There are more than a few people who don't care about what else the PS3 offers. They bought a PS3 for GT. Being "hasty" is one thing... but this game has one of the longest development times in the entire history of the industry. People have been
plenty patient. Like Kaz's presentation years ago showing GT5's goal of a 2008 release... woops. Or maybe the leaked printed documents about a 2009 release... woops. Don't worry though, the game's basically done, they can release whenever they want... how's March 2010 sound? Woops. Sorry about that guys, November 2, and
absolutely no more delays. Woops.
Quality =/= Realism, unless it's your stated goal. Hot Pursuit looks like fun... is it going to be even remotely close to GT physics wise? Hell no! It's Burnout with licensed cars

! But aren't you doing exactly what you condemn others for by calling these other games crap or that they're somehow lacking in quality? They're quality games, they're just not possessing the specific qualities you're looking for. I don't walk into a Mazda dealership and complain about how the Miata is a crap car because it can't carry the family like the 3 can ...and the bit about the patches should prove interesting, since I'd be surprised if PD doesn't need a patch for something whenever the game is eventually released.
I'll take your last line one step further though; I do like quality, and GT5 should be released when it's done. So I'd like less rehashed Standard models. Y'know, to avoid any mediocrity.
(It's all a matter of compromise, is what I'm trying to get at here).
It'll still be a first-day purchase game for me, but that's the thing; it's a
game. Not the digitally-reincarnated version of (insert deity of choice here). It amazes me that so many people find it impossible to defend the game without resorting to trashing other ones... and it's even more surprising (though, maybe it shouldn't be) that people still put any stock in anything PD or Sony have to say about the game, especially when we'll actually be able to play it. Kaz is essentially the Boy Who Cried Release.