GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
There's only 1 blue-ray making facility? Thats pretty dumb

My thoughts exactly, I always thought NTSC regions games were made somewhere in Mexico hideout, PAL region games were made in some Croatian mafia house, and the Asian games were made in the 4th dimension.:grumpy:
5-7 million? That won't be enough for a world wide release.

Thats more than enough. Check the sales of GT4, and that came out on a system in 4 times as many homes. The PS3s top selling game is MGS4, that sold 5 million total.

Considering the PS3 is in only about 30 million homes, it would take GT5 a long time to sell 7 million, if it even can at all. Consider how much more balanced this generation of games is with Nintendo and Microsoft leading the way, things are different now. Sony is not dominating anywhere close to how they did with the PS1/2. The days of GT selling 10-15 million are over for now.
GT5 isn't getting too many pre orders at my local EB Games, but I haven't really seen the game marketed here much yet. All I've seen is 'Pre order now" posters and pieces of paper at stores you can pre order at.
Sony's marketing is a whole lot different than Microsoft. Every where I went I saw Halo 3 posters. Walmart, Target, Gamestop, and Best Buy. Right when you walked through the door they were over the metal detector towers.
Sony produces many things, so it's certainly possible for them to slow the production of a couple of blue ray movies to make room for GT5 all depends on the profit margin.

If we take sony's word, then GT5 is definitely their "flagship" title, therefore they cannot allow to delay it for "simple" production timing.

There must be another (economical) incentive for releasing the game for the holidays to get a better financial report for the end of the calendar year?
(yes i know fiscal year for US companies is in march)

Good post! If GT5 sells 1 million copies on release day, at $60 (US) each, they will cover their expenses for the game ($60 million). So, if they can get it out before Christmas, they should be able to sell, what, maybe 3 million copies by the end of the calender year. So that would be a $120 million PROFIT by the end of the year, plus the extra profit from the special editions, and other GT5 related things.
Good post! If GT5 sells 1 million copies on release day, at $60 (US) each, they will cover their expenses for the game ($60 million). So, if they can get it out before Christmas, they should be able to sell, what, maybe 3 million copies by the end of the calender year. So that would be a $120 million PROFIT by the end of the year, plus the extra profit from the special editions, and other GT5 related things.

GT's budget was reported as passing $80 mill a while back and speculated to hit $100 mill by release and that's just PDs costs... who knows what all the marketing, advertising and other associated costs come up to.

Remember of the $60 not all of it is profit. By the time the pie is all chopped up I would guess only $20 or so of each unit goes to pure profit.
Jeff Rubenstein is getting on my nerves
GT's budget was reported as passing $80 mill a while back and speculated to hit $100 mill by release.

Late last year Kaz said that it was $60m. Are you really suggesting that through 4 years of development they spent $60m but in less than a year they spent an additional $40m on it?
It's possible. The last push is always a rush, and the most expensive. Beyond that, there's marketing and advertising around the release date to factor in, as well as the production of the game too. Don't forget about the extra push at game shows etc.
It's incredibly unlikely that they spent that amount in such a short of amount of time. That would make GT5 one of the most expensive games of all time and put it in the range of MMO's which typically cost over 100m to develop.

The 80-100m is just people throwing around numbers. Which never would've happened had Kaz not mentioned that it was 60m last year. That's why he doesn't answer the "How much did it cost" question anymore. It annoyed him that people paid so much attention to it.
Late last year Kaz said that it was $60m. Are you really suggesting that through 4 years of development they spent $60m but in less than a year they spent an additional $40m on it?

I wouldn't be surprised... it's quite possible. As I said though 100 mill is not a concrete number by any means and everything we have heard up until now could be totally exagerated or totally under estimated.

I think I saw it mentioned on the news section in some interview that GT had likely hit $80 mill and quite possibly would hit 100 mill by completion.... and that was only 6 months or so after Kaz's estimate.
Thats more than enough. Check the sales of GT4, and that came out on a system in 4 times as many homes. The PS3s top selling game is MGS4, that sold 5 million total.

Considering the PS3 is in only about 30 million homes, it would take GT5 a long time to sell 7 million, if it even can at all. Consider how much more balanced this generation of games is with Nintendo and Microsoft leading the way, things are different now. Sony is not dominating anywhere close to how they did with the PS1/2. The days of GT selling 10-15 million are over for now.
I strongly disagree with the above.

First of all GT5 will easily reach 7 million. Now im basing this on the fact that GT5P sold nearly 5 million. Also you are underestimating how many people will buy a PS3 just for GT5. I know of 15 people (Xbox live friends/neighbours) who are going to buy a PS3 for GT5.

Now many Xbox 360 owners feel the same way as me. The 360 console has provided endless hrs of entertainment but recently many feel as though its reached its peak. Also the exclusive titles are now starting to dry up.

I reckon the final sales of GT5 will be less than GT4 but still sell around 9million. However as more people leave then 360 and move to the PS3 I reckon GT6 will outsell GT5. Mark my words the PS3 might of got off to a slow start but eventually it will be more popular than the 360. Unfortunately MS are going to pay the price of not having a Blu ray drive.
I strongly disagree with the above.

First of all GT5 will easily reach 7 million. Now im basing this on the fact that GT5P sold nearly 5 million. Also you are underestimating how many people will buy a PS3 just for GT5. I know of 15 people (Xbox live friends/neighbours) who are going to buy a PS3 for GT5.

Now many Xbox 360 owners feel the same way as me. The 360 console has provided endless hrs of entertainment but recently many feel as though its reached its peak. Also the exclusive titles are now starting to dry up.

I reckon the final sales of GT5 will be less than GT4 but still sell around 9million. However as more people leave then 360 and move to the PS3 I reckon GT6 will outsell GT5. Mark my words the PS3 might of got off to a slow start but eventually it will be more popular than the 360. Unfortunately MS are going to pay the price of not having a Blu ray drive.

I think that next year is the year when Sony get's their revenge. Cause Gran Turismo 5 will probably be out. And after that they have a few very nice exclusives; Uncharted 3(maybe), Little Big Planet 2, The Last Guardian (and Killzone 3 maybe?).

Besides that, there are some big games supposed to come to both consoles; Batman Arkham City, Dead Space 2 and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. Damn next year is a explosion of quality games.

But, anyway.. thats 5 exclusives. Sounds like revenge to me.
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Thats more than enough. Check the sales of GT4, and that came out on a system in 4 times as many homes. The PS3s top selling game is MGS4, that sold 5 million total.

Considering the PS3 is in only about 30 million homes, it would take GT5 a long time to sell 7 million, if it even can at all. Consider how much more balanced this generation of games is with Nintendo and Microsoft leading the way, things are different now. Sony is not dominating anywhere close to how they did with the PS1/2. The days of GT selling 10-15 million are over for now.

You failed to take into consideration that the PS2 was pirated. I believe that's one of the reasons why it is in 4 times as many homes, because of the cheap pirated games. And another reason why I believe GT5 will sell more than GT4 even with fewer overall PS3s sold compared to the PS2.
It's incredibly unlikely that they spent that amount in such a short of amount of time. That would make GT5 one of the most expensive games of all time and put it in the range of MMO's which typically cost over 100m to develop.

The 80-100m is just people throwing around numbers. Which never would've happened had Kaz not mentioned that it was 60m last year. That's why he doesn't answer the "How much did it cost" question anymore. It annoyed him that people paid so much attention to it.

Are you forgetting the scale of GT5 when you compare the budget to other games? Are you forgetting this took 6 years to create? It's a big budget for a big game, that will change gaming. It's going to be the new standard, just as GT1 was.
Id love to play Gran Turismo HD before GT5 comes out just to see how far its come , but know one will let me play download it ! no fair
Send them a e-mail and tell them to get off the "Lets post false release dates" train and say its unprofessional. Hell I'll do it. [off to send e-mail]

Edit: Done, here is what I sent them :)

You really shouldn't post false information concerning the release date on the most anticipated racing game of this decade. Now get off of the "lets post false release date information train"

Thought I would share what I had received in my e-mail from Vision Racer. I was shocked they even replied to me so here is what they wrote me.

Dear Timothy,

Thank you for your email. It is not out intention to publish false information at any point.

If we have "posted"information it has come directly from PlayStation partner emails so please tell me where we have seemingly caused your offense and we will correct immediately?

Kind Regards
David Harvey

So I replied back.
Wow I really didn't think I would even get a reply, so first and foremost thank you.
Secondly your website has a GT5 coming out in December, and this is not correct since Sony has yet to release this information and you are purely speculating. Just like every other retailer and gaming site.

Thanks for your response

As a Vision Racer customer I have personally spoken with David Harvey.

I can tell you, I was not surprised that you got a response from him.

In my dealings with him he is a man of his word, and is passionate about the role that simulation is having and will continue to have in the field of Racing.

It's no surprise to me that his products are used at many media events both in the sporting world and the automotive world.

I suspect that David is not alone amongst product manufacturers that we deal with. He's in a specialist market.

I find it strange that your telling him that his information..which "has come directly from PlayStation partner emails" is not correct!

Do you have other information or are you speculating that the information in the partner emails is incorrect!!

Do you have access to these same emails?

Why do you feel it's our job as forum members to create a crusade against one single company when so many retailers the world over are posting similar information? ("Send them a e-mail and tell them to get off the "Lets post false release dates" train and say its unprofessional. Hell I'll do it.")

This frankly can bring this forum under disrepute and undo the work of so many. let's embrace those that produce and invest in our hobbies, rather than drive them away..

Sorry for the rant.. sometimes I can only take so much negativity..

Now to get back on thread...

It appears were still delayed :crazy:
HMV have it for the 1-12-10 now.

i must have posted this 10 times by now... its a filler date.. i work there.. we don't know anything yet.

i really think all this crap needs to stop now.

its delayed, get over it, we'll get another date soon enough, its not the end of the world.
Thats more than enough. Check the sales of GT4, and that came out on a system in 4 times as many homes. The PS3s top selling game is MGS4, that sold 5 million total.

Considering the PS3 is in only about 30 million homes, it would take GT5 a long time to sell 7 million, if it even can at all. Consider how much more balanced this generation of games is with Nintendo and Microsoft leading the way, things are different now. Sony is not dominating anywhere close to how they did with the PS1/2. The days of GT selling 10-15 million are over for now.

No, PS3's highest selling games are Modern Warfare 2 and GTA IV at 9 and 7 million respectively. And the PS3 userbase is closer to 40 million. Much higher than the PS2 userbase was when GT3 launched (and it sold 15 million copies, best selling GT to date).
I find it strange that your telling him that his information..which "has come directly from PlayStation partner emails" is not correct!

Do you have other information or are you speculating that the information in the partner emails is incorrect!!

Do you have access to these same emails?

I think certain things can't rationally be disputed here.

If there had genuinely been partner emails containing any date since the last delay then all major and most specialist retailers within a given region would have received the same emails. If those retailers had received notice of a new intended release date then most would have updated their systems to reflect that new date. If they had done this then a majority would be showing the same date (almost certainly a Tuesday for the US, probably the following Friday for the UK, somewhere between the two for the rest of the civilized world).

There's no consistency of dates at all. From this it's logical to assume that there have been no dates provided by Sony, and that therefore anyone providing a date is merely speculating. It's not a big jump to conclude that anyone who says this speculated date has come from a Playstation partner email is lying.

It would of course be ridiculous to claim that there are never any partner emails containing dates, or that information in those emails is incorrect at the time of writing. We have good evidence of that from every major UK retailer moving their release date to 5/11 several weeks before Sony confirmed that that was indeed the UK date (which ironically they did just a couple of days before announcing that the release was delayed).

However, I do agree that it's even more ridiculous still to target one retailer, especially a small, specialist retailer over something like this.

Edit: That was supposed to be just pointing out a logical inconsistency, not a lengthy rant. Please read in a non-ranty tone of voice :)