GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

You are absolutelly right and always i read(and write) demands of news, release of GT5, comes to my mind that humble and mysterious personality.

But, when you are a big enterprise like Sony and PD, besides the cultural thing, you have new responsabilty in this times.
One word, internet.
I can say: they can do this and can do that, thats not the point, the point is you manage millions in money and peopple, so they must act like that, repeat, besides the cultural thing.

I hope i clear.
Sorry my english.
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

Amar although i completely agree with your point, i do fear that a % of this forum are about to give you hell.
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From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

You're absolutely right, BUT, Sony is a multi million dollar company with the only target to make money ...they are responsible to sell the games their developers produce, especially in times like these with competition like Forza and all those other racing games (i'm counting 5 or 6) coming out this year, Sony has to make sure that the name "Gran Turismo" won't get lost in the shuffle.

I'm sure right now, there are enough people that prefer the F1 Game from Codesmasters or TDU2 over GT5, only because they know much more about those games - and the information regarding GT5 is almost non-existent.
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He never stated ever about how FIX system will work if you damage your car.

👍 You're right

I've been thinking about how bad the cars are going to get damaged,because of the news and interviews.but now I am starting to think more about how are you going to repair your car in GT5....
That's all wonderful, it really is; but in m view PD can't afford to hold on to their cultural vision. They should obey corporate rules seeing as they do not deal with Japan only, but with an audience that spans the world. Simply saying: oh well, that's what they do, is not going to cut it. They obviously want GT5 out there and have the best possible quality; a very difficult feat especially when you consider GT5's scope. Yet, after saying the game will be out soon after GTpsp, or the chart in 2007 where the release was somewhat set for 2008 I believe, PD should clean up their act and give out some information to the media, not only for themselves, but also to the fans.

To say that it is based on their culture is missing the point; they are a world-wide company and should act accordingly. Sorry, but that's the way I see it :)
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

And that is why they will and are failing.

Buisness is simply get with the times or get left behind its not hard to see how much more succesful western developers are becoming while japanese studios are not enjoying the exposure they once had.
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.
Yep, all very sentimental and poetic. On the flipside, it is absolutely rude and ignorant to ignore your potential customers. If GT5 was purely a Japanese game for the Japanese market, fair enough, but it's not. It's a game they are making for the global market, and a large chunk of their profits comes from sales in other countries. As such, they have a level of duty to at least be honest with their customer base and keep them informed.

The Japanese have embraced change and technology well enough, so it's not like their 1700-year old civilization is not afraid to go with the times. Besides, asking for more information on GT5 is hardly like asking them to entirely change their culture, is it?
...I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

Ay, there's the rub. They are exporting a product, for profit, to a western audience. Although they do not need to change their approach, they are the ones who ultimately decided to sell the product to the west and therefore should not be surprised or insulted by the western-centric attitude of their western-living customers.

Personally, I enjoy seeing PD keep a tight lid on what I am convinced will be a masterpiece. The whole history/culture of GT is a valuable asset to the franchise and they would quickly dilute the value if they were to attempt a Kevin Butler style of marketing.
Sony aren't about to change their business plans just to appease a small bunch of impatient 14 year old boys from the West. They'll sell just as many copies of GT5 when they do release it as they would have done had it come out 18 months ago. For whatever reason, it suits them more to have a majority of those figures on the books in 4th qtr 2010 than any other time.
From what I see here, western-style attitude that Western developers have regarding games have pretty much "westernized" everybody.

All of you should understand that Japanese people are DIFFERENT than Western. Hence, their whole life philosophy is DIFFERENT.

You are expecting that Japanese developer obey the western rules of LOUD, BIGGER and COMMERCIAL. However, they are DIFFERENT - they are humble, silent and introverted.

If some would know more about how average and proud Japanese man lives, you would understand why PD is so humble and mysterious regarding everything related to the game.

There was NO SINGLE GT GAME in 12 years history of series that was disclosed and such prior to release. NONE.

And you can pretty much say therefor almost EVERY Japanese game out there.

I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.


We have a winner. 👍
I can understand you are not happy regarding this matter, but asking the 1700-year old civilization to change their cultural approach to the life in order to fulfill demands of western consumers is nothing more than western-centrical and absolutely rude and ignorant.

+1 It is probably this approach that makes us like some of the things that come from Japan, do not fight them but embrace the beauty they create.

Sometimes they might be a step forward on the West, but this is not always positive, like with the Financial Crisis:
And that is why they will and are failing.

Buisness is simply get with the times or get left behind its not hard to see how much more succesful western developers are becoming while japanese studios are not enjoying the exposure they once had.

Sony and PD are not failing, GT is consistently one of the best selling titles for any gen system its on. Thats 12+ years of PD doing things their way and it works everytime.

Making money is easy, making a game that has a profound impact on its competitors\contemporaries while raking in the bucks is another thing, they could pump out GT's every other year and have 10 min dev diaries so when we get it theres no meat left to pick.

Alot of people will get mad at AMAR212 cuz hes calling you out. Face it, if the companies gave the public always what they wanted at every expense, video games would be more like Hollywood movies, 1000's every year but all in pre-fab popcorn flick attire, short lived and no substance.
People have seen the kunigzeg (excuse spelling) rended video right? in 1080p... is this done by PD? i have it on my p.c but i cant rember where i got it from.

Koenigsegg, no it has nothing to do with PD or Sony.
They are also known for their time tables and their strict schedules, also for their straight talk, "it's coming soon", would have meant the following week.

Didn't they have their own financial crisis in the mid 90s?

It is what it is, no need to look in the past or compare to any other culture.
There is a difference between Sony and PD regarding Japanese cultural approach I think, Sony is a massive multinational which might still be steeped in Japanese culture at the core of the company but to the outside is represented largely by a Western approach and marketing.
PD is represented mainly by Kaz himself and therefor still maintains and portrays the traditional cultural approach/mindset to the outside as well.
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Koenigsegg, no it has nothing to do with PD or Sony.

Ok but it does, in the first few seconds say "in-game model" with GT kinda music and backdrop... EVEN THOW he says it's not from GT5, the person who posted it could be a lieing git... who knows? Have you seen his homepage.

I think he is.
Ok but it does, in the first few seconds say "in-game model" with GT kinda music and backdrop... EVEN THOW he says it's not from GT5, the person who posted it could be a lieing git... who knows? Have you seen his homepage.

I think he is.

As I said, It has NOTHING to do with Sony or PD. Modellers made the video to apparent PS3 stadards as a example, yet the video wasn't even rendered in real time.
lol @ people thinkin GT is less known than any other racing game.

on second subject, PD are PD if they deliver great game everybody will be happy :) and still game will break records even if there will be no tv ads.