work of art to behold. And it is fast, to be sure. Beating him wasn't easy! But my point is... there is shockingly little correlation between the price and speed of sports cars. Especially exotic sports cars.

Would I like to see Ferrari's in GT? Sure. But I'm not losing any sleep over it. There's no shortage of kick-$&%# cars in the game already.

- Skant
I got to play the Forza demo racing on Laguna Seca. Since I race in RL, and I've been on the real Laguna Seca, I think I have some qualification to say that I wasn't very impressed with Forza's simulation of either driving physics or the track.

Whereas, we were having fun playing GT4 replays along side RL footage from our in-car cameras on Laguna Seca... and being shocked at how positively similar they were. Polyphony really went to town on recreating the track down to the last detail. It's truly earie to drive around in a virtual version of a place you've really been.

I think it's amusing that everyone is waiting/expecting some title to come along that will blow away Gran Turismo. I mean, some day it's gotta happen, right? But you gotta face it. GT is a giant among racing games. Dislodging it from its throne will not be easy. Not by a long shot. And I don't see it happening any time soon.


Forza is a beginning. I wasn't impressed with its simulation compared to GT... but... it's not totally far off. I can see it growing into stiff competition for GT. But it's rather unlikely that it will manage it in its first incarnation.

Even so... you folks that expect Forza (or whatever) to blow GT away like it was a dirty old sock are just dreamin. It's just not gonna happen. If Forza eventually gets ahead of Gran Turismo, it's only going to be after a long, drawn out, and bloody fight.

As has been pointed out, that fight might be good for us consumers. :)

In other news, I agree with prior posts that Ferraris are overrated. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc... average folks think they're obviously faster than all other cars, but what you're really experiencing is effective marketing on the part of those companies. They've successfully created an image of superlative performance among people who have never even seen these cars in RL, much less driven them.

I faced a brand new Porsche Carrera GT at the track in my 1996 Corvette Grand Sport, and I beat him... At $450,000, his car costs about ten times as much as mine. It's a beautiful work of art to behold. And it is fast, to be sure. Beating him wasn't easy! But my point is... there is shockingly little correlation between the price and speed of sports cars. Especially exotic sports cars.

Would I like to see Ferrari's in GT? Sure. But I'm not losing any sleep over it. There's no shortage of kick-$&%# cars in the game already.

- Skant

If I had a Porsche Carrera GT, I'd be a little scared to push the envelope on a track day, considering how ludicrously expensive and rare they are. Getting "beaten" by a modified Corvette is probably no skin off their noses. You could have also just been more experienced or skilled at the track as well.

I wouldn't call them overrated, just overpriced. The correlation of price lies in the materials used and their specialised manner of construction. And the name.
I really hope the physics turn out to be awsome. If the cars are really super customizable and the physics are realistic and the multiplayer is really good (i know this is a longshot... but with DFP support!!!) I will deffinatly buy the game!!! But i cant drop more money on another wheel... i just cant. :nervous:

I dont like the idea of paying more to play online though... Hopefully gt4 online will be good.

And i wish gt5 would have customizable paintjobs and engine swaps. 👍 Maybe a few performance bodykits so we can imitate the freedome of Real Life tuners like in BEST Motoring

.I hope you guys realize that if Forza owns GT4, then that means gt5 will be an even more insane game. So since gt4 is already out. i Hope forza Owns GT4!!
Good Lord!
This thread is STILL HERE!?!

I saw some Forza footage on G4TechTV recently, and I'm sorry folks, but I think it looks like Sega GT...even the menus.
Don't get me wrong, it did look pretty slick and very fast, but didn't appear nearly as photo-realistic as GT4.
Also, it almost seemed to look like NFS:HP2 during the racing and appeared much improved and quite different than the demo I played.
hmmmm, weird.
How about dual-weilding in Forza, where you can actually drive two cars at once!!!
Microsoft adds such revolutuionary and innovative features to their games, don't they?
("p-shaw! as-if! I think it looks like something that ate and dropped!" --Wayne)

One more thing...
I hope its not, waste of time and money making a machine that is. I never play PS1 games and I wont play PS2 games when PS3 is here. Same goes for XBOX.
So sorry its a problem for you. Just don't buy it.
I got to play the Forza demo racing on Laguna Seca. Since I race in RL, and I've been on the real Laguna Seca, I think I have some qualification to say that I wasn't very impressed with Forza's simulation of either driving physics or the track.

Whereas, we were having fun playing GT4 replays along side RL footage from our in-car cameras on Laguna Seca... and being shocked at how positively similar they were. Polyphony really went to town on recreating the track down to the last detail. It's truly earie to drive around in a virtual version of a place you've really been.

I think it's amusing that everyone is waiting/expecting some title to come along that will blow away Gran Turismo. I mean, some day it's gotta happen, right? But you gotta face it. GT is a giant among racing games. Dislodging it from its throne will not be easy. Not by a long shot. And I don't see it happening any time soon.


Forza is a beginning. I wasn't impressed with its simulation compared to GT... but... it's not totally far off. I can see it growing into stiff competition for GT. But it's rather unlikely that it will manage it in its first incarnation.

Even so... you folks that expect Forza (or whatever) to blow GT away like it was a dirty old sock are just dreamin. It's just not gonna happen. If Forza eventually gets ahead of Gran Turismo, it's only going to be after a long, drawn out, and bloody fight.

As has been pointed out, that fight might be good for us consumers.

In other news, I agree with prior posts that Ferraris are overrated. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc... average folks think they're obviously faster than all other cars, but what you're really experiencing is effective marketing on the part of those companies. They've successfully created an image of superlative performance among people who have never even seen these cars in RL, much less driven them.

I faced a brand new Porsche Carrera GT at the track in my 1996 Corvette Grand Sport, and I beat him... At $450,000, his car costs about ten times as much as mine. It's a beautiful work of art to behold. And it is fast, to be sure. Beating him wasn't easy! But my point is... there is shockingly little correlation between the price and speed of sports cars. Especially exotic sports cars.

Would I like to see Ferrari's in GT? Sure. But I'm not losing any sleep over it. There's no shortage of kick-$&%# cars in the game already.

- Skant
Why do ignorant people post?... if you honestly race IRL, then you of all people would know that FM got Laguna Seca a hell of a lot more accurate than GT4 did... same for physics... I mean, c'mon, I have seen better building models in NES games, granted they were 2d, but they looked about the same... do you really think PD mapped out even half as much info, as FM, to configure the physics of their 700+ cars? are you able to check telemetry reports to see the pysics at work within the game to compare how "accurate" they are, or are you basing it on how you THINK the game should feel to YOU with a controller/wheel? drive all 700 cars from GT4, 230 from Forza, IRL, on the same tracks, then you would be qualified to make an input on how a game should feel...

Good Lord!
This thread is STILL HERE!?!

I saw some Forza footage on G4TechTV recently, and I'm sorry folks, but I think it looks like Sega GT...even the menus.
Don't get me wrong, it did look pretty slick and very fast, but didn't appear nearly as photo-realistic as GT4.
Also, it almost seemed to look like NFS:HP2 during the racing and appeared much improved and quite different than the demo I played.
hmmmm, weird.
How about dual-weilding in Forza, where you can actually drive two cars at once!!!
Microsoft adds such revolutuionary and innovative features to their games, don't they?
("p-shaw! as-if! I think it looks like something that ate and dropped!" --Wayne)

One more thing...
Could it be simply because they're not cheap photos mapped onto the vehicles' polys? beh... you're smart...
I much rather have customization of my own vehicle, in many ways other than just color, than one that simply looks "realistic" because it's a damn picture of a real vehicle mapped onto a wireframe... besides, then it would take even more from the hardware to figure out mapping damage to an image (or require a lot more textures), rather than a CGI vehicle... as for looking like Sega GT?? you're out of your friggin mind... some people actually pay attention when they see clips of Forza Motorsport... not just think "hey, isn't that what SegaGT looks like??"... end rant.
Why do ignorant people post?... if you honestly race IRL, then you of all people would know that FM got Laguna Seca a hell of a lot more accurate than GT4 did... same for physics... I mean, c'mon, I have seen better building models in NES games, granted they were 2d, but they looked about the same... do you really think PD mapped out even half as much info, as FM, to configure the physics of their 700+ cars? are you able to check telemetry reports to see the pysics at work within the game to compare how "accurate" they are, or are you basing it on how you THINK the game should feel to YOU with a controller/wheel? drive all 700 cars from GT4, 230 from Forza, IRL, on the same tracks, then you would be qualified to make an input on how a game should feel...

Could it be simply because they're not cheap photos mapped onto the vehicles' polys? beh... you're smart...
I much rather have customization of my own vehicle, in many ways other than just color, than one that simply looks "realistic" because it's a damn picture of a real vehicle mapped onto a wireframe... besides, then it would take even more from the hardware to figure out mapping damage to an image (or require a lot more textures), rather than a CGI vehicle... as for looking like Sega GT?? you're out of your friggin mind... some people actually pay attention when they see clips of Forza Motorsport... not just think "hey, isn't that what SegaGT looks like??"... end rant.

I can only say one thing GT4's physics are scary good, i have driven a couple of the cars in real life a renault clio and the original mini a 1970s model, These cars behave very much like there real life versions i dont know how PD did it but you can tell exactly what your driving 👍 i have never played a racing game were the handling can be directly compared to real life

the mini feels just like the little road going go cart it really is, all the cars feel very diffrent and handle beautifully there simply isnt a better driving sim around right now

im not sure how accurate gt4's laguna seca is, but i know its a big improvent over the one in gt3
The handling in GT4 is fatastic, what isn't right is the cars power delivery, if you floor a car from a standstil you spin the wheels, be it a Ford Ka or a Dodge Viper albeit in the Viper your more likely to spin, in GT4 it's like theres always a degree of traction control switched on.
sheesh, ZzzzzzzzzzzzzBox stands no chance with GT 4 on ps2! The game is as smoooooooth as Justin Timberlake on suspention wires (since he cant dance himself), as for forza, played it, done it in 1 hour, boring, nothing. I sold my XBox for 30 pounds (60 dollars) so, I see who clearly wins.
what isn't right is the cars power delivery, if you floor a car from a standstil you spin the wheels, be it a Ford Ka or a Dodge Viper albeit in the Viper your more likely to spin, in GT4 it's like theres always a degree of traction control switched on.
Which simply is the result of a completely flawed physics engine.
lol, DevilGTx That dual-weilding remark - an instant classic! :lol: 👍
I got to play the Forza demo racing on Laguna Seca. Since I race in RL, and I've been on the real Laguna Seca, I think I have some qualification to say that I wasn't very impressed with Forza's simulation of either driving physics or the track.
I agree; every clip I have seen so far has struck me as magnificently fake-looking (as opposed to the real-life look in art and beauty that Gran Turismo achieves).
Whereas, we were having fun playing GT4 replays along side RL footage from our in-car cameras on Laguna Seca... and being shocked at how positively similar they were. Polyphony really went to town on recreating the track down to the last detail. It's truly earie to drive around in a virtual version of a place you've really been.
GT4 cost millions to produce (this is why piracy, leaking code, and stealing/burning their games is a *bad thing* kids). For every real circuit you are enjoying, Skant, PD had guys on location wearing GPS-equipped backpacks. They took every kind of topological measurement. They took photos on the ground. The took aerial photos from helicopters.

KY has an insane obsession for accuracy. This is why the long waits between games.

The team behind FM, I'm for certain, has put an equal amount of dedication into accuracy. However, unless the end product can look as downright real as GT does when you walk by your friend's TV and glimpse a replay of it, people will always harp.

And significantly, FM will suffer for it's 30 fps rate. I'm just telling ya'll now. No matter how solid and locked-in, it's a harsh transition for the guy who's been playing the buttery~smooth GT4 for a hundred hours.

NoBoDy_X, you seem overly sensitive and intolerant of anything critical of Forza? I don't really know you as I'm quite new here, but what's up with that? :)
I much rather have customization of my own vehicle, in many ways other than just color, than one that simply looks "realistic" because it's a damn picture of a real vehicle mapped onto a wireframe.
LOL... Hey, it's all just digital pictures, whether pasted on, mapped on, painted on. It's a video game. :cool:

The real art is ---> How real can you make your game look? PolyphonyD is positively genius at making a video game look a friggin' broadcast of real cars in friggin' motion.

Forza... uhm, looks like a video game (so far).

And finally, the experience itself. akak says, "I can only say one thing GT4's physics are scary good." Well I'm only 5 tests right now away from my Suppy License and that remark made think of one thing:

That Nissan R92CP Race Car flying down the back straight of Circuit de la Sarthe II for the IA-16 graduation test.

230+ mph and positively TERRIFYING. :D

First things first, Gt4 is great, but hardly as great as some people say tbh.

I also couldn't give a flying crap is Forza doesn't look as realistic. The 30 fps thing is a bummer, but if it runs like PGR2, I won't mind (edited to avoid flame wars).

KY has an insane obsession for accuracy

That's why some of the car specs are wrong etc ;). This level of detail has been seen in many racing games before anyway, nothing new. Try GP 4 for insane track accuracy.

Claret mad, stop talking ****, it's clear you have never owned an Xbox, no one with even a single brain cell would sell it for £30. Oh wait a minute...