GT4 WRS Week 7: "Skyline Fanboyz"

  • Thread starter CFM
Ran another 20 laps or so and came up with:

It's a shame that the 3rd sector was horrible :ill:. Lost up to .4 :banghead:.
@kenny, if you wouldn't mind putting which controller you're using in your sig, it would help Small_Fryz and I (we're both working on the leaderboard) out. It's pretty tough to remember which controller each of the hundred-odd racers who run in a week use, and it takes a lot of time to try and look it up from past weeks for each person who doesn't say 👍

Ok, I'll add that in.
Had another go tonight. Saw some improvements, but much more possible. Limiting factor seems to be driver at this stage. 👎
Starting to warm up to the Nur though. Latest splits.

T1- 30.944
T2- 58.841

Gonna give you a run this week Kenny. hehehehe :)
Had another go tonight. Saw some improvements, but much more possible. Limiting factor seems to be driver at this stage. 👎
Starting to warm up to the Nur though. Latest splits.

T1- 30.944
T2- 58.841

Gonna give you a run this week Kenny. hehehehe :)

Nice times! I'm at 59.425 right now
Updated the leaderboard, and ive cross referenced other weeks and filled up most of the gaps for controllers, I second Luxy's suggestion in having your division and controller in your sig, it makes our job way easier. Thanks heaps!
Skyline GT-R M.N.P III '00 (Midnight Purple ... it's GORGEOUS!)
500 HP

Okay, don't rule me out of this one yet. One of my mistakes was adopting some settings posted here and they are waaaaaaaaaaaay off for my driving style. I took everything off - including all bought pieces (except those that add HP) and am currently working my way up from there:

T1: 31.461
T2: 59.710

What I like about these splits are that I haven't even installed everything ... including suspension and transmission! There's a lot of time here and I'm damned confident of getting it.
No improvements from me since earlier, but I'd like to offer up my setup and inquire as to how everyone is taking the right/left that shoots you toward T1. With the gearing listed below, I exit the first kink in 3rd, hit 4th for just enough time to position myself, then get into 5th and coast through. Almost seeing T1's of 30.9 with this method. Taking it in 4th slows me too much it seems.

My setup ('02 V-spec II Nur):

Suspension: Original
Springs: 8.4/9.9
Ride Height: 94/96
Shock Absorbers: 2/3
Bound: -
Rebound: -
Camber: 3.0/1.4
Toe: -1/0
Stabilizers: 3/4

Gearing: Auto 6

Aids: 0/0/0

Initial Torque: 5/5
Initial Acceleration: 6/28
Initial Deceleration: 29/14

VCD: 11

Downforce: 30/33

Z - are you still using these settings? Since you are doing well I'm going to copy your settings and try them out.

Also - what is your brake balance set at?
Hey all,

Looks like I'm the rookie here, but I'll give it a go anyway. Ran about 30 laps straight tonight before I came up with this so far....

'99 GT-R V-spec 496 HP

T1: 30.986
T2: 59.355

Couldn't break the 1 min mark for the longest time before I pulled that out. Lot's of work to do still.... :irked:
Deadline on my birthday? I'll really try to squeeze in alot of laps on Friday because Saturday I'm leaving for a day. I'll try. Plus I've been moving up in the leaderboard so I can't just give up.
Updated the leaderboard, and ive cross referenced other weeks and filled up most of the gaps for controllers, I second Luxy's suggestion in having your division and controller in your sig, it makes our job way easier. Thanks heaps!

Thanks for the update Small Fryz. Great job! 👍 👍
Check out Luxy's T1 split though. Seems a bit high?
Changed my setup a bit, and made some big improvements:

30.009 (saw 29.924 once)

Lost a bit in the last sector, I don't think 0.400 though :D
Major improvement for me.

T1 - 30.666
T2 - 58.496

I still can play with the brakes and driving aides a bit, though I doubt I can knock more than a second off that.

I'm now using the '02 V Spec II Nurb edition skyline like Z and others are using
Z - are you still using these settings? Since you are doing well I'm going to copy your settings and try them out.

Also - what is your brake balance set at?

I have changed a few things since then -- rear springs are at 9.8, brakes are at 4/2 respectively, and the initial decel is now 23/8. Have made improvements in T times with these settings:

T1: 30.5
T2: 58.3

Hope that helps.
Got myself a bit better splits as well, but still of the pace I see on the leaderboard, but better is better hey !

T1 : 31.278
T2 : 59.668

And that's with me on the limit, using all of the track ... so I don't think I can do better this week

Gonna try the R35 Coupe 350GT '03

Oh and Small-Fryz, that savegame with the 30000000000000000000 cr rules ! All the cars in the game and money ... what more would one want ! So I can tune and buy parts and whatever without worrying ever again ... Good one mate ! 👍
New splits:

T1 - 0'30.891
T2 - 0'58.517

Here's my settings for the R35 Coupe/G35:

Full tune and oil change (488hp on settings graph)

br. bal. 3 - 3

spring 13.8 - 12.3
ride h. 103 - 103
bound 8 - 8
rebound 8 - 8
camber 2.0 - 1.0
toe 0 - 0
stab. 6 - 6

tranny trick with final set @ 4.350

driving aids 0 - 0 - 5

d. force 30 - 30

LSD none as yet (going to try a 1.5 way and fully cust. one today but TBH i don't fully understand the ways of the LSD)
Took Rons car out for a joyride :D

T1 - 31.221
T2 - 58.787

Who's Ron? What car is it?
The car I WANT to drive is the car I feel I'm the worst in, and yet it's the car I'm fastest in ... I can't make head nor tail of that one. The two cars I feel most comfortable with, I can't run fast laps with ... although it really doesn't help that I have no idea what line to follow.

This entire week makes me want to put a gun to my head.
Nahhh, NO GUNS, guns are bad. Lol. Send me a PM with what you're running, and what you're having troubles with and I'll try my best...

Now I gotta go get a time to put down in this post... Brb

Ok, in a 1999 N1(not a 1991 N1 anymore):

That is WITHOUT the VCD or the LSD installed... I can't handle the understeer that comes with them, how the heck do you guys manage? I like more oversteer than that... And actually, with the last run, I used TCS on the 1 setting...

And is it just me, or is it MUCH harder to actually tune the suspension on GT4 than it was on the previous GT games and actually get the car to respond how you would think it would?(or maybe it's actually more accurate now, and I was just doing it wrong the whole time...) It really has me stumped though, and it pisses me off. :crazy:
sweet time, even though i havent even driven this combo yet,

would u mind posting ur car settings, and what car u used, and the parts u bought for it?

thanks :)

Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nur '02 @ 492BHP 👍

... work from there I guess, or do you want it on a plate? :dopey:
Ran some more laps.

T1 30.697
T2 58.405

I like the look of the circuit and the lighting, sort of early dusk. The replay looks great with the subtle glow of the Skylines headlights.

Amazing.... 👍

Here's where I am so far and it may be all I get to do

1989 GTS-t Type M

T1 - 31.655
T2 - 1'00.535

I can see T2s in the 59s and if I nailed it maybe in the high 58s, but 57s?!?! (i think not)....

Good racing to you all!


Looks like we're pretty close there my T-times were 31.632 & 100.111...

Gotta get more seat time though as I've not spent too much time on this weeks race as much as I'd have like...I *might* be able to get my T2 time down to about a 59:XX or even 58:XX if I follow the right racing line! :D

Im hating this one.

I chose the wrong car i think.

Ive yet to get the perfect line thru turns 3, 4 and 5, but i know i wont be going much faster than this:

T1: 30.945
T2: 58.753

Ive spent 3 hours this morning getting the gears somewhere near where i want them.


Im using the best looking skyline though, unless you count the one Koly's using, but that's only cos she's in it.

Mines a White '93 GT-R Vspec N1. Tuned to 499BHP, apart from every so often, when the oil goes bad.
It has a ricer wing, and im even using some driving aids.... I aint enjoying this, or protectin my new Div.1 rep. with my performance either....


I wish I had a DFP and a nice solid setup to hold it in... I think it'd help me a decent bit on this combo...

Couple of things I've noticed. I hopped back in my '91 N1 for a few laps, and then back into my 99, and back and forth again. The 99 seems like it's on 245mm wide tires, and the 91 feels like its on 225mm tires, which would make sense, but yeah. Coming out of turns the 91 is less tailhappy(I'm not using LSD or VCD), and has a higher exit speed, and it is faster on the straights. The less tailhappy on the exits could be because of it's about 40 lb-ft. less torque rating, or maybe something else. But, it suffers on braking, and going into the turns in general, just doesn't feel like it has as much grip.

And I'm curious, what views are you guys using? I usually am in the bumper cam,(I WISH they had a NORMAL cam, like where the driver would sit, and at that height, not this roof cam and above view crap...), but being higher up lets you see better... I USED to drive outside of the car years ago, but I've transfered to the bumper cam. I'm curious as to hearing what you guys are doing...?

Vexd, it's all about the wheels, which ones do you have on yours? I have the BBS ones that look like LM wheels, don't know the number off the top of my head, but they're multi-piece, and towards the right side of the BBS selection. I've got them on both my 91 and my 99. They're both white and have big black wings on them... Very hot cars I must say!

Oh, and I saw a 30.7xx in the 99, but then decided to brake way too early when I looked up to see how fast I ran it... So more will be coming from me... I might try out the 02 N1, see if that does me any better being a slightly newer car, see if it handles/brakes/accelerates any different from my 99.
Vexd, switch to the 2002 Vspec-II Nür, much better mate, you can tune it to 500hp excatly and 1294kg i belive.
I think i'm gonna have to give this some major rethinking! I'm topping my T2 @ 1.02.040 right now in my '96 GT-R Vspec LM, maybe the car itself is just not doing what i want, or maybe its just me! I wanna fall in love with the coupe and get that working for me!! Otherwise, Kolyana, pass the gun!!! I just find the Skyline a hellish AWD to drive, ranking along with the Mitsu 3000 GT '95! :( Ah well, once i FINALLY break 1.00.00 on T2 i'll be happy :P
What I like about these splits are that I haven't even installed everything ... including suspension and transmission! There's a lot of time here and I'm damned confident of getting it.

If you want some easy time, put on the Full/Racing Transmission, and do the Tranny Trick. It doesn't change how the car handles, but you'll accelerate much, much quicker 👍
Looks like we're pretty close there my T-times were 31.632 & 100.111...

Gotta get more seat time though as I've not spent too much time on this weeks race as much as I'd have like...I *might* be able to get my T2 time down to about a 59:XX or even 58:XX if I follow the right racing line! :D

Hi Sim,
Hope you find time to continue in this car. I don't know that it will run fast enough to score points, but it sure is fun to drive. I chose it because I didn't have a lot of time this week and figured I would run something I enjoy driving. The understeer in AWD cars makes me nuts and tuning it to my driving style (drunken rodeo clown) is too time consuming.

I did break 1:00 for T2, but barely. You can chase me down and pass me this week as I am submitting today. Going on holiday this evening.

Good driving to you!

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