Mr P
Thought I might join you guys this week
Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nur '02 @ 492BHP
30.430 / 58.107
Sweet combo 👍
Had to come and spoil my fun, didn't you Ron

I knew my sectors wouldn't last long at the top of the board ... nice times 👍
FWIW, here's a write up of my lap:
Cross the line doing a cool 180 kph.
Turn 1
Brake from 245 kph down to 76 kph, starting just after the beginning of the skidmarks. As you're braking, ease the car over to the inside rumble strip, then floor it from the apex in 2nd gear.
Turn 2
Give it just a quick dab of brakes and turn in about a car length before the shadow of the bridge ends, in 3rd gear. Let it coast momentarily, then back on the gas (min speed: 111kph)
Turn 3
This is a really important, sacrificial corner, as it sets up the next two kinks and the straight after them. Brake down to 3rd gear, and follow the inside edge of the track around (min speed: 105 kph)
Turn 4
Immediately after you complete Turn 3, lift and turn in (before you actually see the kerb). You want to try and cross the kerb going as close to neutral as possible. If you're struggling to get into it, you need to turn in sooner (and probably adjust your line through Turn 3). I'm switching up to 4th gear as I cross the curb, doing 142 kph.
Turn 5
Flat out. Attack the rumble strip, but try not to let the car slide. Exit onto the rumble strip, and hit 5th, doing 165 kph.
T1: 30.6
Turn 6
Brake from 229 kph down to 72 kph, starting around the 100m sign on the left (the second last sign). Let it roll through the orner, and get on the gas asap without going wide.
Turn 7
Flat out in 5th. Ease into it, and don't let the car slide.
Turn 8
Brake from 214 kph down to 104 kph starting where the skidmarks begin. Trail brake to the apex in 3rd gear.
Turn 9
Balance the car on the brake and throttle in 3rd gear (min speed: 103 kph). When you can see the end of the kerb on the inside, you're safe to floor it. (This is the only place on my lap that I've got an obvious mistake. I went in a bit too hot, and the car understeered, and I lost exit speed.)
T2: 58.5
Turn 10
Brake from 175 kph down to 69 kph starting where the skidmarks begin, or just a bit before. Downshift to 2nd.
Turn 11
Brake from 193 kph down to 61 kph starting where the skidmarks begin. Trail brake and make a late apex, then floor it to the line.