GT5 in 3D

  • Thread starter DC9990
Has anyone bought the PS Display. I want to get it because i play on a desk with a g27 but i dont know if its worth it.

I went ahead and took advantage of the deal Best Buy had where you could buy a PS3 3D Display and then get a PS3 slim for only a 100$! Great deal if you ask me.

Now, let me first get this out of the way, do not get this tv unless you are planning to use it in a dorm room, barracks room (military) or as a desktop monitor. 24" is pretty small, and you will want to be up close to it. I'm getting this for a upcoming deployment to Afghanistan and needed to upgrade to slim anyway, my original 60Gig launch system will probably ylod any day now.

Sony delivered on everything they said it would do. It has a great, nay, AWESOME picture for such a small tv. I was truly impressed. Sound is good as well, but im probably going to get some Bose Companion speakers as, been spoiled by good sound systems.

The 3D is damn good for GT5. With no adjustment of the settings, I experienced little to no ghosting at all! Cockpit view at SS7 with full weather was something else! I was impressed at how well it looked in 3D. (I have not tried it yet with 2.02 yet, so I can't tell you if it has been improved...yet.)

I do have little knitpicks about the display. No remote being one, however, my Bravia TV remote worked with it and I ordered the new PS3 blu ray remote which is supposed to be compatible with this display. Another thing is the glasses can get uncomfortable. They are well built, but are very tight on my head.

I have not tried simulview yet. It only comes with one pair of glasses. So can't comment on that.

So, if you live in something the size of a bedroom or are a desktop racer, I highly recommend it.
I went ahead and took advantage of the deal Best Buy had where you could buy a PS3 3D Display and then get a PS3 slim for only a 100$! Great deal if you ask me.

Now, let me first get this out of the way, do not get this tv unless you are planning to use it in a dorm room, barracks room (military) or as a desktop monitor. 24" is pretty small, and you will want to be up close to it. I'm getting this for a upcoming deployment to Afghanistan and needed to upgrade to slim anyway, my original 60Gig launch system will probably ylod any day now.

Sony delivered on everything they said it would do. It has a great, nay, AWESOME picture for such a small tv. I was truly impressed. Sound is good as well, but im probably going to get some Bose Companion speakers as, been spoiled by good sound systems.

The 3D is damn good for GT5. With no adjustment of the settings, I experienced little to no ghosting at all! Cockpit view at SS7 with full weather was something else! I was impressed at how well it looked in 3D. (I have not tried it yet with 2.02 yet, so I can't tell you if it has been improved...yet.)

I do have little knitpicks about the display. No remote being one, however, my Bravia TV remote worked with it and I ordered the new PS3 blu ray remote which is supposed to be compatible with this display. Another thing is the glasses can get uncomfortable. They are well built, but are very tight on my head.

I have not tried simulview yet. It only comes with one pair of glasses. So can't comment on that.

So, if you live in something the size of a bedroom or are a desktop racer, I highly recommend it.

Hey, thanks for your services and praying that you return home safe from Afghanistan.👍 Got a sister and her husband whom each have done 3 tours.

Heard that simulview feature is something awesome. Allowing each participant to see their own personal screen with just one screen as a source, now that's a big leap in 3D. This is of course active shutter tech which I can't handle due to eyestrain but will be incredible for those that can.:)
I went ahead and took advantage of the deal Best Buy had where you could buy a PS3 3D Display and then get a PS3 slim for only a 100$! Great deal if you ask me.

Now, let me first get this out of the way, do not get this tv unless you are planning to use it in a dorm room, barracks room (military) or as a desktop monitor. 24" is pretty small, and you will want to be up close to it. I'm getting this for a upcoming deployment to Afghanistan and needed to upgrade to slim anyway, my original 60Gig launch system will probably ylod any day now.

Sony delivered on everything they said it would do. It has a great, nay, AWESOME picture for such a small tv. I was truly impressed. Sound is good as well, but im probably going to get some Bose Companion speakers as, been spoiled by good sound systems.

The 3D is damn good for GT5. With no adjustment of the settings, I experienced little to no ghosting at all! Cockpit view at SS7 with full weather was something else! I was impressed at how well it looked in 3D. (I have not tried it yet with 2.02 yet, so I can't tell you if it has been improved...yet.)

I do have little knitpicks about the display. No remote being one, however, my Bravia TV remote worked with it and I ordered the new PS3 blu ray remote which is supposed to be compatible with this display. Another thing is the glasses can get uncomfortable. They are well built, but are very tight on my head.

I have not tried simulview yet. It only comes with one pair of glasses. So can't comment on that.

So, if you live in something the size of a bedroom or are a desktop racer, I highly recommend it.
Bought it last week as a desktop monitor. Can't figure out any good 3d settings for it and I don't want to spend hours going back and forth between drivings and options to adjust it. I do see double images on the track in dash view. You can really tell on high speed ring tunnel.
^ Really? Honestly, I have no problems with ghosting at all. I just hooked it pack up and gave it a whirl again. I flipped through all the views and everything. The only thing that looks a bit off are the cars when viewing them in the dealership and garage, but during gameplay, I havent had any problems. I wonder why it would be different for you?

As for the 2.02 update, I wouldn't say its a big improvement in 3D, but things do seem more crisp.
I haven't played in 3D since the update but I'm interested to see the difference. Do you feel like it is significantly better than before? I was pretty happy with it pre patch.
It is significantly better than before the patch. Before the patch 3D was very good on snow and dirt tracks, but only good on most other tracks (too much ghosting and hard to find the right settings). Now it is brilliant on all tracks, with little to no ghosting.

I thought i was just imagining this,it has been a while since id played in 3d,but yeah i have to totally agree.what make of tv have you got by the way?
I have the new Philips 46PFL9706H.

Hi Denur and Dart,
thanks for sharing..this is so positive.. i can't wait for my 3d glasses to come to finally enjoy this game in 3d.. Many of my friends who not interested in racing game tried GT5 in 3d as it is the most popular sim racing game, and the reported that the 3d is very good... Now that u all said it is improved.. I really hope more folks can try it if have chance rather than dismissed it as gimicks...

Guys do post ur GT5 setting for refernce ok? Then when I get my glass i can try all the settings... Cheers. So Happy that PD make this great game in 3D!
5 or 6 for parallax and 1.0 for convergence.
100% agree with the amazingness of the improvement in 3D. Before the update it was ok, but now ghosting is greatly reduced and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience. Even tried with paralax 10 convergence 1.0 and most of the image was correct though not perfect, so I went back to paralax 6/7 where my brain feels comfortable.

Don't know how they managed this with a code update, but I urge all of you who have access to a 3D display to try it again.
I don't know how you guys are setting up the 3d. In almost every setting I have tried the distant background is perfect and the In car view is good but I always see ghosting on the track itself. I always see double of the track edges.
100% agree with the amazingness of the improvement in 3D. Before the update it was ok, but now ghosting is greatly reduced and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience. Even tried with paralax 10 convergence 1.0 and most of the image was correct though not perfect, so I went back to paralax 6/7 where my brain feels comfortable.

Don't know how they managed this with a code update, but I urge all of you who have access to a 3D display to try it again.

Yep, 3D is better since the update 2.02. It seems less jagged like they implemented more antialiasing, but I had to change my settings due to some crosstalk after the update, but thankfully still no ghosting on my 120hz set. 3D has to be the most underused and underrated part of the gt5 experience. It just seems so magical, especially in replay with the new closer camera.
Yep, 3D is better since the update 2.02. It seems less jagged like they implemented more antialiasing, but I had to change my settings due to some crosstalk after the update, but thankfully still no ghosting on my 120hz set. 3D has to be the most underused and underrated part of the gt5 experience. It just seems so magical, especially in replay with the new closer camera.

3D settings has nothing to do with crosstalk. If it's there you will see it anyway. To eliminate it you need to almost kill whole 3D. My advice - don't think about crosstalk and tune your settings for most natural expirience. Also turn of all "dynamic contrast" enchansers and especially "sharpen". It leads to even more crosstalk.

3D settings are made for personal preferenses. It's just how you want stress your eyes. One setting is for relaxed eyes work but yet 3D, another for those who CAN and WANT constantly shift their focus between closest virual object that pop-up from screen (like in cockpit) and farest tree beyond track. It's really candy, but eyes have to work much, much more harder when constantly shifting between objects on screen (which is anyway much less in size that "in realily" or IMAX screen)

Did they make a better settings menu for 3d yet.

+ 1000 👍

We need just 3D test screen with all views.

My settings: Parallax: 8-10, Depth: 0.65-0.75
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I'm away during the holiday's but i look forward to getting back to my PS3 and trying out the improved 3D. Is this change (improvement) 100% confirmed?

I got my Panasonic 55" GT30 Plasma about two months ago. I was really excited about playing GT5 in 3D, but after testing it out for awhile i came away thinking it was a bit of a novelty. It wasn't until recently that i got my hands on Uncharted 3 and was BLOWN AWAY by the 3D effect. My hopes are high that the re-vamped 3D functionality in GT5 approaches the quality of Uncharted 3. If anyone has any opinions on that, please post them.

Also, i agree with the above post that we need a 3D setup test screen. Its ridiculous to not be able to see (real time) the changes you make in the options menu. Instead you have to guess at what settings work, exit the menu, enter the game, load a race, etc etc etc etc... really bad design. The addition of a 3D setup screen with test images/videos would be a great future update.

Happy Holiday's
I'm away during the holiday's but i look forward to getting back to my PS3 and trying out the improved 3D. Is this change (improvement) 100% confirmed?

I got my Panasonic 55" GT30 Plasma about two months ago. I was really excited about playing GT5 in 3D, but after testing it out for awhile i came away thinking it was a bit of a novelty. It wasn't until recently that i got my hands on Uncharted 3 and was BLOWN AWAY by the 3D effect. My hopes are high that the re-vamped 3D functionality in GT5 approaches the quality of Uncharted 3. If anyone has any opinions on that, please post them.

Also, i agree with the above post that we need a 3D setup test screen. Its ridiculous to not be able to see (real time) the changes you make in the options menu. Instead you have to guess at what settings work, exit the menu, enter the game, load a race, etc etc etc etc... really bad design. The addition of a 3D setup screen with test images/videos would be a great future update.

Happy Holiday's

It's defenetely some improvement here!It no longer needs separate settings for inside/outside view. Also frame-rate is more steady with much less tearing (you can feel it as jaginess in motion). I also always had a road pop-up issue in bumper cam - no longer problem now! 👍
3 and 0,92 best settings after 3 hours test in 8 car model from in cockpit view.Tv panasonic p50 vt30.Try and Remember you'll...
It wasn't until recently that i got my hands on Uncharted 3 and was BLOWN AWAY by the 3D effect. My hopes are high that the re-vamped 3D functionality in GT5 approaches the quality of Uncharted 3. If anyone has any opinions on that, please post them.

When I first heard they had touched the 3D functionality I ran to try it thinking "It must be placebo effect". 30 seconds later I was thinking "They nailed it like in Uncharted!"
Hi Guys
I simply couldn't let this great thread die off.. Haha. I finally got my 3D glasses. After playing GT5 in 2D for one yr i finally got to play in 3D in my home properly last night. I am fortunate to have save up enough for this great OPTOMA HD33 DLP projector that has absolute no ghosting or crosstalk when played in order words i have the best 3d pic possible with GT5 I think.

Ironically i was using 720p projector previously and GT5 jagginess and flickering image is really disspointing. Then when my HD33 arived, playing in full HD 2D is super nice with minimal unwanted artifects. Suddenly now when i played in 3d, the 720p brings back all the jagginess and "low res noise" again. Nonetheless the 3D image really gives so much pleasure that I don't think i will go back to 2D soon.

I am now playing on 80inch screen and seated just 1.5meters away from screen in cockpit views..I find this way most imersive feeling because for real car we are quite near to the windscreen in general. Also when all the game objects eg. roads, trees and cars reach life size, it feels so real with 3D. When i passed the cars, their side body looked so realistic. However I am rather worried that there will be adverse harmful effect to my eyes because of GT5 3D as most folks says we must seat 3x the distance away from screen for 3D...Hope more experts like Mr Latte and Denur can offer their views.

The default GT5 setting is not fantastic. I using Parrallax at 6 and Convergence at 0.75 now after much testing. I gathered from forums that mostly are using around Parrallax at 6 and Convergence at 0.90 or 1.00 thereabout. Could anyone explain exactly what is the two value about?

Thanks for reading.
Hi Guys
I found this interesting article:

Extracted fr 3dradar:
“You can adjust separate 'Parallax' and convergence settings for the 3D output. The Parallax system lets you adjust the 'strength' of the 3D effect across 10 different settings, increasing or decreasing the perceived depth of field in the image. The convergence setting allows for some startlingly subtle fine-tuning of the perceived distance of the point where the left and right 3D images converge.”
That's a pretty nice article Boons and it explains a lot. I still think that GT5 in 3D depends a lot on the 3D TV you are using. The best 3D image for me means maximum depth without ghosting. The following way of working got me the best 3D picture, since the 2.02 update.

Set convergence to max (100), parallax to minimum (1) and park the car (in my case the Calsonic Impul GT-R '08) at the starting grid on Monza (TT mode, using anything but cockpit view - I prefer bumper camera) under the Virag sign on the right, with the yellow line just visible.

There should be no ghosting on the podium (the red roundish thing hovering to your right, with the three empty flag poles). If you do, than probably your TV is not as capable as mine (Philips 46pfl9706h). :sly:

Start increasing the parallax until ghosting on that podium becomes just clear. Next slowly lower the convergence setting while using cockpit view (still at the same position on Monza) until the podium is almost ghosting free again. For me it turns out that 4 and .95 work best for my setup and eye sight (which is a bit different from what I posted before). This way of working will do on any track location where the lines clearly separate when not using the 3D Glasses, but perfectly overlap when using them.

The setting you now have, will work quite well for any view on any track, but you still might want to tweak the convergence setting once you have decided which view works best for you (cockpit or any other).
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I am now playing on 80inch screen and seated just 1.5meters away from screen in cockpit views..I find this way most imersive feeling because for real car we are quite near to the windscreen in general. Also when all the game objects eg. roads, trees and cars reach life size, it feels so real with 3D. When i passed the cars, their side body looked so realistic. However I am rather worried that there will be adverse harmful effect to my eyes because of GT5 3D as most folks says we must seat 3x the distance away from screen for 3D...Hope more experts like Mr Latte and Denur can offer their views.

I also have an DLP 3D projector from Acer and also tried it to sit 1,5 meters away from the "screen". But it was too much for me. I also was worried that it can damage my eyes or brain if I do that daily. So I´m trying to change my room in that way that I can sit at least 3 meters away. Already bought an 3 meter USB Cable for my GT2 wheel.

But I must agree, you feel like you´re sitting in the car with that size of screen and 3D. The 3D in GT5 with the right 3D display is really brillant.

The most impressive 3D experience I had on my PS3 is the new Batman game. Looks really incredible in 3D.
Hi Guys
I found this interesting article:

Extracted fr 3dradar:
“You can adjust separate 'Parallax' and convergence settings for the 3D output. The Parallax system lets you adjust the 'strength' of the 3D effect across 10 different settings, increasing or decreasing the perceived depth of field in the image. The convergence setting allows for some startlingly subtle fine-tuning of the perceived distance of the point where the left and right 3D images converge.”

I remember reading this post, but it's too bad I didn't have the equipment on my gaming pc to check out black ops in 3D, maybe one day I will get it setup for that. Knowing GT5 gets a lot right is good news though.

Are you using active shutter or passive 3D technology? I've noticed and have also read that there is noticeable resolution drop using passive. You get the full hd experience on certain active sets at 1080p per eye, but i cant handle the eystrain accompanying active tech. I am using passive tech and have no problems with accepting the downscaled 720p resolution that comes with it because it is comfortable for me. I can play for hours in passive 3D without any problems but when I demo'd the active tech at Best Buy the wife and I both had discomfort almost immediately.

It is very noticeable that 3D has improved somewhat since update 2.02 but the jaggies are still there, and as I stated earlier in this post, I don't mind at all. This is the second best 3D gaming experience for me next to Uncharted 3, so I hope you have found it makes you a better driver as it does for me.
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Has anyone else noticed a bug with the brightness when using 3D. Was just playing and noticed that 2 of the views seemed a lot brighter and washed out than the others, however when looking in the rear view it looked fine. Easiest way is to check the sky and the road colouring in these pics.




Has anyone else noticed a bug with the brightness when using 3D. Was just playing and noticed that 2 of the views seemed a lot brighter and washed out than the others, however when looking in the rear view it looked fine. Easiest way is to check the sky and the road colouring in these pics.

I think you used photomode with a cool filter before this. It sometimes sticks when returning to gameplay, but not on all views.
I think you used photomode with a cool filter before this. It sometimes sticks when returning to gameplay, but not on all views.

Seems exactly the issue, didn't realise it was a common bug as I've never come across it before.

Thank you.
That's a pretty nice article Boons and it explains a lot. I still think that GT5 in 3D depends a lot on the 3D TV you are using. The best 3D image for me means maximum depth without ghosting. The following way of working got me the best 3D picture, since the 2.02 update.

Set convergence to max (100), parallax to minimum (1) and park the car (in my case the Calsonic Impul GT-R '08) at the starting grid on Monza (TT mode, using anything but cockpit view - I prefer bumper camera) under the Virag sign on the right, with the yellow line just visible.

There should be no ghosting on the podium (the red roundish thing hovering to your right, with the three empty flag poles). If you do, than probably your TV is not as capable as mine (Philips 46pfl9706h). :sly:

Start increasing the parallax until ghosting on that podium becomes just clear. Next slowly lower the convergence setting while using cockpit view (still at the same position on Monza) until the podium is almost ghosting free again. For me it turns out that 4 and .95 work best for my setup and eye sight (which is a bit different from what I posted before). This way of working will do on any track location where the lines clearly separate when not using the 3D Glasses, but perfectly overlap when using them.

The setting you now have, will work quite well for any view on any track, but you still might want to tweak the convergence setting once you have decided which view works best for you (cockpit or any other).

How did you manage to adjust this whilst viewing the track as i cannot find a way to adjust the 3d settings whilst playing?

How did you manage to adjust this whilst viewing the track as i cannot find a way to adjust the 3d settings whilst playing?


Not possible, whyever, PD decided to annoy people with -> choose a setting, wait 3 minutes till you are on the track, if you dont like the 3D setting, you have to wait another 2 minutes to go back to the main menu. Then you try another setting (from 100 different settings). And so you waste another lifespan in GT5 with the complex menus and huge loading times :)👍
Not possible, whyever, PD decided to annoy people with -> choose a setting, wait 3 minutes till you are on the track, if you dont like the 3D setting, you have to wait another 2 minutes to go back to the main menu. Then you try another setting (from 100 different settings). And so you waste another lifespan in GT5 with the complex menus and huge loading times :)👍

Thats what i thought but was wondering if maybe Denur had found a way to do it as he seems to describe changing settings whilst on track??
Thats what i thought but was wondering if maybe Denur had found a way to do it as he seems to describe changing settings whilst on track??
Sadly no, the only way is still making changes via the Options menu and testing these changes on a track. However, going to time trail in arcade mode, does seem to be the fastest way.
Just wanted to post the results of an hour of tweaking 3D for my TV.

3, and 0.90 work best for my Panasonic 55" GT30.

I too have noticed a substantial improvement in 3D from the update. To my surprise i really enjoy racing inside the standard cockpit view. Turning laps on the Nordschleife in my Ruf BTR and Mercedes Benz 190E Evo II has never been more fun.

Polyphony Digital, can you please add the ability to change the 3D settings while in-game (racing) so that we can fine tune the effect without having to exit to GT Life and enter the options menu? Please

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