GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Please stop quoting videos! There are 15 in one page...
My browser crashed

Something is wrong with your browser/computer. I do agree with not quoting them though. It just makes it tedious to browse the page.

Also as far as saving during 24 hour races it doesn't bother me to have that feature. Doing the Nurburgring 24H on my PS2 took me 5 days. I was in high school and working a part time job so I just paused and left it on. I would have used the save feature then if it was there. Not because of fear of leaving my PS2 on or care for the environment or whatever, but because I live near the ocean and random storms pop up all the time. So a power outage 20 hours into a race to have to redo it would suck.

You guys also have to remember that our gaming generation is growing up. Yeah back then and earlier (I remember leaving my NES on for DAYS) we had the time to dump into videogames. A lot of those same people now have full time jobs, have families, and all these other responsibilities and they simply can't play these games like they used to so a save feature for them is sort of mandatory.

So whatever your stance on the save feature you need to look at it from both sides. I fully understand not wanting it. But at least if it is implemented then everyone is happy. Those who don't want it don't have to use it but it's there for those other guys too. I will only use it when necessary. Like a couple times during the 24 hour races. Again I'm not worried about leaving my PS3 on. It runs super strong and I take it apart to clean it every now and then. I am just worried about a power outage.
OK' let's not try and figure out when the new release date will be but lets see who can guess when they will announce it.

I think it will be announced this week, that will have given Sony enough time to rearrange their production schedule.

Has anyone thought that they may announce the new date at the Madrid Event next week? It would be before the end of October and would have a lot of press there for the announcement.

I guess we'll find out soon enough, and if we get a release date before then...that will be good too.
Not trying to stir anything here, but is it realistic to expect PD to take into account every concern you guys bring up (about endurance races)?

You electricity bill, "What if" events, power surges, YLOD, "let the player decide what's better", etc and the one that never gets old "Why do you care how people will play their game?".

What's more important in an endurance race... is it how you completed it or the fact that you tried to\did complete it?

Seems like we can't have a system that deals with every situation harmouniously. :\

Is it fair\unfair\cheating to be able to save every lap, every 10 laps or only at a given period? Is it fair\unfair\cheating, being able to roll back to a solid save or having to rely on a "load once" save? Is B-Spec'ng the race, fair\unfair\cheating?

"Why do you care if it is" or "What's the point then?"

Would a save\snapshot\checkpoint system solve the problem? (be it saved locally or in a cloud like system, where you could share with another driver, etc - as analog said).

But then again, what type of save it would be? Something that you could reload countless times? Or just once? If once, how's that any better? Something might just happen and your race will be lost all the same...

With the "GT community" thing PD is starting with GT5 and the competitive nature of the game, would it be acceptable, if PD gave you total control of endurance races but balanced it out by adding entries in your GT diary detailing every single aspect of your race (how many times you did reload, crashed, retired, etc. And the total (real) time you took to complete such race) and locking you to that event until completion or withdraw?

While PD could make them a little more flexible and accessible... endurance races are a challenge and should remain as that (plus, there is nothing wrong if you can't complete them...).
I don't understand those who say they don't want a save feature in 24 Hours events to be honest if the option to race it yourself in 24 Hours still remains ( for those few who somehow think it's hardcore or realistic to sit 24 hours straight behind the telly proving input solo ).
What's the difference between saving a race somewhere midway and pausing, leaving your console on all the time for perceived realism anyway?
Oh yes, no risk of powercuts or possible safety concerns, lower electricity bill or the option to turn off your PS3 when you get unexpected visitors.
Did I mention choice?

Maybe a 24 Hours 'only saved twice' Platinum Trophy ( for those who care about PSN Trophies anyway ) could be added for all I care.
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Has anyone thought that they may announce the new date at the Madrid Event next week? It would be before the end of October and would have a lot of press there for the announcement.


Do they need an event to announce that ?

Yet they announced the delay without having an event.
Something is wrong with your browser/computer. I do agree with not quoting them though. It just makes it tedious to browse the page.
I don't know it just happened once. Most of the time it just slows (on osx snow leopard)
But on the ps3 it is impossible to navigate with 15 youtube videos on the same page:dunce:
Concerning endurance races, this issue is pretty cut and dry. Some people here defend doing them in one go. They also maintain that if you suggest saving an endurance event you shouldn't even have the satisfaction of trying said event. It seems as though it were a religious experience to remain pure.

Well, I have news for you. There are a whole host of reasons that a save feature during endurance races is completely logical. Firstly, one doesn't have to use the save feature and can complete an event to satisfaction any way they deem fit. Each racing niche (fanatic to casual) will be catered to. Secondly, no one has the right to dictate what a person may or may not play when they have purchased the right to do so. If I'm buying the game, as a consumer, I have every right to experience every feature in the game. Thirdly, people have kids, power outages and etc. Lastly, this discussion has gone too far.
I don't understand those who say they don't want a save feature in 24 Hours events...

Maybe a 24 Hours 'only saved twice' Platinum Trophy ( for those who care about PSN Trophies anyway ) could be added for all I care.

:indiff: I guess they want everyone else to suffer through a 24 hour stare at an lcd screen. I've done 8 hours max and had to sleep it off for the rest of the day. I welcome the save feature!

Anyone remember GT3's racing events? What do you do between the 9th and 10th race, to counter the winning car roulette choosing a car you already own? You save! 👍
if the 24 hours race was really 8 hours i would be all for it. as that is what you have to drive. it is as realistic to drive 24 hours straight as it is to save it. i wonder like many others, why are you guys debating this it is just dumb. just like your "snapshot" debate. what is the point of not having it. if you dont want to use it. THEN DONT. its isnt hard... i just dont get this.
"Just don't use it" isn't always a valid argument when a big part of a game is to provide challenges and obstacles. "Why should I have to do a whole level again, just to get to the boss? I don't have time for this, please add a save feature". Arguably, doing the whole level again is not test of skill, and just a waste of time, but it has the indirect effect of putting pressure the boss-fight. Games are losing this more these days, because in this age of information, the makers don't have much choice but to listen to feedback which is overwhelmingly "Please for the love of god remove these things that make it annoying".

Obviously you have to draw a line somewhere, but in this case, I still don't agree with a save feature when we have so many options to actually complete 24 hour races in real-time. Sharing stints with other drivers online and/or B-spec would be so much better. The whole point of endurance races is to be very challenging, one-off, epic events, so I think some of that should be captured by the game. No way am I advocating a 24 hour sit in front of your TV - that's insane and nobody does that in real-life either. That's my stand on the matter 👍
If you do not like the feature, do-not-use-it. That simple. Nobody can force you to use it, so therefore nobody should be forced not to be able to ues it. Would be a fair solution, or not?

And "do not use it", IS a very valid argument.
Hang on... I think I just thought of something bad...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Japanese release date for GT4 28th December?
And as we speak, we're getting closer to December... and Kaz IS a perfectionist... so perhaps GT5 won't be under the x-mas tree after all... It would just be a birthday present... (for me anyways :D )
"Just don't use it" isn't always a valid argument when a big part of a game is to provide challenges and obstacles. "Why should I have to do a whole level again, just to get to the boss?". Arguably, doing the whole level again is just a waste of time, but it has the indirect effect of putting pressure the boss-fight. Games are losing this more these days, because in this age of information, the makers don't have much choice but to listen to feedback which is overwhelmingly "Please for the love of god remove these things that make it annoying".

In this case, I still don't agree with a save feature when we have so many options to actually complete 24 hour races in real-time. Sharing stints with other drivers online and/or B-spec would be so much better. The whole point of endurance races is to be very challenging, one-off, epic events, so I think some of that should be captured by the game. No way am I advocating a 24 hour sit in front of your TV - that's insane and nobody does that in real-life either.

Slurm, you're narrow minded. Sharing stints online? Maybe if you are a GTP'er, but for the more casual folks? It just isn't feasible. Every challenge/event experience you mention can still be provided if you don't use the save feature making your point moot - simple. It's harsh, but true.

Every endeavor in this world becomes more specialized. 24hr races in GT5 will now be the same. Some will complete these events in one go without a save, some will merely pause and others will save. Again, being able to experience these events is paid for by the consumer. There should be no limiting factor there. One wouldn't pay $60 for a game, which they can only partially play. It is in PD's interest to make the game more accessible. The hardcore will still be hardcore and the casual still casual.

Also, you talk about old games and building up to the level with a boss etc. Be more clear. Old games didn't take a fraction of the time today's games do. Repeating a level wasn't nearly as big a commitment as a 24hr level if you get my meaning.
I have never completed a 24 hour race. Heck, i never even started one. With a save option it would give me a much more realistic chance in doing so. So i hoping to see a save option in the game.

If you want to be all hardcore and race non stop for 24 hours...more power to you. Me? i don't have the time to sit for 24 hours racing laps. Gaming to me is for fun...not a chore.
we dont even know if a save feature is in the game. but that is atleast realsitic. saying you can play a 24 race on line with friends is unrealistic to the masses. GTP community is what say 50,000 people (i don't know if that is even close i tried to get a large number ) when the sales are in the multi millions. that is no where near the masses. i cant really find a better way to say this, but Slurm you are more ignorant than we are on the other side of the fence. we understand exactly what you are saying, but the fact is our side of the fence HAS BOTH what you want and what me want. which to me is an obvious choice.
I got an idea, what if, the more saves you use on 24 hours races, the worse your prize would be? I mean prize in credits

That would be an option ...or maybe you can only save every 2/4/8 hours?
Even though I will surely use the save feature, there HAS to be a penalty for doing so.
Obviously you have to draw a line somewhere, but in this case, I still don't agree with a save feature when we have so many options to actually complete 24 hour races in real-time.

The first part of that sentence I can fully agree with and most of the other arguments you put forward as well to an extend.
GT always posed a challenge to achieve certain things before and in general there seems to be a trend to 'dumb-down' game difficulty to cater for the casual gamer and like you said probably due to the constant feedback provided by the information age we're currently living in.

Ofcourse commercially this makes sense but it does somehow make accomplishing or beating a challenge less significant or even fun.
Just to be clear, I'm one of those who still thinks GT licence tests should be mandatory to progress in the game, I also oppose a 'rewind' function for example.

But, I do find we need to be able to make a choice to save an event/challenge in a game taking 24 hours in real time to complete for all the reasons I mentioned in previous posts and I could probably name a few more if I wanted to.
Yep, the challenge would be lessened perhaps and may even be far less significant to boast about no doubt or for some experiencing it but in this case the pro's far outweight the cons in my opinion.
And yes, there still always remains the option not to use it ( I might even try to complete it myself in 24 hours with the help of B-spec Bob taking turns or hopefully some online component ).
The save feature would be unrealistic, but so is the pause option, and nobody is asking for the pause button to be scratched.

As for the unfairness of saving often, I mentioned before that you should pit and receive a small time penalty (1 min. for example). This would very much be realistic because in a 24 hr race, every time you switch drivers you lose a lot of time.

And racing 24 hr straight is unrealistic because the Le Mans regulations forbid it.
I don't recall anyone doing that, nor do I believe anyone can do a whole 24hr race in one go.

It has already been done in one go. I'm still looking for the source, but someone did do it. I actually found the source through a link from this site about tuning. The individual that undertook the endeavor did stop to go to the bathroom, but in the end had pretty big abdominal issues and had to go to the doctor.
Slurm, you're narrow minded. Sharing stints online? Maybe if you are a GTP'er, but for the more casual folks? It just isn't feasible. Every challenge/event experience you mention can still be provided if you don't use the save feature making your point moot - simple. It's harsh, but true.

Dude, online or b-spec, as I said. You can even manage b-spec from your phone.

24-hour endurance races were never meant to be completed by a single driver in one stint, and I'm not suggesting it. I'm just saying that we now have the technology to capture some of the spirit, challenge, and event of an endurance-race on our Playstations, and I would like to see it happen. That doesn't make me narrow-minded. This whole "don't use it" argument was done to death a long time ago when a rewind feature was suggested. You cannot argue that it doesn't change things for people who choose to self-impose rules.

My point about building up to game bosses is partly metaphorical, to show that a save feature can indirectly affect gameplay. One person's inconvenience is another persons enjoyable challenge. Warcraft is an good example. I only played quite casually, twice. Once at the beginning, and again more recently. It's more balanced, more streamlined, more accessible, WAY more convenient now: You can warp around the place. Are people happy? No. The impatience of people has no bounds, and almost anyone who knows will tell you it was awesome fun back then, even though it was upsettingly frustrating. It's been diluted by the force of nature that is "popular demand".