GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
1. GT5 has RPG-like elements.

2. No one can clearly define RPG.

Off topic: Fallout and Borderlands are both FPS RPGs. In a normal FPS, the main thing you're doing is running around shooting things. In an FPS RPG, you have actual tasks to complete and you go to shops to purchase weapons and sell stuff.

Zelda is an RPG as is Final Fantasy. Technically, though, if you get down to it, ALL games are RPGs as you usually play a role of some sort. A lot of modern racing games have RPG elements. Look at the NFS games where you play role of a street racer or undercover cop. And then there's TDU where you design your character and buy clothes and things. TDU2 WILL essentially be a racing MMORPG.

But a Racing RPG is hard to truly do, 'cause you really do need it to be an MMO to make it work right...or have TDU2 elements while staying offline.

GT5 does appear to have some RPG elements like upgrading, buying and selling lots of stuff and battles, but it's not a true RPG.

On Topic: Anyone have any ACTUAL GT5 news?
haha There is no denying that Ken Block is talented.

His talent is just over-exaggerated to advertise clothing and Monster energy. I'll bet any rally driver who races in the same class as him can match his talent, and many would pass him. Being the owner of DC Shoes helps the image.
Ignoring the fact you think Ken Block's videos are shot in one take, you are obviously confusing surface temperature with carcuss temperature. When you are on a track, the majority of the heat comes from the discs radiating through the wheel into the tyre carcuss, resulting in a completely soft mushy tyre. Had you any motorsport experience you would know that the outter edges of a wheel are hotter than the surface of an actual tyre.

When you do a burnout, you fry the top layer of rubber off a cold carcuss which is why they smoke. Sorry, I've pushed cars to the limit for a long time and my tyres don't squeal like a pig during a celebratory burnout.

But hey, what would I know right? I'm just fabricating a story so people will believe me over the internet 👎 Get a clue.

Edit: As it's 3am here I'm going to bed. inb4 you post a heap more videos. I don't care tbh. I can tell you don't know what you're talking about. I have real life experience, you have a search button on Youtube.


Anes, do you know what causes sound? Vibrations. Do you know what causes vibrations in a tire, which creates the screeching sound that you hear? Friction. It's the repeated gripping and releasing of the rubber against the pavement. So unless you want me, (and anyone else here) to believe that warmer tires results in LESS friction, then you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Warmer tires, regardless if it is just surface temp or not, will only INCREASE the likeliness of tire screech, because it INCREASES grip, which will in turn increase the vibrations, and what causes sound? Vibrations. The only instance where you would get less sound from warm tires, are WORN tires that only have the hard rubber left which (in my mind) would result in less friction and grip which leads to fewer vibrations, and less sound.

Turn up your speakers, end of the race, last lap. Denny Hamilton wins, and does a burnout, you can hear the tires screech. You can even hear it over the engine noise. Oh, and you know what else, it sounds like tire screech does in Gran Turismo 5.
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You know that every single european drivers is better than Ken Block? Wow he burned tyres... no way! I just love you americans watching Ken and beliefs that he is the best rally driver in the world.

Nobody said that, so don't put words in our mouths.
The engine sound in all the above videos is brilliant especially the M5 with its throaty sound and citroen with its screechy tone.

Excellent job PD! Keep 'em coming.

You're kidding right?

The Enzo sounds appalling and the Citroen actually sounds exactly like my hoover.
Fallout IS an RPG, it can just be played as a first person shooter. Playing fallout 3 as just a shooter though, doesn't work the best, and it'll be really hard to get through later parts of the game.

Just so you're aware, I'm one of the few people to complete Fallout 3 on level 30 with all SPECIALs at 10 and all skills at 100.

RPGs are about the character you control. You customize, and alter your character in a certain way by choosing a role or style in the game.

Then MW2 is an RPG. I've chosen the role of sniper and have customised my character accordingly. He wears Ghillie suits appropriate to the terrain and his weapons are camouflaged too, by my choosing that role and style in the game.

If you directly control the actions - the car turns when you say so, the dude shoots when you press fire - it's a game but not a role-playing game. Role-playing games require a degree of separation - you say turn and the car chooses not to, or you say to shoot and a dice-roll says you don't - which B-Spec offers, but Fallout does not.
You know that every single european drivers is better than Ken Block? Wow he burned tyres... no way! I just love you americans watching Ken and beliefs that he is the best rally driver in the world.

Lol, Ken is talented, but that's not why I posted the video, it was to give an example of the sound of a tire screeching.
You know that every single european drivers is better than Ken Block? Wow he burned tyres... no way! I just love you americans watching Ken and beliefs that he is the best rally driver in the world.
What's up with you? I'm European too ya know and that is really impressive.
I hope that video with the Enzo on the Nürb is based on an old build. The way the AI push the player after the first spin off reminds me of GT4.
Those last two statements are a classic sign of a liar.

Psycho babel. I know I've personally used statements like that when sincere.

Anes, do you know what causes sound? Vibrations. Do you know what causes vibrations in a tire, which creates the screeching sound that you hear? Friction. It's the repeated gripping and releasing of the rubber against the pavement. So unless you want me, (and anyone else here) to believe that warmer tires results in LESS friction, then you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.

You have no idea what exactly conditions produce which sounds when rubber slips on a road.
You're kidding right?

The Enzo sounds appalling and the Citroen actually sounds exactly like my hoover.

Well I think they sound good on chase cam. Especially since they aren't recorded directly of the TV but from a camera. The best is the M5 for sure.
I would not categorize GT5 as an RPG, but to an extent I believe it does share similarities, I mean to a certain extent every game is an RPG, for example in GTA4 you play the role of an eastern European criminal. In the same way in GT5 you play the role of a racing driver.

And I agree with the guy above, that M5 sounds so mean!
Sounds exactly like F599 in Prologue.Yes I know they have same engine.

Check out parts 1-6 from the same user:






I personally think it sounds a lot better than the 599 in prologue. It has more of a raw sound of it, in Prologue it sounded too smooth, even when you were red-lining.
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I get that when trying to create a thread in the GT5 section. whats wrong?
Well I think they sound good on chase cam. Especially since they aren't recorded directly of the TV but from a camera. The best is the M5 for sure.

The M5 one was recorded through a headphone jack and it's from a newer build with skidmarks at Gamescom. All the other ones are old circa E3 build demos.

According to Kaz we won't hear the proper sounds until the final version.
There are hints of it though in the IS-F for example

Just so you're aware, I'm one of the few people to complete Fallout 3 on level 30 with all SPECIALs at 10 and all skills at 100.

Then MW2 is an RPG. I've chosen the role of sniper and have customised my character accordingly. He wears Ghillie suits appropriate to the terrain and his weapons are camouflaged too, by my choosing that role and style in the game.

If you directly control the actions - the car turns when you say so, the dude shoots when you press fire - it's a game but not a role-playing game. Role-playing games require a degree of separation - you say turn and the car chooses not to, or you say to shoot and a dice-roll says you don't - which B-Spec offers, but Fallout does not.

I'm not being funny, but there are dice rolls behind everything you do in Fallout 3. Every time you fire a weapon, it rolls the dice to determine how much damage each pellet of the shotgun shell does, and how "accurately" it lands on where your reticle is pointing - the kicker being that, on top of the base weapon, and its condition, this is all based on the appropriate skill, it's governing attribute (and Luck) as well as any relevant perks, meds, rads etc. and whether or not you're undetected and those same variables of the thing you're shooting at. Then there's VATS...
Oblivion was exactly the same, except maximising your character level required Zen-like concentration to avoid accidentally leveling the wrong skill! :P This being because skills leveled as you used them, not only by choice at "Level-Up". Frankly, I prefer that method. I'd never have bought a "RPG" if it weren't for Morrowind's take on the idea, which actually started with its prequel, Daggerfall; Arena, before that, was a "proper" pen and paper RPG, in a computer - like so many other games of the time, and since.

Anyway, if Deus Ex is a RPG, so is Fallout 3, in my opinion. The only problem with Fallout 3 is that it's hideously balanced out of the box. One tends to fall into the dominant strategy, rather than choosing one's own...

Is GT a role-playing game? That's a bit more ambigious, given that all games are RPGs, and that no game is a RPG, depending on how you define "role-playing"... A key factor is probably choice.
GT definitely has elements of "traditional" RPGs, though - now more than ever.
That M5 is howling !

My god PD will DELIVER ! :)

In prologue cars like Vette or FordGT or Tuscan Jag , F40 sounded good so they obviously will fix vacuum cleaners show :)

@ Rpg thema

How much pages of dialog have GT5 or Cod ? It's good way to compare RPGs :P But still there is no RPG where there is no dialogs, story and choices !

About Fallout 3 IT IS POOR RPG and probably more shooter than RPG.

All betsheda "RPG" are poor.

Fallout 3 isn't even in same league as RPG as Fallout 1/2.

@ Griffith500

Fallout 3 compared to Deus Ex is just emberassment to Fallout 3 but noone said it isn't RPG. It is RPG but a poor RPG. Deus Ex Story, choices, dialogs are best of RPG gangre :P
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Gran Turismo has RPG elements (now with the bigger B-Spec-Mode even more than before) but it is not a (car) role playing game, everybody happy?
There really is no need to discuss the genres of Fallout or Deus Ex.
