GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I think it's a bit later on. I did read that it's supposed to be HUGE! They're saying pre-E3 conference at GDC.
An old video I came across outlining the development and showing of Gran Turismo 4 (in JAPANESE?)


5 part actually :dopey:

very interesting, shows a lot about their modelling and detailing process in part 2
Part 3 shows Kaz driving on the nurb in an Audi TT, and then some bits of them modelling it back at PD HQ. then Kaz testing it out - the screen shows the physics overlay, I think.

Wish I could understand what they're saying :(
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E3 isn't even too far off. Like what....some 3 months away? I'd expect a nice showing there too :)

I was expecting to play this game THIS month, because there was a release date (then pushed back, and told that we should had a EU release soon... ¬¬'), not to have new info in another 3/4 months :grumpy: :yuck:

Well... 💡 at least there is GOW3!!! :drool: :D
I heard that each car will have windscreens as well. Is this true? If so, GT5 will be the most realistic game ever!!

Actually, it does (GT5P or even the TT demo). When using cockpit view, you can see a perceptible difference in hue compared to the external views (chase, bumper etc.). And looking through a windshield of an F40 in Prologue which (also happen to have blue tinting at the upper 1/4 of its screen) has a completely different tinge from an NSX-R. On some cars, you can even see markings (tiny little square dots around the edges) on the screen.
What? You guys don't remember the Mazda 787B, with its wiper bouncing around as you flew down the Mulsanne Straight, back in GT4?
Yeah, I think this is the most likely thing to happen.

To those who are saying it is the same as last year; It isn't. This time last year we never had a release date or a delay. We never had confirmation of NASCAR or damage, and of course many other things.


Kaz in september: We can release it anytime. We will release it soon after GT PSP, etc...

At this point if time, having seen lots of videos and read a lot of info about the game, I am sure even Kazunori himself doesn´t know when is GT5 going to release or the exact features it will have.

5 part actually :dopey:

very interesting, shows a lot about their modelling and detailing process in part 2
Part 3 shows Kaz driving on the nurb in an Audi TT, and then some bits of them modelling it back at PD HQ. then Kaz testing it out - the screen shows the physics overlay, I think.

Wish I could understand what they're saying :(

check out the dev screens from part 5
Hoping we have engine wear again back in GT5, along with engine rebuilds. Will make highly tuned race cars a lot higher maintenance

part 5 also shows Kaz's white Ford GT 👍


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Confirmed tracks so far - 25 in total (7 are taken from the GT vision trailer)

(EDIT: wrong discussion thread, sorry)
(EDIT 2: i'm aware it's called Tokyo special stage 5 not Tokyo night and that i've missed 1 mountain track)
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Confirmed tracks so far - 25 in total (7 are taken from the GT vision trailer)

(EDIT: wrong discussion thread, sorry)
(EDIT 2: i'm aware it's called Tokyo special stage 5 not Tokyo night and that i've missed 1 mountain track)[/QUOTE]

Grand Valley is listed twice. Despite the fact the first image is Suzuka (Or the 'Ring. Can't remember which trailer it is from), and the second is from GT4.

El Capitan has not been confirmed, the image is from GT4.

Monaco has not been confirmed, the image is from GT4.

Costa di Amalfi is not confirmed, the image is from GT4.

It includes 2 images of what is believed to be Tuscany. But they are both from trailers, we have not seen replay footage, no circuit has been confirmed.

Citta di Aria is not confirmed, again the image is from GT4.

Grand Canyon and Chamonix are not confirmed either.

The image above Tuscany Rally (I can't see the name of it, is it Bern?) is from a trailer. In no way is that supposed to represent a circuit.

All the rest are already listed in this thread:

Actually, it does (GT5P or even the TT demo). When using cockpit view, you can see a perceptible difference in hue compared to the external views (chase, bumper etc.). And looking through a windshield of an F40 in Prologue which (also happen to have blue tinting at the upper 1/4 of its screen) has a completely different tinge from an NSX-R. On some cars, you can even see markings (tiny little square dots around the edges) on the screen.

I hadn't thought about that, but you're right. I'm sorry I laughed before. Now that you mention it, I thought I noticed a difference in glare between the cockpit view and the bumper cam. With this in mind, I would like to use a cockpit view that had no wheel nor hands, just the instruments and windshield/hood.
Not to complain or anything, but i never understood why people are so bent on visual realism. Every game that's supposed to look "more realistic" ends up being the same old depressing gray-a-thon.. I personally like the colorful world of GT with it's perfect weather conditions and live colors :dopey:
Same here. Frankly, I think Prologue looks amazingly like film footage. Maybe GT5 could have a color intensity option, so if you want to watch the game as if your eyes are going bad or you're falling asleep, with all the color washed out, you can have it. ;)

Or, ya know, you could adjust your TV...
Garage Defend were at Fuji Speedway recently photographing for the upcoming PlayStation 3 title Gran Turismo 5 where the car will feature as an unlockable tuner car.

Source/Images: gtrlux @ GTR UK Register Forums


Garage Defend were at Fuji Speedway recently photographing for the upcoming PlayStation 3 title Gran Turismo 5 where the car will feature as an unlockable tuner car.

Source/Images: gtrlux @ GTR UK Register Forums


Wow! Awesome! Nice find! 👍

It's on the master car list?

EDIT: Yes it is.
not so much news but with sonys 3d tv out in june and reports of ps3 firmware 3.2 also out in june, it could be a loose guess that GT5 could be a launch title for sonys 3D gaming.

Sony seems to be a bit behind lately.
Panasonic and Samsung are selling 3D TV's already.

Sony, what's up, another fumble??

It looks as though Sony has all it's eggs in the same basket (PS3, 3D TV and GT5) and I hope this basket doesn't break.
If they think people are going to buy all these items because Sony wants to sell them, good luck.
Sure the same people that need the latest goodies will buy them but all the people I know personally already have the HDTV('s) and PS3('s), all we need is the games.
I don't see me needing any TV for some 10 years or more and as I have 2 PS3's, I shouldn't need another until the PS4, at which time I'll be 50 or over.

Of course I'm not all people, but I must represent many with the same and/or similar circumstances.
And don't forget the great world economy which enables all of us to have plenty of money to buy these goods.

Sony, just release GT5 and those who can buy your products, will.
Don't wait to bundle it with PS3's and 3D TV's.
I'm sure Christmas time would be a good time for bundles, but that's 3/4 of the year (March/ December) without GT sales, which Sony needs.

We'll wait and see what happens after April 1st because after that, Sony Corporation will merge with Sony Computer Entertainment. After the merger, Sony Computer Entertainment will be dissolved.

Sounds to me as Sony is not very stable as a company.
