- 5,937
- North Carolina
- Sephy71
- Dr Sephy S
Please stop quoting videos! There are 15 in one page...
My browser crashed
Something is wrong with your browser/computer. I do agree with not quoting them though. It just makes it tedious to browse the page.
Also as far as saving during 24 hour races it doesn't bother me to have that feature. Doing the Nurburgring 24H on my PS2 took me 5 days. I was in high school and working a part time job so I just paused and left it on. I would have used the save feature then if it was there. Not because of fear of leaving my PS2 on or care for the environment or whatever, but because I live near the ocean and random storms pop up all the time. So a power outage 20 hours into a race to have to redo it would suck.
You guys also have to remember that our gaming generation is growing up. Yeah back then and earlier (I remember leaving my NES on for DAYS) we had the time to dump into videogames. A lot of those same people now have full time jobs, have families, and all these other responsibilities and they simply can't play these games like they used to so a save feature for them is sort of mandatory.
So whatever your stance on the save feature you need to look at it from both sides. I fully understand not wanting it. But at least if it is implemented then everyone is happy. Those who don't want it don't have to use it but it's there for those other guys too. I will only use it when necessary. Like a couple times during the 24 hour races. Again I'm not worried about leaving my PS3 on. It runs super strong and I take it apart to clean it every now and then. I am just worried about a power outage.