GT4 WRS Week 7: "Skyline Fanboyz"

  • Thread starter CFM
tuning it to my driving style (drunken rodeo clown) is too time consuming.

T1 31.667
T2 1'00.082

I still see probably 3 seconds coming of my final time if i get enough time this weekend. I've only ran about 15 laps so far. I'm driving the GT-R V-Spec N1 II '00, but I may try out the Nur also.
Mr P
Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nur '02 @ 492BHP 👍

... work from there I guess, or do you want it on a plate? :dopey:
Yeah, Ron, if I send you my car specs & settings, could you drive it for me too?
Driving the 02' Vspec II Nur

I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't make this thing turn a corner! Finally got a chance to try a few times last night, but I've not even run a complete lap yet. Spent 30 minutes playing with different settings just to see if I could make the car behave better through the set of corners leading up to T1 and the sharp right-hander shortly thereafter.

Best T1 I managed was 33ish. Horrible, just horrible.

This is a bad week so may not get to run too much, but will at least be submitting a time if nothing else.
Yeah, Ron, if I send you my car specs & settings, could you drive it for me too?
Of course there could be an advantage to living in the same household with a D1 driver.... ehh Lotus? ;)

I shoulda married a D1 driver, woulda married a D1 driver, coulda married a D1 driver...

Actually I think it's great that a couple can share GT. My missus and I sit down once in awhile and go car shopping in GT4. Picture taking too. With a couple glasses of our favorite adult beverages and a bit of time to relax the game is fun.
Still using the v-spec II nur.

New splits.


There's still time to get with these splits. If only I had the guts to pull the trigger and let 'er snap!
Of course there could be an advantage to living in the same household with a D1 driver.... ehh Lotus? ;)

I shoulda married a D1 driver, woulda married a D1 driver, coulda married a D1 driver...

Actually I think it's great that a couple can share GT. My missus and I sit down once in awhile and go car shopping in GT4. Picture taking too. With a couple glasses of our favorite adult beverages and a bit of time to relax the game is fun.

Think of the disadvantages of being a D1 driver with a wife who wants to drive on your set up most of the time? cutting down my own race time and hoggin the DFP :grumpy: and then there's the kids wanting to have a go also! it's no wonder I dont run as much of late :indiff: getting undisturbed race time during the day is like searching for the Holy Grail :lol:

But I dont really mind at all it's just best for me to run in the middle of the night when they are all snoozing :D
Im using the best looking skyline though, unless you count the one Koly's using, but that's only cos she's in it.

You smoothy.

You don't know that I look like a San Diego Linebacker who was dropped on his face too often as a child, do you?

But the car ... the car (M.N.P.) is a beaut ... I *really* wanted to use this one purely because of the color ... yeah, I'm shallow like that, but it's all about appearances BAHBAY!

I've finally got her to respond how I like it ... a little like a damned battleship in the braking and cornering, but I'm getting used to it and beginning to post times I like the look of.

Going to tune transmission using the tranny-trick next to see if I can break 59.5 and push for the sub 59 mark.

KLR, you haven't got away from me yet.

Okay, made some progress...

'00 GT-R N1

T1 31.182
T2 59.689

So, does anyone else have a huge problem using the DFP on this track? I tried but I don't have pretzel arms! I tried running the 300 degree mode but that just doesn't feel right (yet). I've been doing the best so far with my DS2 this time.

I did run the Audi TT on RSS tires, and that's a joy with the wheel, BTW. The turn-in understeer of the AWD Skylines on sport tires is just something I have to get used to.

Not having a problem here ... if anything my turning is very slight, even in 900 degree mode. Now last week, at the ring, there are several points where my arms dislocated as they wrapped around eachother ... but this track ... nah ...
Of course there could be an advantage to living in the same household with a D1 driver.... ehh Lotus? ;)

Well yeah I suppose so... just jumped in the skyline already set up of course, optional fast ghost there for me to chase (which I didn't ) a few tips here and there...

Improved time 👍


I don't know that it will run fast enough to score points, but it sure is fun to drive.

Another car that I've found like this is the '87 R31 GTS-R. I found one in the used lot with 10km on it, and at full-tune it's whacking out 491HP with a Stage 4 Turbo and weighing in at 1139kg. I've put it through T2 in under a minute, just barely. :scared:

Has anyone else tried this car? I'd be interested to see what a decent driver could get out of it...
Not having a problem here ... if anything my turning is very slight, even in 900 degree mode. Now last week, at the ring, there are several points where my arms dislocated as they wrapped around eachother ... but this track ... nah ...


That's amazing! I must have the wrong car to use this week then. No wonder h0t is having such a hard time! Funny thing is last week I was totally comfortable with the 900 degree DFP with only one corner that I may have used more than 150 degrees of lock...

I'll have to try this hot setup '02 Nur...

Hi Sim,
Hope you find time to continue in this car. I don't know that it will run fast enough to score points, but it sure is fun to drive. I chose it because I didn't have a lot of time this week and figured I would run something I enjoy driving. The understeer in AWD cars makes me nuts and tuning it to my driving style (drunken rodeo clown) is too time consuming.

I did break 1:00 for T2, but barely. You can chase me down and pass me this week as I am submitting today. Going on holiday this evening.

Good driving to you!

Vacation! During the WRS? OMG! That's...that's....way cool! :D
<can I come? LOL!>

Have fun on vacation and don't do anything silly that's going to prevent you from driving in next weeks WRS... :dopey:
Well it looks like you are doing quite well Kolyana, nice work representing P-Town baby! I will try to find time to trim this one, but I kinda doubt it, this weekend is looking pretty booked. How did you like those settings Kolyana? Did they atleast works as a starting point or were they not to your liking? Well anyway great times posted people!

Well it looks like you are doing quite well Kolyana, nice work representing P-Town baby! I will try to find time to trim this one, but I kinda doubt it, this weekend is looking pretty booked. How did you like those settings Kolyana? Did they atleast works as a starting point or were they not to your liking? Well anyway great times posted people!


Lord, I think the Mad Cows Disease has me this morning ... what settings, hun?
Looks like I'm gonna have to eat my words from the other day about there being so much room for improvement for my time. It seems no matter what I do I can't improve. The car is great fun though. I'm not a big Skyline fan, but this rear wheel drive version (the GTS-t M '89) is a lively beast. No understeer to speak of (unlike most of the others) and a playful hint of oversteer in the higher speed corners with some nice (if slow) powersliding out of the hairpins. The brakes seem a bit weak, but that's about the only bad thing I can say about it. I'll definitely be using it in the future for a few races.
Looks like I'm gonna have to eat my words from the other day about there being so much room for improvement for my time. It seems no matter what I do I can't improve. The car is great fun though. I'm not a big Skyline fan, but this rear wheel drive version (the GTS-t M '89) is a lively beast. No understeer to speak of (unlike most of the others) and a playful hint of oversteer in the higher speed corners with some nice (if slow) powersliding out of the hairpins. The brakes seem a bit weak, but that's about the only bad thing I can say about it. I'll definitely be using it in the future for a few races.
Keep at it amp...

I am sure there is a sub 59 for T2 in the car. I was under 59.5 a few times, but couldn't finish out the lap clean enough. I also ran well under my T1 a number of times with the same botched lap results to finish it.
Getting somewhere, but not sure where exactly. I keep making up time in the first sector, but still losing a lot in the second. Anyhow, new splits of 30.478 and 58.214, shaving .2 total at the line.

Am liking this combo very much the more I drive it.. just wish it didn't feel great going into a turn and then feel sloppy as hell in the middle of it.
I'm finally getting somewhere with the '02 NUR II :) Got 1.00.160 (my PB) on T2 on about my 6th runwiht it on Z's sext settings with some slight tweaks
The understeer in AWD cars makes me nuts and tuning it to my driving style (drunken rodeo clown) is too time consuming.
Am I the only one here that's running the original Nissan center diff and limited slip devices?(=oversteer)
Of course there could be an advantage to living in the same household with a D1 driver.... ehh Lotus? ;)
Actually I think it's great that a couple can share GT. My missus and I sit down once in awhile and go car shopping in GT4. Picture taking too. With a couple glasses of our favorite adult beverages and a bit of time to relax the game is fun.
Hmmm, I'll be living with one in a little over a month... And that's awesome about you and the missus... 👍
KLR, you haven't got away from me yet.

Yeah, there are still a few days left though... Hehehe, I feel the pressure though, I can see it coming... You're still getting used to it... :scared:
Another car that I've found like this is the '87 R31 GTS-R.
I wonder how that thing accelerates, because it, by far, has the best HP to weight ratio. How much trq. does it have? Is it a 6spd or 5spd? Have you driven any of the other cars back to back with it? How are it's brakes?
Oh, and does anyone know anything about the N1 and Nur spec cars in real life? Like what are the differences between them and the Vspec models, and the regular GT-Rs...?
somebody i just gotta say something to you.......

I LURRRRRVVVEEE your signiture. it makes me laugh everytime i read it!!!

very inventive. thank you!

:lol: :cheers:
New times

GT-R34 '00 500HP

T1 - 30.894
T2 - 59.016

Div3 - DS2

Only slight improvements made by changing the power from 494HP to 500HP. I might take out the GTStM next and see what it can do.
You all have a good race. I am officially outta here and on holiday. I may check in to see how it's all going... NOT!

See you in week 8!

I thought I read earlier that you were gonna try the settings I posted earlier, but I've been wrong about 2,596,482 times give or No biggie!

Darn, I'll look for your settings ... I may have printed them (but with no name) ... so let me dig through this thread and see what I can find! I'll sure let you know what happens.

** EDIT:

Ah yes, I *DID* print those settings and I *DID* try them (just didn't have your name on the sheet and I thought it was actually someone else that posted them).

Unfortunately they didn't work for me ... *aspects* might, but I'll have to try these things one at a time to see what works and what doesn't: I was easily 2 seconds slower using those settings *as is*.

Oh, and I couldn't figure out how you got those gear ratios ... they seem off the scale?
No sweat, you settings are producing better times than mine. Nice work!
So what are these divisions everyone says they are apart of? Is that a ranking system where div1 is the best and there are like 10 racers in it, then b is the second best...etc.? Sorry for the blatent noobie ? and such.


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