I don't see you guys scorning. I just see you accepting this sort of thing when it happens every time, and thus there is no longer any care taken when submitting times because you are essentially allowing it to happen.
It might be allowed to happen, but the people with the illegal replays get disqualified, so I don't really see the problem. If they do it once, by mistake, it's okay. Everybody can make a mistake and everybody should be allowed to make one, without having 10-15-20 people immediately judging him/her and branding him/her as a cheater for the rest of his/her life.
If the same person continues to post dirty replays, then he/she is off the WRS for good. Or keeps getting diqualified, whichever one who's in charge will decide.
I don't really see where the big deal is. We know who the honest racers are. So a couple of people posted an illegal lap, when they first joined. At least they are willing to take the blame for their mistake and to work for not making it happen again. I don't really think somebody would be posting a replay
knowing it's dirty and expect to get away with it. The result thread is not even going to be archived until ALL the replays are checked, anyway. So, somebody
will check it for sure. If I know my lap is dirty, I don't submit, or I submit a slower, clean time. If I don't know it's dirty and I think it's clean, I do submit and apologize if found dirty. I don't submit a dirty time hoping to cheat the system and hoping the community won't see it. And I also think this logic can apply to other (honest) racers in here.
If there was somebody that was
really trying to cheat one of these two things would most likely happen:
1) the person wouldn't be posting replays at all and be smart enough to figure out a way of posting a slow enough time that does not require him/her to post a replay - I think this one is highly unlikely to be pulled off repeatedly by the same person, without him/her being caught
2) the person would post the replays and he/she would have been caught, already
I think all this suspect and calling people cheaters is more aggravating than the fact that there are occasional dirty/illegal times posted.
I just don't see how people would do it on purpose and expect to get away with it.
My two cents.
EDIT: I forgot to say something...
jake73, your idea is good and I kinda agree with it, but I don't think it's only a matter of lazyness. Not everybody here owns/has access to a Max Drive or similar device. And I don't think that owning such device or being able to post replays should be made a requirement in order to join the series.
The Wizard.